(Fogra 29_WF)Job:08-28858 Title:RP-Writing & Research for Graphic Designers
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(Fogra 29_WF)Job:08-28858 Title:RP-Writing & Research for Graphic Designers
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Writing & research for graphic designers
School of Visual Arts (SVA), 51, 54,
59, 60, 80, 82–83, 85, 100, 101, 112
Schweitzer, Norbert, 145
secondary research, 52
SEED Magazine, 117
self-editing, 34–35
Selman, Johnny, 41, 42–44, 45
Sensual Woman, The, 55
Seven Designers Look at Trademark
Design (Egbert Jacobson, editor),
Shami, Kelly, 82
Shand, James, 67, 69, 70
Shapiro, Ellen, 32
Shaw, Greg, 120
Shaw, Paul, 98
Shenval Press, 70
Shock and Awe (Paula Scher),
152, 154–157
short-form writing, 58
Shteyngart, Gary, 79
Simplicissimus, 14
Sims, Jennifer, 83
Sirna-Bruder, Anet, 145
Sniffin’ Glue fanzine, 120
Sorel, Ed, 66
Sorrenti, Mario, 126
Stanescu, Traian, 143
Starlet fanzine, 121
Steep Atlantick Stream
(Robert Harling), 69
Steffen, Alex, 117
Stein, Gertrude, 139
Steinweiss, Alex, 50
Steller, Mary “Buddi,” 100
Stephenson Blake & Co., 67
Step inside design
magazine, 148
stereotypes, 9, 10
Stevens, Carol, 130, 132
Story of Graphic Design, The (Patrick
Cramsie), 25
storytelling, 41, 42–44, 45
“Strangely Familiar: Design and Every-
day Life” exhibition, 61
strategic writing, 33–34
“Strategy by Design” (Tim Brown), 33
Strunk, William, 65
Stumpf, Bill, 65
Sturm, Martin, 145
Subtopia, 75
Suburban Press fanzine, 120
Sundsbø, Sølve, 126
Sussman, Deborah, 65, 158
Sutnar, Ladislav, 50
target audiences, 34, 46, 62, 76
Tea Chest typeface, 67
Teller, Juergen, 126–127
Terralingua conservancy, 119
text messaging, 10
Thayer, Ceil Smith, 50
Things I Have Learned in My Life So Far
(Stefan Sagmeister), 142
Thomas, Dylan, 65
Thompson, Bradbury, 50
344 Questions
(Stefan Bucher), 148–151
Tochilovsky, Alexander, 52–53
Todd, Mike, 100
tone, 96
Toomey, Brian, 145
Toomey, Craig, 145
topic selection, 58
Towey, Gael, 106, 109
Triggs, Teal, 120–123
Troller, Fred, 50
Tschichold, Jan, 67, 68
“Turn of the Century” carousel
(Kevin O’Callaghan), 103
Twain, Mark, 65, 139
Twemlow, Alice, 59, 60–61, 61–62
Twinkle Eye fanzine, 121
Twitter, 10, 47, 91, 123
Type Directors Club, The, 52
typography, 42, 45, 55, 67, 86–90,
105, 142–147
Typography and Graphic Design:
From Antiquity to the Present
(Roxane Jubert), 24
Typography magazine, 68–69, 70
U&lc magazine, 14, 17
Uncommon Life of Common Objects, The
(Akiko Busch), 58
University of Chicago, 65
University of Hertfordshire, 67, 68
Vague fanzine, 122
VanderLans, Rudy, 128
Victore, James, 43
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Victoria and Albert Museum, 68
Vienne, Veronique, 124–127
Vignelli Associates, 52
Vignelli, Lella, 50
Vignelli, Massimo, 50, 105, 107, 108
Visual Arts Foundation, 50
Vit, Armin, 24
voice, 31–32, 35, 123
Walker, Alissa, 91
Walker Art Center, 61
Walker in LA, A (blog), 91
Walker, Rob, 61
Wall Street Journal, 117
Walters, John, 15
websites. See also blogs.
AIGA Design Archives, 52
AIGA Journal, 64
Amazon.com, 47, 61, 62, 91
Bobulate, 85
Burning Settlers Cabin, 86, 89, 90
Delicious, 51
Facebook, 123
Felt & Wire, 46
GlobalVoices, 119
Herb Lubalin Study Center of Design
and Typography, 50
Imprint, 81, 82
MySpace, 123
Twitter, 123
WorldCat.org, 49, 51, 52
Week-End (Jean-Luc Godard), 125
Weese, Cheryl Towler, 106, 109
Weill, Alain, 24
Weiner, Lawrence, 142
Weingartner, Michael, 145
What Can We Say About Isms
(Steven Heller), 140–141
White, E. B., 65
Who Put the Bomp fanzine, 120
Wild, Lorraine, 65
Wire, The, (magazine), 120
Wolf, Henry, 40
Wolfsonian Museum and Archives
of American Art, 52
Woodruff, Sandra, 84
word selection, 40–41
WorldCat.org website, 49, 51, 52
Worthington, Michael, 98
Writing About Architecture
(Andrea Lange), 78
Yale University Press, 25
Yugo Confessional
(Ann Marie Mattioli), 102
Yugo Telephone (Scott Lesiak), 102
Yves Saint Laurent campaigns, 126–127
Zaccai, Gianfranco, 65
Zhu, Zipeng, 84
Zuckerman, Ethan, 119
(Fogra 29_WF)Job:08-28858 Title:RP-Writing & Research for Graphic Designers
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