Finishing the Wacky Mole game

With the animation and script complete, we can put the final touches on the Wacky Mole game:

  1. Duplicate the MolePosition (1) asset to create critters appropriate for your game area.

For our example, we made a total of nine moles. The following table identifies a simple 3x3 grid for nine moles. Obviously, there are countless layouts that could be used; we are just providing this arrangement because it defines the layout we used in Figure 8. 1. The Y position for each of the MolePosition assets is 0, but the remaining objects can be positioned using this chart:

Pos X = -0.3

Pos X = 0

Pos X = 0.3

Pos Z = 0.3

MolePosition (1)

MolePosition (2)

MolePosition (3)

Pos Z = 0

MolePosition (4)

MolePosition (5)

MolePosition (6)

Pos Z = -0.3

MolePosition (7)

MolePosition (8)

MolePosition (9)

  1. Save the scene.
  2. Run the game to test the results.
  3. Hide the WackyMoles GameObject and unhide BottleSmash.
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