Further Exploration

Now that you know how to use webbots to interface with newsgroups, here is a list of ideas you can use to develop news bots for your own purposes.

  • Develop a newsgroup clipping service. This service could monitor numerous newsgroups for mention of specific keywords and either aggregate that information in a database or send email alerts when a keyword appears in a newsgroup.

  • Build a web-based newsgroup portal, similar to http://groups.google.com.

  • Create a webbot that gathers weather forecasts for Las Vegas from the National Weather Service website, and post this weather information for vacationers on alt.vacation.las-vegas.[48]

  • Monitor newsgroups for unauthorized use of intellectual property.

  • Create a database that archives a newsgroup.

  • Write a web-based newsgroup client that allows users to read newsgroups anonymously.

[48] Due to the ridiculous amounts of spam on newsgroups, scripts for posting articles on newsgroups were deliberately omitted from this chapter. However, between the scripts used as examples in this chapter and the original NNTP RFC, you should be able to figure out how to post articles to newsgroups on your own.

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