

abs (absolute value) function, Functions on Numbers
absent values, Handling Missing Values
absolute URIs, Working with URIs
addition, Arithmetic Operations, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations, Arithmetic and string operators
+ operator, Arithmetic Operations
durations, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
durations to dates and times, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times
precedence of arithmetic operators, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators
SQL and XQuery operators, Arithmetic and string operators
adjust-time-to-timezone function, Finding the time zone of a value
aggregating values, Aggregating and Grouping Values, Aggregating Values, Ignoring "Missing" Values, Counting "Missing" Values, Counting "Missing" Values, Constraining and Sorting on Aggregated Values
constraining and sorting on aggregated values, Constraining and Sorting on Aggregated Values
counting missing values, Counting "Missing" Values
ignoring missing values, Ignoring "Missing" Values
on multiple values, Counting "Missing" Values
aggregation functions, Sequences, Functions on Numbers
& (ampersand), Containing Literal Characters, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function, Finding the URI of a document, XML Entity and Character References, Full-Text Search
&& (and) full text operator, Full-Text Search
entity reference (&), XML Entity and Character References
escaping in element constructor content, Containing Literal Characters
escaping in string literals, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
analysis (compile) time, What Is Static Typing?
ancestor axis, Node Tests, Avoid Expensive Path Expressions, Conformance
in path expressions, Avoid Expensive Path Expressions
ancestor-or-self axis, Avoid Expensive Path Expressions, Conformance
in path expressions, Avoid Expensive Path Expressions
ancestors (nodes), Roots, documents, and elements
anchors (in regular expressions), Anchors, Anchors and Multi-Line Mode, Using Flags
multi-line mode and, Anchors and Multi-Line Mode, Using Flags
and operator, Logical (and/or) Expressions, Arithmetic and string operators
SQL and XQuery, Arithmetic and string operators
< > (angle brackets), Function Calls, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Reversing the Order, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Entire Strings, Representing Any Character, Finding the time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparing Dates and Times, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, Processing Instructions and Sequence Types, XML Entity and Character References, XML Entity and Character References, CDATA Sections, Comparisons, Comparisons, Comparisons, Comparisons
< (less than) operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Entire Strings, Representing Any Character, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, XML Entity and Character References, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Comparing Dates and Times
comparing durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
comparing strings, Comparing Entire Strings
entity reference (&lt;), Representing Any Character, XML Entity and Character References
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
<!-- -->, XML comment delimiters, Function Calls
<![CDATA[ and ]]> CDATA section delimiter, CDATA Sections
<< and >> operators, comparing nodes by relative position in document order, Reversing the Order
<= (less than or equal to) operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
<? ?>, in processing instruction constructors, Processing Instructions and Sequence Types
> (greater than) operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, XML Entity and Character References, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Comparing Dates and Times
comparing durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
entity reference (&gt;), XML Entity and Character References
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
>= (greater than or equal to) operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
' (apostrophe), entity reference (&apos;), XML Entity and Character References
argument lists (functions), Argument lists and sequences
sequences and, Argument lists and sequences
arguments (function), User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
conversion to expected type, User-Defined Functions
empty sequence as argument, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
nodes vs. atomic values, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
arithmetic operations, Keywords and Names, Numeric Type Promotion, Arithmetic Operations, Arithmetic Operations on Multiple Values, Division, Modulus (Remainder), Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, Arithmetic and string operators, Function Conversion Rules
division, Division
expressions, Keywords and Names
modulus (remainder), Modulus (Remainder)
numeric type promotion in expressions, Numeric Type Promotion
on dates, times, and durations, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
on multiple numeric values, Arithmetic Operations on Multiple Values
SQL and XQuery, Arithmetic and string operators
XQuery 1.0 and XPath 1.0 and 2.0, Function Conversion Rules
ascending or descending order, Order modifiers
assertions, type, Type Declarations
* (asterisk), FLWORs, Path Expressions, Node name tests and namespaces, User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Sequence Types, Sequence Types, Occurrence Indicators, The Castable Expression, Arithmetic Operations, Parenthesized Sub-Expressions and Branches, Representing Any Character, Anchors, Dividing Durations by Durations
*? (reluctant quantifier), Anchors
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
multiplication operator, Arithmetic Operations, Dividing Durations by Durations
multiplying durations by numbers, Dividing Durations by Durations
occurrence indicator, zero, one, or many items, User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Sequence Types, Sequence Types, Occurrence Indicators, The Castable Expression
cast expression and, The Castable Expression
return type of function, Sequence Types
quantifier, zero, one, or many occurrences, Parenthesized Sub-Expressions and Branches
wildcard in path expressions, FLWORs, Path Expressions, Node name tests and namespaces
at keyword, Adding Sequence Numbers to Results, Multiple module imports
namespace prefix mapping in module import, Multiple module imports
@ (at sign), Path Expressions, Other Expressions As Steps, Removing Attributes from an Element, Finding the URI of a document
@*, copying attributes from an element, Removing Attributes from an Element
abbreviation for attribute axis, Other Expressions As Steps
returning attributes in path expressions, Path Expressions
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
atomic types, The Built-in Types, The Built-in Types, Atomic Type Names As Sequence Types
as sequence types, Atomic Type Names As Sequence Types
built into XQuery, The Built-in Types, The Built-in Types
hierarchy, The Built-in Types
atomic values, Atomic Values, General Comparisons, Predicates, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes, User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Types, Nodes, and Atomic Values, Constructors and Casting, Casting among the primitive types, Casting among the primitive types, xs:untyped
casting any type to xs:string or xs:untypedAtomic, Casting among the primitive types
casting between specific types, Casting among the primitive types
comparing, General Comparisons
constructing with given types, Constructors and Casting
enclosed expressions in direct element constructors evaluating to, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes
nodes vs. in function arguments, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
returned by last step in a path, Predicates
sequence types for function parameters, User-Defined Functions
types, Types, Nodes, and Atomic Values
untyped, xs:untyped
atomization, Atomization, Function Conversion Rules
function conversion rules, Function Conversion Rules
atoms (regular expressions), The Structure of a Regular Expression
attribute axis, Steps
attribute nodes, Nodes
attribute( ) kind test, Element and Attribute Tests, Sequence Types and Schemas
attributes, Path Expressions, The node hierarchy, Node identity and name, Node identity and name, Atomic Values, Namespaces, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes, Specifying Attributes Directly, Computed Attribute Constructors, Declaring Namespaces, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Namespace Declarations in Element Constructors, Names affected by namespace declarations, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, Element and Attribute Declarations, Sequence Types and Schemas
atomic values, Atomic Values
computed attribute constructors, Computed Attribute Constructors
declarations in XML Schema, Element and Attribute Declarations
enclosed expressions in direct element constructors evaluating to, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes
finding with path expressions, Path Expressions
from input document, including in query results, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document
including with result elements, using enclosed expressions, Specifying Attributes Directly
matching based on name, Sequence Types and Schemas
names, Node identity and name, Names affected by namespace declarations
affected by namespace declarations in XQuery, Names affected by namespace declarations
namespaces, Namespaces, Declaring Namespaces, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Namespace Declarations in Element Constructors
declaration attributes, Namespace Declarations in Element Constructors
predeclared, Namespace Declarations in Queries
prefixes, Declaring Namespaces
node hierarchy (family analogy), The node hierarchy
string and type values, Node identity and name
types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview
averages, Aggregating on Multiple Values, Empty and nil values, Functions on Numbers
avg function, Functions on Numbers
avg-empty-is-zero function, Aggregating on Multiple Values
calculating with missing values, Empty and nil values
axes, Steps, Axes, Axes, Node kind tests, Node kind tests, Positional predicates and reverse axes, Conformance
abbreviated syntax, Node kind tests
forward, Steps
Full Axis feature, Conformance
reverse, Axes, Positional predicates and reverse axes
positional predicates and, Positional predicates and reverse axes
using node( ) test with, Node kind tests
axis steps, Steps, Node name tests
node tests, Node name tests


back-references, Back-References
(backslash), Representing Individual Characters, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions, Using Flags
back references, Using Flags
character escapes in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
escaping in character class expressions, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions
base URIs, Working with URIs, Using the xml:base attribute, Using the xml:base attribute, The base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
finding for a node, Using the xml:base attribute
of the static context, The base URI of the static context
resolving URIs, The base URI of the static context
specifying with xml:base attribute, Using the xml:base attribute
base-URI declaration, The base URI of the static context
base-uri function, Using the xml:base attribute
BETWEEN condition (SQL), Comparisons
between function, Node Comparisons
binary data, xs:base64Binary, xs:gYearMonth
xs:base64Binary type, xs:base64Binary
xs:hexBinary type, xs:gYearMonth
binding sequence, The for Clause
block escapes in regular expressions, Block Escapes, Block Escapes
examples, Block Escapes
body, functions, Functions and Context
invalid use of context, Functions and Context
body, queries, Structure of a Query: Prolog and Body, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Variable Declaration Syntax
main module, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules
variable bindings, Variable Declaration Syntax
boolean operators in SQL and XQuery, Arithmetic and string operators
Boolean values, Literals, Conditional Expressions and Effective Boolean Values, Logical (and/or) Expressions, Negating a Boolean Value, Comparisons in Predicates, The return Clause, Quantified Expressions, Effective Boolean Value, xs:boolean
combining in logical expressions, Logical (and/or) Expressions
effective Boolean values, Conditional Expressions and Effective Boolean Values, Comparisons in Predicates, The return Clause, Effective Boolean Value
calculated for FLWOR where expression, The return Clause
conditional expressions and, Conditional Expressions and Effective Boolean Values
sequences treated as, Effective Boolean Value
literal, using in expressions, Literals
negating, Negating a Boolean Value
quantified expressions evaluated to, Quantified Expressions
xs:boolean type, xs:boolean
boundary whitespace (in direct element constructors), Direct Element Constructors and Whitespace
boundary-space declaration, The boundary-space declaration
branches (in regular expressions), Using Flags
built-in functions, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, User-Defined Functions, Shared Components, Built-in Function Reference
numeric keyword, use in signature, User-Defined Functions
reference, Built-in Function Reference
shared by XQuery and XSLT 2.0, Shared Components
user-defined vs., Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions


canonical representation, primitive types, The Built-in Types
^ (caret), Representing Individual Characters, Subtraction from a Range, Anchors, Using Flags
beginning-of-line matching in regular expressions, multi-line mode and, Using Flags
beginning-of-string matching in regular expressions, Anchors
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
negating character class in regular expressions, Subtraction from a Range
(carriage return), in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
carriage return ( ), in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
case clauses (typeswitch expressions), The Typeswitch Expression
case-insensitive matching, Using Flags
case-sensitivity, keywords and names, Keywords and Names
casting, Types, User-Defined Functions, Subtype Substitution, Constructors, The Castable Expression, Casting Rules, The Treat Expression, Functions on Numbers, Comparing Dates and Times, Casting and Comparing xs:anyURI Values, xs:boolean, Casting xs:decimal Values, Casting xs:double Values, xs:float, Casting and Comparing xs:hexBinary Values, xs:int
cast expression, Constructors, The Treat Expression
castable expression, The Castable Expression
date/time types, Comparing Dates and Times
function conversions and, User-Defined Functions
functions on sequences of numbers, Functions on Numbers
rules, Casting Rules
untyped values, Subtype Substitution
xs:anyURI values, Casting and Comparing xs:anyURI Values
xs:boolean values, xs:boolean
xs:decimal values, Casting xs:decimal Values
xs:double values, Casting xs:double Values
xs:float values, xs:float
xs:hexBinary values, Casting and Comparing xs:hexBinary Values
xs:integer values, xs:int
catalog.xml document (example), Easing into XQuery
category escapes in regular expressions, Block Escapes
examples, Block Escapes
CDATA sections, CDATA Sections
ceiling function, Functions on Numbers
change-elem-names function, Changing Names
change-element-ns function, Other Name-Related Functions
character classes, Character Class Expressions, Character Class Expressions, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions
escaping rules, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions
single characters and ranges, Character Class Expressions
character encodings, The Version Declaration
character references, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation, Representing Any Character, XML Entity and Character References, CDATA Sections
in queries, CDATA Sections
to whitespace characters in direct element constructors, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation
XML syntax, using in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
C (character that cannot be part of an XML name) in regular expressions, Category Escapes
characters, Multiple module imports
characters.xq module, Multiple module imports
checking types in XQuery, Type Checking in XQuery
child elements, Removing Child Elements, Simple and complex types
removing, Removing Child Elements
children (nodes), The node hierarchy
circular module imports, Multiple module imports
clarity of queries, Function Declarations, Query Design Goals, Using Comments for Documentation
user-defined functions and, Function Declarations
using comments for documentation, Using Comments for Documentation
codepoints-to-string function, Concatenating and Splitting Strings, Converting Between Code Points and Strings
collations, Order modifiers, Internationalization Considerations, Collations, Working with URIs
default collation declaration, Collations
specifying sort order of strings, Order modifiers
URIs, Working with URIs
collection function, Accessing a Single Document, The base URI of the static context
base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
: (colon), Finding the URI of a document, Working with IDs
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
XML name with no colon (NCName), Working with IDs
, (comma), The Context, General comparisons and types, The where Clause, Combining Results, Finding the URI of a document
concatenating sequences with sequence constructor, Combining Results
interaction with parentheses and curly braces in XQuery, General comparisons and types
separating expressions, The Context
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
using between adjacent FLWOR clauses, The where Clause
comment nodes, The node hierarchy
comments, Function Calls, Function Calls, Working with Other XML Components, XML Comments, Processing Instructions
XML, Function Calls, Working with Other XML Components, XML Comments
data model and, XML Comments
included in queries, Function Calls
XQuery, Function Calls, Processing Instructions
not included in query results, Processing Instructions
compare function, Collations
collations, Collations
comparisons, Categories of Expressions, General Comparisons, General Comparisons, General comparisons on multi-item sequences, General comparisons on multi-item sequences, Value Comparisons, Node Comparisons, Joins, Order Comparisons, Do You Need to Care About Types?, Numeric Type Promotion, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function, Collations, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparing Durations, The Date Component Types, Comparisons
comparison expressions, Categories of Expressions
date component types, The Date Component Types
dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
deep-equal function, Joins
default collation, using, Collations
durations, Comparing Durations
general comparisons, General Comparisons, General comparisons on multi-item sequences, General comparisons on multi-item sequences
on multi-item sequences, General comparisons on multi-item sequences
types and, General comparisons on multi-item sequences
in SQL as compared to XQuery, Comparisons
node comparisons, Node Comparisons
numeric values, Numeric Type Promotion
relative position in document order, Order Comparisons
strings, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function
untyped values, using general comparison operators, Do You Need to Care About Types?
value comparisons, Value Comparisons
complex types, Simple and complex types
components, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
extracting from dates, times, and durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
computed constructors, Adding Attributes, Adding Elements and Attributes to Results, Computed Constructors, Computed Element Constructors, Names of computed element constructors, Computed Attribute Constructors, Use Case: Turning Content to Markup, Constructing Comments, Documents, Constructing Document Nodes
attribute constructors, Computed Attribute Constructors
comment, Constructing Comments
document, Constructing Document Nodes
element constructors, Computed Element Constructors, Names of computed element constructors
content of, Names of computed element constructors
processing instruction, Documents
transforming content into markup (example), Use Case: Turning Content to Markup
concat function, Concatenating and Splitting Strings, Concatenating Strings
concatenation, Combining Results, The intersect Expression
merging sequences, Combining Results
union expressions vs., The intersect Expression
conditional expressions, Categories of Expressions, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions, Stable ordering
sorting order specifications, Stable ordering
conditions, SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
conformance, Conformance
constant values in queries, Literals
construction declaration, Types and Newly Constructed Elements and Attributes
constructors, Adding XML Elements and Attributes, Adding Attributes, Sequences, Categories of Expressions, Literals, Adding Elements and Attributes to Results, Computed Constructors, Constructors and Casting, Time Zones, Constructing Qualified Names, Constructing IDs, Constructing Comments, Querying Processing Instructions, Documents, Constructing Text Nodes
adding elements and attributes to query results, Adding XML Elements and Attributes
computed, Computed Constructors
constructor expressions, Categories of Expressions
date and time types, Time Zones
direct, Adding Attributes
document node, Documents
processing instruction, Querying Processing Instructions
sequence, Sequences
text node, Constructing Text Nodes
type, converting literal values, Literals
using xml:id attribute in element constructors, Constructing IDs
XML comment, Constructing Comments
xs:QName, Constructing Qualified Names
contains function, Normalizing Whitespace
collations and, Normalizing Whitespace
content types for complex types, User-defined types
context, The Context, Path Expressions and Context, A Closer Look at Context, XML Version Support
path expressions and, Path Expressions and Context
setting query context in different XQuery implementations, XML Version Support
context item, The Context, The position and last functions, Working with the Context Node
position within context sequence, The position and last functions
context node, Path Expressions and Context, Setting the Context Node Outside the Query, A Closer Look at Context, A Closer Look at Context, Accessing the Root
accessing the root, Accessing the Root
changing, A Closer Look at Context
setting outside of query, Setting the Context Node Outside the Query
working with, A Closer Look at Context
conversions, type, Types, Literals, Sequence Types, Subtype Substitution, Type Promotion, Atomization, Function Conversion Rules, Constructors and Casting, Constructors, The Castable Expression, Casting among the primitive types, Type Declarations
automatic, Sequence Types, Subtype Substitution, Type Promotion, Atomization, Function Conversion Rules
atomization, Atomization
function conversion rules, Sequence Types, Function Conversion Rules
subtype substitution, Subtype Substitution
type promotion, Type Promotion
casting, Constructors, The Castable Expression, Casting among the primitive types
cast expression, Constructors
castable expression, The Castable Expression
rules for casting, Casting among the primitive types
constructors, using, Constructors and Casting
type constructors, using, Literals
copy-namespaces declaration, Controlling the Copying of Namespace Declarations, Controlling the Copying of Namespace Declarations
inherit or no-inherit settings, Controlling the Copying of Namespace Declarations
count function, Aggregating Values
cross-references, Working with IDs
{ } (curly braces), Adding Elements, General comparisons and types, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes, Names of computed element constructors, The Function Body, Representing Any Character, Constructing Text Nodes
enclosing function body, The Function Body
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
in computed element constructors, Names of computed element constructors
in element constructors, Adding Elements, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes
enclosed expressions, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes
in text node constructors, Constructing Text Nodes
interaction with parentheses and commas in XQuery, General comparisons and types
current date and/or time, Constructing and Casting Dates and Times


data function, Adding Elements, Atomic Values, Flexible Data Structures
data model, The XQuery Data Model, The XQuery Data Model, Nodes, Atomic Values, Sequences, XML Comments, Processing Instructions and the Data Model, Document Nodes and the Data Model, Text Nodes and the Data Model, Relational Versus XML Data Models, Data Model
atomic values, Atomic Values
basic components, The XQuery Data Model
differences in XQuery 1.0/XPath 1.0 and 2.0, Data Model
document nodes and, Document Nodes and the Data Model
nodes, Nodes
processing instructions and, Processing Instructions and the Data Model
relational vs. XML, Relational Versus XML Data Models
sequences, Sequences
text nodes and, Text Nodes and the Data Model
XML comments and, XML Comments
databases, Capabilities of XQuery, Easing into XQuery, Easing into XQuery
native XML databases supporting XQuery, Easing into XQuery
relational databases supporting XML and XQuery, Easing into XQuery
dates and times, Literals, The Built-in Types, Constructors and Casting, Working with Dates, Times, and Durations, The Date and Time Types, Constructing and Casting Dates and Times, Time Zones, Adjusting time zones, Finding the time zone of a value, The Duration Types, Comparing Durations, Comparing Durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, xs:date, xs:date, xs:time
arithmetic operators, using on, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
comparing, Finding the time zone of a value
date formats, Adjusting time zones
durations of time, The Duration Types, Comparing Durations, Comparing Durations
comparing, Comparing Durations
yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration types, Comparing Durations
extracting components, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
including literal date in an expression, Literals
subtracting durations from, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times
types, Constructors and Casting, Working with Dates, Times, and Durations, Constructing and Casting Dates and Times, Time Zones, xs:date, xs:date, xs:time
constructing and casting, Constructors and Casting, Constructing and Casting Dates and Times
time zones, Time Zones
xs:date, xs:date
xs:dateTime, xs:date
xs:time, xs:time
days, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, xs:gDay, xs:gMonth
extracting from dates, times, and durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
xs:gDay type, xs:gDay
xs:gMonthDay type, xs:gMonth
decimal digit character (d), in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
decimal numbers, The xs:decimal Type, xs:decimal
xs:decimal type, xs:decimal
declarations, Function Calls, Empty order, The ordering mode declaration, Why Define Your Own Functions?, Recursive Functions, Namespace URIs, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations and Scope, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Namespace Declarations in Queries, The default function namespace declaration, The Impact and Scope of Namespace Declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results, Controlling the Copying of Namespace Declarations, Sequence Types, Structure of a Query: Prolog and Body, The Version Declaration, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Variable Declarations, External Variables, Declaring External Functions, The Treat Expression, Collations, Resolving URIs, Setting the Query Context
base URI, Resolving URIs
default collation, Collations
empty order, Empty order
function, Function Calls, Why Define Your Own Functions?, Recursive Functions, Sequence Types, Declaring External Functions
binding variables to values, Function Calls
external functions, Declaring External Functions
recursive functions, Recursive Functions
sequence types, Sequence Types
in query prolog, Structure of a Query: Prolog and Body
module, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules
namespace, Namespace URIs, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations and Scope, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Namespace Declarations in Queries, The default function namespace declaration, The Impact and Scope of Namespace Declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results, Controlling the Copying of Namespace Declarations
controlling in query results, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
copy-namespaces declaration, Controlling the Copying of Namespace Declarations
default namespace, Default Namespace Declarations
impact and scope in XQuery, The Impact and Scope of Namespace Declarations
in element constructors, The default function namespace declaration
query prolog, Namespace Declarations in Queries
scope and, Namespace Declarations and Scope
XQuery queries, Namespace Declarations in Queries
option, Setting the Query Context
ordering mode, The ordering mode declaration
type, The Treat Expression
variables, Variable Declarations, External Variables
external, External Variables
version, The Version Declaration
deep-equal function, Joins
default clause (typeswitch expressions), The Typeswitch Expression
default collation declaration, Collations
default namespace, Namespaces and XQuery, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, The default function namespace declaration, Names affected by namespace declarations
declaring, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
in query prologs, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
functions, The default function namespace declaration, Names affected by namespace declarations
overriding, Namespaces and XQuery
derived types, The Built-in Types, Casting among derived types
built-in, The Built-in Types
casting among, Casting among derived types
descendant-or-self axis, Avoid Expensive Path Expressions
avoiding use in path expressions, Avoid Expensive Path Expressions
descendants (nodes), Roots, documents, and elements
descending or ascending order, Order modifiers
d (digit) character in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
digit character (d), in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
direct constructors, Adding Attributes, Adding Elements and Attributes to Results, Constructing Comments, Querying Processing Instructions
processing instruction, Querying Processing Instructions
XML comment, Constructing Comments
direct element constructors, Direct Element Constructors, Containing Enclosed Expressions, Declaring Namespaces in Direct Constructors, Use Case: Modifying an Element from the Input Document, Direct Element Constructors and Whitespace, Boundary whitespace, The boundary-space declaration, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation, Other prolog namespace declarations, Scope of namespace declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results, CDATA Sections
containing enclosed expressions, Containing Enclosed Expressions
modifying element from input document (example), Use Case: Modifying an Element from the Input Document
namespace declarations, Declaring Namespaces in Direct Constructors, Other prolog namespace declarations, Scope of namespace declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
controlling in query results, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
scope of, Scope of namespace declarations
references in, CDATA Sections
whitespace, Direct Element Constructors and Whitespace, Boundary whitespace, The boundary-space declaration, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation
boundary whitespace, Boundary whitespace
boundary-space declaration, The boundary-space declaration
forcing boundary whitespace preservation, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation
distinct values, Selecting Distinct Values, Selecting Distinct Values
selecting (SQL vs. XQuery), Selecting Distinct Values
distinct-deep function, Joins
distinct-values function, Joins, Aggregating Values, Comparing Numeric Values, Collations, Combining SQL and XQuery
collations, Collations
NaN, Comparing Numeric Values
using in FLWORs for grouping, Combining SQL and XQuery
division, Keywords and Names, Arithmetic Operations, Division, Arithmetic and string operators
div and idiv operators, Arithmetic Operations, Division
SQL and XQuery operators, Arithmetic and string operators
doc function, The base URI of the static context, Documents
base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
input document opened with, Documents
document element, Roots, documents, and elements
document nodes, The node hierarchy
document order, Sorting in XQuery, Document Order, Inadvertent resorting in document order, Inadvertent resorting in document order
inadvertent resorting in, Inadvertent resorting in document order
sorting in, Inadvertent resorting in document order
documents (XML), Documents, Conformance
serialization of query results to, Conformance
$ (dollar sign), Literals, The Function Name, Representing Individual Characters, Anchors, Using Flags, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables, Finding the URI of a document
end-of-line matching in regular expressions, multi-line mode and, Using Flags
end-of-string matching in regular expressions, Anchors
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
in variable names, Literals, The Function Name, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
function parameters, The Function Name
replacement variables, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
dot-all mode, Representing Any Character, Using Flags
double-precision floating-point numbers, The xs:float and xs:double Types
durations, The Duration Types, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, Comparing Durations, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, xs:dayTimeDuration, xs:duration, xs:yearMonthDuration
adding and subtracting from dates and times, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times
comparing, Comparing Durations
types, The Duration Types, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, xs:dayTimeDuration, xs:duration, xs:yearMonthDuration
xs:dayTimeDuration, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, xs:dayTimeDuration
xs:duration, The Duration Types, xs:duration
xs:yearMonthDuration, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, xs:yearMonthDuration
dynamic errors, Error Handling, Avoiding Dynamic Errors, The error and trace Functions
caused by variations in input documents, The error and trace Functions
type errors, Avoiding Dynamic Errors
dynamic evaluation phase (type checking), Type Checking in XQuery
dynamic paths, Dynamic Paths


element nodes, Nodes
element( ) kind test, Sequence Types, Sequence Types and Schemas
element-only content, Function Conversion Rules, Nodes and Typed Values
elements, Path Expressions, Adding XML Elements and Attributes, The node hierarchy, Roots, documents, and elements, Node identity and name, Node identity and name, Atomic Values, Namespaces, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document, Direct Element Constructors, Computed Element Constructors, Copying Input Elements with Modifications, Removing Child Elements, Changing Names, Declaring Namespaces, Names affected by namespace declarations, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, Sequence Types and Schemas
adding to query results, Adding XML Elements and Attributes
atomic values, Atomic Values
computed element constructors, Computed Element Constructors
copying with modifications, Removing Child Elements, Changing Names
changing names, Changing Names
removing child elements, Removing Child Elements
direct element constructors, Direct Element Constructors
finding with path expressions, Path Expressions
in-scope namespaces, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces
input document, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document, Copying Input Elements with Modifications
copying with modifications in query, Copying Input Elements with Modifications
including in query results, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document
matching based on name, Sequence Types and Schemas
names, Node identity and name
names affected by namespace declarations in XQuery, Names affected by namespace declarations
namespace prefixes, Declaring Namespaces
namespaces, Namespaces
node hierarchy (family analogy), The node hierarchy
roots and documents, Roots, documents, and elements
string and typed values, Node identity and name
types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview
else keyword, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions
empty and nil values, Empty and nil values
empty content, Nodes and Typed Values
empty element, Relational Versus XML Data Models
empty greatest or empty least order, Order modifiers
empty order declaration, Empty order
empty sequence, Sequences, General comparisons on multi-item sequences, Value Comparisons, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, The base URI of the static context
base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
in function arguments, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
in general comparisons, General comparisons on multi-item sequences
in value comparisons, Value Comparisons
enclosed expressions, Direct Element Constructors, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes, Enclosed expressions with multiple subexpressions, Declaring Namespaces in Direct Constructors, Boundary whitespace, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation, Names of computed element constructors, Content of computed element constructors
containing element content, Names of computed element constructors
elements returned by, Content of computed element constructors
evaluating to atomic values, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes
evaluating to whitespace, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation
evaluation in attribute values, Declaring Namespaces in Direct Constructors
whitespace in, Boundary whitespace
with multiple subexpressions, Enclosed expressions with multiple subexpressions
entity references, String Literals, Representing Any Character, XML Entity and Character References, XML Entity and Character References, XML Entity and Character References
predefined, XML Entity and Character References
query using (example), XML Entity and Character References
XML syntax, using in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
equal to operator, General Comparisons, Value Comparisons, Removing Attributes from an Element, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Comparing Dates and Times, Comparing Durations, Comparisons
=, General Comparisons, Removing Attributes from an Element, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Dates and Times, Comparing Durations, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Comparing Dates and Times
comparing durations, Comparing Durations
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
used on lists of values, Removing Attributes from an Element
eq, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
= (equals sign), Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Negating a Boolean Value, Joins and Types, Removing Attributes from an Element, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Dates and Times, Comparing Durations, Finding the URI of a document, Comparisons, Arithmetic and string operators
equal to operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Negating a Boolean Value, Joins and Types, Removing Attributes from an Element, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Dates and Times, Comparing Durations, Comparisons, Arithmetic and string operators
!= operator vs. not function in expression using =, Negating a Boolean Value
comparing dates and times, Comparing Dates and Times
comparing durations, Comparing Durations
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
used on lists of values, Removing Attributes from an Element
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
errors, Atomic Values and Types, Type Checking in XQuery, Type Checking in XQuery, Error Handling, Serialization, FOAR0001
handling with good query design, Error Handling
reference (in alphabetical order by name), FOAR0001
serialization, Serialization
type, Atomic Values and Types, Type Checking in XQuery, Type Checking in XQuery
dynamic errors, checking for, Type Checking in XQuery
static errors, checking for, Type Checking in XQuery
escapes, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Groups of Characters, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions, Documents and URIs, XML Entity and Character References, XML Entity and Character References
character class expressions, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions
character references, XML Entity and Character References
entity references, XML Entity and Character References
representing groups of characters in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
single characters in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
URIs, Documents and URIs
evaluation (run) time, What Is Static Typing?
every (keyword), Keywords and Names, Binding Multiple Variables
exactly-one function, Type Declarations in Global Variable Declarations
! (exclamation mark), Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Removing Attributes from All Descendants, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Full-Text Search, Comparisons
! (not) full text operator, Full-Text Search
!= (not equal to) operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Removing Attributes from All Descendants, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
not function vs., Removing Attributes from All Descendants
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
exists function, Flexible Data Structures
SQL Server, Flexible Data Structures
expressions, Expressions: XQuery Building Blocks, Categories of Expressions, Keywords and Names, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Avoid Reevaluating the Same or Similar Expressions
categories of, Categories of Expressions
evaluation order and parentheses, Evaluation Order and Parentheses
reevaluating, Avoid Reevaluating the Same or Similar Expressions
whitespace in queries, Keywords and Names
extension expressions, Extension Expressions
external variables, External Variables


false function, Literals
family relationships among nodes, The node hierarchy
flags (in regular expressions), Using Flags
floating-point numbers, The xs:float and xs:double Types, xs:float
xs:float type, xs:float
floor function, Functions on Numbers
FLWORs, FLWORs, Adding XML Elements and Attributes, Categories of Expressions, Keywords and Names, Function Calls, Selecting and Joining Using FLWORs, FLWOR Expressions, FLWOR Expressions, The for Clause, The let Clause, The where Clause, Quantified Expressions, Joins, Joins, Joins, Three-Way Joins, Sorting in XQuery, The order by Clause, Inadvertent resorting in document order, Grouping, Sequence Type Matching, Type Declarations in FLWORs, Subselects, Combining SQL and XQuery
binding variables, Function Calls
clauses, listed, Adding XML Elements and Attributes, FLWOR Expressions
distinct-values function, using, Combining SQL and XQuery
embedded in another FLWOR, Subselects
for clause, The for Clause
grouping results into categories, Grouping
joining data from multiple sources, Joins, Joins, Three-Way Joins
three-way joins, Three-Way Joins
two-way join in a predicate, Joins
let clause, The let Clause
order by clause, The order by Clause, Inadvertent resorting in document order
inadvertent resorting in document order, Inadvertent resorting in document order
order of returns, Sorting in XQuery
scope of variables, Quantified Expressions
selecting distinct values, Joins
sequence type matching, Sequence Type Matching
syntax, FLWOR Expressions
type declarations, Type Declarations in FLWORs
where clause, The where Clause
fn namespace, Namespace Declarations in Queries
following axis, Conformance
following-sibling axis, Conformance
for clause (FLWORs), Adding XML Elements and Attributes, FLWOR Expressions, The for Clause, Multiple for clauses, The let Clause, Quantified Expressions, Sorting in XQuery
intermingled with let clauses, The let Clause
multiple for clauses, Multiple for clauses
order of results, Sorting in XQuery
scope of variables, Quantified Expressions
forward steps, Steps
axis, Steps
fragment identifiers in URI references, Working with URIs
ftcontains operator, XQuery API for Java (XQJ)
full-text searches, XQuery Update Facility
function conversion rules, Sequence Types, Function Conversion Rules
function namespace, Names affected by namespace declarations
functions, Functions, Namespaces, Function Calls, Functions, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, Function Names, Function Names, User-Defined Functions, Function Declarations, Function Declarations, The Parameter List, Recursive Functions, Namespace Declarations and Scope, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, Names affected by namespace declarations, Functions, Built-in Function Reference
body, Function Declarations
built-in, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, Built-in Function Reference
reference, Built-in Function Reference
user-defined vs., Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions
calling, Function Calls, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, Function Names, Function Names, User-Defined Functions
function names, Function Names
function signatures, Function Names
sequence types for parameters, User-Defined Functions
declarations, Function Declarations
names of, Namespaces, Namespace Declarations and Scope, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, Names affected by namespace declarations
default namespace declaration, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
impact of namespace declarations, Names affected by namespace declarations
namespaces, Namespaces, Namespace Declarations and Scope
parameter list, The Parameter List
recursive, Recursive Functions
SQL and XQuery equivalents, Functions


generic sequence types, Generic Sequence Types
generic types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, Assigning Type Annotations to Nodes
assigned when no schema is present, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview
assignment to elements or attributes, Assigning Type Annotations to Nodes
global attributes, Namespaces and Attributes
global variables, Variables, Variable Declarations
declarations, Variables
greater than operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Value Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, XML Entity and Character References, Comparisons
>, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparing Numeric Values, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, XML Entity and Character References, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Comparing Dates and Times
comparing durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
entity reference (&gt:), XML Entity and Character References
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
gt, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
greater than or equal to operator, General Comparisons, Value Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
>=, General Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
ge, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
grouping, Aggregating and Grouping Values, Grouping, Subselects
SQL vs. XQuery, Subselects
groups of characters, representing in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters


hours, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
extracting from dates, times, and durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
HTML, XML Entity and Character References
entities, XML Entity and Character References
- (hyphen), subtraction from character class range in regular expressions, Processing Instructions
in XML comments, Processing Instructions


i option ($flags argument), indicating case-insensitive mode, Using Flags
id function, Joining IDs and IDREFs
identity (nodes), Node identity and name
idiv (integer division) operator, Arithmetic Operations, Division
IDREFs, Working with IDs, xs:IDREF, xs:IDREF
xs:IDREF type, xs:IDREF
xs:IDREFS type, xs:IDREF
IDs (identifiers), Working with IDs
if, then, and else keywords, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions
if-absent function, Empty and nil values
if-empty function, Error Handling
if-then-else expressions, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions, Logical (and/or) Expressions, The Treat Expression
typeswitch expression vs., The Treat Expression
use of logical (and/or) operators, Logical (and/or) Expressions
implementation-defined features, Conformance, XML Version Support, The Option Declaration, Specifying Serialization Parameters
default values for serialization parameters, Specifying Serialization Parameters
option declaration, The Option Declaration
implementation-dependent features, Conformance
implementation-specific aspects, XQuery, Conformance, Conformance, XML Version Support, XML Version Support, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions, Extension Expressions, Specifying Serialization Parameters
conformance, Conformance
extension expressions, Extension Expressions
option declarations, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions
serialization parameters, specifying, Specifying Serialization Parameters
setting query context, XML Version Support
XML version support, XML Version Support
implicit time zones, Adjusting time zones, The Duration Types
implicit-timezone function, Adjusting time zones
in date and time comparisons, The Duration Types
imports, Importing a Library Module, Multiple module imports, Multiple module imports, Where Do In-Scope Schema Definitions Come from?, Where Do In-Scope Schema Definitions Come from?, Conformance, Conformance
library modules, Importing a Library Module, Multiple module imports, Multiple module imports, Conformance
behavior of imported module, Multiple module imports
multiple, Multiple module imports
support for, Conformance
schema, Where Do In-Scope Schema Definitions Come from?, Where Do In-Scope Schema Definitions Come from?, Conformance
adding to ISSD for a module, Where Do In-Scope Schema Definitions Come from?
in (keyword), Keywords and Names
IN condition (SQL), Arithmetic and string operators
in-scope namespaces, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
statically known namespaces vs., Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
in-scope-prefixes function, Working with URIs
index in path expression predicate, FLWORs
index-of function, Sequences
use with sequences, Sequences
INF and -INF (positive and negative infinity), Arithmetic Operations
i (initial) character allowed as first character of XML names, Representing Groups of Characters
initial character (i), allowed in XML names, Representing Groups of Characters
initializing expressions, Variable Names
input documents, Processing Queries, Namespaces, Input Documents, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document, Copying Input Elements with Modifications, Namespace Declarations and Scope, Namespace declarations and input elements, Modularity
copying elements with modifications in query, Copying Input Elements with Modifications
including elements and attributes in query results, Including Elements and Attributes from the Input Document
namespace declaration, Namespaces, Namespace declarations and input elements
input elements and, Namespace declarations and input elements
namespaces, Namespace Declarations and Scope
variations in, designing robust queries for, Modularity
insert-before function, The Built-in Types
value type for second argument, The Built-in Types
instance of expressions, The Treat Expression
used in if-then-else expressions, The Treat Expression
integer division (idiv) operator, Arithmetic Operations
integers, The xs:integer Type, xs:byte, xs:int, xs:integer, xs:long, xs:long, xs:NMTOKEN, xs:NMTOKEN, xs:NOTATION, xs:short, xs:token, xs:token, xs:unsignedShort, xs:unsignedShort
xs:byte type, xs:byte
xs:int type, xs:int
xs:integer type, xs:integer
xs:long type, xs:long
xs:negativeInteger type, xs:long
xs:nonNegativeInteger type, xs:NMTOKEN
xs:nonPositiveInteger type, xs:NMTOKEN
xs:positiveInteger type, xs:NOTATION
xs:short type, xs:short
xs:unsignedByte type, xs:token
xs:unsignedInt type, xs:token
xs:unsignedLong type, xs:unsignedShort
xs:unsignedShort type, xs:unsignedShort
intermediate XML documents, Reducing Complexity
reducing complexity of input document, Reducing Complexity
International Resource Identifiers (IRIs), XML Namespaces
internationalization of strings, Internationalization Considerations, Unicode Normalization, Unicode Normalization
collations, Internationalization Considerations
determining language of an element, Unicode Normalization
Unicode normalization, Unicode Normalization
IRIs (International Resource Identifiers), XML Namespaces
is operator, Testing for the Last Item
testing for last item, Testing for the Last Item
ISSDs (in-scope schema definitions), Namespaces and XML Schema, Obvious Static Type Errors
static typing and, Obvious Static Type Errors


languages, xs:language
xs:language type, xs:language
last function, The position and last functions, Built-in Function Reference
lax validation mode, Validation Mode
length of a string, Finding the Length of a String, Whitespace and Strings
finding, Finding the Length of a String
whitespace and, Whitespace and Strings
less than operator, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Value Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Representing Any Character, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, XML Entity and Character References
<, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparing Numeric Values, Representing Any Character, Comparing Dates and Times, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, XML Entity and Character References
comparing dates and times, Comparing Dates and Times
comparing durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
entity reference (&lt;), Representing Any Character, XML Entity and Character References
lt, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
less than or equal to operator, General Comparisons, Value Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
<=, General Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
le, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
let clause (FLWORs), Adding XML Elements and Attributes, FLWOR Expressions, Quantified Expressions, Aggregating Values
binding entire sequence of items to a variable, Aggregating Values
scope of variables, Quantified Expressions
lexical representation, primitive types, The Built-in Types
library modules, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Importing a Library Module, Multiple module imports, The behavior of a module import, Variable Names, Importing a schema with no target namespace, Modularity, Conformance
functions separated into for reuse, Modularity
importing, Importing a Library Module, Multiple module imports, The behavior of a module import
behavior of a module import, The behavior of a module import
multiple, Multiple module imports
schema imports and, Importing a schema with no target namespace
support for, Conformance
variable names, Variable Names
LIKE conditions (SQL), Comparisons
(line feed), in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
line feed ( ), in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
list types, User-defined types, Nodes and Typed Values
and typed values, Nodes and Typed Values
literals, Literals, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, The Numeric Types, Constructing Strings
namespace name in XQuery namespace declaration, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
numeric literals, The Numeric Types
string literals, Constructing Strings
local namespace, Namespace Declarations in Queries
local-name function, Node identity and name, Working with Qualified Names
logical expressions, Categories of Expressions, Logical (and/or) Expressions, Logical (and/or) Expressions
evaluation order, Logical (and/or) Expressions


m option ($flags argument), indicating multi-line mode, Using Flags
main module, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules
matches function, Matching a String to a Pattern, Representing Any Character, Using Flags, Comparisons
dot-all mode, Representing Any Character
flags, Using Flags
max function, Functions on Numbers
min function, Functions on Numbers
- (minus sign), Arithmetic Operations, Arithmetic Operations, Representing Individual Characters, The Duration Types, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
negation operator, Arithmetic Operations
negative durations, The Duration Types
subtraction operator, Arithmetic Operations, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
subtracting durations, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
minutes, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
extracting from dates, times, and durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
missing values, Counting "Missing" Values, Empty and nil values, Empty and nil values, Relational Versus XML Data Models
handling with robust query design, Empty and nil values, Empty and nil values
default missing values, Empty and nil values
empty and nil values, Empty and nil values
in sequence passed to aggregation function, Counting "Missing" Values
counting, Counting "Missing" Values
mixed content, User-defined types, Why Work with Text Nodes?
in complex types, User-defined types
in text nodes, Why Work with Text Nodes?
MMDDYYYY-to-date function, Adjusting time zones
mod (modulus) operator, Arithmetic Operations
modifiers, order, Order modifiers
modularity of queries, Modularity
module declaration, Library Modules
modules, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Importing a Library Module, Variable Names, Conformance
library, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules, Importing a Library Module, Variable Names
importing, Importing a Library Module
variable names, Variable Names
main, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules
support for library modules and module imports, Conformance
months, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, xs:gMonth, xs:gYearMonth
extracting from dates, times, and durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
xs:gMonth type, xs:gMonth
xs:gYearMonth, xs:gYearMonth
multi-character escapes in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters, Block Escapes
examples, Block Escapes
multi-line mode, Anchors and Multi-Line Mode, Using Flags
m option ($flags argument), Using Flags
multiplication, Addition, Subtraction, and Multiplication, Arithmetic and string operators
SQL and XQuery operators, Arithmetic and string operators


N/A values, indicating default missing values, Empty and nil values
name function, Node identity and name
names, Node identity and name, Node identity and name, Node identity and name, Node identity and name, Keywords and Names, Literals, Dynamic Paths, Names of computed element constructors, Calling Functions, The Function Body, The Function Name, Names affected by namespace declarations, The Scope of Variables, Working with Qualified Names, Working with Qualified Names, Working with Qualified Names, xs:long
affected by namespace declarations in XQuery, Names affected by namespace declarations
computed element constructors, Names of computed element constructors
conventions in XQuery, Keywords and Names
element and attribute nodes, Node identity and name
function, Calling Functions, The Function Body, The Function Name
reserved, The Function Name
local-name function, Node identity and name, Working with Qualified Names
name function, Node identity and name, Dynamic Paths, Working with Qualified Names
node-name function, Node identity and name, Working with Qualified Names
valid name in XML (xs:Name), xs:long
variables, Literals, The Scope of Variables
namespace declaration attributes, Namespace Declarations in Element Constructors, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces
namespace-uri function, Working with Qualified Names
namespace-uri-for-prefix function, Working with URIs
namespaces, Namespaces, Keywords and Names, Literals, Node name tests and namespaces, Function Names, The Function Name, Namespaces and XQuery, Namespaces and XQuery, Namespace URIs, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations and Scope, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Namespace Declarations in Queries, The default function namespace declaration, Names affected by namespace declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results, Importing a Library Module, Multiple module imports, XML Version Support, FOAR0001
declarations in element constructors, The default function namespace declaration
declarations in prolog, Namespace Declarations in Queries
default namespace declarations in queries, Names affected by namespace declarations
error names, FOAR0001
functions, Function Names
in-scope, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
statically known namespaces vs., Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
library module imports, Importing a Library Module, Multiple module imports
multiple module locations for single namespace, Multiple module imports
names in XQuery, Keywords and Names
node name tests and, Node name tests and namespaces
predeclared, Namespace Declarations in Queries
user-defined function names, The Function Name
variables, Literals
XML, Namespaces and XQuery, Namespace URIs, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations and Scope
declarations and scope, Namespace Declarations and Scope
default namespace declarations, Default Namespace Declarations
URIs, Namespace URIs
XML versions, XML Version Support
Namespaces in XML (W3C recommendation), XML Namespaces
NaN (not-a-number), Order modifiers, Arithmetic Operations
comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
sorting order, Order modifiers
native XML database, Uses for XQuery
NCName, Working with IDs, Documents, xs:Name
target for processing instructions, Documents
negation operator (-), Arithmetic Operations
negative durations, The Duration Types
negative infinity (-INF), Arithmetic Operations
nesting, Nesting Conditional Expressions, Subselects
conditional expressions, Nesting Conditional Expressions
expressions in XQuery, Subselects
nil and empty values, Empty and nil values
nilled elements, Relational Versus XML Data Models
node tests, Node name tests, Node name tests, Node name tests and namespaces, Node kind tests
node kind, Node kind tests
node name, Node name tests, Node name tests and namespaces
using wildcards, Node name tests and namespaces
node( ) kind test, Node kind tests, Constructing Comments, Querying Processing Instructions, Querying Text Nodes
processing instructions, Querying Processing Instructions
text nodes, Querying Text Nodes
XML comments, Constructing Comments
node-name function, Node identity and name, Working with Qualified Names
nodes, Nodes, The node hierarchy, The node hierarchy, Roots, documents, and elements, Node identity and name, Node identity and name, Atomic Values, General Comparisons, Value Comparisons, Document Order, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Nodes and Types, Atomization, Types and Newly Constructed Elements and Attributes, Working with Qualified Names, Using the xml:base attribute, XML Comments and the Data Model, Processing Instructions, Documents, Text Nodes
atomic values, Atomic Values, General Comparisons
comparisons, General Comparisons
atomization, Atomization
comment, XML Comments and the Data Model
comparisons, Value Comparisons
document, Documents
document order, Document Order
family relationships, The node hierarchy
finding base URI, Using the xml:base attribute
function arguments as, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
hierarchy, The node hierarchy
identity and name, Node identity and name
newly-constructed, content types and, Types and Newly Constructed Elements and Attributes
processing instruction, Processing Instructions
retrieving names, Working with Qualified Names
roots, documents, and elements, Roots, documents, and elements
string and typed values, Node identity and name
text, Text Nodes
types and, Nodes and Types
D (nondecimal digit) character in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
nondecimal digit character (D), in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
S (nonwhitespace) character in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
W (nonword) character in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
nonword character (W) in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
normalize-space function, Normalizing Whitespace
not equal to operator, General Comparisons, Value Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
!=, General Comparisons, Comparing Numeric Values, Finding the time zone of a value, Comparisons
comparing dates and times, Finding the time zone of a value
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
ne, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
not function, Negating a Boolean Value
not operator, Full-Text Search, Boolean operators
! (full text not), Full-Text Search
SQL, Boolean operators
notations, XML, xs:NOTATION
null values, Relational Versus XML Data Models
numbers, FLWORs, The Built-in Types, Working with Numbers, The xs:decimal Type, Comparing Numeric Values, Arithmetic Operations, Division
arithmetic operations on numeric values, Arithmetic Operations, Division
division, Division
comparing numeric values, Comparing Numeric Values
in path expression predicates, FLWORs
numeric types, Working with Numbers
numeric keyword (in built-in function signatures), User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
numeric literals, Literals, The Numeric Types
numeric-add operator, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions


occurrence indicators, User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Sequence Types, Sequence Types, Occurrence Indicators, Occurrence Indicators, Occurrence Indicators, Generic Sequence Types
*, Sequence Types, Sequence Types, Occurrence Indicators
in function argument types, Sequence Types
specifying function return type, Sequence Types
+, Occurrence Indicators
?, Occurrence Indicators
empty sequence accepted as function arguments, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values
indicating number of items in a sequence, User-Defined Functions
using with sequence types, Generic Sequence Types
generic sequence types, Generic Sequence Types
operand expression, The Typeswitch Expression
operators, Categories of Expressions, Keywords and Names, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Comparison Expressions, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, Comparisons
comparison, Comparison Expressions
evaluation order and parentheses, Evaluation Order and Parentheses
Functions and Operators recommendation, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions
listed, Categories of Expressions
multiple meanings in XQuery, Keywords and Names
SQL and XQuery, Comparisons
optimization, implementations of XSLT and XQuery, Optimization for particular use cases
option declarations, Prolog Declarations, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions
optional features (XQuery), Conformance
or operator, Logical (and/or) Expressions, Full-Text Search, Arithmetic and string operators
SQL and XQuery, Arithmetic and string operators
|| (full text or), Full-Text Search
order by clause (FLWORs), Adding XML Elements and Attributes, Sorting in XQuery, Using multiple ordering specifications, Sorting and types, Order modifiers, Stable ordering, More complex order specifications, Inadvertent resorting in document order
complex order specifications, More complex order specifications
inadvertent resorting in document order, Inadvertent resorting in document order
multiple ordering specifications, Using multiple ordering specifications
order modifiers, Order modifiers
stable ordering, Stable ordering
types, Sorting and types
order.xml document (example), Easing into XQuery
ordered expressions, Grouping
ordering mode declaration, The ordering mode declaration
outermost element, Roots, documents, and elements
outermost element node, document node vs., Documents


parameters, Serialization, Specifying Serialization Parameters
serialization, Serialization, Specifying Serialization Parameters
specifying in different XQuery implementations, Specifying Serialization Parameters
parent (nodes), Roots, documents, and elements
( ) (parentheses), Function Calls, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, General comparisons and types, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions, Argument Lists, Argument lists and sequences, Combining Results, Choosing Names, Representing Any Character, Using Flags, Querying Comments
(: :) (XQuery comment delimiters), Function Calls, Querying Comments
concatenating sequences with sequence constructor, Combining Results
empty sequence as argument in function call, Argument lists and sequences
enclosing test expression after if keyword, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
evaluation order and, Evaluation Order and Parentheses
in functions, Argument Lists
interaction with commas and curly braces in XQuery, General comparisons and types
sub-expressions and branches in regular expressions, Using Flags
using for query clarity, Choosing Names
path expressions, Path Expressions, Categories of Expressions, Navigating Input Documents Using Paths, Steps, Axes, Node name tests, Node kind tests, Dynamic Paths, Selecting with Path Expressions, Selecting with Path Expressions, Sorting in XQuery, Combining Results, Names affected by namespace declarations, Sequence Types and Schemas, Querying Text Nodes
abbreviated syntax, Node kind tests
axes, Axes
combining sequences via unions, Combining Results
dynamic paths, Dynamic Paths
element names in XQuery, affected by default namespace declaration, Names affected by namespace declarations
FLWORs vs., Selecting with Path Expressions
kind tests, Sequence Types and Schemas
node tests, Node name tests
querying text nodes, Querying Text Nodes
results returned in document order, Sorting in XQuery
selecting elements from input documents, Selecting with Path Expressions
steps, Steps
% (percent sign), Finding the URI of a document, Built-in Functions
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
URI characters escaped for HTML agents, Built-in Functions
. (period), A Closer Look at Context, Recursive Functions, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Any Character, Using Flags
abbreviation for context item, Recursive Functions
character wildcard in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
representing context node in predicates and paths, A Closer Look at Context
wildcard, dot-all mode, Using Flags
pessimistic static typing, What Is Static Typing?, The Treat Expression
pipelining, Reducing Complexity
+ (plus sign), User-Defined Functions, Arithmetic Operations, Representing Any Character, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations, Finding the URI of a document
addition operator, Arithmetic Operations, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
adding durations, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
adding durations to dates and times, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
occurrence indicator, one or many items, User-Defined Functions
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
position function, The position and last functions, Adding Sequence Numbers to Results
positions, Using Positions in Predicates, Working with Positions and Sequence Numbers
using in predicates, Using Positions in Predicates
positive infinity (INF), Arithmetic Operations
# (pound sign), delimiters for extension expression pragmas, Extension Expressions
precedence, Evaluation Order and Parentheses, Evaluation Order of Logical Expressions
evaluation order of expressions, Evaluation Order and Parentheses
logical operators, Evaluation Order of Logical Expressions
preceding axis, Conformance
preceding-sibling axis, Conformance
predicates, Path Expressions, Predicates, Positional predicates and reverse axes, More Complex Predicates, Joins
complex, More Complex Predicates
two-way join in FLWOR predicate, Joins
using multiple, Positional predicates and reverse axes
prefixes, namespace, Namespaces and Attributes, Namespaces and XQuery, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Other prolog namespace declarations, Other Name-Related Functions
attributes, Namespaces and Attributes
functions for, Other Name-Related Functions
overriding default namespace, Namespaces and XQuery
predeclared, Namespace Declarations in Queries
schema imports, module declarations, and module imports, Other prolog namespace declarations
prices.xml document (example), Easing into XQuery
primary expressions, Categories of Expressions
primitive types, The Built-in Types, Casting among the primitive types, Casting among the primitive types
casting among, Casting among the primitive types, Casting among the primitive types
xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic, Casting among the primitive types
processing instruction nodes, The node hierarchy
processing instructions (XML), Processing Instructions
processing model for XQuery, Processing Queries, Processing Queries, XML Input Documents, The Context, The Query Processor, The Results of the Query
context, The Context
queries, XML Input Documents
query processor, The Query Processor
query results, The Results of the Query
XML input documents, Processing Queries
product catalog input document (catalog.xml), Easing into XQuery
prolog, queries, Predeclared Namespaces, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, Scope of namespace declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results, Structure of a Query: Prolog and Body, The Version Declaration, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules
main module, Assembling Queries from Multiple Modules
namespace declarations, Predeclared Namespaces, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, Scope of namespace declarations, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
controlling in query results, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
default namespaces, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
scope of, Scope of namespace declarations
version declaration, The Version Declaration
promotion, type, Numeric Type Promotion
numeric, Numeric Type Promotion
pull stylesheets, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
equivalent in XQuery, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
use on narrative content (example), Paradigm differences: push versus pull
push stylesheets, Paradigm differences: push versus pull


qualified names, Names of computed element constructors, Working with Qualified Names, URIs, and IDs, Working with Qualified Names, Extension Expressions, xs:NOTATION
computed element constructors, Names of computed element constructors
options, Extension Expressions
retrieving node names, Working with Qualified Names
xs:QName type, xs:NOTATION
quantified expressions, Keywords and Names, Quantified Expressions, Sequence Type Matching, Type Declarations in FLWORs
sequence type matching, Sequence Type Matching
type declarations, Type Declarations in FLWORs
quantifiers, Regular Expressions, Character Class Expressions
regular expression, Regular Expressions
using with regular expression character class expressions, Character Class Expressions
queries, Easing into XQuery, XML Input Documents, The Context, The Context, The Query Processor, Namespaces, Keywords and Names, Namespaces and XQuery, Predeclared Namespaces, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results, Queries, Prologs, and Modules, Structure of a Query: Prolog and Body, The Version Declaration, Library Modules, Variable Declarations, Variable Declaration Syntax, Variable Names, External Variables, Declaring External Functions, Why Use Schemas with Queries?, Query Design Goals, Clarity, Modularity, Modularity, Error Handling, Performance, Comparing SQL Syntax with XQuery Syntax, SQL/XML, Equivalent Components
assembling from multiple modules, Library Modules
comparing SQL to XQuery, Comparing SQL Syntax with XQuery Syntax
context, The Context
design goals, Query Design Goals, Clarity, Modularity, Modularity, Error Handling, Performance
clarity, Clarity
error handling, Error Handling
modularity, Modularity
performance, Performance
robustness, Modularity
examples, Easing into XQuery
external variables, External Variables
namespace declarations, Predeclared Namespaces, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
controlling in results, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
namespace-qualified names, uses of, Namespaces and XQuery
namespaces, using, Namespaces
processor, The Context
prolog and body, Structure of a Query: Prolog and Body
prolog declarations, The Version Declaration, Variable Declaration Syntax, Declaring External Functions
external functions, Declaring External Functions
variable declarations, Variable Declaration Syntax
version declaration, The Version Declaration
results, The Query Processor
schemas, advantages of using, Why Use Schemas with Queries?
syntax, XQuery vs. XSLT, Equivalent Components
variables, Variable Declarations, Variable Names
names of, Variable Names
scope, Variable Declarations
whitespace in, Keywords and Names
? (question mark), User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Function Conversion Rules, Representing Individual Characters, Finding the URI of a document
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
occurrence indicator (zero or one items), User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Function Conversion Rules
in function argument types, Function Conversion Rules
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
" (quotes, double), Literals, The xs:string Type, XML Entity and Character References
enclosing string literals, Literals
entity reference (&quot;), XML Entity and Character References
string literals included in queries, The xs:string Type
' (quotes, single), Literals, The xs:string Type, XML Entity and Character References
enclosing string literals, Literals
entity reference (&apos;), XML Entity and Character References
string literals included in queries, The xs:string Type


recursion, Why Define Your Own Functions?
references, Representing Individual Characters, Back-References, Working with URIs, Working with URIs, Working with IDs, XML Entity and Character References
back-references, Back-References
character, XML Entity and Character References
IDREFs, Working with IDs
parenthesized sub-expressions in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
URI, Working with URIs, Working with URIs
relative URIs, Working with URIs
xs:anyURI, Working with URIs
regular expressions (and pattern-matching), Matching a String to a Pattern, Replacing Substrings That Match a Pattern, The Structure of a Regular Expression, The Structure of a Regular Expression, The Structure of a Regular Expression, The Structure of a Regular Expression, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Any Character, Representing Groups of Characters, Representing Groups of Characters, Category Escapes, Character Class Expressions, Character Class Expressions, Character Class Expressions, Negative Character Class Expressions, Negative Character Class Expressions, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions, Reluctant Quantifiers, Anchors, Back-References, Using Flags, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables, Comparisons
anchors, Anchors
back-references, Back-References
character class expressions, Character Class Expressions, Character Class Expressions, Negative Character Class Expressions, Negative Character Class Expressions, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions
escaping rules, Escaping Rules for Character Class Expressions
examples, Negative Character Class Expressions
negative character class, Negative Character Class Expressions
single characters and ranges, Character Class Expressions
flags, using, Using Flags
matching string to a pattern, Matching a String to a Pattern
reluctant quantifiers, Reluctant Quantifiers
replacing substrings matching a pattern, Replacing Substrings That Match a Pattern
representing any character in regular expressions with . (period), Representing Any Character
representing groups of characters, Representing Groups of Characters, Representing Groups of Characters, Category Escapes, Character Class Expressions
category escapes, Category Escapes
examples of multi-character, category and block escapes, Character Class Expressions
multi-character escapes, Representing Groups of Characters
representing individual characters, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Individual Characters
single-character escapes, Representing Individual Characters
SQL LIKE conditions vs., Comparisons
structure of regular expressions, The Structure of a Regular Expression, The Structure of a Regular Expression, The Structure of a Regular Expression
atoms, The Structure of a Regular Expression
quantifiers, The Structure of a Regular Expression
sub-expressions with replacement variables, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
relational databases, Uses for XQuery, Easing into XQuery, Relational Versus XML Data Models, Combining SQL and XQuery
native XML databases vs., Uses for XQuery
supporting XML and XQuery, Easing into XQuery
XML data model vs., Relational Versus XML Data Models
XQuery support in, Combining SQL and XQuery
relative URIs, Working with URIs, The base URI of the static context
resolving URIs, The base URI of the static context
reluctant quantifiers, Reluctant Quantifiers
remainder after dividing (modulus), Arithmetic Operations
replace function, Replacing Substrings That Match a Pattern, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Any Character, Anchors, Using Flags, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
back-references and variable references, Representing Individual Characters
dot-all mode, Representing Any Character
flags, Using Flags
reluctant and non-reluctant quantifiers, Anchors
sub-expressions with replacement variables, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
replace-first function, Whitespace and Strings
resolve-uri function, The base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
return clause (FLWORs), Adding XML Elements and Attributes, FLWOR Expressions, Quantified Expressions
scope of variables, Quantified Expressions
reverse axes, positional predicates and, Positional predicates and reverse axes
reverse steps, Steps
axis, Steps
robustness of queries, Modularity, Modularity
data variations, handling, Modularity
root element, Roots, documents, and elements
root node, Roots, documents, and elements
round function, Functions on Numbers
round-half-to-even function, Functions on Numbers


s option ($flags argument), indicating dot-all mode, Using Flags
satisfies (keyword), Keywords and Names
Saxon, Processing Scenarios, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions
option declarations, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions
schema-attribute( ) kind test, Sequence Types and Schemas
schema-element( ) kind test, Sequence Types and Schemas
schemas, XQuery Versus SQL, Node kind tests, Multiple module imports, Using Schemas with XQuery, Using Schemas with XQuery, Why Use Schemas with Queries?, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, In-Scope Schema Definitions, Schema Imports, Schema Validation and Type Assignment, The Validate Expression, Validation Mode, Sequence Types and Schemas, Conformance
defined, Using Schemas with XQuery
importing, Multiple module imports
imports, Schema Imports
in-scope schema definitions (ISSDs), In-Scope Schema Definitions
node kind tests for elements and attributes, Node kind tests
reasons to use with queries, Why Use Schemas with Queries?
sequence types and, Sequence Types and Schemas
support for schema imports and validation, Conformance
validation and type assignment, Schema Validation and Type Assignment, The Validate Expression, Validation Mode
validate expression, The Validate Expression
validation mode, Validation Mode
W3C XML Schema, XQuery Versus SQL, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview
types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview
scope, The Impact and Scope of Namespace Declarations, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces, Variable Declarations, Built-in Function Reference
in-scope namespaces, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces, Built-in Function Reference
namespace declarations in XQuery, The Impact and Scope of Namespace Declarations
variables, Variable Declarations
searches, full text, XQuery Update Facility
seconds, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
extracting from dates, times, and durations, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
; (semicolon), Prolog Declarations, Finding the URI of a document
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
terminating declarations in query prolog, Prolog Declarations
separator characters (URI), escaping, Finding the URI of a document
sequence constructors, Combining Results
sequence numbers, Working with Positions and Sequence Numbers, Working with Positions and Sequence Numbers
adding to results, Working with Positions and Sequence Numbers
sequence types, User-Defined Functions, Accepting arguments that are nodes versus atomic values, Sequence Types, Generic Sequence Types, Sequence Type Matching, Sequence Types and Schemas, Sequence Types and Schemas, Sequence Types and Schemas
function parameters as, User-Defined Functions
generic, Generic Sequence Types
matching, Sequence Type Matching
schemas and, Sequence Types and Schemas, Sequence Types and Schemas, Sequence Types and Schemas
element and attribute tests, Sequence Types and Schemas
examples based on name and type, Sequence Types and Schemas
sequence-related expressions, Keywords and Names
sequences, Sequences, Sequences, Sequences, Categories of Expressions, Literals, General comparisons on multi-item sequences, Argument lists and sequences, Combining Results
argument lists and, Argument lists and sequences
combining result sequences, Combining Results
empty, Sequences
expression evaluation to, Categories of Expressions
multi-item, general comparisons on, General comparisons on multi-item sequences
singleton, Sequences
variables bound to particular value, Literals
serialization, The Results of the Query, Serialization, Serialization, Conformance, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions, Specifying Serialization Parameters
errors, Serialization
query results to XML document, support for, Conformance
specifying parameters for saxon:output, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions
specifying parameters in different XQuery implementations, Specifying Serialization Parameters
set operators (SQL), Subselects
set-string-to-length function, Concatenating and Splitting Strings
siblings (nodes), Roots, documents, and elements, Conformance, Conformance
following siblings, Conformance
preceding siblings, Conformance
side effects of functions, Declaring External Functions
signatures (function), User-Defined Functions
numeric keyword used by built-in functions, User-Defined Functions
simple types, The Built-in Types, Simple and complex types
built-in, The Built-in Types
singleton sequence, Sequences
/ (slash), Path Expressions, FLWORs, A Closer Look at Context, Accessing the Root, Finding the URI of a document
beginning path expressions, Path Expressions, FLWORs, Accessing the Root
// (double slash), FLWORs
in predicates, changing context node, A Closer Look at Context
URI separator character, Finding the URI of a document
some (keyword), Keywords and Names
sort key, parameterizing, Document Order
sorting, Sorting and Grouping, Sorting in XQuery, Using multiple ordering specifications, Sorting and types, Order modifiers, Stable ordering, More complex order specifications, Document Order, Inadvertent resorting in document order, The unordered function, The unordered expression, Grouping, Constraining and Sorting on Aggregated Values, Comparing SQL Syntax with XQuery Syntax
document order, Document Order, Inadvertent resorting in document order
inadvertent resorting in, Inadvertent resorting in document order
indicating order is not significant, The unordered function, The unordered expression
unordered expression, The unordered expression
unordered function, The unordered function
indicating whether order is significant, Grouping
on aggregated values, Constraining and Sorting on Aggregated Values
order by clause (FLWORs), Sorting in XQuery, Using multiple ordering specifications, Sorting and types, Order modifiers, Stable ordering, More complex order specifications
complex order specifications, More complex order specifications
multiple ordering specifications, Using multiple ordering specifications
order modifiers, Order modifiers
stable ordering, Stable ordering
types, Sorting and types
SQL vs. XQuery query results, Comparing SQL Syntax with XQuery Syntax
s (space) character in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
splitting strings, Concatenating and Splitting Strings
SQL users, XQuery for, Relational Versus XML Data Models, Relational Versus XML Data Models, Comparing SQL Syntax with XQuery Syntax, A Simple Query, Conditions and Operators, Functions, Subselects, Combining SQL and XQuery, Combining SQL and XQuery
combining SQL and XQuery, Combining SQL and XQuery, Combining SQL and XQuery
structured and semistructured data, Combining SQL and XQuery
comparison of SQL to XQuery syntax, Comparing SQL Syntax with XQuery Syntax, A Simple Query, Conditions and Operators, Functions, Subselects
conditions and operators, Conditions and Operators
functions, Functions
grouping, Subselects
simple query, A Simple Query
relational vs. XML data models, Relational Versus XML Data Models
[ ] (square brackets), FLWORs, Predicates, A Closer Look at Context, Representing Any Character, Character Class Expressions, Finding the URI of a document
character classes in regular expressions, Character Class Expressions
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
in predicates, FLWORs, Predicates, A Closer Look at Context
changing context node, A Closer Look at Context
separator character in URIs, Finding the URI of a document
stable ordering, Stable ordering
standards related to XQuery, Serialization, Serialization, Serialization, XQueryX, XQuery Update Facility, XQuery Update Facility, XQuery API for Java (XQJ)
full-text search, XQuery Update Facility
serialization, Serialization, Serialization
parameters, Serialization
Update Facility (W3C) for XQuery, XQuery Update Facility
XQJ (XQuery API for Java), XQuery API for Java (XQJ)
XQueryX, XQueryX
static analysis phase (type checking), Type Checking in XQuery
static context, The base URI of the static context
static typing, Static Typing, Raising "False" Errors, The Typeswitch Expression, The Treat Expression, Type Declarations, Conformance
detection of all errors in analysis phase, Conformance
expressions and constructs, Raising "False" Errors
treat expression, The Treat Expression
type declarations, Type Declarations
typeswitch expression, The Typeswitch Expression
static-base-uri function, The base URI of the static context
statically known namespaces vs. in-scope namespaces, Controlling Namespace Declarations in Your Results
steps, Steps, Node kind tests
abbreviated syntax, Node kind tests
string literals, Literals
string value (nodes), Node identity and name
string-join function, Concatenating and Splitting Strings
string-length function, Finding the Length of a String
string-to-codepoints function, Concatenating and Splitting Strings
strings, The Built-in Types, Working with Strings, Working with Strings, The xs:string Type, Constructing Strings, Comparing Strings, Finding the Length of a String, Concatenating and Splitting Strings, Whitespace and Strings, Internationalization Considerations, Unicode Normalization, xs:NMTOKEN, xs:string
comparing, Comparing Strings
concatenating and splitting, Concatenating and Splitting Strings
constructing, Working with Strings, Constructing Strings
string literals, Constructing Strings
finding length, Finding the Length of a String
internationalization, Internationalization Considerations, Unicode Normalization
collations, Internationalization Considerations
Unicode normalization, Unicode Normalization
whitespace, Whitespace and Strings
xs:normalizedString type, xs:NMTOKEN
xs:string type, The xs:string Type, xs:string
stylesheets, XSLT, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
pull stylesheets, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
attempt to use on narrative content, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
XQuery equivalent, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
push stylesheets, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
use on narrative content, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
XQuery user-defined functions emulating templates, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
subexpressions, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
multiple, in enclosed expressions, Enclosed expressions that evaluate to attributes
using with replacement variables, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
subselects (SQL), Subselects
substitution groups, Sequence Types and Schemas
substring function, Function Signatures
signatures, Function Signatures
substring-after function, Finding the Length of a String
substring-after-last function, Finding the Length of a String
substring-before function, Finding the Length of a String
subtraction, Arithmetic Operations, Precedence of Arithmetic Operators, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations, Arithmetic and string operators
dates and times, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
durations, Adding and Subtracting Two Durations
durations from dates and times, Adding and Subtracting Durations from Dates and Times
SQL and XQuery operators, Arithmetic and string operators
subtraction operator (-), Arithmetic Operations
subtype substitution, Subtype Substitution, Numeric Type Promotion
sum function, Aggregating and Grouping Values, Aggregating Values, Functions on Numbers


(tab character), in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
tabs, escaping in regular expressions, Representing Any Character
templates (XSLT), Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
emulating in XQuery with user-defined functions, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
use by push stylesheets, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
test expression (after if keyword), Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions
text nodes, The node hierarchy, Text Nodes
text, full-text searches, XQuery Update Facility
then keyword, Conditional (if-then-else) Expressions
time zones, Time Zones, Adjusting time zones, Finding the time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value, The Duration Types
adjusting, Adjusting time zones
date and time comparisons, The Duration Types
finding for xs:date, xs:time, or xs:dateTime values, Finding the time zone of a value
timezone-from-time function, Finding the time zone of a value
to (keyword), The position and last functions, Multiple for clauses
in positional predicates, The position and last functions
in range expressions, Multiple for clauses
tokenize function, Concatenating and Splitting Strings, Splitting Strings Apart, Representing Any Character, Using Flags
dot-all mode, Representing Any Character
flags, Using Flags
treat expression, The Treat Expression
true function, Literals
two-way joins, Joins
in FLWOR predicate, Joins
type errors, Type Checking in XQuery
type promotion, Numeric Type Promotion, Working with URIs
numeric, Numeric Type Promotion
xs:anyURI values to xs:string, Working with URIs
type-related expressions, Keywords and Names
typed values, String and typed values of nodes
types, Types, Namespaces, Literals, General comparisons on multi-item sequences, Using multiple ordering specifications, User-Defined Functions, Namespaces and XQuery, Namespaces and XQuery, Namespace Declarations in Queries, Names affected by namespace declarations, A Closer Look at Types, The XQuery Type System, The Built-in Types, Type Checking in XQuery, Constructors and Casting, Constructors, The Castable Expression, Casting among the primitive types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, List types, Type Declarations, Working with Numbers, Working with Dates, Times, and Durations, Time Zones, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, xs:anyAtomicType
built-in, Namespaces and XQuery, The Built-in Types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, xs:anyAtomicType
reference, xs:anyAtomicType
checking in XQuery, Type Checking in XQuery
conversions, Literals, User-Defined Functions, Constructors and Casting, Constructors, The Castable Expression, Casting among the primitive types
castable expression, The Castable Expression
casting, Constructors
casting rules, Casting among the primitive types
constructors, using, Literals, Constructors and Casting
function arguments to expected type, User-Defined Functions
date and time, Working with Dates, Times, and Durations, Time Zones, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types
duration types, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types
time zones, Time Zones
declarations, Type Declarations
general comparisons and, General comparisons on multi-item sequences
generic types used when no schema is present, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview
list, List types
names affected by namespace declarations in XQuery, Names affected by namespace declarations
namespaces, Namespaces, Namespace Declarations in Queries
predeclared, Namespace Declarations in Queries
numeric, Working with Numbers
sorting and, Using multiple ordering specifications
strong type system, advantages and disadvantages, The XQuery Type System
user-defined, Namespaces and XQuery
typeswitch expression, Sequence Type Matching, The Typeswitch Expression
typeswitch keyword, The Typeswitch Expression


undeclaring default namespace, Namespaces and XQuery
Unicode, Unicode Normalization, Category Escapes, Block Escapes, XML Version Support
block names, Block Escapes
categories of characters, Category Escapes
normalization, Unicode Normalization
version support in XQuery implementations, XML Version Support
Uniform Resource Names (URNs), XML Namespaces
union keyword, Combining Results
union operator (|), Combining Results
unordered expression, Conformance
implementation-dependency of order of results, Conformance
unordered expressions, The unordered function
unordered function, The unordered function
unprefixed element, Retrieving Node Names
untyped values, Atomic Values, Atomic Values and Types, xs:untyped, xs:untypedAtomic
atomic values, Atomic Values, Atomic Values and Types, xs:untypedAtomic
xs:untyped, xs:untyped
Update Facility for XQuery, XQuery Update Facility
upper-case function, Function Signatures, Argument lists and sequences
empty sequence as argument, Argument lists and sequences
signature, Function Signatures
URIs (Uniform Resource Identifiers), Namespaces, Namespace URIs, Default namespace declarations in the prolog, Working with URIs, Working with URIs, Working with URIs, Using the xml:base attribute, Using the xml:base attribute, The base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context, Finding the URI of a document, Finding the URI of a document, xs:anyURI
base and relative, Working with URIs, Using the xml:base attribute, Using the xml:base attribute, The base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
base URI of the static context, The base URI of the static context
finding base URI of a node, Using the xml:base attribute
resolving URIs, The base URI of the static context
specifying base URI with xml:base attribute, Using the xml:base attribute
documents and, Finding the URI of a document
escaping, Finding the URI of a document
namespace, Namespaces, Namespace URIs, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
prolog declarations, Default namespace declarations in the prolog
references (xs:anyURI), Working with URIs
xs:anyURI type, xs:anyURI
URLs (Uniform Resource Locators), Working with URIs
URNs (Uniform Resource Names), XML Namespaces, Working with URIs
user-defined functions, Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions, User-Defined Functions, User-Defined Functions, Function Declarations, Function Declarations, The Function Name, The Parameter List, Recursive Functions
body, Function Declarations
built-in vs., Built-in Versus User-Defined Functions
declarations, Function Declarations
examples, User-Defined Functions
names, The Function Name
parameter list, The Parameter List
recursive, Recursive Functions
user-defined types, The Built-in Types, User-defined types
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time), The Duration Types
date and time comparisons, The Duration Types


validate expression, The Validate Expression, Text Nodes, Conformance
support for, Conformance
validation modes, Validation Mode
value comparisons, Value Comparisons, Arithmetic Operations
comparing numeric values, Arithmetic Operations
value space, The Built-in Types, Casting among the primitive types, Casting among derived types
casting among derived types, Casting among derived types
casting among primitive types, Casting among the primitive types
variables, Adding XML Elements and Attributes, Namespaces, Literals, Quantified Expressions, Aggregating Values, Namespaces and XQuery, Names affected by namespace declarations, Variable Declarations, Variable Declarations, Variable Names, External Variables, External Variables, The Typeswitch Expression, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
binding entire sequence of items in FLWOR let clause, Aggregating Values
binding to typeswitch expressions, The Typeswitch Expression
declaring, Variable Declarations
external, External Variables
imported from modules, External Variables
names, Variable Names
names affected by namespace declarations in XQuery, Names affected by namespace declarations
namespaces, Namespaces
qualified names in queries, Namespaces and XQuery
replacement, using with subexpressions, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
scope, Quantified Expressions, Variable Declarations
setting values with let clause in expressions, Adding XML Elements and Attributes
version declaration, The Version Declaration
versions, XML version support in XQuery implementations, XML Version Support
| (vertical bar), Other Expressions As Steps, Combining Results, Representing Individual Characters, Using Flags, Full-Text Search
between branches in regular expressions, Using Flags
escaping in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters
union operator, Other Expressions As Steps, Combining Results
|| (or) operator, Full-Text Search


W3C, XML Namespaces, XQuery Update Facility, XQuery Update Facility, Full-Text Search
converter for XQuery to XqueryX conversions, XQuery Update Facility
Namespaces in XML, XML Namespaces
XQuery Working Group, XQuery Update Facility, Full-Text Search
Full-Text recommendation, Full-Text Search
XQuery Update Facility, XQuery Update Facility
web sites, User-Defined Functions, Convenient features of XSLT
backward compatibility between XPath 1.0 and 2.0, Convenient features of XSLT
user-defined function examples, User-Defined Functions
weight keyword, XQuery API for Java (XQJ)
where clause (FLWORs), Adding XML Elements and Attributes, FLWOR Expressions, Quantified Expressions
scope of variables, Quantified Expressions
whitespace, Whitespace in Queries, Direct Element Constructors and Whitespace, Boundary whitespace, The boundary-space declaration, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation, Finding the Length of a String, Whitespace and Strings, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Groups of Characters, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
in direct element constructors, Direct Element Constructors and Whitespace, Boundary whitespace, The boundary-space declaration, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation
boundary whitespace, Boundary whitespace
boundary-space declaration, The boundary-space declaration
forcing preservation of boundary whitespace, Forcing boundary whitespace preservation
in regular expressions, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Groups of Characters, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
escaping, Representing Individual Characters, Representing Groups of Characters
ignoring, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
in strings, Finding the Length of a String, Whitespace and Strings
considering in string length, Finding the Length of a String
wildcards, FLWORs, Node name tests and namespaces
asterisk (*) in path expressions, FLWORs
using in node name tests, Node name tests and namespaces
w (word) character in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters
word character (w) in regular expressions, Representing Groups of Characters


x option ($flags argument), indicating ignoring whitespace characters, Using Sub-Expressions with Replacement Variables
XML, Processing Queries, Function Calls, Namespaces and XQuery, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations and Scope, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces, Working with Other XML Components, XML Comments, Processing Instructions, Documents, Text Nodes, XML Entity and Character References, CDATA Sections, Conformance, XML Version Support, Relational Versus XML Data Models, SQL/XML, xs:NOTATION
CDATA sections, CDATA Sections
comments, Function Calls, Working with Other XML Components, XML Comments
data model and, XML Comments
included in queries, Function Calls
data model, relational vs., Relational Versus XML Data Models
documents, Documents, Conformance
serialization of query results to, Conformance
entity and character references, XML Entity and Character References
entity references, XML Entity and Character References
input documents, Processing Queries
namespaces, Namespaces and XQuery, Default Namespace Declarations, Namespace Declarations and Scope, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces
declarations and scope, Namespace Declarations and Scope
default namespace declarations, Default Namespace Declarations
using namespace declarations in XQuery, In-Scope Versus Statically Known Namespaces
notations, xs:NOTATION
processing instructions, Processing Instructions
text nodes, Text Nodes
version support in XQuery implementations, XML Version Support
xml namespace, Namespace Declarations in Queries
XML Schema, XQuery and XML Schema, Types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, User-defined types, Sequence Types and Schemas, Relational Versus XML Data Models
nilled elements concept, Relational Versus XML Data Models
substitution groups, Sequence Types and Schemas
type system, Types
types, W3C XML Schema: A Brief Overview, User-defined types
user-defined, User-defined types
XML Schema Namespace, Namespaces and XQuery
XML-qualified names, Keywords and Names, Literals
variables, Literals
xml:base attribute, Using the xml:base attribute
xml:id attribute, Working with IDs
xmlns prefix (namespace attribute), Namespaces
XPath, XQuery in Context, The XQuery Data Model, Roots, documents, and elements, XQuery for XSLT Users, Convenient features of XSLT, Convenient features of XSLT, Data Model, New Expressions, Path Expressions, Arithmetic and Comparison Expressions, Built-in Functions
backward incompatibility between 1.0 and 2.0, web site information, Convenient features of XSLT
differences in versions 1.0 and 2.0, Convenient features of XSLT, Data Model, New Expressions, Path Expressions, Arithmetic and Comparison Expressions, Built-in Functions
built-in functions, Built-in Functions
data model, Data Model
function conversion rules, Arithmetic and Comparison Expressions
new expressions, New Expressions
path expressions, Path Expressions
document element (XPath 1.0), Roots, documents, and elements
XPath 2.0 Data Model, The XQuery Data Model
XQuery and, XQuery for XSLT Users
XPath Datatypes Namespace, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types
XPath Functions Namespace, Function Names, Predeclared Namespaces, The default function namespace declaration
xqdoc tags, Using Comments for Documentation
XQJ (XQuery API for Java), XQuery API for Java (XQJ)
XQuery, What Is XQuery?, Uses for XQuery, The Design of the XQuery Language, XQuery in Context, XQuery in Context, The Version Declaration, Conformance, Conformance, XML Version Support, XML Version Support, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions, Extension Expressions, Specifying Serialization Parameters, Relational Versus XML Data Models, XQuery and XPath
common uses, Uses for XQuery
features set, What Is XQuery?
implementation-specific features, Conformance, Conformance, XML Version Support, XML Version Support, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions, Extension Expressions, Specifying Serialization Parameters
conformance, Conformance
extension expressions, Extension Expressions
option declarations, Option Declarations and Extension Expressions
serialization parameters, specifying, Specifying Serialization Parameters
setting query context, XML Version Support
XML version support, XML Version Support
SQL vs., Relational Versus XML Data Models
version declaration, The Version Declaration
web site, The Design of the XQuery Language
XPath and, XQuery in Context, XQuery and XPath
XSLT vs., XQuery in Context
XQuery 1.0 and XPath 2.0 Full-Text recommendation, Full-Text Search
XQuery API for Java (XQJ), XQuery API for Java (XQJ)
XQueryX, XQueryX
xs namespace, Namespace Declarations in Queries
xs: prefix (types), Types, Namespaces and XQuery
xs:anyAtomicType, The Built-in Types, xs:anyAtomicType
xs:anyType, Assigning Type Annotations to Nodes, xs:anyType
xs:anyURI, Working with URIs, xs:anyURI
xs:base64Binary, xs:base64Binary
xs:boolean, xs:boolean
xs:byte, xs:byte
xs:date, The Built-in Types, The Date and Time Types, Adjusting time zones, Finding the time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, xs:date
comparisons, Finding the time zone of a value
component extraction, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
date formats, Adjusting time zones
finding time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value
subtracting values, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
xs:dateTime, The Date and Time Types, Finding the time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, xs:date
comparisons, Finding the time zone of a value
extracting entire date or time from, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
finding time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value
subtracting values, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
xs:dayTimeDuration, Explicit versus implicit time zones, Finding the time zone of a value, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, xs:dayTimeDuration
implicit time zone as, Explicit versus implicit time zones
time zone expressed as, Finding the time zone of a value
xs:decimal, The Numeric Types, xs:decimal
xs:double, xs:decimal
xs:duration, The Duration Types, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, xs:duration
component extraction, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
xs:float, xs:float
xs:gDay, The Date Component Types, xs:gDay
xs:gMonth, The Date Component Types, xs:gMonth
xs:gMonthDay, The Date Component Types, xs:gMonthDay
xs:gYear, The Date Component Types, xs:gYear
xs:gYearMonth, The Date Component Types, xs:gYearMonth
xs:hexBinary, xs:hexBinary
xs:ID, Working with IDs, xs:ID
xs:IDREF, Working with IDs, xs:IDREF
xs:IDREFS, Working with IDs, xs:IDREFS
xs:int, xs:int
xs:integer, Atomic Type Names As Sequence Types, The Numeric Types, xs:int
xs:language, xs:language
xs:long type, xs:long
xs:Name, xs:Name
xs:NCName, xs:Name
xs:negativeInteger, xs:negativeInteger
xs:nonNegativeInteger, xs:nonNegativeInteger
xs:nonPositiveInteger, xs:nonPositiveInteger
xs:normalizedString, xs:normalizedString
xs:positiveInteger, xs:positiveInteger
xs:QName, Working with Qualified Names, Constructing Qualified Names, xs:QName
constructor, Constructing Qualified Names
xs:short, xs:short
xs:string, Casting among the primitive types, Casting among the primitive types, The xs:string Type, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function, Working with URIs, xs:string
casting atomic value of any type to, Casting among the primitive types
casting to any other primitive type, Casting among the primitive types
constructor, The xs:string Constructor and the string Function
URI arguments for functions, Working with URIs
xs:time, The Date and Time Types, Finding the time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations, xs:time
comparisons, Finding the time zone of a value
component extraction, Extracting Components of Dates, Times, and Durations
finding time zone of a value, Finding the time zone of a value
subtracting values, Using Arithmetic Operators on Dates, Times, and Durations
xs:token, xs:token
xs:unsignedByte, xs:unsignedByte
xs:unsignedInt, Atomic Type Names As Sequence Types, xs:unsignedInt
xs:unsignedLong, xs:unsignedShort
xs:unsignedShort, xs:unsignedShort
xs:untyped, Assigning Type Annotations to Nodes, xs:untyped
xs:untypedAtomic, Atomic Values and Types, Casting among the primitive types, Casting among the primitive types, Assigning Type Annotations to Nodes, xs:untypedAtomic
casting atomic values of any type to, Casting among the primitive types
casting to any other primitive type, Casting among the primitive types
xs:yearMonthDuration, The yearMonthDuration and dayTimeDuration Types, xs:yearMonthDuration
xsi namespace, Namespace Declarations in Queries
xsi:nil attribute, Empty and nil values, Relational Versus XML Data Models
xsi:type, Constructing Qualified Names
XSLT, XQuery in Context, XQuery and XPath, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Optimization for particular use cases, Convenient features of XSLT
XQuery vs., XQuery in Context, XQuery and XPath, Paradigm differences: push versus pull, Optimization for particular use cases, Convenient features of XSLT
convenient features of XSLT 2.0 lacking in XQuery, Convenient features of XSLT
optimization for particular use cases, differences in, Optimization for particular use cases
paradigm differences, push and pull stylesheets, Paradigm differences: push versus pull
XSLT 2.0 and XQuery 1.0 Serialization, Serialization
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