As you develop webbots and spiders, you will soon learn (or wish you had learned) that there is more to webbot and spider development than mastering the underlying technologies. Beyond technology, your webbots need to coexist with society—and perhaps more importantly, they need to coexist with the system administrators of the sites you target. This section attempts to guide you through the larger considerations of webbot and spider development with the hope of keeping you out of trouble.

Chapter 24

Sometimes it is best if webbots are indistinguishable from normal Internet traffic. In this chapter, I'll explain when and how stealth is important to webbots and how to design and deploy webbots that look like normal browser traffic.

Chapter 25

Since the Internet is constantly changing, it is a good idea to design webbots that will be less likely to fail if your target websites change. In this chapter, we'll focus on methods to design fault tolerance into your webbots and spiders so they will more easily adapt (or at least gracefully fail) when websites change.

Chapter 26

Here I'll explain how and why to write web pages that are easy for webbots and spiders to download and analyze, with a special focus on the needs of search engine spiders. You will also learn how to write specialized interfaces, designed specifically to transfer data from websites to webbots.

Chapter 27

In this chapter, we'll explore techniques for writing web pages that protect sensitive information from webbots and spiders, while still accommodating normal browser users.

Chapter 28

Possibly the most important part of this book, this chapter discusses the possible legal issues you may encounter as a webbot developer and tells you how to avoid them.

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