Adding XML Elements and Attributes

Sometimes you want to reorganize or transform the elements in the input documents into differently named or structured elements. XML constructors can be used to create elements and attributes that appear in the query results.

Adding Elements

Suppose you want to wrap the results of your query in a different XML vocabulary, for example XHTML. You can do this using a familiar XML-like syntax. To wrap the name elements in a ul element, for instance, you can use the query shown in Example 1-7. The ul element represents an unordered list in XHTML.

Example 1-7. Wrapping results in a new element

  for $product in doc("catalog.xml")/catalog/product
  where $product/@dept='ACC'
  order by $product/name
  return $product/name
  <name language="en">Deluxe Travel Bag</name>
  <name language="en">Floppy Sun Hat</name>

This example is the same as Example 1-5, with the addition of the first and last lines. In the query, the ul start tag and end tag, and everything in between, is known as an element constructor. The curly braces around the content of the ul element signify that it is an expression (known as an enclosed expression) that is to be evaluated. In this case, the enclosed expression returns two elements, which become children of ul.

Any content in an element constructor that is not inside curly braces appears in the results as is. For example:

<h1>There are {count(doc("catalog.xml")//product)} products.</h1>

will return the result:

<h1>There are 4 products.</h1>

The content outside the curly braces, namely the strings "There are " and " products." appear literally in the results, as textual content of the ul element.

The element constructor does not need to be the outermost expression in the query. You can include element constructors at various places in your query. For example, if you want to wrap each resulting name element in its own li element, you could use the query shown in Example 1-8. An li element represents a list item in XHTML.

Example 1-8. Element constructor in FLWOR return clause

  for $product in doc("catalog.xml")/catalog/product
  where $product/@dept='ACC'
  order by $product/name

  return <li>{$product/name}</li>
  <li><name language="en">Deluxe Travel Bag</name></li>
  <li><name language="en">Floppy Sun Hat</name></li>

Here, the li element constructor appears in the return clause of a FLWOR. Since the return clause is evaluated once for each iteration of the for clause, two li elements appear in the results, each with a name element as its child.

However, suppose you don't want to include the name elements at all, just their contents. You can do this by calling a built-in function called data, which extracts the contents of an element. This is shown in Example 1-9.

Example 2-9. Using the data function

  for $product in doc("catalog.xml")/catalog/product
  where $product/@dept='ACC'
  order by $product/name
  return <li>{

  <li>Deluxe Travel Bag</li>
  <li>Floppy Sun Hat</li>

Now no name elements appear in the results. In fact, no elements at all from the input document appear.

Adding Attributes

You can also add your own attributes to results using an XML-like syntax. Example 1-10 adds attributes to the ul and li elements.

Example 1-10. Adding attributes to results

<ul type="square">{
  for $product in doc("catalog.xml")/catalog/product
  where $product/@dept='ACC'
  order by $product/name
  return <li class="{$product/@dept}">{data($product/name)}</li>
<ul type="square">
  <li class="ACC">Deluxe Travel Bag</li>
  <li class="ACC">Floppy Sun Hat</li>

As you can see, attribute values, like element content, can either be literal text or enclosed expressions. The ul element constructor has an attribute type that is included as is in the results, while the li element constructor has an attribute class whose value is an enclosed expression delimited by curly braces. In attribute values, unlike element content, you don't need to use the data function to extract the value: it happens automatically.

The constructors shown in these examples are known as direct constructors, because they use an XML-like syntax. You can also construct elements and attributes with dynamically determined names, using computed constructors. Chapter 5 provides detailed coverage of XML constructors.

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