

2D avatars, render targets, 263–265

2D graphics

coordinate system, 13

drawing to screen, 14–16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–25

Draw method, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

explained, 13–14

GraphicsDeviceManager, 14

SpriteBatch object, 16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–25

drawing, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

text rendering, 25–27

Texture2D class, 14

2D sprites, 43

3D audio positioning, 356–357

3D graphics, 41–43

coordinate systems, 44–45

defined, 42

matrix, 53–54

combining matrix transforms, 58

identity, 54–55

manipulating vectors, 59, 61

rotation, 56–57

scale, 57

translation, 55

vectors, 46

addition, 47–48

cross product, 50

dot product, 49

negation, 49

point versus direction and magnitude, 46

scalar multiplication, 48

subtraction, 48

Vector4, 46

XNA Game Studio, 51, 53

3D math, 43

3D rendering

drawing primitives, 71–72

DrawIndexedPrimitives, 80, 82

DrawPrimitives, 78–80

DrawUserIndexedPrimitives, 75–78

DrawUserPrimitives, 72–75

primitive types, 71

vertex types, 71

GraphicsAdapter class, 67–68

GraphicsDevice, 69–70

creating, 70

reference devices, 71


acceleration data

accelerometer, 344–346

autorotation and, 348

reading, 344

accelerometer, 344–346

moving sprites, 346–347

AccelerometerSensor, 344

accessing AvatarDescription, 240–241


custom animation to games, 283–284

SoundEffectInstance, 357–360

wave files, XACT, 361, 363–364

AllowOnlineCommunication, 407

AllowOnlineSessions, 407

AllowPremiumContent, 407

AllowPurchaseContent, 407

AllowTradeContent, 407

AllowUserGeneratedContent, 407

alpha blending, effect states, 211–213

AlphaTestEffect, 105, 124, 309

ambient light, 108, 186–190

analog input, 312

angles, converting to radians, 19

animated model properties, 138


2D graphics, 20–21

avatars, 243–244

blending, 253–257, 259–260

functionality through interfaces, 246

playing multiple, 249–252

transforms and expressions, 245

updating, 244

custom animations

avatars, 265–273

content processors, creating, 273–282

AnimationBlender, 254, 257, 259

API, storage, 387–388

App Hub membership, installing XNA Game Studio 4.0, 6–7

Apply3D, 360

ApplyChanges, 31

aspect ratio, 90

AspectRatio, 90

assets, content pipeline, 226–234

AsyncCallback, 385

attenuation, 209

audio playback

looping with SoundEffect, 356

using cue, 364–366

AudioEmitter, 356

AudioEngine, 365

AudioListener, 357

autorotation, accerlation data and, 348

AvailableNetworkSession, 433

AvatarAnimation, 243–244, 250

functionality through interfaces, 246

transforms and expressions, 245

updating, 244

AvatarAnimationPreset, 244

AvatarCustomAnimation, 270, 285


accessing avatar information, 240–241

Changed event, 243

constructing from byte arrays, 242

creating random, 242

AvatarExpression, 270

AvatarEye, 245

AvatarEyebrow, 245

AvatarMouth, 245

AvatarRenderer, 246–247

deterring current state of, 248

drawing while loading, 247–248

avatars, 239–240

2D avatars, render targets, 263–265

accessing information using AvatarDescription, 240–241

Changed event, 243

constructing AvatarDescription, 242

creating random, 242

animations, 243–244

blending, 253–257, 259–260

functionality through interfaces, 246

playing multiple, 249–252

transforms and expressions, 245

updating, 244

custom animations, 265–273

adding to games, 283–284

content processors, 273–282

updating games to use, 284–285

drawing with AvatarRenderer, 246–247

deterring current state of, 248

while loading, 247–248

interacting with objects, 260–263

modifying lighting, 248–249


backbuffer, 65

backface culling, 63

base.Draw method, 303

BasicEffect, 105–107, 307

effect interfaces, 121–122

fog, 119–121

lighting, 108–114

textures, 114–115, 118–119

vertex colors, 115–118

Begin method, 22

BeginMark, 299

BeginShowKeyboardInput, 316, 318–320

BeginShowMessageBox, 396

BeginShowSelector method, 387

BinaryWriter helper class, 379

BlendFactor, 147

blending, 65

animations for avatars, 253–260

BlendState object, 142–148

premultiplied alpha, 148–149

Blinn-Phong shading, specular lighting, 200–202

bones, 98–99

BouncingImage class, 38

build systems, tracing content, 215–216

BuildAndLoadAsset method, 232, 237

built-in shaders, cost of, 307–308

ButtonPressed method, 415

byte arrays, constructing AvatarDescription, 242


calculating lighting, 110

cameras, 85–86

static cameras, 94–95

Changed event (AvatarDescription), 243

chatpad input, 313

chatpads, input, 313

choosers, Windows Phone 7, 472–476


content processors, 220

storage devices, 385

Clamp, 168

CleanSkeleton method, 280

ClearOptions, 153

CLR (Common Language Runtime), 2

CLR profiler, 306

color, vertex, 179–180

color value, 65


content, 226–234

matrix transforms, 58

Common Language Runtime (CLR), 2

CompareFunction.LessEqual, 151

components, GameComponents, 38–40

connections, Xbox 360 gamepad, 333

constructing AvatarDescription from byte arrays, 242

containers, storage, 382–383

content, tracing through build system, 215–216

content importers, 223–226

Content object, 15

content pipeline, 216

combining and building assets, 226–234

combining what you have learned so far, 235–237

content importers, 223–226

content processors, 216–222

extensions, debugging, 222

tracing content, 215

content processors, 216–222

choosing, 220

creating, 273–276, 278–282

properties, 221

ContentImporter, 230, 233

ContentManager, 237

controllers, Xbox 360 gamepad, 332–333

converting angles to radians, 19

coordinate systems, 13

3D graphics, 44–45

CopyAbsoluteBoneTransformsTo, 99

CopyBoneTransformsFrom method, 99

CopyBoneTransformsTo method, 99

cost, 288

of AlphaTestEffect, 309

of built-in shaders, 307–308

of DualTextureEffect, 308

of EnvironmentMapEffect object, 308

of SkinnedEffect object, 308

CPU bound, 294

CreateFile method, 378

CreateLookAt, 86, 88

CreateOrthographic, 93

CreateOrthographicOffCenter, 93

CreatePerspective method, 92

CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView, 86, 89

CreatePerspectiveOffCenter method, 92

CreateSessionDraw, 417

CreateSessionUpdate, 424

cross product, vectors, 50

cue, audio playback, 364–366

culling, backface, 63

CullMode, 166

CurrentPosition, 255, 272

custom animations

adding to games, 283–284

avatars, 265–273

content processors, 273–282

updating games to use, 284–285

custom effects, 171

creating, 172–173

drawing with, 177–178

effect states, 209–210

alpha blending, 211–213

HLSL (High Level Shading Language), 172

lighting, 186

ambient lighting, 186–190

diffuse lighting, 192–197

emissive lighting, 198

fog, 202–206

point lights, 206–209

specular lighting, 199–202

triangle normals, 190–192

parts of effect files, 173

global variables, 174

vertex structures, 174–177

texturing, 180–183

repeating textures, 184–186

setting sampler states, 183–184

vertex color, 179–180

cutouts, depth, 153


DancePad, 332

data, isolated storage, saving and loading, 377–379

dead zones, thumb sticks (Xbox 360 gamepad), 332

DebugCommandUI, 306

debugging content pipeline extensions, 222

DebugManager, 306

DefaultProcessor, 231

depth, cutouts, 153

depth buffer, faking shadows, 158–161

depth test, 65

DepthBufferEnable property, 154

DepthBufferFunction, 154

DepthBufferWriteEnable, 154

DepthStencilState, 149–155

deterring current state of AvatarRenderer, 248

device states, 141–142

BlendState object, 142–148

premultiplied alpha, 148–149

DepthStencilState, 149–155

RasterizerState, 164–166

stencil buffer, 161, 163–164


getting, 383–386

storage, 382–383

choosing, 385

diffuse lighting, 192–196

multiple lights, 196–197

oversaturation, 197

digital input, 312

direction versus point (vectors), 46

directional diffuse lighting, 196

directional lighting, 109–111, 193

DirectX, 2

DiscardContents, 156

displaying GestureSample data, 341–342

dot product, 49

downloading tools, installing XNA Game Studio 4.0, 6

Draw method, 16–19

game loop, 36–38

virtual methods, Game class, 32

DrawIndexedPrimitives, 80, 82


2D objects to screen, 14–16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–25

Draw method, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

avatars with AvatarRenderer, 246–248

with custom effects, 177–178

primitives, 71–72

DrawIndexedPrimitives, 80, 82

DrawPrimitives, 78–80

DrawUserIndexedPrimitives, 75–78

DrawUserPrimitives, 72–75

primitive types, 71

vertex types, 71

DrawModel call, 101–102

DrawModeViaMeshes, 101

DrawOrder property, 40

DrawPrimitives, 78–80

DrawString method, 25

DrawUserIndexedPrimitives, 75–78

DrawUserPrimitives, 72–75

DrumKit, 332

DualTextureEffect, 105, 122–124, 160, 308

dynamic sound effects, generating, 371–374

DynamicSoundEffectInstance, 370–371


effect files, 173

global variables, 174

sampler states, setting, 183–184

vertex structures, 174–177

effect interfaces, 121–122

effect states, 209–210

alpha blending, 211–213

Effect type, 177

effects. See custom effects

Effects collection, 96

ElapsedGameTime, 35

emissive lighting, 198

EmissiveColor, 114

EnableDefaultLighting, 111

EndMark, 299

enumerating microphones, 368


SpriteEffects, 19

SpriteSortMode, 22

EnvironmentMapAmount parameter, 127

EnvironmentMapEffect, 105, 124–127, 308

EnvironmentMapSpecular parameter, 126

event-based input versus polling, 312

expressions, avatar animation, 245

extensions, debugging content pipeline, 222


faking shadows with depth buffer and render targets, 158–161

feedback, Windows Phones, 342, 344

vibration, 351

fields of matrix, 59

FindSession method, 431–432

FindSessionDraw, 432

FindSkeleton method, 279

fire and forget audio playback, 354–355

FlattenSkeleton method, 279

FlattenTransforms helper method, 135

FlightStick, 332

floats, 90

FMRadio, 459–460

fog, 202–206

BasicEffect, 119–121

FontName node, 25

FresnelFactor parameter, 126

FriendRequestReceivedFrom, 407

FriendRequestSentTo, 408


Game class, 29, 32, 413

methods, 33

ResetElapsedTime, 33

Run, 33

RunOneFrame, 33

SuppressDraw, 33

properties, 34

InactiveSleepTime, 34

IsActive, 34

IsFixedTimeStep, 34

LaunchParameters, 34

TargetElapsedTime, 34

time, 34–36

virtual methods, 32

Draw, 32

Initialize, 32

OnActivated, 33

OnDeactivated, 33

ShowMissingRequirementMessage, 33

Update, 32

game loop

Draw, 36–38

Update, 36–38

Game Studio 2.0, 3

GameComponents, 38–40

GameDefaults, 405–406

GameLobbyUpdate method, 439

gamepad (Xbox 360), 324–325

connections, 333

controllers, 332–333

moving sprites, 329–331

reading gamepad state, 325–326

gamepad buttons, 326–328

gamepad direction pad, 328

gamepad thumb sticks, 329

gamepad triggers, 329

thumb stick dead zones, 332

gamepad state, reading, 325–326

gamepad buttons, 326–328

gamepad direction pad, 328

gamepad thumb sticks, 329

gamepad triggers, 329

GamePad.GetState, 327

GamePadButtons, 326–328

GamePadDPad, 328

GamePadThumbSticks, 329

GamePadTriggers, 329

GamePadType, 332

Gamer Services, 391

GameDefaults, 405–406

gamers, 402–405

GamerServicesComponent, 391–392

Guide class, 392

platform-specific guide functionality, 397–402

trial mode, 392–396

IsFriend, 407–408

Presence property, 406

Privileges property, 406–407

profiles, 402–405

GamerObject, 427

GamerPresence object, 406

GamerProfile, 404

gamers, 402–405

GameDefaults, 405–406

IsFriend, 407–408

Presence property, 406

Privileges property, 406–407

GamerServicesComponent, 391–392

Gamertag, 426


multiplayer. See multiplayer games

writing first game, 11–12

GameServices, 409

GameState, 413

GameTime object, 35

garbage collectors, 289, 291–292

general performance, 287–289

garbage collectors, 289, 291–292

multithreading, 292–293


sound effects, 371–374

vectors, 301

GeoCoordinate, 350

geometry, 43

GestureSample, 340–341

displaying data, 341–342

GestureType, 339–340

GetFriends, 407

GetGamerPicture, 403

GetState method, 321

GetUserStoreForApplication method, 378

global variables, effect files, 174

GPU (graphics processing unit), 62

GPU bound, 294, 307

graphics. See 2D graphics; 3D graphics

graphics cards, 62

graphics performance, 293, 295

graphics pipeline, 61

backface culling, 63

blending, 65

color value, 65

graphics cards, 62

pixel shaders, 64

pixel tests, 64

depth test, 65

scissor test, 64

stencil test, 64

rasterization, 64

vertex shaders, 62

projection space, 63

view space, 62

world space, 62

viewport clipping, 63

graphics processing unit (GPU), 62

graphics profiles

HiDef profile, 66–67

platform capabilities, 66

Reach profile, 66

graphics resources, tombstoning, 484–485

GraphicsAdapter class, 67–68

GraphicsDevice, 17, 30, 69–70

creating, 70

reference devices, 71

GraphicsDeviceManager, 14, 30

GraphicsProfile, 30, 66, 455

HiDef, 455, 457

Reach, 455, 457

Guide class, 392

platform-specific guide functionality, 397

messaging and signing in, 400–402

notifications, 397

players, 398–400

trial mode, 392–396

Windows Phone 7, 397

Guide.DelayNotifications method, 397

Guitar, 333


HiDef profile, 3

graphics profiles, 66–67

GraphicsProfile, 455, 457

history of XNA Game Studio, 1–3

HLSL (High Level Shading Language), 172

homogeneous divide, 63


IAvatarAnimation, 246

identity matrix, 3D graphics, 54–55

images. See 2D graphics; 3D graphics

InactiveSleepTime, 34

IndexBuffer, 82

Initialize virtual methods (Game class), 32

input, 311

analog, 312

chatpads, 313

digital, 312

event-based input versus polling, 312

keyboards, 312–313

moving sprites, 315–316

onscreen keyboards, 316, 318–320

reading keyboard state, 313–315

mouse, 320

moving sprites, 322–324

reading mouse state, 320–322

setting position, 324

multitouch. See multitouch input

polling versus event-based input, 312

Xbox 360 gamepad, reading gamepad state, 325–326

gamepad buttons, 326–328

gamepad direction pad, 328

gamepad thumb sticks, 329

gamepad triggers, 329

input vertex structures, 174

installing XNA Game Studio 4.0, 5

App Hub membership, 6–7

downloading tools, 6

XNA Game Studio Connect, 9–10

XNA Windows Phone Developer Registration tool, 11

integers, 90

interacting with objects (avatars), 260–263

interfaces, avatar animation, 246

InverseDestinationColor, 146

InverseSourceColor, 146

InviteAccepted, 408

InviteREjectedProperty, 408

IsActive, 34

IsFixedTimeStep, 34

IsFriend, 407–408

IsFullScreen, 30

isolated storage, 375–377

IsolatedStorageFile object, 379–380

saving and loading data, 377–379

IsolatedStorageFile object, 379–380

IsTrial, 394

IsVisualizationEnabled, 443


jaggies, 31

joining available network sessions, 435–436

JoinSession method, 435–436

key lights, 111

keyboard state, reading, 313–315

keyboards, input, 312–313

moving sprites, 315–316

onscreen keyboards, 316, 318–320

reading keyboard state, 313–315


launchers, Windows Phone 7, 463–472

LaunchParameters, 34

Level object, 227–228

libraries, time ruler, 306

lightDirection, 193

lighting, 186

ambient lighting, 108, 186–190

BasicEffect, 108–114

calculating, 110

diffuse lighting, 192–196

multiple lights, 196–197

oversaturation, 197

directional lights, 109–111

emissive lighting, 198

fog, 202–206

key lights, 111

modifying avatars, 248–249

point lights, 206–209

specular color, 113

specular highlights, 112

specular lighting, 199

Blinn-Phong shading, 200–202

Phong shading, 199

triangle normals, 190–192

LinearClamp, 168

LinearWrap, 168

LoadContent method, 15, 38–39


avatars while drawing, 247–248

data, isolated storage, 377–379

loose files from projects, 388–390

location service, Windows Phones, 348

reading location data, 348–351

looping audio playback (SoundEffect), 356


main menu, multiplayer games, 412–416

MainMenuDraw, 416

Managed DirectX, 2

managing performance, 295–303, 305

performance measurement tools, 306–307

manipulating vectors with matrices, 59, 61


3D graphics, 53–54

combining matrix transforms, 58

identity, 54–55

manipulating vectors, 59, 61

rotation, 56–57

scale, 57

translation, 55

fields of, 59

methods, 60–61

properties of, 60

MeasureString method, 27

media, 441

MediaPlayer, 442–443


metadata and, 443–444

playing, 441–442

media enumeration, 444–448

media libraries, 444–448

MediaPlayer, 442–443, 449

Meshes, 96–98

messaging, Guide class, 400–402

metadata, songs and, 443–444

methods, 86

Begin, 22

Draw, 16–19

DrawString, 25

Game class, 33

ResetElapsedTime, 33

Run, 33

RunOneFrame, 33

SuppressDraw, 33

LoadContent, 15

MeasureString, 27

ToRadians, 19


enumerating, 368

reading data, 369

recording with, 368–371

Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool (XACT), 353

Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net, 410

mipmapping, 169

ModelBone object, 98

models, 95

bones, 98–99

Meshes property, 96–98

rendering, 99–103

modifying avatar lighting, 248–249

mouse, 320

moving sprites, 322–324

reading mouse state, 320–322

setting position, 324

mouse state, reading, 320–322

mouse window handle, setting, 324

MouseState structure, 322

moving sprites

with accelerometer data, 346–347

with keyboard input, 315–316

with mouse, 322–324

multitouch input, 337–339

Xbox 360 gamepad, 329–331

multiplalyer networking, 409

multiplayer games, 409–410

joining available network sessions, 435–436

main menu and state management, 412–416

network sessions, creating, 416–417, 424

networking development, 410, 412

playing, 427–430

searching for available network sessions, 430–434

sending player invites, 438–439

simulating real world network conditions, 439–440

multiple lights, diffuse lighting, 196–197

multisampling, 31

multithreading, 292–293

multitouch input for Windows Phones, 334

displaying GestureSample data, 341–342

moving sprites, 337–339

number of touch points, 336

reading gestures from TouchPanel, 339–341

reading TouchPanel device state, 334–336

TouchPanel width, height, orientation, 337

MyContentProcessor class, 236


namespaces, table of, 3

.NET runtime, 289

network sessions

joining, 435–436

multiplayer games, 416, 418, 424

searching for available, 430–434

networking, multiplayer, 409

networking development, multiplayer games, 410, 412

networks, simulating real world network conditions, 439–440

NetworkSession, 424–425

NetworkSession.Create, 432

NetworkSession.Find, 432

NetworkSession.SimulatedLatency property, 439

NetworkSession.SimulatedPacketLoss property, 440

new projects, 29–32

nonuniform scale, 57

normals, triangle normals, 190–192

notifications, Guide class, 397

NumVertices, 97



Content, 15

GraphicsDevice, 17

interacting with (avatars), 260–263

SpriteBatch, 16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–22, 24–25

drawing, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

OnActivated virtual methods (Game class), 33

OnDeactivated virtual methods (Game class), 33

onscreen keyboard, 316, 318–320

OpaqueDataDictionary, 237

opening XACT, 360

orthographic (projection matrix), 93

otherPlayer, 398

output vertex structures, 175

oversaturation, diffuse lighting, 197


packetReader, 429

Pan, 356

ParentBone, 98, 251

party invites, 439

party user interfaces, 400

passes, effect files, 176


general performance, 287–289

garbage collectors, 289, 291–292

multithreading, 292–293

graphics performance, 293, 295

managing, 295–303, 305

performance measurement tools, 306–307

perspective, projection matrix, 89–92

phone-specific features, handling tombstoning, 482–484

Phong shading, specular lighting, 199

photo choosers, Windows Phone 7, 472

photos, rendering, 473

Pitch, 356

pixel shaders, 64, 176, 182

pixel tests, 64

depth test, 65

scissor test, 64

stencil test, 64

platform capabilities, graphics profiles, 66

PlatformContents, 156

playback, DynamicSoundEffectInstance, 370–371

player invites, sending, 438–439

players, Guide class, 398–400


multiplayer games, 427–430

multiple animations, 249–252

songs, 441–442

sound effects, 353

SoundEffect. See SoundEffect


PlayingGameUpdate, 427–428

point versus direction (vectors), 46

point lights, 206–209

polling versus event-based input, 312

PreparingDeviceSettings, 31

Presence property, 406

PresenceMode, 406

PresentInterval, 69

PreserveContents, 156

primitives, drawing, 71–72

DrawIndexedPrimitives, 80, 82

DrawPrimitives, 78–80

DrawUserIndexedPrimitives, 75–78

DrawUserPrimitives, 72–75

primitive types, 71

private void CreateSession(GameType gameType), 425

private void CreateSessionDraw(), 418

Privileges property, 406–407

ProcessAnimation, 282

processAnimations helper methods, 136

profilers, 307

profiles, 402–405

GameDefaults, 405–406

IsFriend, 407–408

Presence property, 406

Privileges property, 406–407

projection matrix, 88

orthographic, 93

perspective, 89–92

projection space, 63


loading loose files from, 388–390

new projects, 29–32

recreating on Xbox, 380–382

XACT, creating new, 360


content processors, 221

Game class, 34

InactiveSleepTime, 34

IsActive, 34

IsFixedTimeStep, 34

LaunchParameters, 34

TargetElapsedTime, 34

matrix, 60


radians, converting to angles, 19

rasterization, 64

RasterizerState, 164–166

Reach profile, 3

graphics profiles, 66

GraphicsProfile, 455, 457

reacting to tombstoning, 480–482


acceleration data, 344

gamepad state, 325–326

gamepad buttons, 326–328

gamepad direction pad, 328

gamepad thumb sticks, 329

gamepad triggers, 329

gestures from TouchPanel, multitouch input, 339–341

keyboard state, 313–315

location data, 348–351

microphone data, 369

mouse state, 320–322

TouchPanel device state, 334–336

ReceiveData, 429

recording with microphones, 368–371

reference devices, GraphicsDevice, 71

reference types, 288

ReferenceStencil value, 163

render targets

2D avatars, 263–265

faking shadows, 158–161


3D. See 3D rendering

models, 99–103

photos, 473

targets, 155–158

text, 25–27

video, 448–450

visualization data, 451–453

RenderScene helper, 160

RenderState object, 141

RenderTarget2D, 155, 158

RenderTargetUsage options, 156

repeating textures, 184–186

ResetElapsedTime, 33, 36

ReverseSubtract value, 145

rotation matrix, 3D graphics, 56–57

Run, 33

RunOneFrame, 33


Sampler, 182

sampler states, 166–169

setting in effect files, 183–184

texture types, 169

SampleRate, 372

SamplerState object, 141

saving data, isolated storage, 377–379

scale matrix, 3D graphics, 57

scissor test, 64

screens, drawing 2D objects to, 14–16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–22, 24–25

Draw method, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

searching for available network sessions, 430–434

SearchQuery, 471

SecularColorPower, 201

SendDataOptions, 429

sending player invites, 438–439

sensors, Windows Phones, 342, 344

sessions, creating, 423

shader models, 172


built-in, cost of, 307–308

pixel shaders, 176, 182

vertex, 182

vertex shaders, 175


Blinn-Phong, 200–202

Phong, 199

shadows, faking with depth buffer and render targets, 158–161

ShowGameInvite, 400

ShowMarketplace, 394

ShowMissingRequirementMessage virtual methods (Game class), 33

SignedIn event, 403

SignedInGamers, 241, 403

signing in Guide class, 400–402

SimulateTrialMode, 393

simulating real world network conditions, 439–440

Size node, 25

SkinnedEffect, 105, 127–140, 308


metadata and, 443–444

playing, 441–442

sound effects

generating, 371–374

playing, 353

SoundEffect. See SoundEffect


recording audio with microphones, 368–371

SoundEffect, 354

3D audio positioning, 356–357

adding SoundEffectInstance to games, 357–360

adjusting Pitch, Pan, and Volume, 356

fire and forget, 354–355

loading from files, 354

looping audio playback, 356

SoundEffectInstance, 355

SoundEffectInstance, 355

adding to games, 357–360

Spacing node, 25

specular color, 112–113

specular highlights, 112

specular lighting, 199

Blinn-Phong shading, 200–202

Phong shading, 199

SpecularColor, 113

SpecularLightColor, 201

SpriteBatch object, 16

animation, 20–21

controlling state, 21–25

drawing, 16–19

moving things around, 19–20

SpriteEffects enumeration, 19

sprites, moving

with accelerometer data, 346–347

with keyboard input, 315–316

with mouse, 322–324

with multitouch input, 337–339

with Xbox 360 gamepad, 329–331

SpriteSortMode enumeration, 22

StartIndex, 97

state management, multiplayer games, 412–416

StateBlock object, 141


controlling (2D graphics), 21–25

device state

BlendState object. See BlendState object

DepthStencilState, 149–155

device states, 141–142

RasterizerState, 164–166

stencil buffer, 161, 163–164

sampler states, 166–169

texture types, 169

static cameras, 94–95

stencil buffer, 161, 163–164

stencil test, 64

storage, 375

API, 387–388

containers, 382–383

devices, 382–383

choosing, 385

getting, 383–386

isolated storage, 375–377

IsolatedStorageFile object, 379–380

saving and loading data, 377–379

loading loose files from your project, 388–390

recreating projects on Xbox, 380–382

StorageContainer object, 388

streaming XACT, 366–368

StreamReader class, 226

Style node, 26

SupportedOrientations, 31

SuppressDraw, 33

SurfaceFormatColor, 31

SynchronizeWithVerticalRetrace, 31

synchronizing vertical retrace, 31

SystemLink, 410


Tag property (models), 96

TargetElapsedTime, 34–35

targets, rendering, 155–158

techniques, effect files, 176

tex2D function, 182

text, rendering, 25–27

Texture parameter, 126

Texture2D, 14, 169

TextureContent, 229

TextureCoordinate values, 185

TextureCube, 169


AlphaTestEffect, 124

BasicEffect, 114–115, 118–119

DualTextureEffect, 122–124

repeating, 184–186

sampler states, 166

texturing custom effects, 180–183

repeating textures, 184–186

setting sampler states, 183–184

thumb sticks, dead zones (Xbox 360 gamepad), 332

time, game class, 34–36

time ruler library, 306

TimeRuler, 296

TimeSpan, 351

ToggleFullscreen, 31

tombstoning, 476, 479

graphics resources, 484–485

handling with phone-specific features, 482–484

reacting to, 480–482


downloading for installing XNA Game Studio 4.0, 6

Windows Phone Developer Registration tool, 11

ToRadians method, 19

TotalGameTime, 35

touch points, multitouch input, 336

TouchCollection, 335

TouchLocation, 335, 337


device state, reading, 334–336

reading gestures from, 339–341

width, height, and orientation, 337

TouchPanelCapabilities, 336

tracing content through build system, 215–216

transforms, avatar animation, 245

translation matrix, 3D graphics, 55

trial mode, Guide class, 392–396

triangle normals, 190–192


Update, 35

game loop, 36–38

virtual methods, Game class, 32

UpdateBoneTransforms, 273

UpdateOrder property, 40


avatar animation, 244

games to use custom animation, 284–285

user input. See input


ValidateMesh call, 135

value types, 289

variables, global, 174

vector addition, 47–48

vector cross product, 50

vector dot product, 49

vector negation, 49

vector scalar multiplication, 48

vector subtraction, 48

Vector2 class, 18

Vector3, 46, 51–53

Vector4, 46

vectors, 46

3D graphics, 46

addition, 47–48

cross product, 50

dot product, 49

negation, 49

point versus direction and magnitude, 46

scalar multiplication, 48

subtraction, 48

Vector4, 46

XNA Game Studio, 51, 53

generating, 301

manipulating with matrices, 59, 61

vertex buffer, 116–117

vertex color, 179–180

BasicEffect, 115–118

vertex shaders, 62, 175, 182

projection space, 63

view space, 62

world space, 62

vertex structures, effect files, 174–177

vertex types, drawing primitive types, 71

VertexBuffer, 78–79

VertexDeclaration, 116

VertexElement, 116

VertexOffset, 97

vertical retrace, synchronizing, 31

VibrateController, 351

vibration, Windows Phones feedback, 351

video, rendering, 448–450

VideoPlayer object, 449

view matrix, 87–88

view space, 62

viewport clipping, 63

virtual methods, Game class, 32

Draw, 32

Initialize, 32

OnActivated, 33

OnDeactivated, 33

ShowMissingRequirementMessage, 33

Update, 32

visualization data, rendering, 451–453

visualizations, 451–453

visualizers, 442

Volume, 356


wave files, adding to XACT projects, 361, 363–364

Wheel, 332

Windows desktop runtime, 291

Windows Game SDK, 1

Windows Phone 7

choosers, 472–476

FMRadio, 459–460

Guide class, 397

launchers, 463–472

writing first game, 12

Windows Phone Developer Registration tool, installing XNA Game Studio 4.0, 11

Windows Phones

acceleration data using accelerometer, 344–346

feedback, 342, 344

vibration, 351

location service, 348

reading location data, 348–351

multitouch input, 334

displaying GestureSample data, 341–342

moving sprites, 337–339

number of touch points, 336

reading gestures from TouchPanel, 339–341

reading TouchPanel device state, 334–336

TouchPanel width, height, and orientation, 337

sensors, 342, 344

WireFrame, 165

world space, vertex shaders, 62

Wrap, 169

wrap texture, 168

writing first game, 11–12


X axis, 13

XACT (Microsoft Cross-Platform Audio Creation Tool), 353, 360

adding wave files to projects, 361, 363–364

creating new projects, 360

opening, 360

sound playback using cue, 364–366

streaming, 366–368

Xbox, recreating projects, 380–382

Xbox 360

chatpad input, 313

devices, 382

game data, 382

shader models, 172

writing first game, 11

Xbox 360 gamepad, 324–325

connections, 333

controllers, 332–333

moving sprites, 329–331

reading gamepad state, 325–326

gamepad buttons, 326–328

gamepad direction pad, 328

gamepad thumb sticks, 329

gamepad triggers, 329

thumb stick dead zones, 332

XNA Game Studio

3D graphics, 41–42

vectors, 51, 53

XNA Game Studio 4.0, installing, 5

App Hub membership, 6–7

downloading tools, 6

Windows Phone Developer Registration tool, 11

XNA Game Studio Connect, 9–10

XNA Game Studio Connect, installing XNA Game Studio 4.0, 9–10

XNA Game Studio Device Center, 10

Y axis, 13

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