Error Handlers

When a webbot cannot adjust to changes, the only safe thing to do is to stop it. Not stopping your webbot may otherwise result in odd performance and suspicious entries in the target server's access and error log files. It's a good idea to write a routine that handles all errors in a prescribed manner. Such an error handler should send you an email that indicates the following:

  • Which webbot failed

  • Why it failed

  • The date and time it failed

A simple script like the one in Listing 25-12 works well for this purpose.

function webbot_error_handler($failure_mode)
    # Initialization
    $email_address = "";
    $email_subject = "Webbot Failure Notification";

    # Build the failure message
    $email_message = "Webbot T-Rex encountered a fatal error <br>";
    $email_message = $email_message . $failure_more . "<br>";
    $email_message = $email_message . "at".date("r") . "<br>";

    # Send the failure message via email
    mail($email_address, $email_subject, $email_message);
    # Don't return, force the webbot script to stop

Listing 25-12: Simple error-reporting script

The trick to effectively using error handlers is to anticipate cases in which things may go wrong and then test for those conditions. For example, the script in Listing 25-13 checks the size of a downloaded web page and calls the function in the previous listing if the web page is smaller than expected.

# Download web page
$target = "";
$downloaded_page = http_get($target, $ref="");
$web_page_size = strlen($downloaded_page['FILE']);
if($web_page_size < 1500)
    webbot_error_handler($target." smaller than expected, actual size="

Listing 25-13: Anticipating and reporting errors

In addition to reporting the error, it's important to turn off the scheduler when an error is found if the webbot is scheduled to run again in the future. Otherwise, your webbot will keep bumping up against the same problem, which may leave odd records in server logs. The easiest way to disable a scheduler is to write error handlers that record the webbot's status in a database. Before a scheduled webbot runs, it can first query the database to determine if an unaddressed error occurred earlier. If the query reveals that an error has occurred, the webbot can ignore the requests of the scheduler and simply terminate its execution until the problem is addressed.

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