Appendix B

Variable Declarations and Data Types

This appendix provides information about variable declarations and data types.


The following code shows a standard variable declaration:

[attribute_list] [accessibility] [Shared] [Shadows] [ReadOnly] _
Dim [WithEvents] name[?] [(bounds_list)] [As [New] type[?]] _
[= initialization_expression]

The following list describes the pieces of this declaration:

  • attribute_list — Comma-separated list of attributes specific to a particular task. For example, <XmlAttributeAttribute(AttributeName:="Cost")>.
  • accessibility — Public, Protected, Friend, Protected Friend, Private, or Static.
  • Shared — Means that all instances of the class or structure containing the variable share the same variable.
  • Shadows — Indicates that the variable hides a variable with the same name in a base class.
  • ReadOnly — Indicates that the program can read, but not modify, the variable’s value. You can set the value in an initialization statement or in an object constructor.
  • Dim — Officially tells Visual Basic that you want to create a variable. You can omit the Dim keyword if you specify Public, Protected, Friend, Protected Friend, Private, Static, or ReadOnly.
  • WithEvents — Tells Visual Basic that the variable is of a specific object type that can raise events that you may want to catch.
  • name — Gives the name of the variable.
  • ? — Indicates this should be a nullable variable. For more information, see the section “Nullable Types” in Chapter 14, “Data Types, Variables, and Constants.”
  • bounds_list — Bounds for an array.
  • New — Use New to make a new instance of an object variable. Include parameters for the class’s constructor if appropriate.
  • type — Variable’s data type.
  • initialization_expression — Expression that sets the initial value for the variable.

Visual Basic enables you to declare and initialize more than one variable in a single declaration statement, but this can make the code more difficult to read. To avoid possible later confusion, declare only variables of one type in a single statement.


Initialization expressions assign a value to a new variable. Simple expressions assign a literal value to a simple data type. The following example sets the value of a new string variable:

Dim txt As String = "Test"

The assignment expression can also initialize a variable to the result of a function or constructor, as in the following example:

Dim a_person As Person = New Person("Rod", "Stephens") ' Constructor.
Dim num_tools As Integer = CountTools()                ' Function.

An initialization expression for an object can use the With keyword to specify values for the object’s public properties as in the following example, which sets the object’s FirstName and LastName properties:

Dim emp As New Employee With {.FirstName = "Rod", .LastName = "Stephens"}

To initialize a one-dimensional array, put the array’s values inside braces separated by commas as in the following code:

Dim fibonacci() As Integer = {1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89}

To initialize higher-dimensional arrays, place lower-dimensional array values inside braces and separate them with commas as in the following example, which initializes a two-dimensional array:

Dim int_values(,) As Integer =
    {1, 2, 3},
    {4, 5, 6}

Visual Basic’s type inference system can guess the data type of an array from its initialization if Option Strict is Off. For example, in the following code, Visual Basic concludes that the array values hold Integers:

Dim values() = {1, 2, 3} ' Integer

If an array initializer holds values of more than one compatible data type, Visual Basic assumes the array holds the more general type. For example, the following array holds Doubles:

Dim values() = {1, 2, 3.4} ' Double

If an array holds values of multiple incompatible data types, Visual Basic makes the array hold Objects, as in the following example:

Dim values() = {1, 2.3, "three"} ' Object


When you create a new object variable, you can include a With clause to initialize the object’s properties. The following code uses the Person class’s parameterless constructor to make a new Person object. The With statement then sets values for the object’s FirstName and LastName values.

Dim author As New Person() With {.FirstName = "Rod", .LastName = "Stephens"}


When you declare a collection, you can use the From keyword to initialize the collection. For example, the following code creates a collection of strings:

Dim fruits As New Collection() From {"Apple", "Banana", "Cherry"}

This works for any collection class that has an Add method.

If the collection’s Add method takes more than one parameter, group parameters in brackets, as in the following example:

Dim fruits As New Dictionary(Of Integer, String)() From
    {{1, "Apple"}, {2, "Banana"}, {2, "Cherry"}}

If a class does not provide an Add method, you can create one with extension methods. For example, the following code creates Add methods for the Stack and Queue classes:

Module CollectionExtensions
    ' Add method for the Stack class.
    Public Sub Add(the_stack As Stack, value As Object)
    End Sub
    ' Add method for the Queue class.
    Public Sub Add(the_queue As Queue, value As Object)
    End Sub
End Module


To make it easy to call an object’s Dispose method, you can declare a variable in a Using statement. When the code reaches the corresponding End Using statement, Visual Basic automatically calls the object’s Dispose method.

You can only place Using statements inside code blocks, not at the module level, so the syntax is somewhat simpler than the syntax for declaring a variable in general. The following code shows the syntax for declaring a variable in a Using statement:

Using name [(bounds_list)] [As [New] type] [= initialization_expression]
End Using

The parts of this statement are described in the section “Variable Declarations” earlier in this appendix.

If it declares the variable, the Using statement must also initialize it either with the As New syntax or with an initialization expression.


The syntax for declaring an enumerated type is as follows:

[attribute_list] [accessibility] [Shadows] Enum name [As type]
    [attribute_list] value_name [= initialization_expression]
    [attribute_list] value_name [= initialization_expression]
End Enum

Most of these terms (including attribute_list and accessibility) are similar to those used by variable declarations. See the section “Variable Declarations” earlier in this appendix for more information.


To initialize XML data, declare an XElement variable and set it equal to properly formatted XML code. For example, the following code declares a variable named book_node that contains XML data representing a book:

Dim book_node As XElement =
        <Title>The Bug That Was</Title>


When Option Explicit is on, you must explicitly declare all variables before using them. When Option Explicit is off, Visual Basic creates a variable the first time it is encountered if it has not yet been declared. To make your code easier to understand, and to avoid problems (such as Visual Basic creating a new variable because of a typographical error), you should always turn Option Explicit on.

When Option Strict is on, Visual Basic will not implicitly perform narrowing type conversions. For example, if you set an Integer variable equal to a String value, Visual Basic will raise an error because the String might not contain an Integer value. When Option Strict is off, Visual Basic will silently attempt narrowing conversions. It tries to convert the String value into an Integer and raises an error if the String doesn’t contain an integral value. To avoid confusion and potentially slow conversions, always turn Option Strict on.


When Option Infer is on, Visual Basic can infer the data type of a variable from its initialization expression. For example, Visual Basic would infer that the variable txt in the following code has data type String:

Dim message = "Hello!"

Because inferred data types do not explicitly give the variable’s data type, they can make the code harder to understand. To avoid confusion, leave Option Infer off unless you really need it.

For example, LINQ (Language Integrated Query) lets a program generate results that have an anonymous type. LINQ creates a data type to hold results but the type is not given a name for the program to use. Instead type inference allows the program to manipulate the results without ever referring to the type by name. In this case, Option Infer must be on. For more information on LINQ, see Chapter 20, “LINQ.”


The following table summarizes the Visual Basic data types.

Boolean 2 bytes True or False
Byte 1 byte 0 to 255 (unsigned byte)
SByte 1 byte −128 to 127 (signed byte)
Char 2 bytes 0 to 65,535 (unsigned character)
Short 2 bytes −32,768 to 32,767
UShort 2 bytes 0 through 65,535 (unsigned short)
Integer 4 bytes −2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647
UInteger 4 bytes 0 through 4,294,967,295 (unsigned integer)
Long 8 bytes −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807
ULong 8 bytes 0 through 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (unsigned long)
Decimal 16 bytes 0 to +/−79,228,162,514,264,337,593,543,950,335 with no decimal point
0 to +/−7.9228162514264337593543950335 with 28 places
Single 4 bytes −3.4028235E+38 to −1.401298E-45 (negative values)
1.401298E−45 to 3.4028235E+38 (positive values)
Double 8 bytes −1.79769313486231570E+308 to −4.94065645841246544E−324 (negative values)
4.94065645841246544E−324 through 1.79769313486231570E+308 (positive values)
String variable Depending on the platform, approximately 0 to 2 billion Unicode characters
Date 8 bytes January 1, 0001 0:0:00 to December 31, 9999 11:59:59 pm
Object 4 bytes Points to any type of data
Structure variable Structure members have their own ranges


The following table lists the Visual Basic data type characters.

% Integer
& Long
@ Decimal
! Single
# Double
$ String

Using data type characters alone to determine a variable’s data type can be confusing, so I recommend that you use an As clause instead. For example, the following code defines two integer variables and then uses them in nested loops. The declaration of j is more explicit and easier to understand.

Dim i%
Dim j As Integer
For i = 1 To 10
    For j = 1 To 10
        Debug.WriteLine(i * 100 + j)
    Next j
Next i


The following table lists the Visual Basic literal type characters.

S Short
US UShort
I Integer
UI UInteger
L Long
UL ULong
D Decimal
F Single (F for “floating point”)
R Double (R for “real”)
c Char (note that this is a lowercase “c”)


The following table lists the Visual Basic data type conversion functions.

CBool Boolean
CByte Byte
CChar Char
CDate Date
CDbl Double
CDec Decimal
CInt Integer
CLng Long
CObj Object
CSByte SByte
CShort Short
CSng Single
CStr String
CUInt UInteger
CULng ULong
CUShort UShort

Remember that data types have their own parsing methods in addition to these data type conversion functions. For example, the following code converts the String variable a_string into an Integer value:

an_integer = Integer.Parse(a_string)

These methods are faster than the corresponding data type conversion functions (in this case, CInt).

The Convert class also provides methods for converting from one data type to another. The following table lists the most useful Convert class functions.

ToBoolean ToInt64
ToByte ToSByte
ToChar ToSingle
ToDateTime ToString
ToDecimal ToUInt16
ToDouble ToUInt32
ToInt16 ToUInt64

All of the Convert class functions provide many overloaded versions to convert different kinds of values. For example, ToInt32 has different versions that take parameters that are Boolean, Byte, String, and other data types.

The integer functions ToInt16, ToInt32, ToInt64, ToUInt16, ToUInt32, and ToUInt64 also provide overloaded versions that take as parameters a string value and a base, which can be 2, 8, 10, or 16 to indicate whether the string is in binary, octal, decimal, or hexadecimal, respectively. For example, the following statement converts the binary value 00100100 into the integer value 36:

Dim value As Integer = Convert.ToInt32("00100100", 2)


The CType and DirectCast statements also perform type conversion. CType converts data from one type to another type if the types are compatible. For example, the following code converts the string 1234 into an integer:

Dim value As Integer = CType("1234", Integer)

DirectCast converts an object reference to a desired type provided the object’s true type inherits from or has an implementation relationship with the desired type. For example, suppose the Employee class inherits from the Person class, and consider the following code:

Dim emp1 As New Employee
' Works because emp1 is an Employee and a Person.
Dim per1 As Person = DirectCast(emp1, Person)
' Works because per1 happens to point to an Employee object.
Dim emp2 As Employee = DirectCast(per1, Employee)
Dim per2 As New Person
' Fails because per2 is a Person but not an Employee.
Dim emp3 As Employee = DirectCast(per2, Employee)

This code creates an Employee object. It then uses DirectCast to convert the Employee into a Person and then to convert the new Person back into an Employee. This works because this object is both an Employee and a Person.

Next, the code creates a Person object and tries to use DirectCast to convert it into an Employee. This fails because this Person is not an Employee.

The CType and DirectCast statements throw exceptions if an object cannot be converted into the desired type. The TryCast statement performs a conversion much as DirectCast does except it returns Nothing if the conversion fails.

For example, the final line in the previous example throws an exception when it tries to convert a Person object into an Employee object because a Person is not an Employee. If you replace the DirectCast statement with TryCast, the statement would return Nothing and the code would set the value of the variable emp3 to Nothing instead of throwing an exception.

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