The chapters in this section explore the finer technical aspects of webbot and spider development. In the first two chapters, I'll share some lessons I learned the hard way while writing very specialized webbots and spiders. I'll also describe methods for leveraging PHP/CURL to create webbots that manage authentication, encryption, and cookies.

Chapter 18

This discussion of spider design starts with an exploration of simple spiders that find and follow links on specific web pages. The conversation later expands to techniques for developing advanced spiders that autonomously roam the Internet, looking for specific information and dropping payloads—performing predefined functions as they find desired information.

Chapter 19

In this chapter, we'll explore the design theory of writing snipers, webbots that automatically purchase items. Snipers are primarily used on online auctions sites, "attacking" when a specific list of criteria are met.

Chapter 20

Encrypted websites are not a problem for webbots using PHP/CURL. Here we'll explore how online encryption certificates work and how PHP/CURL makes encryption easy to handle.

Chapter 21

In this chapter on accessing authenticated (i.e., password-protected) sites, we'll explore the various methods used to protect a website from unauthorized users. You'll also learn how to write webbots that can automatically log in to these sites.

Chapter 22

Advanced cookie management involves managing cookie expiration dates and multiple sets of cookies for multiple users. We'll also explore PHP/CURL's ability (and inability) to meet these challenges.

Chapter 23

In the final installment in this section, we'll explore methods for periodically launching or executing a webbot. These techniques will allow your webbots to run unattended while simulating human activity.

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