
Over the years, I have worked with and learned from many quality people who make technology and software enjoyable for me. Tim Scott and Scott Gaines are a couple of managers I have enjoyed working with and who have supported me over the years. Seth Melton, Tammy Mays, Nick Abughannam, and Shawn Elliott are a few other underappreciated IT professionals I have had fun working with.

Chris Roth has been a great source of Visio tips and how-to information for many years and has earned his Visio MVP recognition many times over.

I especially want to thank Visio MVP John Marshall, who has been a very knowledgeable and supportive technical editor on this book. As someone who has seen Visio develop since the beginning, he has a wealth of knowledge that he enjoys sharing.

I want to thank Loretta Yates, Andy Beaster, and everyone at Que Publishing who has helped to bring this book about.

Finally, I would like to single out and thank and acknowledge the support of J. Peter Bruzzese, who has been a great friend and likely shares some of the blame for where I am today.

—Alan Wright

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