Final Thoughts

A long time ago—before I knew better—I needed to gather some information for a client from a government website (on a Saturday, no less). I determined that in order to collect all the data I needed by Monday morning, my spider would have to run at full speed for most of the weekend (another bad idea). I started in the morning, and everything was going well; the spider was downloading pages, parsing information, and storing the results in my database at a blazing rate.

While only casually monitoring the spider, I used the idle time to browse the website I was spidering. To my horror, I found that the welcome page explicitly stated that the website did not, under any circumstances, allow webbots to gather information from it.

Furthermore, the welcome page stated that any violation of this policy was considered a felony, and violators would be prosecuted fully. Since this was a government website, I assumed it had the lawyers to follow through with a threat like this. In retrospect, the phrase full extent of the law was probably more of a fear tactic than an indication of eminent legal action. Since all the data I collected was in the public domain, and the funding of the site's servers came from public money (some of it mine), I couldn't possibly have done anything wrong, could I?

My fear was that since I was hitting the server very hard, the department would file a trespass-to-chattels[68] case against me. Regardless, it had my attention, and I questioned the wisdom of what I was doing. An activity that seemed so innocent only moments earlier suddenly had the potential of becoming a criminal offense. I wasn't sure what the department's legal rights were, nor was I sure to what extent a judge would have agreed with its arguments, since there were no applicable warnings on the pages I was spidering. Nevertheless, it was obvious that the government would have more lawyers at its disposal than I would, if it came to that.

Just as I started to contemplate my future in jail, the spider suddenly stopped working. Fearing the worst, I pointed my browser at the page I had been spidering and felt the blood drain from my face as I read a web page similar to the one shown in Figure 24-2.

A government warning that my IP address had been blocked

Figure 24-2. A government warning that my IP address had been blocked

I knew I had no choice but to call the number on the screen. This website obviously had monitoring software, and it detected that I was operating outside of stated policies. Moreover, it had my IP address, so someone could easily discover who I was by tracing my IP address back to my ISP.[69] Once the department knew who my ISP was, it could subpoena billing and log files to use as evidence. I was busted—not by some guy with a server, but by the full force and assets (i.e., lawyers) of the State of Minnesota. My paranoia was magnified by the fact that it was only late Saturday morning, and I had all weekend to think about my situation before I could call the number on Monday morning.

When Monday finally came, I called the number and was very apologetic. Realizing that they already knew what I was doing, I gave them a full confession. Moreover, I noted that I had read the policy on the main page after I started spidering the site and that there were no warnings on the pages I was spidering.

Fortunately, the person who answered the phone was not the department's legal counsel (as I feared), but a friendly system administrator who was mostly concerned about maintaining a busy website on a limited budget. She told me that she'd unblock my IP address if I promised not to hit the server more than three times a minute. Problem solved. (Whew!)

The embarrassing part of this story is that I should have known better. It only takes a small amount of code between page requests to make a webbot's actions look more human. For example, the code snippet in Listing 24-3 will cause a random delay between 20 and 45 seconds.

$minumum_delay_seconds = 20;
$maximum_delay_seconds = 45;
sleep($minumum_delay_seconds, $maximum_delay_seconds);

Listing 24-3: Creating a random delay

You can summarize the complete topic of stealthy webbots in a single concept: Don't do anything with a webbot that doesn't look like something one person using a browser would do. In that regard, think about how and when people use browsers, and try to write webbots that mimic that activity.

[68] See Chapter 28 for more information about trespass to chattels.

[69] You can find the owner of an IP address at

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