What to Expect from This Book

This book identifies the limitations of typical web browsers and explores how you can use webbots to capitalize on these limitations. You'll learn how to design and write webbots through sample scripts and example projects. Moreover, you'll find answers to larger design questions like these:

  • Where do ideas for webbot projects come from?

  • How can I have fun with webbots and stay out of trouble?

  • Is it possible to write stealthy webbots that run without detection?

  • What is the trick to writing robust, fault-tolerant webbots that won't break as Internet content changes?

Learn from My Mistakes

I've written webbots, spiders, and screen scrapers for nearly 10 years, and in the process I've made most of the mistakes someone can make. Because webbots are capable of making unconventional demands on websites, system administrators can confuse webbots' requests with attempts to hack into their systems. Thankfully, none of my mistakes has ever led to a courtroom, but they have resulted in intimidating phone calls, scary emails, and very awkward moments. Happily, I can say that I've learned from these situations, and it's been a very long time since I've been across the desk from an angry system administrator. You can spare yourself a lot of grief by reading my stories and learning from my mistakes.

Master Webbot Techniques

You will learn about the technology needed to write a wide assortment of webbots. Some technical skills you'll master include these:

  • Programmatically downloading websites

  • Decoding encrypted websites

  • Unlocking authenticated web pages

  • Managing cookies

  • Parsing data

  • Writing spiders

  • Managing the large amounts of data that webbots generate

Leverage Existing Scripts

This book uses several code libraries that make it easy for you to write webbots, spiders, and screen scrapers. The functions and declarations in these libraries provide the basis for most of the example scripts used in this book. You'll save time by using these libraries because they do the underlying work, leaving the upper-level planning and development to you. All of these libraries are available for download at this book's website.

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