Designing Data-Only Interfaces

Often, the express purpose of a web page is to deliver data to a webbot, another website, or a stand-alone desktop application. These web pages aren't concerned about how people will read them in a browser. Rather, they are optimized for efficiency and ease of use by other computer programs. For example, you might need to design a web page that provides real-time sales information from an e-commerce site.


Today, the eXtensible Markup Language (XML) is considered the de facto standard for transferring online data. XML describes data by wrapping it in HTML-like tags. For example, consider the sample sales data from an e-commerce site, shown in Table 26-1.

When converted to XML, the data in Table 26-1 looks like Listing 26-7.

Table 26-1. Sample Sales Information






Gordon LLC

Cotton T




Ava St

Girlie T




        <BRAND>Gordon LLC</BRAND>
        <STYLE>Cotton T</STYLE >
        <BRAND>Ava St</BRAND>
        <STYLE>Girlie T</STYLE >

Listing 26-7: An XML version of the data in Table 26-1

XML presents data in a format that is not only easy to parse, but, in some applications, it may also tell the client computer what to do with the data. The actual tags used to describe the data are not terribly important, as long as the XML server and client agree to their meaning. The script in Listing 26-8 downloads and parses the XML represented in the previous listing.

# Include libraries

# Download the order
$url = "";
$download = http_get($url, "");

# Parse the orders
$order_array = return_between($download ['FILE'], "<ORDER>", "</ORDER>", $type=EXCL);

# Parse shirts from order array
$shirts = parse_array($order_array, $open_tag="<SHIRT>", $close_tag="</SHIRT>");
for($xx=0; $xx<count($shirts); $xx++)
    $brand[$xx] = return_between($shirts[$xx], "<BRAND>", "</BRAND>", $type=EXCL);
    $color[$xx] = return_between($shirts[$xx], "<COLOR>", "</COLOR>", $type=EXCL);
    $size[$xx]  = return_between($shirts[$xx], "<SIZE>",  "</SIZE>",  $type=EXCL);
    $price[$xx] = return_between($shirts[$xx], "<PRICE>", "</PRICE>", $type=EXCL);

# Echo data to validate the download and parse
for($xx=0; $xx<count($color); $xx++)
    echo "BRAND=".$brand[$xx]."<br>

Listing 26-8: A script that parses XML data

Lightweight Data Exchange

As useful as XML is, it suffers from overhead because it delivers much more protocol than data. While this isn't important with small amounts of XML, the problem of overhead grows along with the size of the XML file. For example, it may take a 30KB XML file to present 10KB of data. Excess overhead needlessly consumes bandwidth and CPU cycles, and it can become expensive on extremely popular websites. In order to reduce overhead, you may consider designing lightweight interfaces. Lightweight interfaces deliver data more efficiently by presenting data in variables or arrays that can be used directly by the webbot. Granted, this is only possible when you define both the web page delivering the data and the client interpreting the data.

How Not to Design a Lightweight Interface

Before we explore proper methods for passing data to webbots, let's explore what can happen if your design doesn't take the proper security measures. For example, consider the order data from Table 26-1, reformatted as variable/value pairs, as shown in Listing 26-9.

$brand[0]="Gordon LLC";
$style[0]="Cotton T";
$brand[1]="Ava LLC";
$style[0]="Girlie T";

Listing 26-9: Data sample available at

The webbot receiving this data could convert this string directly into variables with PHP's eval() function, as shown in Listing 26-10.

# Include libraries
$url = "";
$download = http_get($url, "");
# Convert string received into variables

# Show imported variables and values
for($xx=0; $xx<count($color); $xx++)
    echo "BRAND=".$brand[$xx]."<br>

Listing 26-10: Incorrectly interpreting variable/value pairs

While this seems very efficient, there is a severe security problem associated with this technique. The eval() function, which interprets the variable settings in Listing 26-10, is also capable of interpreting any PHP command. This opens the door for malicious code that can run directly on your webbot!

A Safer Method of Passing Variables to Webbots

An improvement on the previous example would verify that only data variables are interpreted by the webbot. We can accomplish this by slightly modifying the variable/value pairs sent to the webbot (shown in Listing 26-11) and adjusting how the webbot processes the data (shown in Listing 26-12). Listing 26-11 shows a new lightweight test interface that will deliver information directly in variables for use by a webbot.

brand[0]="Gordon LLC";
style[0]="Cotton T";
brand[1]="Ava LLC";
style[0]="Girlie T";

Listing 26-11: Data sample used by the script in Listing 26-12

The script in Listing 26-12 shows how the lightweight interface in Listing 26-11 is interpreted.

# Get http library

# Define and download lightweight test interface
$url = "";
$download = http_get($url, "");

# Convert the received lines into array elements
$raw_vars_array = explode(";", $download['FILE']);

# Convert each of the array elements into a variable declaration
for($xx=0; $xx<count($raw_vars_array)-1; $xx++)
    list($variable, $value)=explode("=", $raw_vars_array[$xx]);

# Echo imported variables
for($xx=0; $xx<count($color); $xx++)
    echo "BRAND=".$brand[$xx]."<br>



Listing 26-12: A safe method for directly transferring values from a website to a webbot

The technique shown in Figure 26-12 safely imports the variable/data pairs from Listing 26-11 because the eval() command is explicitly directed to only set a variable to a value and not to execute arbitrary code.

This lightweight interface actually has another advantage over XML, in that the data does not have to appear in any particular order. For example, if you rearranged the data in Listing 26-11, the webbot would still interpret it correctly. The same could not be said for the XML data. And while the protocol is slightly less platform independent than XML, most computer programs are still capable of interpreting the data, as done in the example PHP script in Listing 26-12.


No discussion of machine-readable interfaces is complete without mentioning the Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP). SOAP is designed to pass instructions and data between specific types of web pages (known as web services) and scripts run by webbots, webservers, or desktop applications. SOAP is the successor of earlier protocols that make remote application calls, like Remote Procedure Call (RPC), Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM), and Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA).

SOAP is a web protocol that uses HTTP and XML as the primary protocols for passing data between computers. In addition, SOAP also provides a layer (or two) of abstraction between the functions that make the request and receive the data. In contrast to XML, where the client needs to make a fetch and parse the results, SOAP facilitates functions that (appear to) directly execute functions on remote services, which return data in easy-to-use variables. An example of a SOAP call is shown in Listing 26-13.

In typical SOAP calls, the SOAP interface and client are created and the parameters describing requested web services are passed in an array. With SOAP, using a web service is much like calling a local function.

If you'd like to experiment with SOAP, consider creating a free account at Amazon Web Services. Amazon provides SOAP interfaces that allow you to access large volumes of data at both Amazon and Alexa, a web-monitoring service ( Along with Amazon Web Services, you should also review the PHP-specific Amazon SOAP tutorial at Dev Shed, a PHP developers' site (

PHP 5 has built-in support for SOAP. If you're using PHP 4, however, you will need to use the appropriate PHP Extension and Application Repository (PEAR, libraries, included in most PHP distributions. The PHP 5 SOAP client is faster than the PEAR libraries, because SOAP support in PHP 5 is compiled into the language; otherwise both versions are identical.

include("inc/PEAR/SOAP");      // Import SOAP client

# Define the request
$params = array(
                'manufacturer' => "XYZ CORP",
                'mode'    => 'development',
                'sort'    => '+product',
                'type'    => 'heavy',
                'userkey' => $ACCESS_KEY

# Create the SOAP object

# Instantiate the SOAP client
$client   = $WSDL->getProxy();

# Make the request
$result_array = $client->SomeGenericSOAPRequest($params);

Listing 26-13: A SOAP call

Advantages of SOAP

SOAP interfaces to web services provide a common protocol for requesting and receiving data. This means that web services running on one operating system can communicate with a variety of computers, PDAs, or cell phones using any operating system, as long as they have a SOAP client.

Disadvantages of SOAP

SOAP is a very heavy interface. Unlike the interfaces explored earlier, SOAP requires many layers of protocols. In traffic-heavy applications, all this overhead can result in sluggish performance. SOAP applications can also suffer from a steep learning curve, especially for developers accustomed to lighter data interfaces. That being said, SOAP and web services are the standard for exchanging online data, and SOAP instructions are something all webbot developers should know how to use. The best way to learn SOAP is to use it. In that respect, if you'd like to explore SOAP further, you should read the previously mentioned Dev Shed tutorial on using PHP to access the Amazon SOAP interface. This will provide a gradual introduction that should make complex interfaces (like eBay's SOAP API) easier to understand.

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