

1D shapes

handles, 35

resizing, 170

2D shapes, handles, 36


action tags. See smart tags


callouts to shapes, 151-154

commands to ribbon, 25-27

comments, 323-327

connection points, 140-142

content to CAD drawings, 200

Data Graphics, 296-298

fields to headers and footers, 211

groups to stencils, 106

layers, 165

pages to drawings, 62

photos to org charts, 359-361

shape data fields, 270-274

shapes to Favorites stencil, 89


print margins, 213

resolution of images, 192

Adjust tool group (Picture Tools), 190


shapes on Dynamic Grid, 109

text, 179

Align tool, 110-111

anchoring task panes, 55

angles, nonorthogonal, 139

applications, Office, compatibility with, 238-240

applying themes to pages, 76

arcs, eccentricity handles, 37

Arrange All command, viewing open drawing windows, 55


diagrams with Position tool, 111-112

shapes with Dynamic Grid tool, 108-109

aspect ratio, overriding, 170


common format attributes, modifying, 173

less common format attributes, modifying, 174-175

Auto Align & Space tool, 110-112

Auto Resize feature, 338

Auto Size tool, 69-71

Auto Space tool, 112

AutoCAD (Automated Computer-Aided Drafting) drawings

adding content to, 200

importing, 197-199

AutoConnector feature, 124-127

Automatically Link tool, linking external data to shapes, 293-294

AutoSave, 51-52

available stencils, browsing, 87

Avoid Page Breaks tools, 260


background pages

creating, 64

printing, 217-219


modifying, 66

background printing, 208

Backstage, 22, 31-33

printing from, 204

background printing, 208

collation, 206

paper orientation, changing, 206-208

Print Settings pane, 204-205

Ballpoint Pen tool (Ink), 327

behavior of connectors

during drag operations, 132

when shapes are deleted, 133-134

when splitting connectors, 132-133

blank pages, adding to drawings, 62

blending shapes, 348

block diagrams, blending shapes, 348

Block Diagram with Perspective template, 349-350

blogs, 313

the official Visio blog, 307

BPNM (Business Process Model and Notation) flowcharts, 346

browsing available stencils, 87

building plans, dimension lines, 368-369

Business templates, 44

buttons, 23

Position button

Distribute tools, 113

Orient Shapes tools, 114-115

Presentation Mode button, 33, 312


CAD drawings

adding content to, 200

importing, 197-199

calculations, performing on shape data field values, 298

callouts, adding to shapes, 151-154

Cascade button, viewing open drawing windows, 56


of templates, 42-45

of themes, 72

Change Shape tool, 87-89


background of text blocks, 181-183

orientation of pages, 67

paper orientation for printing, 206-208

scale of drawings, 71

shapes with Change Shape tool, 87-89

themes, color, 74

z-order of shapes, 118


organization charts, 359

creating, 363-365

creating manually, 361

photos, adding, 359-361

clip art, 193

cloning drawings, 47

Close Ink Shape tool (Ink), 327


drawing windows, 53

ink shapes, 328

co-authoring tools

SharePoint, 316, 320-322

Visio drawings, checking out, 318-319



adding, 323-324

hiding, 324-326

SharePoint, 316

co-authoring, 320-322

versioning, 320

Visio drawings, checking out, 318-319

collated printing, 206

collapse ribbon, 23


applying to drawings, 77-78

of themes, changing, 74

print settings, changing, 223

Color and Weight tool (Ink), 327

combining drawings on a single sheet, 263


adding to ribbon, 25-27

locating with Visio Options dialog box, 29


adding, 323-327

hiding, 324-326

Track Markup tool, 329-331

common format attributes, modifying, 173

compatibility with Office applications, 238-240

compressing images, 192

Compress Picture tool, 192

configuring print features

headers and footers, 211-213

margins, 213-214

connection points, adding, 140-142

Connection Point tool, 141

connections, creating with AutoConnector, 124-127

connectors, 124-125


during drap operations, 132

when shapes are deleted, 133-134

when splitting connectors, 132-133

connection points, adding, 140-142

control handles, 138-139


with AutoConnector, 125-127

with Connector tool, 127

formatting, 135


dynamic, 130-131

point-to-point, 129-130

line jumps, 136-138

properties, 129

routing styles, 136

Connector tool, 127

containers, 103, 144-147

lists, 148

modifying, 147-150

content, adding to CAD drawings, 200

context menus, 31

contextual ribbon

cross-functional flowcharts, 344-345

contextual tabs, 23

control handles, 187

1D shape handles, 35

2D shape handles, 36

of connectors, 138-139

eccentricity handles, 37

vertex handles, 36

controls available on tabs, 22

conventions used in this book, 17-18


drawings, 47

shapes, 168


background pages, 64

connections with AutoConnector, 124-127

connectors with Connector tool, 127

custom themes, 75

diagrams without templates, 46

floor plans, 366-367

flowcharts, 10-11

groups, 103-106

layers, 163-165

master shapes, 94

org charts, 361-365

personalized stencils, 91-93

reports, 279, 281-285

ScreenTips, 155

templates, 252, 255

web pages from diagrams, 234

cross-functional flowcharts, 150

contextual ribbon, 344-345

swimlanes, 343

resizing, 343

Current View, printing portions of diagrams with, 215-216

curved lines, eccentricity handles, 37


Data Graphics, 299-301

page orientation, 67

page settings, 63

ribbon, 24, 27

stencils, 91-93

templates, 45

custom templates, creating, 252, 255

custom themes, creating, 75


data fields

saving, 276-278

shapes, 266-274

text, displaying, 278

Data Graphics

adding, 296-298

customizing, 299-301

Position settings, changing, 300

data linked from external source, refreshing, 295

Data tab, linking external data to shapes, 289-292

Decision shapes, 339

default print output versus High Quality output, 222

deleting shapes, behavior of connectors during, 133-134

Design tab

Auto Size tool, 69-71

pages, customizing, 67

Theme Gallery, 73

Developing Microsoft Visio Solutions (Microsoft Press), 311


arranging with Position tool, 111-112

block diagrams

shapes, blending, 348

Block Diagram with Perspective template, 350

callouts, 151-154

cloning, 47

connection points, adding, 140-142

connectors, 124-125

behavior during drag operations, 132

behavior when deleting shapes, 133-134

behavior when splitting connectors, 132-133

control handles, 138-139

creating with AutoConnector, 125-127

creating with Connector tool, 127

dynamic glue, 130-131

formatting, 135

line jumps, 136-138

point-to-point glue, 129-130

properties, 129

routing styles, 136

containers, 144-147

creating without template, 46

footers, 157-159

gridlines, printing, 221

grouped shapes, when to avoid, 107

headers, 157-159

legends, inserting, 299

printing portions of, 215-216


with AutoSave, 51-52

with Save As, 49

ScreenTips, 155


frequently used, 84-86

Quick Shapes stencil, 83

selecting, 82

templates, 42

Business templates, 44

categories of, 42-45

Engineering templates, 44

Flowchart templates, 44

General templates, 44

Maps and Floor Plans templates, 44

Network templates, 44

online templates, 49

personalized templates, 45

Schedule templates, 45

selecting, 45

Software and Database templates, 45

Template Gallery, 42

text boxes, 160

text fields, 160-162

validating, 346

web pages, creating, 234

dialog boxes

Field, 298

Layer Properties, 220

Page Setup, 63

Reorder Pages, 67

Ruler and Grid, 116

Visio Options

commands, locating, 29

ribbon, customizing, 25

dimension lines, 368-369

disabling task panes, 54


grid, 115-116

guides, 115-116

keyboard shortcuts, 39-40

page breaks in Print Preview pane, 208

printer properties, 205

ruler, 115-116

text in shape data fields, 278

distributing shapes, 113-114

drag operations, behavior of connectors during, 132


cloning, 47

checking out with SharePoint, 318-319

color, applying, 77-78

combining on a single sheet, 263

exporting to image formats, 240-242

headers and footers, adding, 157-159


adding, 62

background pages, creating, 64

renaming, 66

reorganizing, 66

resizing manually, 71

resizing with Auto Size tool, 69

resizing with Size tool, 68

settings, customizing, 63

themes, applying, 76

saving with AutoSave, 51-52

scale of, changing, 71


frequently used, 84-86

Quick Shapes stencil, 83

selecting, 82


with email, 228-229

with SkyDrive, 230-232

with social networks, 232

with Visio Viewer, 230

shrinking to fit page, 259-260


categories, 72

color, changing, 74

custom themes, creating, 75

variants, 73

tiled drawings, printing, 256-258

Drawing Scale tab, 71

drawing windows, 33, 53

closing, 53

opening second view of with New Window, 56

Presentation mode, 57

switching between, 55

task panes, 34

rulers and grids, 34

drop-down arrows, 23


drawings, 47

pages, 63

shapes, 168

dynamic glue, 130-131

Dynamic Grid tool

arranging shapes with, 108-109

shapes, aligning, 109


eccentricity handles, 37


Excel charts, 194

groups, 107

stencils, 93-96

text, 176-177

effects, Embellishment feature, 76

email, sharing drawings with, 228-229

Embellishment feature, 76, 148, 360


Presentation mode, 57

task panes, 54

Engineering templates, 44

Excel charts

editing, 194

inserting, 194-196

expanding tool groups on ribbon, 25

exporting drawings to image formats, 240-242

external data

linked data, refreshing, 295

linking with shape masters, 295-296

preparing to match shape data fields, 289

shapes, inking, 288-294

external images, importing, 190


Favorites stencil, 89

Field dialog box, 298

fields, adding to headers and footers, 211

file formats

image formats, exporting drawings to, 240-242

older Visio formats, creating, 237

PDF, 210, 236

VSDX, 20, 50

XML, creating, 237

XPS, creating, 236

File tab, Backstage area, 31-33

Fill tool, 181

fixed lists, adding to Format field, 274

Flip Vertical tool, 114

floor plans

creating, 366-367

dimension lines, 368-369


BPMN, 346

creating, 10-11

cross-functional, 150

contextual ribbon, 344-345

swimlanes, 343

steps, connecting, 124-127

subprocesses, 340

Flowchart templates, 44

Fluent UI (Fluent User Interface), 22

footers, 211-213

adding to drawings, 157-159

fields, adding, 211

Format Painter tool, 175

Format Picture dialog, 190

Format Shape pane, 174, 190

Format Shape task pane, applying color to drawings, 78


connectors, 135

multiple objects, 175


common attributes, 173

less common attributes, 174-175

text, 176-178

formulas, performing calculations on shape data field, 298

frequently used Quick Shapes, modifying list of, 86

frequently used shapes, 84

full screen mode, enabling, 57


General templates, 44

generating reports, 283-285

glue, 129

Goldsmith, John, 313

graphics, importing vector-based, 196

grid, 34, 115-116

gridlines, printing, 221

groups, 102

creating, 103-106

editing, 107

resizing, 104

rotating, 104

when to avoid, 107

when to use, 102

guides, displaying, 115-116



1D shape handles, 35

2D shape handles, 36

eccentricity handles, 37

vertex handles, 36

headers, 211-213

adding to drawings, 157-159

fields, adding, 211

help information, Visio Help, 305-306


comments, 324-326

grid, 115-116

ruler, 115-116

High Quality print output, 221-222

Highlighter tool (Ink), 327

Home tab

Change Shape tool, 87-89

color, applying to drawings, 77

Connection Point tool, 141

Distribute tools, 113-114

Orient Shapes tools, 114-115

Position tool, arranging diagrams, 111-112

Home Tab, straightening shapes with Auto Align tool, 110-111

Hopkins, Chris, 313

hyperlinks, 188



clip art, 193

external images, importing, 190

resizing, 192

resolution, adjusting, 192

searching for, 193

SVG formatted images, 196

vector-based graphics, importing, 196


CAD drawings, 197-199

external images, 190

improved touch support, 18

Info tab, 32

unnecessary data, removing from files, 331-334

Ink tools, adding comments to Visio drawings, 326-327


Excel charts, 194-196

pages in drawings, 62

SVG formatted images, 197


Backstage area, 31-33

context menus, 31

drawing window, 33-34

Quick Access toolbar, 30


commands, adding, 25-27

customizing, 24, 27

tool groups, expanding, 25

status bar, 33


contextual tabs, 23

controls available on, 22

template tabs, 24

internal resources, Viso Help, 305-306

Internet Explorer, Visio Viewer, 230

J-K, 312

jumping between drawing windows, 55

keyboards, touch keyboards, 251

keyboard shortcuts

displaying, 39-40


revealing, 38


Layer Properties dialog box, 220

layers, 103

creating, 163-165

selecting items to print with, 219-220

when to add, 165

Layout tool, 118-119

legends, inserting in diagrams, 299

less common format attributes, modifying, 174-175

libraries, SharePoint, 316

line jumps (connectors), 136-138

line properties of connectors, modifying, 135-138


curved lines, eccentricity handles, 37

vertex handles, 36

link data, refreshing, 295

linking shapes, 288

with Automatically Link, 293-294

with Data tab, 289-292

with dynamic glue, 130-131

with point-to-point glue, 129-130

with shape masters, 295-296

lists, 148

adding to Format field, 274


commands with Visio Options dialog box, 29

shapes with Search tool, 96-98

logical diagrams, 354-355


manual connections, creating with Connector tool, 127

manually resizing pages, 71

Maps and Floor Plans templates, 44

margins, 211-214

Marshall, John, 312

masters, 90-91

creating, 94

creating based on grouped shapes, 106

maximizing print quality, 221-222

menus, context menus, 31

Microsoft Visio 2010 Business Process Diagramming and Validation (Parker), 311

Microsoft XPS Document Writer, 210

minimizing Shapes task pane, 54

mixed orientation drawings, printing, 260


common format attributes, 173

connectors with control handles, 138-139

containers, 147-150

less common format attributes, 174-175

line properties of connectors, 135-138

Quick Shapes, 84-86

text blocks, 179

title of background pages, 66

monotone printing, 223

More Shapes tab, 87

Mouse mode, switching to Touch mode, 246-247

moving text blocks, 180-182

multiple objects, formatting, 175


network diagrams

logical diagrams, 354-355

rack diagrams, 355-357

Network templates, 44

new features in Visio 2013, 17

improved touch support, 18

streamlined layout, 18

VSDX file format, 20

New Window button, opening second view of drawing window, 56

nonorthogonal angles, 139


Office applications, compatibility with, 238-240, 307-310

the official Visio blog, 307

older Visio formats, creating, 237

open drawing windows

opening second view of, 56

viewing with Arrange All, 55

opening Print Settings pane, 214

options for stencils, 86-87

Org Chart tab, 24

organization charts, 359

creating, 363-365

creating manually, 361

photos, adding, 359-361

Organization Chart wizard, 363-365


diagrams with containers, 144-147


with containers, 103

with groups, 102

with layers, 103

with Layout tool, 118-119


mixed orientation drawings, printing, 260

of pages, changing, 67

of paper for printing, changing, 206-208

rotating shapes, 114-115

Orient Shapes tools, 114-115

overlapping shapes, troubleshooting with z-order, 118

overriding aspect ratio, 170


page breaks

Avoid Page Breaks tool, 260

displaying in Print Preview, 208

page scale, 259-260


adding to drawings, 62

background pages

creating, 64

printing, 217-219

title, modifying, 66


adding, 144-147

modifying, 147-150

duplicating, 63

orientation, changing, 67

printing, 216

renaming, 66

reorganizing, 66

settings, customizing, 63

size of, selecting, 68-69

themes, applying, 76

Page Setup dialog box, 63, 213

Page Size tab, 68


Format Shape, 174

Print Preview, displaying page breaks, 208

Print Settings

background pages, removing, 217

opening, 214

Print Settings, 204-205

Shapes, 82

Size and Position, 170

paper orientation, changing for printing, 206-208

Parker, David, 312

PDF format

creating, 236

printing to, 210

personalized templates, 45

personalizing stencils, 91-93

photos, adding to org charts, 359-361

Picture Tools Format tab, 190

plans, dimension lines, 368-369

point-to-point glue, 129-130

Pointer tool, handles

1D shape handles, 35

2D shape handles, 36

Pointer tool (Ink), 327

Position settings, changing for Data Graphics, 300

Position tool, arranging diagrams, 111-112

predefined scale, selecting for drawings, 71

preparing external data to match shape data fields, 289

Presentation mode, 33, 57

printers, displaying properties, 205


background pages, 217-219

color settings, changing, 223

from Backstage, 204

background printing, 208

collation, 206

paper orientation, changing, 206-208

Print Settings pane, 204-205

gridlines, 221

headers and footers, configuring, 211-213

margins, configuring, 213-214

Microsoft XPS Document Writer, 210

mixed orientation drawings, 260

page breaks, displaying, 208

page scale, 259-260

PDF file format, 210

print area, selecting, 214-216

Print Preview pane, 208

selecting specific pages to print, 216

shapes, 219

tile drawings, 256-258

using layers, 219-220

print jobs, testing, 210

Print Preview pane, 208

print quality, maximizing, 221-222

Print Settings pane, 204-205

background pages, removing, 217

monotone printing, 223

opening, 214


of connectors, 129, 135-138

of printer, displaying, 205

of SmartShapes, viewing, 187


Quick Access toolbar, 22, 30

Quick Shapes stencil, 83

frequently used shapes, modifying, 86

modifying, 84


rack diagrams, 355-357

Re-Layout Page drop-down, 118

Recent Drawings list, copying drawings, 47

reducing file size, 332-334

refreshing data linked from external source, 295


background pages from Print Settings pane, 217

line jumps, 138

unnecessary data from files, 331-334

renaming pages, 66

Reorder Pages dialog box, 67

reorganizing pages, 66

Report Definition Wizard, 279-285


creating, 279-285

subtotals, adding, 285

totals, adding, 285

resize handles, 170


Auto Resize feature, 338

grouped shapes, 104

images, 192


with Auto Size tool, 69

with Size tool, 68

shapes, 170-171

swimlanes, 343

text, 179

resolution of images, adjusting, 192

resources, website, 307-310

revealing ToolTips, 38

Review tab, adding Track Markup tool, 329-331


commands, adding, 25-27

customizing, 24-27


contextual tabs, 23

controls available on, 22

template tabs, 24

tool groups, expanding, 25

right-click menus, 31

rotate handles, 171


grouped shapes, 104

shapes, 114-115, 171-172

Roth, Chris, 312

routing styles (connectors), 136


displaying, 115-116

drawing window, 34

Ruler and Grid dialog box, 116


Save As

saving diagrams, 49

.vsdx format, 50



with AutoSave, 51-52

with Save As, 49

shape data fields, 276-278

VSDX format, 50

scale of drawings, changing, 71

Schedule templates, 45

ScreenTips, 155

searching for images, 193

Search tool, locating shapes with, 96-98


items to print with layers, 219-220

print area, 214-216

shapes, 82

size of pages with Size tool, 68-69

specific pages to print, 216

specific shapes to print, 219

templates, 45

shape data


adding, 270-274

saving, 276-278

text, displaying, 278

lists, adding, 274

types of, 268

viewing, 186


1D, handles, 35


handles, 36

resizing, 170

aligning on Dynamic Grid, 109

arranging with Dynamic Grid tool, 108-109

attributes, formatting, 173-175

blending, 348

callouts, adding, 151-154

changing with Change Shape tool, 87-89


adding, 323-324

hiding, 324-326

connection points, adding, 140-142

connectors, 124-125

behavior during drag operations, 132

behavior when deleting shapes, 133-134

behavior when splitting connectors, 132-133

control handles, 138-139

creating with AutoConnector, 125-127

creating with Connector tool, 127

dynamic glue, 130-131

formatting, 135

line jumps, 136-138

point-to-point glue, 129-130

properties, 129

routing styles, 136

containers, 103

data fields, 266-274

Decision shapes, 339

distributing, 113-114

duplicating, 168

frequently used, 84-86


adding to stencils, 106

creating, 103-106

editing, 107

resizing, 104

when to avoid, 107

when to use, 102

ink shapes, closing, 328

layers, 103

linking to external data, 288

refreshing linked data, 295

with Automatically Link, 293-294

with Data tab, 289-292

locating with Search tool, 96-98

masters, creating, 94

multiple shapes, formatting, 175

organizing with Layout tool, 118-119

overlapping, changing z-order of, 118

printing, 219

Quick Shapes stencil, 83

frequently used shapes, 86

modifying, 84

resizing, 170-171

rotating, 114-115, 171-172

selecting, 82


available stencils, browsing, 87

customizing, 91-93

editing, 93-96

Favorites stencil, 89

masters, 90-91

options, 86-87

straightening with Auto Align tool, 110-111

text blocks

background, changing, 181-183

modifying, 179

moving, 180-182

themes, changing, 76

ungrouping, 102

Shapes pane, 82

Shapes task pane, 54

minimizing, 54

undocking, 54

SharePoint, 316

co-authoring, 320-322

libraries, 316

versioning, 320

Visio drawings, checking out, 318-319

SharePoint 2013 Workflows, 347

sharing drawings. See also collaboration

with email, 228-229

with SkyDrive, 230-232

with social networks, 232

with Visio Viewer, 230

Size and Position pane, 170-172

Size tool, selecting size of pages, 68-69

SkyDrive, 50, 230-232

SmartShapes, 185

control handles, 187

hyperlinks, 188

properties, viewing, 187

shape data, 186

smart tags, 188

smart tags, 188

social networks, sharing drawings with, 232

Software and Database templates, 45

Space shapes, 367-368

spacing, 109

splitting connectors, behavior of connectors during, 132-133

status bar, 33


browsing available stencils, 87

Callout Stencil, 154

customizing, 91-93

editing, 93-96

Favorites stencil, 89

groups, adding, 106

masters, 90-91

creating, 94

creating based on groups, 106

options for, 86-87

Quick Shapes, 83

frequently used, modifying list of, 86

modifying, 84

Timeline, 357-359

steps, connecting in flowcharts, 124-127

straightening shapes with Auto Align tool, 110-111

streamlined layout, 18

Stroke Eraser tool (Ink), 327

subprocesses, 340

subtotals, adding to reports, 285

SVG formatted images, 196

swapping shapes with Change Shape tool, 89

swimlanes, 150, 343


between drawing windows, 55

between Touch mode and Mouse mode, 246-247

between windows, 53


tabs, 53

controls available on, 22

Data tab, linking external data to shapes, 289-292

Drawing Scale tab, 71

File tab, Backstage area, 31-33

Home tab

Auto Align tool, 110-111

Change Shape tool, 87-89

color, applying to drawings, 77

Connection Point tool, 141

Distribute tools, 113-114

Orient Shapes tools, 114-115

Position tool, 111-112

Info tab, 32

More Shapes, 87

Page Size tab, 68

Print Setup, 68

Print Setup tab, 68

task panes, 53

anchoring, 55

enabling/disabling, 54

Format Shape, applying color to drawings, 78

rulers and grids, 34

Shapes task pane, 54

Template Gallery, 42-45

template tabs, 24

templates, 13-15, 42

Block Diagram with Perspective, 349-350

Business templates, 44

categories of, 42-45

creating, 252, 255

diagrams, creating without, 46

Engineering templates, 44

Flowchart templates, 44

General templates, 44

Maps and Floor Plans templates, 44

Network templates, 44

personalized templates, 45

Schedule templates, 45

selecting, 45

Software and Database templates, 45

stencils, browsing available stencils, 87

Template Gallery, 42

Timeline, 357-359

testing print jobs, 210


aligning, 179

displaying in shape data fields, 278

editing, 176-177

formatting, 177-178

resizing, 179

text blocks

background, changing, 181-183

modifying, 179

moving, 180-182

Text Block tool, 180

text boxes, 160

Text Edit mode, 177

text fields, 160-162

Text tool, 177


categories, 72

color, changing, 74

custom themes, creating, 75

for shapes, changing, 76

variants, 73

tiled drawings, printing, 256-258

timelines, 357-359

title of background pages, modifying, 66

tool groups, expanding on ribbon, 25


Flip Vertical, 114

Pointer tool, 35

ToolTips, revealing, 38

totals, adding to reports, 285

touch controls, 248-251

touch keyboard, 251


shapes, working with, 248

touch controls, 248-251

Touch mode

switching to Mouse mode, 246-247

Track Markup tool, 329

adding to Review tab, 329-331

troubleshooting overlapping shapes with z-order, 118

types of shape data, 268


uncollated printing, 206

undocking Shapes task pane, 54

ungrouping shapes, 102

unnecessary data, removing from files, 331-334

uses for shape data, 268

Using Visio 2010 (Roth, Que Publishing), 311


validating diagrams, 346

variants of themes, 73

vector-based graphics, importing, 196

versioning (SharePoint), 320

vertex handles, 36


open drawing windows with Arrange All, 55

shape data, 186

SmartShape properties, 187

View tab

Dynamic Grid tool, arranging shapes with, 108-109

task panes, enabling/disabling, 54, 311

Visio 2010 Step by Step (Helmers, Microsoft Press), 311

VisioCafe, 313

Visio Help, 305-306, 313

Visio Options dialog box

commands, locating, 29

ribbon, customizing, 25

Visio Professional 2013, 16

Visio Pro for Office 365, 16

Visio Standard 2013, 16

Visio Viewer, 230, 304, 313

VSDX file format, 20, 50


web pages, creating from diagrams, 234

websites, 312, 312, 307-310, 311, 313

visio.mvps.or, 313, 313


drawing windows, 53

closing, 53

opening second view of with New, 56

Presentation mode, 57

switching between, 55

tabs, 53

workflows, SharePoint 2013 Workflows, 347


XML file format, creating, 237

XPS file format, creating, 236

zooming in and out with Print Preview, 208

z-order of shapes, changing, 118

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