
A sequence type refers to a type (other than within the element() or attribute( ) constructs) that is not an atomic type in the in-scope schema definitions. Sequence types most commonly appear in function signatures, as in:

declare function local:xyz ($arg1 as xs:string*, $arg2 as prod:SizeType?) { }

where xs:string* and prod:SizeType? are sequence types that described the types of the arguments. This error might be raised if you:

  • Misspelled or incorrectly capitalized the name of a built-in type, e.g., xs:String or xs:srting.

  • Used a user-defined type name that is not declared in an in-scope schema—for example, if SizeType is not in an imported schema.

  • Used a user-defined type name that is a complex or list type, not an atomic type—for example, if SizeType allows children. Using the sequence type element(*,SizeType) would be allowed.

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