
This book provides complete coverage of the W3C XQuery 1.0 standard that was finalized in January 2007. In addition, it provides the background knowledge in namespaces, schemas, built-in types, and regular expressions that is relevant to writing XML queries.

This book is designed for query writers who have some knowledge of XML basics but not necessarily advanced knowledge of XML-related technologies. It can be used as a tutorial, by reading it cover to cover, and as a reference, by using the comprehensive index and appendixes.

Contents of This Book

The book is organized into six parts:

  1. Chapters 1 and 2 provide a high-level overview and quick tour of XQuery.

  2. Chapters 39 provide enough information to write sophisticated queries, without being bogged down by the details of types, namespaces, and schemas.

  3. Chapters 1015 introduce some advanced concepts for users who want to take advantage of modularity, namespaces, typing, and schemas.

  4. Chapters 1623 provide guidelines for working with specific types of data, such as numbers, strings, dates, URIs, and processing instructions.

  5. Chapters 24 and 25 describe XQuery's relationship to SQL and XSLT.

  6. Appendixes A, B, and C provide a complete alphabetical reference to the built-in functions, types, and error messages.

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