
This appendix presents a list of the hardware required to complete each chapter, along with a consolidated list for the book. The appendix concludes with suggestions regarding acquiring the hardware needed. While these lists are included in each chapter and discussed in greater detail, listing them here helps to see all of the hardware used in the book as a set and helps when planning to purchase the components that you do not already own.

Hardware by Chapter

This section presents a list of the hardware for each chapter that contains a project or sample that you can try on your own. We begin with a look at the base components that apply to all of the chapters with projects.

Base Components for All Chapters

The following lists the hardware needed for all the projects in the book. That is, you should acquire these items to complete the projects in this book.

  • Raspberry Pi 2 or 3, MinnowBoard Max–compatible, or DragonBoard 410C

  • Wi-Fi dongle (Raspberry-compatible) or Ethernet cable

  • 5V 2A power supply

  • Micro-SD card (minimum of 8GB)

  • breadboard (half or full sized)

  • jumper wires: male-to-female

  • jumper wires: male-to-male

Some projects that are headed , meaning they have a user interface that you can interact with that runs on your device.

  • HDMI monitor

  • USB keyboard (Raspberry-compatible)

  • USB mouse (Raspberry-compatible)

The following are accessories that you may want to acquire that could make the projects a bit more fun or perhaps enhance your experience.

  • Enclosure for your device

  • Motorola Lapdock (to provide a monitor, keyboard, and mouse)

  • USB hub

Required Hardware by Chapter

This section presents the required hardware list for each chapter that has a project. I include a short synopsis of the main project for each chapter. Those chapters without projects are omitted.


Each chapter is annotated as headed (requires a monitor, keyboard, and mouse) or as headless (no user interface hardware is needed).

Chapter 3 : Headless

This chapter explores the origins of the Raspberry Pi, including a tour of the hardware and a short primer on how to use its native operating system. The chapter demonstrates how easy it is to write programs to control hardware on the Raspberry Pi using a Python script. The project solution is a simple script to turn an LED on and off.

  • (1) 560 ohm 5% 1/4W resistor

  • (1) 10mm red LED

  • (1) breadboard

  • (2) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 5 : Headed

This chapter provides a crash course in Visual C++ that covers the basics of syntax and constructs of a Visual C++ application, including a walk-through of building a real C++ application that blinks an LED. The project covers XAML, including how to wire events to controls, and even a little about how to use the dispatcher timer.

  • (1) 560 ohm 5% 1/4W resistor

  • (1) 10mm red LED

  • (1) breadboard

  • (2) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 6 : Headed

This chapter provides a crash course in C# that covers the basics of syntax and constructs of a Visual C# application, including a walk-through of building a real C# application that blinks an LED. The project covers XAML including how to wire events to controls, and even a little about how to use the dispatcher timer.

  • (1) 560 ohm 5% 1/4W resistor

  • (1) 10mm red LED

  • (1) breadboard

  • (2) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 7 : Headless

This chapter provides a crash course in Python that covers the basics of syntax and constructs of a Python application, including a walk-through of building a real Python application that blinks an LED. The project covers how to work with headless applications, including how to manage a startup background application.

  • (1) 560 ohm 5% 1/4W resistor

  • (1) 10mm red LED

  • (1) breadboard

  • (2) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 9 : Headless

This chapter introduces the Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi. You look at a project that shows how to read sensor, thereby making the transition from experiments to actual, usable projects. This chapter shows that the kit is a viable option for getting the right amount of hardware to start building IoT solutions.

  • (1) pushbutton (breadboard pin spacing)

  • (2) red LEDs

  • (2) yellow LEDs (or blue is OK)

  • (1) green LED

  • (5) 150 ohm resistors (or equivalent to match LEDs)

  • (7) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 10 : Headless

This chapter presents how to use an ADC, how to connect and set up an SPI device, how to read a potentiometer, and finally how to use the debug feature to write out statements to the output window. While the project itself is rather simplistic, the emphasis and therefore the learning part of the project lie in discovering how to write code for all of these features.

  • (1) 10K ohm potentiometer (breadboard pin spacing)

  • (2) red LEDs

  • (2) yellow LEDs (or blue is OK)

  • (1) green LED

  • (5) 150 ohm resistors (or appropriate for your LEDs)

  • (1) MCP3008 ADC chip

  • (19) jumper wires: (8) male-to-male, (11) male-to-female

Chapter 11 : Headed

This chapter presents how to use a special library, Microsoft IoT Lightning Providers, to get access to PWM and SPI interfaces. The project introduces how to use the new library to interface with the ADC via an SPI interface, how to read values from an LDR, and how to use PWM to control the brightness of an LED. While the project itself is rather simplistic, the code is another example of more complex programming for IoT solutions.

  • (1) LED (any color)

  • (1) 10K ohm resistor

  • (1) 150 ohm resistors (or appropriate for your LEDs)

  • (1) light-dependent resistor (photocell)

  • (1) MCP3008 ADC chip

  • (13) jumper wires: (5) male-to-male, (8) male-to-female

Chapter 12 : Headed

This chapter presents a depth of complexity that demonstrates how to combine a number of advanced tools and techniques from using a code library written by someone else to building a C++ headed application to incorporating a C# and C++ project in the same solution to read weather sensors (a very popular choice for IoT project). Combining all of these together makes this project the most complex in the book. It provides the best example of the power of Visual Studio and UWP IoT applications.

  • (1) Adafruit BMP280 I2C or SPI barometric pressure and altitude sensor

  • (4) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 13 : Headless

This chapter introduces the concept of storing IoT data in a database. It introduces MySQL presenting a short tutorial on how to connect your device to MySQL for storing data. The project shows how to add a database component to a C# project as a means to use MySQL to store data and thus write more IoT projects that can persist data for later retrieval and analysis using proven technologies.

  • (1) Adafruit BMP280 I2C or SPI barometric pressure and altitude sensor

  • (4) jumper wires: male-to-female

Chapter 14 : Headless

This chapter takes a minor off ramp from our regularly scheduled Windows 10 IoT project highway to examine how to control hardware remotely via the Internet. The project for this chapter demonstrates how to build a nifty out of office sign with a mechanical flag and LEDs controlled from a web page. This represents the fundamental building blocks for other remote controlled IoT projects.

  • (1) SparkFun Servo Trigger ( )

  • (1) servo ( ) or ( )

  • (4) red LEDs

  • (1) green LED

  • (5) 150 ohm resistors

  • (1) solder breadboard (optional)

  • (11) jumper wires: (10) male-to-female, (1) male-to-male

Chapter 15 : Headless

This chapter is another off ramp that examines how to leverage the vast and growing repository of Arduino sketches and examples for use with Windows 10 IoT Core. The chapter demonstrates several small projects to use special libraries in Visual Studio to write Arduino-style sketches on our Raspberry Pi as well as how to control an Arduino remotely from Windows 10 UWP applications.

  • (1) Arduino Uno

  • (1) USB cable (for programming Arduino)

  • (1) Adafruit RGB color sensor with IR filter and white LED–TCS34725 sensor

  • (1) 1602 (16 characters on 2 lines) LCD module

  • (1) potentiometer (breadboard-friendly)

  • (1) pushbutton

  • (1) 10K ohm resistor

  • (1) 220 ohm resistor

  • (12) jumper wires: male-to-female

  • (12) jumper wires: male-to-male

  • (1) Raspberry Pi 2 or 3

There are also some optional components that you may want to have if you want to implement all of the examples in the chapter. These include the following. See the chapter for more details about the optional components.

  • (1) Temperature sensor: TMP36

  • (1) Arduino Ethernet shield

  • (1) SparkFun Bluetooth Mate Silver ( )

  • (1) Ethernet cable

  • (1) 5V power supply for Arduino

Chapter 16 : Headless

This chapter introduces an optional foray into the world of cloud computing by demonstrating how to incorporate an Azure Remote Monitoring solution to present data collected from a weather sensor. The chapter shows how easy it is to expand your IoT solution from a simple, local network solution to a worldwide cloud-based solution.

  • (1) Adafruit BMP280 I2C or SPI barometric pressure and altitude sensor

  • (4) jumper wires: male-to-female

Consolidated Hardware List

This section presents a table that lists the hardware needed to complete the core projects in this book. This includes all of the projects through Chapter 13 , which presents a solid overview of how to start building IoT projects and should be sufficient to satisfy (and challenge) beginners and intermediate readers alike. Chapters 14 , 15 , and 16 are optional for most readers, due to the added complexity and additional hardware requirements.

The following tables present the required hardware for projects through Chapter 13 and the required hardware for the optional projects. If the component can be found in a kit, the tables list the source for purchasing the components as a kit. However, most components can be purchased from an online or retail electronics store, such as Adafruit or SparkFun. In some cases, the component is from a specific vendor.

Once again, it is assumed you will have purchased a board (e.g., Raspberry Pi), a power adapter, and so forth, as described in the “Base Components for All Chapters” section.


Chapters 14 , 15 , and 16 also require most of the components listed in Table A-1 .

Table A-1. Required Hardware (through Chapter 13 )




Breadboard (half or full)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

Jumper wires: male-to-female

1 set

Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

Jumper wires: male-to-male

1 set

Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

LEDs (red)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

LEDs (green)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

LEDs (yellow)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

10K ohm resistor


Adafruit, SparkFun

560 ohm resistors


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

150 ohm resistors


Adafruit, SparkFun

Adafruit BMP280 I2C or SPI barometric pressure and altitude sensor


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

MCP3008 ADC chip


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

Light-dependent resistor (photocell)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

10K ohm potentiometer (breadboard pin spacing)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

Pushbutton (breadboard pin spacing)


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

Table A-2. Required Hardware (Chapters 1416 )




RGB color sensor with IR filter and white LED– TCS34725


Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

Arduino Uno


Adafruit, SparkFun

USB cable (for programming the Arduino)


Adafruit, SparkFun

SparkFun servo trigger


Micro hobby servo

1 or

(1) Solder breadboard (optional)


Adafruit, SparkFun

Suggestions for Purchasing the Hardware

In Chapter 9 , you discover the main source for the components as the Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi, which contains all of the hardware you will need for the projects through Chapter 13 as well as Chapter 16 . Only Chapters 14 and 15 require hardware components not found in the kit. However, there is an alternative, as described in the sidebar in Chapter 9 . I repeat the discussion on both options next for reference.

Adafruit Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi

The Microsoft IoT Pack for Raspberry Pi 3 comes in two varieties: one with the Raspberry Pi ( ) and one without the Raspberry Pi ( ) for those who already own a Raspberry Pi 2 or 3.

The kit with the Raspberry Pi costs about $114.95 and the kit without the Raspberry Pi costs about $75.00. Clearly, if you already have a Raspberry Pi, you can save some money there. In fact, for those who want to use a different low-cost computer board, you can buy the kit without the Raspberry Pi—except for the micro-SD card with Windows 10 and possibly the power supply, all of the other components will work with other boards. The kit comes with a number of handy components, including prototyping tools and a few sensors.


You will not need every component included in the kit, but the extra parts will come in handy when developing your own IoT projects.

There are three categories of components: electronic components included in the kit, accessories for the Raspberry Pi, and sensors.

The electronic components provided in the kit include the following.

  • (2) breadboard trim potentiometer

  • (5) 10K 5% 1/4W resistor

  • (5) 560 ohm 5% 1/4W resistor

  • (2) diffused 10mm blue LED

  • (2) diffused 10mm red LED

  • (2) diffused 10mm green LED

  • (1) electrolytic capacitor: 1.0uF

  • (3) 12mm tactile switches

The list of accessories in the kit is long. The following includes all of the accessories included in the kit. I describe some of these in more detail.

  • Adafruit Raspberry Pi B+ case– smoke base / clear top : An excellent case to protect your Pi from accidents.

  • Full-size breadboard : Plenty of space to spread out your circuits.

  • Premium male-to-male jumper wires, 20 × 6 inches (150mm) : Jumps from one port to another on the breadboard. They’re extra long and come molded in a ribbon so you can peel off only those you need.

  • Premium female-to-male extension jumper wires, 20 × 6 inches : Jumps from male GPIO pins to the breadboard ports. They also come molded in a ribbon.

  • Miniature Wi-Fi module : A Raspberry Pi–approved Wi-Fi dongle (not needed for the Raspberry Pi 3).

  • 5V 2A Switching power supply with a 6-foot micro-USB cable : Meets the Raspberry Pi requirements for power.

  • MCP3008 – 8 channel 10-bit ADC with SPI interface : A breakout board you can use to expand the number of SPI interface channels for larger IoT projects

  • Ethernet cable, 5-foot : A nice touch considering the kit has a Wi-Fi dongle. Good to have a backup plan!

  • 8GB class 10 SD/MicroSD memory card : Windows 10 IoT core preloaded!

The sensors included with the kit are an unexpected surprise. They provide what you need to create some interesting IoT solutions. Best of all, they are packaged as breakout boards making them easy to wire into our circuits. The following lists the sensors included in the kit.

  • (1) photocell : A simple component to measure light.

  • Assembled Adafruit BME280 temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor : Measures temperature, barometric pressure, and humidity.

  • Assembled TCS34725 RGB color sensor : Measures color. Comes with an infrared filter and white LED.

Adafruit Parts Pal

If you are planning to use a board other than the Raspberry Pi, are on a more limited hobby budget, or want only the bare essentials, there are alternatives to the Microsoft IoT Pack from Adafruit. In fact, Adafruit sells another kit that includes almost everything you need for the projects in this book. It doesn’t come with sensors, but all of the basic bits and bobs are in there, and you can always buy the sensors separately.

The Adafruit Parts Pal comes packaged in a small plastic case with a host of electronic components ( ). The kit includes the following components prototyping tools, LEDs, capacitors, resistors, some basic sensors, and more. In fact, there are more components in this kit than the Windows IoT Pack for the Raspberry Pi 3. Better still, the kit costs only $19.95, which means it’s a good deal (and the case is a great bonus). Although you may not need all of the parts in this kit, it offers a great start for building a supply of electronics parts for future projects.

  • (1) storage box with latch

  • (1) half-size breadboard

  • (20) jumper wires: male-to-male, 3 inches (75mm)

  • (10) jumper wires: male-to-male, 6 inches (150mm)

  • (5) 5mm diffused green LEDs

  • (5) 5mm diffused red LEDs

  • (1) 10mm diffused common-anode RGB LED

  • (10) 1.0uF ceramic capacitors

  • (10) 0.1uF ceramic capacitors

  • (10) 0.01uF ceramic capacitors

  • (5) 10uF 50V electrolytic capacitors

  • (5) 100uF 16V electrolytic capacitors

  • (10) 560 ohm 5% axial resistors

  • (10) 1K ohm 5% axial resistors

  • (10) 10K ohm 5% axial resistors

  • (10) 47K ohm 5% axial resistors

  • (5) 1N4001 diodes

  • (5) 1N4148 signal diodes

  • (5) NPN transistor PN2222 TO-92

  • (5) PNP transistor PN2907 TO-92

  • (2) 5V 1.5A linear voltage regulator, 7805 TO-220

  • (1) 3.3V 800mA linear voltage regulator, LD1117-3.3 TO- 220

  • (1) TLC555 wide-voltage range, low-power 555 timer

  • (1) photocell

  • (1) thermistor (breadboard version)

  • (1) vibration sensor switch

  • (1) 10K breadboard trim potentiometer

  • (1) 1K breadboard trim potentiometer

  • (1) Piezo buzzer

  • (5) 6mm tactile switches

  • (3) SPDT slide switches

  • (1) 40-pin break-away male header strip

  • (1) 40-pin female header strip

The only thing that I feel is missing are the male-to-female jumpers, but you can buy them separately ( ). For only $1.95 more, they’re worth adding to your order!



  1. Adafruit

    1. TCS34725 library

  2. Addressability

  3. Alternating current (AC)

  4. Analog sensors

  5. Arduino

    1. boards

    2. Ethernet shield

    3. IDE

    4. Mega

    5. Uno

    6. Virtual Shields library

  6. Arrow DragonBoard 410c

  7. Audio sensors

  8. Automotive IoT solutions

    1. e-mail

    2. fob app

    3. GM vehicles

    4. maintenance status

    5. mechanical condition

    6. multiple communication protocols

    7. OnStar

  9. Azure IoT solutions

    1. cloudcomputing

SeeMicrosoft Azure
  1. connected service

  2. hardware setup

  3. Hub

  4. portal

  5. required components

  6. suite

  1. Azure remote monitoring solution

    1. device adding and controls

    2. custom device

    3. documentDB resource

    4. document explorer

    5. initial dashboard

    6. IoT Suite services

    7. JSON document and files

    8. launch button

    9. pre-configuration solution

    10. predictive maintenance solution

    11. remote monitoring option

    12. services and features

    13. solution button creation


  1. Barcode readers

  2. Big data

  3. Biometric sensors

  4. Blood glucose testers (GLUCOMETERS)

  5. Bluetooth module


  1. C#

    1. arithmetic operators

    2. arrays

    3. bitwise operations

    4. blink an LED application

      1. deployment

      2. GIPO code

      3. hardware setup

      4. required components

      5. user interface

    5. comparison operator

    6. compile phase and execution

    7. completed application

      1. blink an LED application

      2. deployment

      3. device

      4. output window

      5. package name

      6. remote debugger

    8. data structures

    9. difference

    10. flow control statements

      1. conditional statements

      2. counting loops

      3. loops

    11. fundamentals

      1. attributed

      2. block comment

      3. class definition

      4. class view window


      6. constructor

      7. curly braces

      8. destructor

      9. instance (object)

      10. namespaces

    12. GPIO code

      1. header file

      2. InitGPIO() method

      3. libraries

      4. MainPage() method

      5. output window

      6. resource

      7. start_stop_button_Click() method

    13. history of

    14. JIT compiler

    15. keyword

    16. libraries

    17. logical operator

    18. MainPage() method

    19. managed application

    20. points

    21. programs are structured

    22. resources

    23. types

    24. user interface

      1. bare XAML code

      2. blank application

      3. MainPage.xaml file

      4. output window

      5. testing and execution

    25. variables and types

  2. C++

    1. arithmetic operators

    2. bitwise operations

    3. blink an LED application

      1. bunch of code

      2. deployment

      3. GPIO code

      4. hardware setup

      5. required components

      6. user interface

    4. built-in types


    6. comparison operators

    7. concepts of

    8. constants

    9. curly braces

    10. data structures

      1. arrays

      2. classes

      3. methods

      4. structures

    11. deployment and execution

      1. debug setup

      2. device application

      3. output window

      4. package name

      5. remote debugger

    12. executable files

    13. flow control statements

      1. conditional statements

      2. counting loops

      3. do loop

      4. for loops

      5. loops

      6. while loop

    14. functions

    15. GPIO code

      1. concurrency

      2. DispatcherTimer class

      3. InitGPIO() method

      4. OnTick() method

      5. output window

      6. resource

      7. start_stop_button_Click() method

    16. header file

    17. history of

    18. IoT solutions

    19. libraries

    20. logical operators

    21. namespaces

    22. pointers

      1. address of operator

      2. arithmetic and comparison

      3. fictitious values

      4. hexadecimal values

      5. memory address and space

      6. nullptr

      7. variable

    23. points

    24. static type

    25. temperature code

    26. types

    27. user interface

      1. bare XAML code

      2. blank application

      3. declarations

      4. event code

      5. source-behind file

      6. test and execution

      7. XAML file

    28. variables

    29. Visual C++

  3. Camera drones

  4. Capacitive sensors

  5. Cardboard boxes

  6. Character LCD over I2C

  7. Cloud computing

    1. See alsoMicrosoft Azure

  8. Coin sensors

  9. Color sensor

    1. Arduino Wiring project

    2. TCS34725

  10. command-line interface (CLI)

  11. Common intermediate language (CIL)

  12. Community edition

  13. Continuous glucose monitor (CGM)

  14. Control hardware

    1. code completion

    2. components

    3. deployment and execution

      1. debug dialog box

      2. device portal apps page

      3. web interface

    4. GPIO initialization

    5. hardware setup

      1. breadboard

      2. connection map

      3. cool gadget

      4. project connection

    6. OutOfOffice project

      1. background application

      2. GPIO module

      3. Python module references

    7. overview

    8. prototypes

      1. 3D printed parts

      2. box holes

      3. cardboard boxes

      4. circuit board

      5. components mount

      6. definition

      7. enclosure

      8. exercise

      9. further steps

      10. protoboard

      11. Raspberry Pi connection

      12. servo trigger

      13. testing

      14. throwaway prototypes

    9. servo

      1. continuous rotation servo

      2. SparkFun

      3. typical micro hobby servo

      4. wires

    10. web interface

    11. web server code

      1. code completion

      2. do_GET() method

      3. do_HEAD() method

      4. do_POST() method

      5. helper method

      6. IN and OUT input

      7. LED switches

      8. lightweight web server

      9. method

      10. self.wfile.write() method

      11. _set_headers() method

  15. Current sensors


  1. Data definition language (DDL)

  2. Data manipulation language (DML)

  3. Defense-in-depth method

  4. Device explorer

    1. Azure connection and IoT Hub settings

    2. definition

    3. IoT Hub and monitor

    4. monitoring messages

    5. sending message to cloud

  5. Dexcom Share

  6. Dexcom Studio

  7. Diabetes

  8. Digital sensors

  9. Direct current (DC)

  10. DragonBoard 410c

    1. onboard android OS

  11. DragonBoard 410C


  1. Electronics

    1. alternating current (AC)

    2. breadboard circuits

      1. assorted breadboards

      2. integrated circuits (IC)

      3. layout

      4. power supply

      5. prototypes

      6. software application

    3. breakout boards and circuits

    4. capacitor

    5. components

    6. diode

    7. direct current (DC)

    8. fuse

    9. helping hands/third-hand tool

    10. light emitting diode (LED)

    11. momentary button

    12. multimeter

      1. current measuring

      2. dial label

      3. measure voltage

      4. resistance (ohms (Ω))

      5. testing continuity

    13. power of

    14. relay

    15. resistor

    16. sensors

      1. accelerometers

      2. analog sensors

      3. audio sensors

      4. barcode readers

      5. biometric sensors

      6. capacitive sensors

      7. coin sensors

      8. current sensors

      9. digital sensors

      10. discrete values

      11. electronic devices

      12. flex/force sensors

      13. gas sensors

      14. IoT solution

      15. light sensors

      16. liquid-flow sensors

      17. location sensors

      18. magnetic-stripe readers

      19. magnetometers

      20. phenomena

      21. photo resistors/photocells

      22. proximity sensors

      23. radiation sensors

      24. RFID sensors

      25. speed sensors

      26. switches and pushbuttons

      27. tilt switches

      28. touch sensors

      29. types of

      30. video sensors

      31. weather sensors

    17. soldering iron

    18. switch-throw switches

    19. tools

    20. training

    21. transistor

    22. voltage regulator

    23. wire strippers

  2. Electrostatic shock (ESD)

  3. Environmental sensor (BME280)

  4. eXtensible Application Markup Language (XAML)


  1. Fleet management system

  2. Flex/Force sensors

  3. Free Software Foundation (FSF)


  1. Gas sensors

  2. General motors (GM)

  3. General-purpose input/output (GPIO)

    1. DragonBoard 410C

    2. MinnowBoard Turbot

    3. Raspberry Pi

    4. sensors or circuits

    5. source code

  4. getValue() method

  5. Globally unique identifier (GUID)

  6. Glucose


  1. Hackster site

  2. Hardware

    1. accessories

    2. Adafruit Parts Pal

    3. base components

    4. components

    5. consolidation

    6. electronic components

    7. headed requirement

    8. headless requirement

    9. IoT pack

    10. sensors

  3. HDMI-compatible monitor

  4. Helpinghands

SeeThird-hand tool
  1. Home automation system


  1. Initialize() method

  2. InitLightingProvder() method

  3. Integrated development environments (IDE)

  4. Internet giants

  5. Internet of Things (IoT)

    1. analog/digital values

    2. atmospheric data

    3. building solutions

    4. connection

    5. Hub

    6. intensive training/expensive hardware and software

    7. interconnected devices

    8. marketing efforts

    9. package

    10. personal computers

    11. predict, mailbox opening/closing

    12. security

      1. accidental and deliberate exploitation

      2. cloud services

      3. defense-in-depth method

      4. encryption

      5. practices, devices

      6. precautions, home networking

      7. threats

    13. sensory capabilities

    14. services

      1. data hosting and presentation

      2. data storage

      3. hardware platforms

      4. networking

      5. pre-pending/appending cloud

      6. retooling

      7. technical achievement

    15. sophisticated database systems

    16. solutions

      1. automobile

      2. events/observations

      3. fleet management

      4. home automation system

      5. medical applications

      6. mobile applications

      7. sensor networks

    17. weather station

    18. vendor


  1. JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)

  2. Just-in-time compiler (JIT)


  1. Kit packages

    1. accessories

    2. Adafruit Windows

    3. color sensor (TCS34725)

    4. components

    5. cool gadget

    6. electronic components

    7. environmental sensor (BME280)

    8. overview

    9. Parts Pal kit

    10. sensors

    11. simple sensor project

      1. apps pane

      2. button

      3. code completion

      4. components

      5. constants

      6. debug properties

      7. deployment

      8. DispatcherTimer() class

      9. GPIO initialization code

      10. hardware setup

      11. InitGPIO() method

      12. InitializeComponent() method

      13. LEDs and resistors

      14. light sequences

      15. MainPage() method

      16. MainPage.xaml.cs file

      17. map connection

      18. Pedestrian crossing circuit

      19. pushbutton

      20. source code

      21. traffic lights work

      22. type selection

    12. SPI interface (MCP3008)


  1. LED power meter project

    1. ADC_MCP3008 class layout

    2. code working

      1. Blank App (Universal Windows) template

      2. debug output

      3. MainPage() function

    3. components

    4. controlling code

      1. MainPage() code layout

      2. MCP3008

      3. meterTimer_Tick() method

    5. deployment and execution

    6. GPIO initialization

    7. hardware

      1. breadboard

      2. connection map

      3. connections

      4. MCP3008 pin-out

      5. power meter connections

    8. hardware setup

    9. overview

    10. SPI

  2. Light-dependent resistors (LDRs)

  3. Light emitting diode (LED)

  4. Light measurement

    1. components

    2. deployment and execution

    3. hardware setup

      1. breadboard

      2. connection map

      3. night-light project

      4. pulse-width modulation (PWM)

    4. lighting providers

      1. capabilities

      2. device interface

      3. device portal

      4. InitLightingProvder() method

      5. MainPage() method

      6. NuGet package manager

    5. MainPage() code layout

    6. MCP3008 code

      1. class layout

      2. getValue() method

      3. Initialize() method

      4. summarization

    7. NightLight project

      1. MainPage() method

      2. MainPage.xaml.cs file

    8. overview

    9. pulse-width modulation

    10. PWM code

      1. bouns methods

      2. features

      3. Initialize() method

      4. LED_Fade class layout

      5. set_fade() method

    11. refreshTimer_Tick() method

    12. source code

    13. user interface

      1. ldrLow_ValueChanged() method

      2. sample code

      3. XAML code

  5. Lightning provider

  6. Light sensors

  7. Lightweight X11 desktop environment (LXDE)

  8. Linux Primer

    1. administrative commands

      1. file/directories permissions

      2. installing/removing software

      3. ownership changing

      4. run command

      5. shutdown

    2. command line

    3. file and directory commands

      1. change directory

      2. copy files

      3. delete directories

      4. delete files

      5. directories creation

      6. file creation

      7. list directories and files

      8. move files

    4. help command

    5. system commands

      1. archive files

      2. command history

      3. show (print) working directory

    6. utilities

      1. archive tools

      2. file/text search

      3. text display tools

      4. text editor

  9. Liquid-flow sensors

  10. loop() Method


  1. Machine-to-machine (M2M)

  2. Maker

    1. definition

    2. events

    3. share your ideas

  3. Medical applications

    1. blood glucose tester

    2. CGM

    3. Dexcom

    4. diabetes

    5. glucose

    6. health monitoring and fitness

    7. insulin

  4. Mega 2560

  5. Memory storage engine

  6. Micro center

  7. Microsoft Azure

    1. Azure IoT Hub

    2. Azure IoT Suite

    3. azure portal

    4. building IoT solutions

    5. connected services-Azure IoT Hub

    6. deploy and execute-application

    7. device explorer

    8. Hello, World! Azure Style

      1. application testing

      2. Azure IoT Hub connected service

      3. communication

      4. device explorer

      5. monitoring messages of device explorer

      6. usage checking, Azure portal

      7. user interface

    9. IoT Hub setup

    10. page setting (IoT Hub)

    11. policy and keys-IoT Hub

    12. project coding

      1. BMP280 class

      2. DispatcherTimer class

      3. Glovebox.IoT.Devices

      4. IoT Hub, selecting

      5. MainPage() function

      6. Units.NET library

      7. WeatherData class

      8. Windows 10 IoT extensions

      9. writing data/IoT Hub

    13. real-time data

    14. sign up, account

  8. Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN)

  9. Mini wireless keyboard

  10. MinnowBoard Max

    1. compatible boards

    2. Turbot

  11. Multimeter

    1. current measuring

    2. dial label

    3. measure voltage

    4. resistance (ohms (Ω))

    5. testing continuity

  12. MySQL project

    1. code writing

      1. Connect() method

      2. MainPage() method

      3. WeatherDatabase

    2. commands

    3. components

    4. configuration file

    5. Connect() method

    6. connection string

    7. connector/net

    8. C++/Python

    9. CREATE statement

    10. CSV storage engine

    11. database

      1. ExecuteNonQuery() method

      2. getData() method

    12. database setup

    13. database system stores data

    14. data location

    15. deployment and execution

      1. device portal

      2. output results

      3. queries

      4. WeatherDatabase project

    16. foreground process

    17. Glovebox.IoT.Devices

    18. GRANT commands

    19. hardware setup

    20. indexes

    21. installation

    22. meaning

    23. MyISAM storage engine

    24. mysql client

    25. open source software

    26. overview

    27. planning sensor networks

    28. pluggable storage engine

    29. query language

    30. RDBMS

    31. security

    32. services application

    33. start, stop and restart commands

    34. storage engine

    35. transaction

    36. Units.NET

    37. users and granting access

    38. weather data reading

    39. Windows 10 IoT extensions


  1. .NET framework

  2. New Out Of Box Software (NOOBS)


  1. OnStar (

  2. OnStar maintenance report

  3. OnStar satellite network

  4. Open Embedded Linux Entertainment Center (OpenELEC)

  5. Open Source Initiative (OSI)

  6. Open Source Media Center (OSMC)

P, Q

  1. PiNet

  2. Pluggable storage engine

  3. Potentiometer

  4. Power Meter Project

  5. Printed circuit boards (PCBs)

  6. Proximity sensors

  7. Pulse-width modulation (PWM)

  8. Python

    1. arithmetic operators

    2. bitwise operations

    3. blink an LED application

      1. deployment

      2. hardware setup

      3. iostartup command

      4. LED script

      5. output window

      6. required components

      7. source code

    4. block comment

    5. code running


    7. comparison operator

    8. concepts

    9. data structures

      1. dictionaries

      2. lists

      3. tuples

    10. definition

    11. flow control statements

      1. conditional statement

      2. loops

    12. functions

    13. hardware connections

      1. components

      2. LED wire

    14. history of

    15. installation

    16. interpreter

    17. items() function

    18. key features

    19. learning

    20. LED blink

    21. logical operator

    22. modules

    23. object-oriented scripting language

    24. print() statements

    25. programming language

    26. script code

    27. type conversion

    28. variables


  1. Radiation sensors

  2. Radio frequency identification (RFID)

  3. Radio Shack

  4. Raspberry Pi

    1. board configuration

      1. interfaces

      2. localization

      3. NOOBS screen

      4. performance

      5. Raspbian configuration dialog

      6. reboot system

    2. boards

    3. boot image

    4. catalog entries

    5. configuration

    6. definition

    7. economy and availability

    8. hardware project

    9. laptop

    10. Linux

SeeLinux Primer
  1. low-cost computing board

  2. micro-SD drive

  3. model 2

  4. 3 model B

  5. operating system

  6. origins

  7. Python

    1. code running

    2. hardware connections

    3. LED blink

    4. programming language

    5. script code

  8. recommended accessories

  9. required accessories

  10. standard HDMI cable

  11. USB port

  12. versions

  13. Wi-Fi feature

  14. Windows 10 IoT Core

  1. Raspbian operating system

  2. readTemp() method

  3. ReadTemperature() method

  4. Real Time Clock (RTC)—battery

  5. refresh() method

  6. Relational database management system (RDBMS)

  7. Remote Arduino

    1. application

    2. debugger

  8. RepRap Arduino Mega Pololu Shield (RAMPS)

  9. Retooling

  10. RFID sensors

  11. RGB color sensor


  1. SDFormatter 4.0

  2. Secure shell (SSH)

    1. connection

  3. SendDeviceToCloudMessageAsync method

  4. Sensor networks

  5. Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)

  6. Service connections

  7. SetDriveMode() method

  8. Setup() Method

  9. Smart refrigerator

  10. Snappy Ubuntu Core

  11. Soldering iron

  12. Sophisticated database systems

  13. SparkFun

    1. Bluetooth Mate Silver

  14. Speed sensors

  15. SPI interface (MCP3008)

  16. SSH

SeeSecure shell (SSH)
  1. Storage engine

  2. Structured Query Language (SQL)

  3. Surface-mount device (SMD)

  4. Switches and pushbuttons


  1. Telematics

  2. Third-hand tool

  3. TMP36 temperature sensor

  4. Touch sensors

  5. TransferFullDuplex() method


  1. Ubuntu Mate

  2. Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI)

  3. United States Office of Personnel Management

  4. Universal power supply

  5. Universal Windows Applications API

  6. Universal Windows Platform (UWP)

  7. Uno board

  8. USB adapter


  1. Video sensors

  2. Virtual Shields

    1. application

  3. Visual C++

    1. history of

    2. resources

  4. Visual Studio 2015

    1. community update

    2. debug build deployment

      1. ARM platform

      2. data checking

      3. properties

      4. remote debugger

      5. testing

    3. deployment

      1. debug build

      2. interactive debugger

      3. release build

    4. features

    5. ‘Hello World’

      1. blank console application project

      2. build and testing code

      3. code writing

      4. device setup

      5. dialog

      6. project creation

      7. testing application

    6. interactive debugger

      1. code editor

      2. inspection

      3. key concepts

    7. installation (community)

      1. accept license

      2. custom installation

      3. installation types

      4. progress

      5. troubleshooting

      6. user interface

      7. validating

    8. interface

      1. build solution

      2. C++ environment

      3. environment

      4. file and project operations

      5. IDE components

      6. interactive debugger

      7. menu items

      8. operations

      9. Windows

    9. release build deployment

      1. points

      2. project properties

      3. results of

    10. Windows 10 IoT core project

      1. background application

      2. blank console application

      3. project template

      4. project templates

      5. resources

      6. types

      7. Universal Windows

  5. Visual Studio extensions

W, X, Y, Z

  1. Weather sensors project

    1. BMP280 class

      1. class declarations

      2. C++ project

      3. data sheet

      4. Initialize() method

      5. ReadAltitude() method

      6. ReadPressure() method

      7. ReadTemperature() method

    2. code writing

      1. BMP280 class

      2. C# runtime component project

      3. startup project

    3. components

    4. data reading

      1. header file

      2. Initialize() method

      3. source file

    5. deployment and execution

    6. hardware setup

      1. connection map

      2. I2C interface

    7. IoT solutions

    8. overview

    9. references

    10. target version dialog

    11. user interface

      1. sample code

      2. source code

  2. Windows 10

    1. compatibility

    2. desktop

    3. features

    4. insanity

    5. iOS and Android devices

    6. IoT

      1. See also(Windows 10 IoT core

    7. long-term platform-independent user

    8. notifications and action center

    9. platforms

    10. virtual desktop

    11. web browser

    12. Windows operating system

  3. Windows 10 IoT core

    1. annotation work

    2. avoid pitfalls/problems

    3. board connection

      1. dashboard

      2. PowerShell

      3. PuTTY dialog

      4. SSH

      5. Windows device portal

    4. communities

    5. dashboard installation

    6. development tools, installation

    7. DragonBoard 410c configuration

      1. boot screen

      2. connection established

      3. hardware connection

      4. install, board-specific setup

      5. .iso file

      6. miscellaneous hardware

      7. update tool downloading

      8. USB boot mode

    8. enabling developer mode

    9. good citizen


    11. hardware interaction

    12. hardware supports

      1. arrow DragonBoard 410c

      2. MinnowBoard Max and compatible boards

      3. networking

      4. optional hardware

      5. power supply

      6. Raspberry Pi

    13. impressively vivid imaginations

    14. instructions

    15. intellectual products

    16. IoT research/electronics/hobby project

    17. licensing

    18. Microsoft sample page

    19. MinnowBoard Max Turbot configuration

      1. BIOS configuration

      2. boot screen

      3. hardware connection

      4. install board-specific set up

      5. .iso file

      6. load 32-bit Firmware

      7. miscellaneous hardware

      8. SD card image, creating

    20. online communities

    21. online resources

    22. original designs

    23. platform devices

    24. programming languages

    25. Raspberry Pi configuration

      1. boot screen

      2. custom image build

      3. hardware connection

      4. install, board-specific setup

      5. .iso file download

      6. miscellaneous hardware

      7. SD card image, creating

      8. set up new device

      9. sites

    26. reciprocal expectations

    27. repositories

    28. RFID

    29. sample code

    30. sharing projects

    31. social media and Internet resources

    32. software development tool

    33. system information

    34. templates installation

    35. tips-setting up board

    36. usage and user agreement checking

    37. video support

    38. Visual Studio 2015

      1. accept license

      2. community installation

      3. custom installation

      4. installation complete

      5. progress

      6. troubleshooting

      7. types

      8. user interface

      9. validating

  4. Windows Embedded Compact (Windows CE)

  5. Windows IoT and Arduino

    1. Adafruit

    2. boards

    3. platform

    4. Bluetooth module

    5. boards

    6. components

    7. C++ project type

    8. electronics superstore

    9. IC socket

    10. IDE launches

    11. libraries

    12. lightning provider

    13. maker shed

    14. Micro center

    15. PC

    16. physical layout

    17. radio shack

    18. RAMPS

    19. remote Arduino application

    20. setup() method

    21. shields

    22. SparkFun

    23. TMP36 temperature sensor

    24. Uno board

    25. USB cable

    26. Windows 10

    27. Windows Virtual shields

    28. Wiring and UWP lightning

  6. Windows Remote Arduino

    1. experience application

  7. Windows Virtual shields

  8. WireColorSensor project

  9. Wire strippers

  10. WiringColorSensor project

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