Appendix C. Error Summary

This appendix lists all of the errors that may be raised during evaluation of a query, in alphabetical order by name. The XQuery spec does not define any programming API defining how queries are executed from, for example, C# or Java; but there is an expectation that in any such API, you will be able to test these error codes to find out what went wrong. In most cases, you can also expect that the error code will be accompanied with an error message that gives much more detailed information.

Error names, which are in the namespace, are broken down into three parts:

  1. A two-character prefix indicating the specification that defines the error, listed in Table C-1.

  2. A two-character category that groups the error messages into their functional meaning. In the case of XP and XQ errors, the categories are ST for static errors, DY for dynamic errors, and TY for type errors.

  3. A four-digit number.

Table 12-1. Error prefixes

Error prefix



Functions and Operators








Division by zero, which may be raised by the div or mod operator (if the operands are xs:integer or xs:decimal values) or by the idiv operator (regardless of the types of the operands). Using the div operator on values of type xs:float or xs:double will not raise this error; it will return INF or -INF.

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