
The primitive type xs:gMonth represents a recurring month. It can be used to specify, for example, that year-end auditing occurs in October of every year. It does not represent a number of months; to represent that, use the xs:yearMonthDuration type instead.

The lexical representation of xs:gMonth is --MM. An optional time zone may be used, as described in "Time Zones" in Chapter 19. Table B-12 lists some values of this type.

Table B-12. Values of the xs:gMonth type








Because of an error in the first version of XML Schema, you will often see examples that use this format, but it is technically invalid


The month must be a valid month


The year cannot be specified


The two leading hyphens are required


It must have two digits


An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted

Values of xs:gMonth can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but you cannot compare them using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2006-05-30") cast as xs:gMonth returns an xs:gMonth value of --05. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.

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