

Accelerometers, see On-chip accelerometers using bondwire inertial sensing

ACS, see American Cancer Society

ADC, see Analog-to-digital converter

Additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), 118

Aerial vehicle (AV), 162

AFE, see Analog front end

AFFDNR circuit, see Asymmetric floating frequency dependent negative resistance circuit

Airstrip, 253

AliveCor, 253

Allan variance, 323324

Ambulatory sleep monitoring devices, 255

American Cancer Society (ACS), 67

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 62

Analog-to-digital converter (ADC), 91, 217, 276

Analog front end (AFE), 152

Analog-to-time conversion (ATC), 276

Angle of arrival (AOA), 132

ANNs, see Artificial neural networks

ANS, see Autonomic nervous system

ANSI, see American National Standards Institute

AOA, see Angle of arrival

A posteriori probability (APP), 193

APP probability, see A posteriori probability (APP), 193

Artificial neural networks (ANNs), 37

Asymmetric floating frequency dependent negative resistance (AFFDNR) circuit, 231

ATC, see Analog-to-time conversion

ATR, see Automatic target recognition

Automatic target recognition (ATR), 152

Autonomic nervous system (ANS), 256

AV, see Aerial vehicle

AWGN, see Additive white Gaussian noise

Azimuth compression, 157


Backscatter modulation, 124

Balanced antipodal Vivaldi (BAV) antenna, 139

Balanced LNA (BLNA), 9, 11

BAN radio, see Body area network radio

BAV antenna, see Balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna

Bayes’s theorem, 206

BBC, see British Broadcasting Corporation

Bell Lab layered space-time (BLAST), 192

BEP, see Bit error probability

BER, see Bit error rate

Bernoulli random variable, 47

BICM, see Bit-interleaved coded modulation

Binary phase shift keying (BPSK), 193

Bit error probability (BEP), 118

Bit error rate (BER), 73

Bit-interleaved coded modulation (BICM), 193, 203

BLAST, see Bell Lab layered space-time (BLAST), 192

Blixelter (single-stage balun–LNA–mixer–filter combo topology), 245248

carrier frequency, 247

flicker-noise dominent frequencies, 248

folded filtering section, CMOS process, 246, 247

front end, simulated conversion gain, 247

LNA device currents, 245

BNA, see Balanced LNA

BNEA, see Brownian noise equivalent acceleration

Bode plot, 235

Body area network (BAN) radio, 259269

cyclic redundancy check, 265

digital baseband, 264

direct-sequence spread spectrum technology, 265

ECG necklace, 259

envelope detector, 262

field-programmable gate array, 265

line of sight distance, 266

loop filter, 262

misdetection error, 268

Nordic radio, 267

on/off keying modulation, 260

phase-frequency detector, 262

PN code symbol, 265

power amplifier, 260

quench waveform generator, 262

radio measurements, 266

receiver front end, 262

receiver timing, 263

serial peripheral interface, 260

system architecture, 260

transmitter front end, 260

variable gain amplifier, 262

Boltzmann constant, 4

Bondwire inertial sensing, see On-chip accelerometers using bondwire inertial sensing

BPSK, see Binary phase shift keying, 193

Brain–computer interfacing technology, 274

British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 58

Brownian noise equivalent acceleration (BNEA), 320


Cadence design tools, 282

Cancer, RF radiation and, 62

Cardionet, 253

CDC, see US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

CDD, see Cyclic delay diversity

Cellular infrastructure, large signal and small signal building blocks for, 169187

electrostatic discharge, 170

flexible, high efficiency radio frequency power amplifier designs, 173180

chip-to-chip bonding, 179

Chireix combiner, 173, 175

CMOS driver circuit, 173, 178

coupled transmission line transformer element, 177

drain efficiency, 179

EDMOS device, 174

GaN Doherty power amplifier, 180

measurement results, 178

operational bandwidth of combiner, 176

switched mode wideband class-E out-phasing power amplifier, power added efficiency, 173

turn-on voltage slope, 177

variable gate bias technique, 175

fully integrated, high performance, low noise amplifier, 170173

details of design, 171

electrostatic discharge, 170

low noise amplifiers, 170

measurement results, 172173

wideband code division multiple access, 170

highly integrated RF power amplifiers in CMOS technology, 180185

alternative transformer topology, 182

broadband class-E RF power amplifier, 183185

coupling coefficient of transformer, 182

details of design, 181

drain efficiency, 185

extended drain MOS transistors, 180

leakage inductance, 182

measurement results, 183, 185

output transistor, 183

peak voltage, 184

RF power amplifier with wideband transformer combiner, 181183

Rogers substrate, 185

transformer magnetizing inductance, 182

multiple input multiple output schemes, 169

radio frequency power amplifiers, 170

summary, 186

Chireix combiner, 173, 175, 181

CMFB, see Common-mode feedback circuit

CMOS, see Complementary metal oxide semiconductor

CMOS magnetic sensor array, see Frequency-shift-based CMOS magnetic sensor array, design of for point-of-care (POC) biomolecular diagnosis applications

CMOS technology, highly integrated RF power amplifiers in, 180185

alternative transformer topology, 182

broadband class-E RF power amplifier, 183185

coupling coefficient of transformer, 182

details of design, 181

drain efficiency, 185

extended drain MOS transistors, 180

leakage inductance, 182

measurement results, 183, 185

output transistor, 183

peak voltage, 184

RF power amplifier with wideband transformer combiner, 181183

Rogers substrate, 185

transformer magnetizing inductance, 182

Colpitts oscillator, 28

Common-mode feedback (CMFB) circuit, 285

Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), 173, 297

Contribution factor, 109

Convolutional turbo code (CTC), 203

Coplanar waveguide (CPW), 17

Correlated double counting frequency, 356

Corventis, 253

CPW, see Coplanar waveguide

Cramér-Rao bound, 120

CRC, see Cyclic redundancy check

Crossbow TelosB mote, 41

CTC, see Convolutional turbo code

Cyclic delay diversity (CDD), 191

Cyclic redundancy check (CRC), 265


DAA UWB devices, see Detection and avoidance UWB devices

DAB, see Digital audio broadcasting

DAC, see Digital-to-analog converter

DAMI, see Dual alternate mark inversion

DCR block diagram, see Direct conversion receiver block diagram

Decision feedback equalizer (DFE), 196

Delay-locked loop (DLL), 298

Delft University, T-node platform, 290

Deoxyribonucleaic acid (DNA), 62

Detection and avoidance (DAA) UWB devices, 116

DFE, see Decision feedback equalizer

DFMS antenna, see Dual feed stripline antenna

Dicke radiometer, 56

block diagram, 5

Boltzmann constant, 6

chopping frequency, 5

direct detection imaging, 6

NETD calculation, 6

noise-equivalent power, 5

single-pole double throw switches, 5

useful imaging, 5

Dicke switch, chopping operation of, 12

Digital-to-analog converter (DAC), 153

Digital audio broadcasting (DAB), 214

Digital multimedia broadcasting (DMB), 214

Digital video broadcasting-handheld (DVB-H), 229

Dimension reduction soft detector (DRSD), 190, 198

Diode detectors, zero-biased, 9

Direct conversion receiver (DCR) block diagram, 216

Direct-sequence spread spectrum (DSSS), 265

DLL, see Delay-locked loop

DMB, see Digital multimedia broadcasting

DNA, see Deoxyribonucleaic acid

Doppler centroid estimation, 157

DRSD, see Dimension reduction soft detector

DSSS, see Direct-sequence spread spectrum

Dual alternate mark inversion (DAMI), 76

Dual feed stripline (DFMS) antenna, 127

DVB-H, see Digital video broadcasting-handheld


ECG, see Electrocardiography

EDMOS transistors, see Extended drain MOS transistors

Effective bandwidth, 121

Effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP), 77, 115

EIRP, see Effective isotropic radiated power

EKF, see Extended Kalman filter

Electrocardiography (ECG), 254

Electromagnetic field propagation, 59

Electromagnetic hypersensitivity, 64

Electromyography (EMG), 256

Electronic noses, 37

Electro-oculography (EOG), 256

Electrostatic discharge (ESD), 170

ELISA, see Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay

EMG, see Electromyography

Energy capture efficiency, 119

E-noses, 40, 45

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), 334

EOG, see Electro-oculography

ESD, see Electrostatic discharge

Extended drain MOS (EDMOS) transistors, 180

Extended Kalman filter (EKF), 163


FCC, see Federal Communications Commission

FDA, see US Food and Drug Administration

FDNR, see Frequency dependent negative resistance

Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 2, 67, 115

Field-programmable gate array (FPGA), 265

Focal plane array (FPA), 4, 22

Focal plane array imaging receivers, 2231

antenna efficiency, 26

architecture, 23

Colpitts oscillator, 28

CPW feed line, 24

direct detection architecture, 23

electromagnetic field, 25

folded dipole antenna, 25

gate voltage, 27

HBT transistor, 26

injection-locked frequency tripler, 23, 28

LNA, 28

LO generation/distribution and tripler, 28

mixer and IF/BB circuitry, 30

NMOS transistor, 27

off-chip antenna director, 24

off-state impedance, 27

on-chip folded slot dipole antenna, 23

phase noise, 31

radiation efficiency, 24

receiver building blocks, 2330

silicon substrate with embedded deep trench mesh, 26

SPDT switch, 25, 27

system performance, 3031

zero-IF amplifier, 23

Folded dipole antenna, 25

FPA, see Focal plane array

FPGA, see Field-programmable gate array

Frequency dependent negative resistance (FDNR), 218

Frequency-shift-based CMOS magnetic sensor array, design of for point-of-care (POC) biomolecular diagnosis applications, 333359

CMOS implementation example (circuit blocks), 345348

divide-by-2 and divide-by-3 frequency dividers, 348

multiplexers and buffers, 347348

sensing oscillator, 345346

temperature regulator, 346347

CMOS implementation example (system architecture), 344345

discussion, 356358

correlated double counting frequency, 356

transducer gain uniformity, 357

enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, 334

giant magnetoresistance, 335

measurement results, 348356

electrical performance, 351354

magnetic sensing measurements, 354356

noise power reduction ratio, 353

nuclear magnetic resonance, 335

sensor design scaling law, 341343

sensor mechanism, 336341

averaged transducer gain, 338

CMOS process, 336

double side band, 339

excitation magnetic field factor, 338

on-chip LC tank, 337

power spectrum density, 341

sensor operation principle and oscillator-based frequency-shift detection, 336337

sensor signal-to-noise ratio characterization, 337341

sensor transducer gain, 337

single side band, 339

virtual damping phenomenon, 337

white frequency noise, 340

sensor signal-to-noise ratio, 335

Frequency-switched transmit diversity (FSTD), 191

Friis equation, 15

FSTD, see Frequency-switched transmit diversity


Gamma rays, 60

GaN Doherty power amplifier, 180

Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), 335

Glioma, 65

Global nearest neighbor (GNN) tracking algorithm, 162

Global system of mobile (GSM) communications, 58, 214

GMR, see Giant magnetoresistance

GNN tracking algorithm, see Global nearest neighbor tracking algorithm

Gold codes, 141

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs), 42

GSM communications, see Global system of mobile communications

GUIs, see Graphical user interfaces


Hadamard codes, 141

Hazardous gas, 35

HBT transistor, 26

Healthcare applications, see Ultralow power radio design for emerging healthcare applications

High speed packet access plus, 190

Hydrogen-powered car refilling stations, 35


IARC, see International Agency for Research on Cancer

ICI, see Intercarrier interference

ICNIRP, see International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection

IDD, see Iterative detection and decoding

Idiopathic environmental intolerance, 64

IEEE 802.15.4a channel model, 127, 142

IEEE 802.15.4f standard, 132133

IEEE 802.16-based systems, 203

IEEE 802.16e standard, 190

IFFT, see Inverse fast Fourier transform

ILFT, see Injection-locked frequency tripler

Implants, autonomous, see Ultralow power techniques in small autonomous implants and sensor nodes

Inertial navigation system (INS), 163

Injection-locked frequency tripler (ILFT), 23, 28

In-phase and quadrature-phase (I/Q) demodulator, 162

INS, see Inertial navigation system

Integrated services digital broadcasting-terrestrial (ISDB-T), 228229

Intercarrier interference (ICI), 161

Interferents, 37

International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), 66

International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), 63

International System of Units, 61

Inverse fast Fourier transform (IFFT), 154

Ionizing radiation, 62

I/Q demodulator, see In-phase and quadrature-phase demodulator

IQ mismatch, 75

ISDB-T, see Integrated services digital broadcasting-terrestrial

Iterative detection and decoding (IDD), 190, 193, 205


Ku-band NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter subsystem, 152


LDC UWB devices, see Low duty cycle UWB devices

LDPC codes, see Low density parity check codes

LFM signals, see Linear frequency modulated signals

LFPs, see Local field potentials

LFSD, see List fixed-complexity sphere decoder

Linear frequency modulated (LFM) signals, 153

List fixed-complexity sphere decoder (LFSD), 198

Livestock farm odors, 40

LLR, see Log likelihood ratio (LLR), 193

LNAs, see Low noise amplifiers

LO, see Local oscillator

Local field potentials, 281

Local oscillator (LO), 73, 297

Local-oscillator generation technique, see Open-loop multiphase local-oscillator generation technique

Log likelihood ratio (LLR), 193

Long term evolution (LTE), 190

Low density parity check (LDPC) codes, 193

Low duty cycle (LDC) UWB devices, 116

Low noise amplifiers (LNAs), 170, see also Low noise, low distortion radio design

balanced, 9

breakout circuit, 28

focal plane array imaging receivers, 28

microsystems for biopotential recording, 278

Low noise, low distortion radio design, 213251

baseband noise, 218244

asymmetric floating frequency dependent negative resistance circuit, 231

bandwidth calibration circuit, 227

blocker frequencies, 223

blocker signals, 233

Bode plot, 235

cascode bias points, 227

CMOS proof-of-concept test chip, 219

current-mode filter, 244

current-mode noise-shaped filtering, 243244

die micrograph of PMA, 242

digital video broadcasting-handheld, 229

expected noise shaping, 229

FDNR-based third-order elliptic response circuit, 219

feedback networks, 225

feedback paths, 219

filter gain response across channel, 244

frequency dependent negative resistance, 218

impedance, 234

in-band distortion levels, 241

in-band noise budget, 240

integrated services digital broadcasting-terrestrial, 228229

linearity analysis, 223

loop transfer function, 226, 227

low noise gain stage with noise-shaping blocker suppression, 231242

measurements, 228

noise analysis, 220, 235

noise budget allocation, 240

noise-shaping, blocker-filtering technique for low noise integrated receivers, 218231

noise transfer function, 221, 236

op-amp and bandwidth calibration circuit, 227

peaking in signal transfer function, 223

programmable gain amplifier, 231

Sallen-Key feedback, 222

signal transfer function, 237

stability analysis, 225

two-tone tests, 241

zero feedback impedance, 235

Blixelter (single-stage balun–LNA–mixer–filter combo topology), 245248

carrier frequency, 247

flicker-noise dominent frequencies, 248

folded filtering section, CMOS process, 246, 247

front end, simulated conversion gain, 247

LNA device currents, 245

front-end LNA noise, 216218

analog-to-digital converters, 217

direct conversion receiver block diagram, 216

first stage low noise amplifier, 216

LNA noise consideration, 216217

noise-canceling LNA, 217218

variable-gain amplifiers, 217

noise–linearity trade-off in radio design, 213216

classical noise–linearity–power area trade-off, 213

device size, 213

digital audio broadcasting, 214

digital multimedia broadcasting, 214

emerging wireless standards, 213

GSM interferers, 214

intermodulation products, 214

mobile TV, 214

National Television System Committee, 215

signal harmonics, 215

LTE, see Long term evolution


MAC, see Medium access control

MAE, see Mean absolute error

MAG, see Maximum available gain

MAP probability, see Maximum a posteriori probability

Maximum a posteriori (MAP) probability, 193

Maximum available gain (MAG), 15

MDS, see Minimum detectable signal

Mean absolute error (MAE), 46

Mean relative error (MRE), 38

Medium access control (MAC), 132

Meningioma, 65

Metal oxide (MOX) chemical sensors, 40

Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), 280

Microelectro-mechanical inertial sensor, 314

Millimeter-wave (MMW) system, 1

MIMO receiver design for next generation wireless systems, 189211

basic MIMO SM technologies, 191196

a posteriori probability, 193

Bell Lab layered space-time, 192

binary phase shift keying, 193

bit interleaved coded modulation scheme, 193

encoder block, 193

hard-detection and soft-detection receivers, 194196

iterative detection and decoding scheme, 193

log likelihood ratio, 193

low density parity check codes, 193

maximum a posteriori probability, 193

max-log approximation, 196

orthogonal frequency division multiplexing scheme, 192

single-user and multiuser SM, 192

SM detection and decoding, 192193

successive interference cancelation, 192

system model, 193194

vertical BLAST, 192

detection techniques for MIMO SM, 196205

antenna correlation, 203

bit-interleaved coded modulation, 203

conventionally ordered-SIC, 197

conventional near-ML detectors, 198

convolutional turbo code, 203

decision feedback equalizer, 196

dimension reduction soft detector, 198, 199

equalization-based detectors, 197

list fixed-complexity sphere decoder, 198

maximal ratio combining linear detector, 197

maximum likelihood detector, 196

minimum mean square error, 196

mixed SIC, 204

ML type detection, 198205

near-exhaustive search method, 202

orthogonal frequency division multiple access, 203

packet error rate, 204

permutation matrix, 199

QR decomposition, 202

quadrature amplitude modulation, 197

radio conformance tests, 203

soft-demodulation transmit symbol subvectors, 200

transmit symbol vector, 199

WiMAX radio conformance tests, 203

zero-forcing, 196

dimension reduction soft detector, 190

future directions, 209

iterative detection and decoding, 205208

Bayes’s theorem, 206

conditional probability, 207

energy constraint, 206

L-values, 207

scheme, 190

soft information, 206208

system model, 205206

recent trends on MIMO systems, 190191

beam-forming, 191

cellular systems, 190191

cyclic delay diversity, 191

frequency-switched transmit diversity, 191

high speed packet access plus, 190

IEEE 802.16e standard, 190

long term evolution, 190

quadrature amplitude modulation, 191

space frequency block coding, 191

spatial diversity techniques, 190

third generation partnership project, 190

wireless LAN and PAN, 191

spatial multiplexing, 189

MIMO schemes, see Multiple input multiple output schemes

Minimum detectable signal (MDS), 73

MMW system, see Millimeter-wave system

Mobile TV, 214

Morse code signals, 58

MOSFET, see Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor

MOX-based sensor array, 49

MOX chemical sensors, see Metal oxide chemical sensors

MRE, see Mean relative error

MUI, see Multiuser interference

Multifunctional software-defined radar sensors (SDRSs), 151167

analog front end, 152

automatic target recognition, 152

experimental results, 156161

angle-frequency reconstructions, 158159

azimuth compression, 157

bit error rate curve, 161

data communications experiment setup, 159161

intercarrier interference, 161

on/off keying modulation technique, 159

single-target imaging, 157158

transmission quality, sub-bands, 159160

linear frequency modulated signals, 153

OFDM coding structure, 153

orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing, 153

pulse-Doppler radar, 152

range-Doppler reconstruction, 164

software-defined radar sensor, 152

software-defined radar system architecture, 153156

digital-to-analog converter, 153

Hermitian operator, 156

inverse fast Fourier transform, 154

sensor signal processing, 156

transceiver design, 154155

ultralow noise amplifiers, 154

wave forming via OFDM, 153154

unmanned aerial vehicles, 152

UWB-OFDM radar-assisted navigation, 162164

aerial vehicle, 162

error-state model, 163

extended Kalman filter, 163

global nearest neighbor tracking algorithm, 162

inertial navigation system, 163

in-phase and quadrature-phase demodulator, 162

navigation filter design, 163164

raw data processing, 162163

Multiple input multiple output (MIMO) schemes, 169

Multiuser interference (MUI), 140


NASA Space Shuttle Orbiter subsystem, Ku-band, 152

National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), 67

National Television System Committee (NTSC), 215

NEF, see Noise efficiency factor

NEP, see Noise-equivalent power

NesC language, 42

NETD, see Noise equivalent temperature difference

Neural network (NN) algorithm, 42

Next generation wireless systems, see MIMO receiver design for next generation wireless systems

NIEHS, see National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences

NLOS environments, see Non-line-of-sight environments

NMOS transistor, 27

NMR, see Nuclear magnetic resonance

NN algorithm, see Neural network algorithm

Nocebo effect, 64

Noise efficiency factor (NEF), 280

Noise-equivalent power (NEP), 5

Noise equivalent temperature difference (NETD), 4, 5

Noise-plus-distortion (NPD), 73

Noise power reduction ratio (NPRR), 353

Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) environments, 132

Nordic radio, 267

NPD, see Noise-plus-distortion

NPRR, see Noise power reduction ratio

NTSC, see National Television System Committee

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 335

NXP Semiconductors CMOS technology, 182


OFDM, see Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing

OFDMA, see Orthogonal frequency division multiple access

On-chip accelerometers using bondwire inertial sensing, 313332

accelerometer types, 314

automotive applications, 314

circuit implementation, 324326

clock signal, 325

CMOS passive mixers, 326

low dropout regulator, 325

phase locked loop, 324

true single-phase clock logic, 326

CMOS, 315

discussion, 331

electrical readout interface for bondwire accelerometer, 322324

Allan variance, 323324

electrical noise in readout circuitry, 323

phase noise, 323

residual FM noise, 324

residual frequency noise, 323

single sideband noise power, 324

system architecture for bondwire inertial sensing, 322323

experimental results of single-axis bondwire accelerometer, 326330

bias stability, 327

measured results, 328, 329

plastic leaded chip carrier, 327

Stycast epoxy, 327

mechanical and electrical properties of bondwire inertial sensor, 315322

bandwidth, 318320

bondwire inductance, 320321

bondwire materials, 316317

Brownian noise equivalent acceleration, 320

cross-axis sensitivity, 317

FEM simulation, 317, 321

inertial mechanical system, 315316

Q inductor, 320

resolution and noise floor, 320

second moment of inertia, 318

sensitivity of bondwire accelerometer, 317

temperature coefficient of bondwire inductor, 321

temperature and fabrication variation, 321322

microelectro-mechanical inertial sensor, 314

On-field calibration methodologies, 37

On/off keying (OOK), 76, 132, 291

OOK, see On/off keying

Open-loop multiphase local-oscillator generation technique, 297312

CMOS, 297

design example, 308310

harmonic rejection, 308

phase corrector, robustness of, 310

receiver measurements, 310

local oscillator, 297

mathematical model, 299307

eight-phase LO generation, 304307

four-phase LO generation, 299304

input phase vector, 306

inverter groups, 300

phase error, 302, 304

signal flow graph, 300

overview, 298299

delay-locked loop, 298

open-loop four-phase clock generator, 299

phase error, 299

phase-locked loop, 297

practical design considerations, 307308

circuit nonlinearity, 308

design and verification flow, 308

optimization, 308

PVT variations, 307308

sizing, 307

voltage-controlled oscillator, 297

Orthogonal frequency division multiple access (OFDMA), 203

Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM), 153

multifunctional software-defined radar sensors, 153

scheme, 192

signaling, 116


Packet error rate (PER), 204

PAE, see Power added efficiency

Parasitic resistance, 108

Passive imaging in silicon technologies, 134

Dicke radiometer, 56

block diagram, 5

Boltzmann constant, 6

chopping frequency, 5

direct detection imaging, 6

NETD calculation, 6

noise-equivalent power, 5

single-pole double throw switches, 5

useful imaging, 5

focal plane array imaging receivers, 2231

antenna efficiency, 26

architecture, 23

Colpitts oscillator, 28

CPW feed line, 24

direct detection architecture, 23

electromagnetic field, 25

folded dipole antenna, 25

gate voltage, 27

HBT transistor, 26

injection-locked frequency tripler, 23, 28

LNA, 28

LO generation/distribution and tripler, 28

mixer and IF/BB circuitry, 30

NMOS transistor, 27

off-chip antenna director, 24

off-state impedance, 27

on-chip folded slot dipole antenna, 23

phase noise, 31

radiation efficiency, 24

receiver building blocks, 2330

silicon substrate with embedded deep trench mesh, 26

SPDT switch, 25, 27

system performance, 3031

zero-IF amplifier, 23

millimeter-wave system, 1

motivation, 24

applications, 2

dish antenna, 2

focal-plane array, 4

images, 3

remote sensing, 2

security surveillance, 2

W-band signals, 4

wireless gigabit Ethernet, 2

wireless HDMI, 2

wireless laptop docking stations, 2

passive imaging fundamentals, 4

passive millimeter-wave imaging, 1

single-pixel silicon-based passive imaging receiver, 722

antenna port, 11

balanced LNA, 9, 11

bias voltage, 18

chopping, 8

coplanar waveguide (CPW), 17

design and analysis of balanced LNA with embedded Dicke switch, 11

detector design and analysis, 17

detector figure of merit, 18

detector output, types of noise at, 19

Dicke switch, chopping operation of, 12

feedback capacitors, 20

flicker noise, 19

Friis equation, 15

hybrid coupler, 11, 13

imaging test setup, 21

maximum available gain, 15

measurement results, 20

notch filter, 8

passive imaging RX using balanced LNA with embedded Dicke switch, 922

phase shifters, 12

pyramidal standard gain horn antenna, 22

Q-factor, 9

reference port, 11

reflection-type phase-shifter design, 14

responsivity, 18, 20

thermal voltage, 18

T-match network topology, 16

total-power radiometer, 8

VSWR, 16

W-band passive radiometer chip, 7

zero-biased diode detectors, 9

total power radiometer, 45

Boltzmann constant, 4

noise equivalent temperature difference, 4

square-law power detector, 4

Passive millimeter-wave (PMMW) imaging, 1

PDF, see Probability distribution function

PDP, see Power delay profile

PEB, see Position error bound

PER, see Packet error rate

PGA, see Programmable gain amplifier

Phase-locked loop (PLL), 262, 297

Photon energy, 61

Planck’s constant, 61

Plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC), 327

PLCC, see Plastic leaded chip carrier

PLL, see Phase-locked loop

PMMW imaging, see Passive millimeter-wave imaging

Point-of-care (POC) biomolecular diagnosis applications, see Frequency-shift-based CMOS magnetic sensor array, design of for point-of-care (POC) biomolecular diagnosis applications

Pollution monitoring, 36

Position error bound (PEB), 143

Power added efficiency (PAE), 173

Power delay profile (PDP), 123

Power spectrum density (PSD), 341

Probability distribution function (PDF), 143

Programmable gain amplifier (PGA), 231

Prosthetics, see Ultralow power techniques in small autonomous implants and sensor nodes

PSD, see Power spectrum density

Pseudorandom active reflector, 129

Pseudosynchronous protocols, 289

Pulse-width modulation (PWM), 275

PWM, see Pulse-width modulation


QAM, see Quadrature amplitude modulation

Q-factor, 9

QMBs, 40

Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), 191, 197, 204

Quench waveform generator (QWG), 262

Quinstar Technology, 22

QWG, see Quench waveform generator


Radar sensors, see Multifunctional software-defined radar sensors

Radio conformance tests (RCTs), 203

Radio design, see Low noise, low distortion radio design

Radio frequency identification, see Ultrawide bandwidth radio frequency identification and localization

Radio frequency (RF) radiation exposure and health, 5769

health effects of RF radiation, 6267

cell phone use, 67

changing technologies, 66

deoxyribonucleaic acid, 62

direct carcinogenicity effects, 62

electromagnetic hypersensitivity, 64

glioma, 65

heating through RF exposure, 63

hidden facts, 65

idiopathic environmental intolerance, 64

IEEE standard, 63

inaccurate reporting, 66

ionizing radiation, 62

long-term effects, 6567

meningioma, 65

morbidity and mortality, 66

nocebo effect, 64

nonionizing radiation, 62

participation bias, 66

past epidemiologic studies, 65

radar personnel, 63

recall bias, 66

short-term effects, 6265

standpoints of expert organizations, 66

WHO carcinogenicity group classifications, 66

history of wireless communication, 5758

amplification of signals, 58

global system of mobile communications, 58

Morse code signals, 58

radio frequency radiation, 58

public perception of RF radiation exposure risks, 5859

control versus lack of control, 59

dread versus confidence, 59

fair versus unfair, 59

familiarity versus unfamiliarity, 59

GSM base station, 58

risk perception, 59

voluntary versus involuntary exposure, 59

RF radiation, 5961

electromagnetic field propagation, 59

gamma rays, 60

International System of Units, 61

photon energy, 61

Planck’s constant, 61

schematic view, 60

sinusoidal electromagnetic fields, 60

ultraviolet radiation, 60

x-rays, 60

RCTs, see Radio conformance tests

Receiver front ends with robustness to process variations, 71111

adjustment of process variation impact, 100109

circuit topologies, 104

correction of corner performance, 106108

designer’s first priority, 102

layout impact approximated, 108109

LNA, 103

noise figure of receiver, 108

nonlinearity distortion, 104

overall design considerations, 103106

parasitic resistance, 108

performance degradation, 102

process variations, 101

simulation results, 107

single-balanced mixer, 103

tuneability in different LNA topologies, 101102

tuneability in other stages, 102

bit error rate, noise, gain, and nonlinearity, 7376

distortion components, 74

IQ mismatch, 75

minimum detectable signal, 73

noise-plus-distortion, 73

block-level impact, 7782

formula notations, 79

general case, 7781

input-referred noise voltage, 78

intermodulation distortion, 80

nonlinearities of stages, 77

notations in phasor form, 80

zero-IF receiver and worst-case nonlinearity, 8182

case study, 91100

degradation of NPD, 96

high performance ADCs, 100


nonoptimum design, 91, 98, 100

optimum-power design, 98, 99, 100

power coefficients, modified, 96

range of NPDs, 94

receiver with ADC, 98100

receiver without ADC, 9197

stage parameters, 95

CMOS technologies, 7172

contribution factor, 109

design for robustness, 8691

constant-sensitivity approach, 8788

NPD sensitivities, 86

optimum-power design, 8890

power coefficient, 89

reduced second-order sensitivity approach, 88

summary and discussion, 9091

zero-IF receiver, 87

local oscillator, 73

narrowband systems, 72

performance requirements, 7677

audio/visual mode, 77

dual alternate mark inversion, 76

effective isotropic radiated power, 77

kiosk application, 76

low data rate, modes, 76

on/off keying, 76

wireless personal area network applications, 76

sensitivity to block-level performance, 8286

BER variations, 82

general case, 8284

I/Q signal, 84

NPD variations, 82

random variables, 83

third-order nonlinearity, 85

zero-IF receiver and worst-case nonlinearity, 8486

yield test, 72

Rendezvous protocols, 275, 289

RFID, see Ultrawide bandwidth radio frequency identification and localization

RF radiation, see Radio frequency radiation exposure and health

RMSE, see Root mean square error

Root mean square error (RMSE), 121

Root raised cosine (RRC) envelope, 117

RRC envelope, see Root raised cosine envelope


Sallen-Key feedback, 222

SAW filter, see Surface acoustic wave filter

Schottky diode voltage doubler, 292

SDRS, see Software-defined radar sensor

SD techniques, see Spatial diversity techniques

Serial peripheral interface (SPI), 260

SFBC, see Space frequency block coding

SFG, see Signal flow graph

SIC, see Successive interference cancelation

Signal flow graph (SFG), 300, 305

Signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratio (SNDR), 73

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 119, 280

Silicon technologies, see Passive imaging in silicon technologies

Single-pole double throw (SPDT) switches, 5

Small autonomous implants and sensor nodes, see Ultralow power techniques in small autonomous implants and sensor nodes

Small-scale fading, 258

Smart cities paradigm, 35

SNDR, see Signal-to-noise-plus-distortion ratio

SNR, see Signal-to-noise ratio

Software-defined radar sensor (SDRS), 152, see also Multifunctional software-defined radar sensors

Source declaration problem, 36

Space frequency block coding (SFBC), 191

Spatial diversity (SD) techniques, 190

Spatial multiplexing (MIMO), 189

SPDT switches, see Single-pole double throw switches

SPI, see Serial peripheral interface

Stycast epoxy, 327

Successive interference cancelation (SIC), 192, 197

Surface acoustic wave (SAW) filter, 290


Tapped delay neural network (TDNN), 49

TDM, see Time-division multiplexing

TDNN, see Tapped delay neural network

TDOA, see Time difference of arrival

Third generation partnership project, 190

TH schemes, see Time-hopping schemes

Time of arrival (TOA) estimation signals, 114

Time difference of arrival (TDOA), 131

Time-division multiplexing (TDM), 276

Time of flight (TOF), 120

Time-hopping (TH) schemes, 118

TinyNose, 41, 43, 49

TinyOS, 41

TOA estimation signals, see Time of arrival estimation signals

TOF, see Time of flight

True single-phase clock logic (TSPC), 326

TSPC, see True single-phase clock logic

Two-tone tests, 241


UAVs, see Unmanned aerial vehicles

Ubisense platform, 132

UHF passive RFID technology, see Ultrahigh frequency passive RFID technology

ULNA, see Ultralow noise amplifiers

Ultrahigh frequency (UHF) passive RFID technology, 114

Ultralow noise amplifiers (ULNA), 154

Ultralow power radio design for emerging healthcare applications, 253271

BAN radio, 259269

cyclic redundancy check, 265

digital baseband, 264

direct-sequence spread spectrum technology, 265

ECG necklace, 259

envelope detector, 262

field-programmable gate array, 265

line of sight distance, 266

loop filter, 262

misdetection error, 268

Nordic radio, 267

on/off keying modulation, 260

phase-frequency detector, 262

phase-locked loop, 262

PN code symbol, 265

power amplifier, 260

quench waveform generator, 262

radio measurements, 266

receiver front end, 262

receiver timing, 263

serial peripheral interface, 260

system architecture, 260

transmitter front end, 260

variable gain amplifier, 262

link budget, 257258

channel model, 258

receiver sensitivity, 258

small-scale fading, 258

super-regenerative front ends, 257

summary, 269270

WBAN and healthcare applications, 254257

ambulatory sleep monitoring devices, 255

autonomic nervous system, 256

electrocardiography, 254

electromyography, 256

electro-oculography, 256

universal WBAN system, 257

wireless sleep staging, 255

wireless body area network, 253

Ultralow power techniques in small autonomous implants and sensor nodes, 273296

activity-based schemes, 274

brain–computer interfacing technology, 274

medium access mechanism, 275

microsystems for biopotential recording, 275288

adaptive sampling, 278

analog-to-time conversion, 276

battery-powered sensor interface, 277

Cadence design tools, 282

common-mode feedback circuit, 285

current-supply modulation, 277

digitization, 276

duty cycle period, 277

energy-efficient sensory circuit topologies, 280281

gain expression of LNA, 286

local field potentials, 281

low noise amplifier, 278

low pass cutoff frequency, 276

low power discrete-time neural interfacing front end, 281288

low power system-level strategies, 277280

multichannel system architectures, 276

noise efficiency factor, 280

objectives for prosthetic applications, 275

positive metal oxide conductor, 281

signal-to-noise ratio, 280

source degeneration resistors, 287

summary, 288

switched capacitor, 281

time-division multiplexing, 276

tracking error, 276

z-transfer function, 282, 284

power-saving schemes, 274

pulse-width modulation, 275

recording building blocks, 274

rendezvous protocols, 275

sensor networks, 273

wake-up radio, 275

wake-up radio for wireless sensor networks, 288294

architecture, 292293

low power WUR design based on PWM, 291

motes, 288

nodes, 288

on/off keying, 291

performance, 293294

pseudosynchronous protocols, 289

PWM modulation, 291292

rendezvous protocols, 289

Schottky diode voltage doubler, 292

summary, 294

surface acoustic wave filter, 290

T-node platform, 290

wake-up radio concept, 289290

Ultraviolet radiation, 60

Ultrawide bandwidth (UWB) radio frequency identification (RFID) and localization, 113150

advanced issues, 144146

application scenario, 145

chipless tags, 144145

high-accuracy radio detection, identification, and localization applications, 145146

localization features, 145

object identification, 145

wireless sensor radar, 145

passive RFID tags, 114

time of arrival estimation signals, 114

ultrahigh frequency passive RFID technology, 114

UWB propagation, 121129

backscatter modulation, 124

backscatter propagation, 124129

characteristics, 121124

dual feed stripline antenna, 127

echo, 128

IEEE 802.15.4a channel model, 127

measurement results, 127

multipath characterization, 123

passband impulse response, 123

path-loss model, 122

power delay profile, 123

round-trip channel transfer function, 125

structural and antenna mode scattering, 124

tag status, 125

UWB antenna backscattering, 124

UWB RFID and localization with active tags, 129133

angle of arrival, 132

commercial proprietary system, 131

IEEE 802.15.4f standard, 132133

localization capability, 131132

low duty cycle UWB tags, 129130

medium access control (MAC), 132

non-line-of-sight environments, 132

on/off keying modulation, 132

pseudorandom active reflector, 129

reflector clock rates, 130

Sapphire DART, 132

time difference of arrival, 131

triangulation, 132

Ubisense platform, 132

UWB RFID and localization with (semi) passive tags, 133144

AWGN channel, 139

backscatter modulator signal, 136

balanced antipodal Vivaldi antenna, 139

circuit implementation, 134

clutter effect, 142

Gold codes, 141

Hadamard codes, 141

hybrid tags based on UHF and UWB modulations, 133134

IEEE 802.15.4a CM1

channel model, 142

localization capability, 143144

multiuser interference, 140

performance in multitag scenario, 140

performance in single-tag scenario using measured data, 140

position error bound, 143

probability distribution function, 143

pulse distortion, 138

semipassive tags, 133

single tag scenario, 136

tags based on backscatter modulation, 134143

UWB technology, 115121

additive white Gaussian noise, 118

bit error probability (BEP), 118

Cramér-Rao bound, 120

definitions and regulatory issues, 115116

detection and avoidance UWB devices, 116

direct sequence schemes, 118

effective bandwidth, 121

effective radiated isotropic power, 115

energy capture efficiency, 119

Fourier transform 121

Gaussian monocycle pulses, 121

Gaussian pulse, 117

Gaussian random variable, 121

impulse radio UWB, 116119

low duty cycle UWB devices, 116

ML estimation error, 121

multipath diversity, 119

orthogonal frequency division multiplexing signaling, 116

pseudorandom TH code, 118

pulse amplitude modulation signaling, 118

pulse position modulation signaling, 118

ranging capability of UWB signals, 119121

root mean square error, 121

root raised cosine envelope, 117

signal-to-noise ratio, 119

time of flight, 120

time-hopping (TH) schemes, 118

wireless personal area networks, 116

ZigBee standard, 114

UML deployment diagram (WCSNs), 42

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), 152

US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 67

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 67

UWB, see Ultrawide bandwidth radio frequency identification and localization


Variable gain amplifier (VGA), 217, 262

V-BLAST, see Vertical BLAST

VCO, see Voltage-controlled oscillator

Vertical BLAST (V-BLAST), 192

VGA, see Variable gain amplifier

Virtual damping phenomenon, 337

VOC pollutant simulants, 49

VOC spills, 41

Volatile organic compounds, 35

Voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO), 297


Wake-up radio (WUR), 288294

architecture, 292293

concept, 289290

low power design based on PWM, 291

motes, 288

nodes, 288

on/off keying, 291

performance, 293294

pseudosynchronous protocols, 289

PWM modulation, 291292

rendezvous protocols, 289

Schottky diode voltage doubler, 292

summary, 294

surface acoustic wave filter, 290

T-node platform, 290

WBAN, see Wireless body area network

W-CDMA, see Wideband code division multiple access

WCSNs, see Wireless chemical sensor networks

White frequency noise, 340

WHO, see World Health Organization

Wideband code division multiple access (W-CDMA), 170

WiMAX radio conformance tests, 203

Wireless body area network (WBAN), 253, see also Ultralow power radio design for emerging healthcare applications

Wireless chemical sensor networks (WCSNs), 3555

advantages of networked approach, 36

duty cycle and power consumption, 4345

ADC converter timeout, 44

computing phase, 43

core mote consumption, 44

e-nose battery life, 45

microcontroller power state, 43

platform signal conditioning board consumption, 45

polymer swelling, 44

sensing phase, 43

shunt resistance, 43

sleep phase, 43

TelosB drawn current, 44

transmission/reception phase, 43

wake-up period, 43

energy efficiency, 4043

commercial e-noses, 40

graphical user interfaces, 42

livestock farm odors, 40

metal oxide chemical sensors, 40

NesC, 42

neural network algorithm, 42

polymer/nanocomposite reactivity to chemicals, 40

QMBs, 40

UML deployment diagram, 42

VOC spills, 41

voltage signal, 41

hazardous gas, 35

hydrogen-powered car refilling stations, 35

module calibration and sensor stability, 3740

artificial neural networks, 37

drift correction algorithms, 39

electronic noses, 37

interferents, 37

mean relative error, 38

on-field calibration methodologies, 37

semisupervised learning techniques, 39

sensor drift, 40

sensor recalibration, 39

pollution monitoring, 36

power saving using sensor censoring, 4548

Bernoulli random variable, 47

censoring criteria, 48

ethanol, 48

general chemical sensing problem, 45

lab-scale experiment, 45

mean absolute error, 46

NN sensor fusion, 46

spiking threshold, 48

respiratory illness, 35

sensor failure, 37

smart cities paradigm, 35

source declaration problem, 36

3D reconstruction, 4953

algorithm performance, 51

Gaussina kernel, 50

HVAC automation, 49

MOX-based sensor array, 49

peaks, 52

pollutant mixture, 52

tapped delay neural network, 49

TinyNoses, 49

VOC pollutant simulants, 49

w-noses, 51

volatile organic compounds, 35

Wireless communication, history of, 5758

amplification of signals, 58

global system of mobile communications, 58

Morse code signals, 58

radio frequency radiation, 58

Wireless personal area network (WPAN), 76, 116

Wireless sensor radar (WSR), 145

Wireless systems, next generation, see MIMO receiver design for next generation wireless systems

World Health Organization (WHO), 66

WPAN, see Wireless personal area network

WSR, see Wireless sensor radar

WUR, see Wake-up radio


X-rays, 60


Zebra Enterprise Solutions, 132

Zero-biased diode detectors, 9

Zero-forcing (ZF), 196

Zero-IF amplifier, 23

Zero-IF receiver, 8182, 8486

ZF, see Zero-forcing

ZigBee standard, 114

z-transfer function, 282, 284

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