
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” refers to figures and tables, respectively.


Adsorption layer media, mechanism of, 310–311
Air purifier, 170
Al2O3 template, preparing, 139–140
Alkaline fuel cell (AFC), 267
Alumina, 37, 225
Amorphous silicon solar cell, 276–277, 277–278
Anderson localization, 319, 322
Andreev reflection, 203
Anisotropy magnetoresistance (AMR), 144, 155
Antibacterial materials, 169–173, 172
Anti-fogging and self-cleaning coatings
photocatalytic oxidation technology for, 170
Arginine-glycine-aspartic acid (RGD), 223
Armchair SWNTs, 53
Artificial atoms, 66–67, 100–101
Artificial zeolite synthesis, 110–111
Atomic force microscopy, 43–46, 95, 328–329
application, 44–46
basic structure of, 45f
scanning modes, comparison of, 44, 45t
working principle of, 43–44, 44f
ATP enzymes, 332
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES), 25–26


Band gap, 55, 88
BCS theory, 193–194
Bead array counter (BARC), 157
Bending-electric effect, 188–189
fluorescent latex NSs in, 237–238
light-emitting QDs in, 238
metal nanoparticles in, 235–236
nanoparticles in, 234–238
Bioceramic nanomaterials, 221–222
giant magnetoresistance, 155–156
Biocompatibility, 217, 248
Biocomposite nanomaterials, 223–224
Biodegradability, 219
Biological coupling technology, 216
Biological macromolecules, 44–46, 153, 216, 242, 307
Biological materials, 217
Biological molecules engineering technology, 216
Biomineralization, 223, 223
Biomissile, 230–231
Biosensors, 153–154
giant magnetoresistance, 152–158, 155–158
Bloch domain, 113, 113
Blue electroluminescence problem, 176
Brownian motion, 35, 35, 114, 119, 333
Brownian motor, 333
Brus formula, 22–23


Cadmium telluride thin-film solar cells, 278–279
Cancer, 244
hyperthermia for, 247–248
magnetic nanoparticles in, 223
Carbon allotropes, 3, 50, 50, 225
structures of, 50–52
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs), 3, 49, 50, 258–259, 262
-based FET, 75–76
-based junction, 72–74
application of, 62–82
chip thermal/heat protection, 81
electronics, See CNT electronics
high-energy capacitor, 81
high-energy microbattery, 81
in hydrogen storage, 80–81, 262t
nanocomposite materials, 81–82
nanoreactor, 81
carbon allotropes, 50–53
graphene, 52–53
structures of, 50–52
characteristics of, 54–57
electrical characteristics, 55
mechanical properties, 54–55
thermal properties, 55–56
chemical properties, 56–57
complementary nongate (inverter) circuit with, 76–78
curling way of, 54f
electronic structure of, 57–60
π-electron orbit and energy of, 57–59
electronics, 71–78
quantum wires, 71–72
field emission cathode materials, 79–80
nano test tubes, 79
nanobalance, 79
nanomolds, 79
nature of, 53–60
preparation of, 60–62
single-electron transistor with, 74–75
superconducting phenomenon of, 56
template method, 139
types of, 53
Carrier diffusion effect, 164
Ceramic oxides, 225
Ceramic-based nanocomposites, 110
Chad Mirkin, 325–326
Characteristics of nanomaterials, 5–12
Characterization and analysis of nanomaterials, 25
atomic force microscopy, 43–46
application, 44–46
comparison of, 44, 45t
working principle of, 43–44
electrical properties, 28–30
magnetic properties, 30–32
mechanical properties, 32–33
optical properties, 37–38
particle size, 26–28
scanning probe microscopy (SPM), 38–43
advantages, 41t, 43
application, 41–43
disadvantages, 41t
operating mode of, 39–41
working principles of, 39
thermal properties, 33–36
Charge effect, 210–211
Chemical bonding, mechanism of, 310
Chemical colloidal method, 93
Chip thermal/heat protection, 81
Chiral SWNTs, 53
CNT electronics, 62–78, 71–78
CNT based field-effect transistor, 75–76
CNT-based junction, 72–74
complementary nongate (inverter) circuit with, 76–78
quantum wires, 71–72
single-electron transistor with, 74–75
Coating modification, 298
Coercive force, 31
Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR), 144
Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS), 77, 77–78
Composite catalyst, modified nanoparticles application in, 303–304
Composite coating, modified nanoparticles application in, 304
Composite fire-retardant materials, 303
Composite materials, 227, 227, 294–295
concept and history, 294–295
Compound semiconductors, 274
Converse effect, 186
Converse piezoelectric effect, 186
Cooper electron pairs, 194–195
Copper indium gallium diselenide, 277–278
Core–shell structure composite nanomaterials, 305–314
adsorption layer media, mechanism of, 310–311
applications of, 313–314
characteristics of, 305–306
chemical bonding, mechanism of, 310
composite method, 306–309
biological macromolecules method, 307
polymerization chemical reaction, 306–307
self-assembly, 309
surface deposition and surface chemical reaction method, 307–308
ultrasonic chemical method, 309
Coulomb’s electrostatic force, mechanism of, 310
material properties, changes in, 311–313
catalyst stability and changes in catalytic activity, 312
magnetic core, 312–313
optical properties, 311
stability of particles, increase in, 311–312
Coulomb blocking effect, 10–11, 68
Coulomb island, 66–67
Coulomb’s electrostatic force, mechanism of, 310
Coupling modification, 298–299
Curie, Jacques, 186
Curie–Weiss susceptibility law, 118


Damping device, 122
Deep ultraviolet region, 63
Derivative thermogravimetry (DTG), 35
Dielectric confinement effect, 21–23
Dielectric loss, 21–22, 29
Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), 25–26
Direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC), 267, 267–269
proton-exchange membrane for, 269–270
Discontinuity of electron levels, 13–14
for assembly of nanoparticles, 325–326
basics of, 317–324
conductivity, 318–322
equivalent model of DNA conduction, 322–324
molecular devices, advantages of, 324
molecular motor, 329–336, 331–332, 335–336
basic principle, 332–335
DNA applications in molecular devices, 335
Drexler conjecture, 329–331
nanotechnology, 221, 325–329
simplest equivalent model of, 322–324
structure of, 317–318
as template to prepare molecular wire, 328–329
templates, driving force for self-assembly of, 326–328
unique structure of, 317–318
DNA helicase, 331–332
DNA-chip, 228–229
Double-pass template, 140
Double-phase nanocomposite hard magnets, 129
Drug and gene carrier nanomaterials, 218–221
nanocapsules and nanospheres, 220
nanolilmsome, 219–220
polymer micelles, 220–221
solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), 220
Drug delivery system, 230–231
Drugs, nanotechnology in, 227–228
Dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells (DSSCs), 273–290
cell structure, 282
flexible, 290
history of, 281–282
parameters for performance evaluation, 284–285
problems, 288–290
research progress, 285–288
electrolyte, 288
nanosemiconductor materials, 286–288
sensitizer, 285–286
status of solar cells, 273–274
types, 274–281
inorganic solar cells, 274–280
organic solar cell, 280–281
working principle, 282–284
Dynamic seal of rotating shaft, 121


EcoRI enzyme, 237–238, 242
Eddy current loss, 251, 312–313
Einstein fluctuation–dissipation theorem, 333
Electrical characteristics, of CNT, 55
Electrical properties, detection and analysis of, 28–30
Electrostriction, 186
11-7-1 structure, 5–6
Embolism magnetic hyperthermia, 249
Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), 25–26
Equivalent diameter, 26–28, 27
Equivalent dispersion composite materials, 294–295
and luminescence, 87–90
calculations of, 91–92
concept of, 87
energy band structure of, 88–90


F1-ATP enzyme, 332
Ferro fluid, 108–109
Feynman, Richard, 1–2
Field emission cathode materials, 79–80
Field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), 25–26
Field-emission scanning transmission electron microscopy (FE-STEM), 25–26
Fluorescence analysis, 235, 235, 235, 239–240, 240
Fluorescent latex NSs, 237–238
Fossil energy, traditional, 255–256
Fuel cells, 264–273
basic concept, 264–267
comparison of, 267–269
nanofuel cell, 272–273
nanomicro, 257
proton-exchange membrane (PEM), 269–272


Gene technology, 216
Geometric diameter, 26–28, 27
Giant magnetoresistance (GMR), 106, 109
effect and applications, 142–144
magnetic resistance, classification and comparison of, 144–149
materials, 142–158
metal superlattice, GMR effects of, 150–152
biosensors, 152–158
physical mechanism of, 149–152
sensor chip, 154–155
Glass transition temperature, 34
Gold nanoparticles, 235–236
Granular perpendicular medium, 109
Graphene, 50, 52–53
Graphite, 50, 53
electronic structure of, 59–60
Grätzel-type photoelectrochemical solar cells, See Dye-sensitized nanocrystalline solar cells (DSSCs)
Grove, William, 265–266


“Hand-over-hand” model, 331–332
Hartree–Folk (HF) method, 321
Heating technology, 246
High-energy capacitor, 81
High-energy microbattery, 81
High-frequency microwave nanomagnetic materials, 129–132
High-performance storage appliances, 257
High-resolution electron microscopy (HRTEM), 25–26, 51
High-temperature superconductors (HTSs), 195–196
Highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO), 321–322
Honda–Fujishima effect, 162
Hückel MO method (HMO method), 58–59
Hybrid structures, 203–204
and nanosuperconductors, 203–204
Hydrogen energy, 259
Hydrogen storage materials, technology status of, 259–264
Hydrogen storage methods, 259
Hydrophobic effect, 11
5-Hydroxytryptamine, 244
Hyperthermia, 245–252
background, 245–248
intracellular, 249
local, 247
magnetic, 248–250
embolism, 249
intracellular, 249
liposome, 249
whole body, 249–250
magnetic materials for, 250
thermogenesis mechanism, 250–252
research progress of nanomagnetic materials in, 245–252
whole body, 247
Hysteresis loss, 251


Iijima, Sumio, 3, 51, 262
Immunoassay operations, 218
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), 25–26
Inorganic nanoparticles, 217, 308
Inorganic solar cells, 274–280
amorphous silicon, 276–277
cadmium telluride thin-film solar cells, 278–279
copper indium gallium diselenide, 277–278
silicon wafer, 275–276
silicone thin-film solar cells, 279–280
Intracellular hyperthermia, 249
Invasive diagnosis, capabilities and intelligence of, 230
ISET, 277–278
Island growth (Volmer-Weber (V-W)) mode, 93


Jordan type loss, 251–252
Josephson effect, 191–192, 211–212


Kodak, 278–279
Kubo theory, 14–16
assumption of ultrafine particles on electron-neutral, 15–16
hypothesis regarding degenerate Fermi liquid, 15


L-MBE growth technique, 179–181
Lactic acid–acid polymers, 226
Layered growth (Frank-van der Merwe (F-M)) mode, 93
Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 101, 176
Light-emitting QDs in bioanalysis, 238
Liposome magnetic hyperthermia, 249
Liquid electrolyte, 288, 289–290
Lithography and etching, 93
Local hyperthermia, 247
Lotus effect, 11, 12f
Low-temperature superconductors, 195
Lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO), 321–322
Lubrication, modified nanoparticles application in, 304
and excitons, 87–90
of nanoparticles, 37–38


Magnesium system, 261
Magnetic Exchange Coupling, 149–150
Magnetic fluids, 119–123
applications of, 123t
composition and properties of, 120t
magnetic nanoparticles in, 138
preparation of magnetic nanoparticles, 138
sensors, 123
Magnetic force microscopy (MFM), 31
Magnetic hyperthermia, 248–250
embolism, 249
intracellular, 249
liposome, 249
materials for, 250
thermogenesis mechanism, 250–252
whole body, 249–250
Magnetic microspheres, 124
Magnetic nanocomposite materials, 126–128
Magnetic nanomaterials, 106, 231
classification of, 108–111
in medical application, 231–234
Magnetic nanoparticles, 222–223
in magnetic fluid, 138
Magnetic navigation, 234
Magnetic properties
detection and analysis of, 30–32
of nano-effect, 9–10
Magnetoliposomes, 249
Magnetoresistance, 142, 150–151
anisotropic, 145–146
Magnetoresistive random access memory (MRAM), 126, 127t
Mechanical crushing method, 133–135
Mechanical properties
of carbon nanotubes, 54–55
detection and analysis of, 32–33
of nano-effect, 10
Medical composite materials, 231
Meissner effect, 191–192
Mesoscopic quantum optics, 100–101
Metal hydrides, 260
Metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD), 94, 136
Metal oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET), 62
Metal superlattice, GMR effects of, 150–152
Metallic nanowire, 324
Methanol, 266–267, 272–273
Microarray, 229
Microelectronics technology and emergence of nanoelectronics, limits of, 62–65
Micromolecular motors, 335
Microwave technology, 246
Mineral separation, 122
Miniaturization, 231, 231
Mini-pills, 230–231
Mitsubishi Corporation, 280
Mixed growth (Stranski-Krastanov (SK)) mode, 94
Modern biotechnology, defined, 216
Modified nanoparticles, application of, 303–305
in composite catalyst, 303–304
in composite coating, 304
in composite fire-retardant materials, 303
in the field of lubrication, 304
in plastics, 303
in rubber, 304–305
Molecular beam epitaxy (MBE), 135–136, 203–204
technique with microwave, 179
Molecular devices, DNA applications in, 335
Molecular motor, DNA-based, 331–332, 335–336
Molecular orbital (MO), 57
Molecular robots, 229–230
Molecular sieve, 110–111, 167
Molten carbonate fuel cell (MCFC), 267
Moore, Gordon, 62–63
Mossbauer spectroscopy, 25–26
Multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), 51, 52, 262–263
conductivity of, 72


proton-exchange membrane, 269, 271f
Nano test tubes, 79
Nanobalance, 79
Nanobiological materials, 217–218
bioceramic nanomaterials, 221–222
biocomposite nanomaterials, 223–224
drug and gene carrier nanomaterials, 218–221
nanocapsules and nanospheres, 220
nanolilmsome, 219–220
polymer micelles, 220–221
solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), 220
magnetic nanoparticles, 222–223
Nanobiomedical materials, 224–231
biochip, 228–229
in drugs, 227–228
future development, 229–231
drug delivery system, 230–231
invasive diagnosis, capabilities and intelligence of, 230
medical composite materials, 231
nanorobots, 229–230
targeted nanomedicine, 230
nanobiocomposite materials, 227
nanobioinorganic materials, 225–226
nanopolymeric biological material, 226–227
Nanobiotechnology, 216, 216
Nanocapsules (NCs), 220
Nanocarbon materials, 225
Nanoceramic material, 10, 109–110
Nanocomposite materials, 81–82, 295–296
See also Biocomposite nanomaterials
magnetic, 126–128
Nanocomputer, 229–230
Nanocrystal application technology, 258
Nanocrystalline permanent magnetic materials, 108
Nanocrystalline soft magnetic materials, 108
NanoDynamics, 273
Nano-effect, 6–11
electrical properties, 10–11
magnetic properties, 9–10
mechanical properties, 10
natural, 11–12
optical properties, 7–8
physical principles, 12–23
dielectric confinement effect, 21–23
discontinuity of electron levels, 13–14
Kubo theory, 14–16
quantum size effect, 16–17
small size effect, 18–20
surface effect, 20–21
thermal properties, 8
Nanofibers, 258–259
Nanofuel cell, 272–273
Nanogenerator, piezoelectric, 187–190
need for, 187–188
principle of, 188–190
Nano-HA, 227, 227
Nanolilmsome, 219–220
Nanomagnetic materials, 105
artificial and natural nanomagnetic materials, 106–108
basic characteristics of, 111–118
coercivity Hc, 117
Curie temperature, 117–118
exchange interaction, 115–117
magnetic domain, 112–113
superparamagnetic feature, 114–115
susceptibility, 118
double-phase nanocomposite hard magnets, 129
GMR materials, 142–158
biosensors, 152–158
effect and applications, 142–144
magnetic resistance, classification and comparison of, 144–149
metal superlattice, effects of, 150–152
physical mechanism of, 149–152
high-frequency microwave nanomagnetic materials, 129–132
magnetic fluids, 119–123
magnetic microspheres, 124
magnetic nanocomposite materials, 126–128
one-dimensional nanowires, 124–126
preparation of, 132–142
chemical method, 136–138
classification, 132–133
etching method, 135
magnetic nanoparticles in magnetic fluid, 138
mechanical crushing method, 133–135
physical method, 135–136
specific instances, 133–142
two-dimensional films, 126
types of, 106–111
Nanomagnetic particles, 226
Nanomagnetic recording materials, 108
Nanomagnetic refrigeration working fluid, 109
Nanomaterials, surface modification of, 295–305
implementation of, 301–303
mechanism of, 297–299
coating modification, 298
coupling modification, 298–299
nanosurface engineering, 296–297
surface modifier, 299–301
inorganic compounds, 299
organic compounds, 300–301
polymers, 301
Nanomedicine, 227–228, 331
targeted, 230
Nanometer (nm), 2–4
Nanomicro fuel cell, 257
Nanomolds, 79
Nanoprecision polishing, raw materials for, 110
Nanoreactor, 81
Nanorobots, 229–230
Nanoscience, 2–4, 83, 329
Nanosemiconductor materials, 286–288
Nanosilica, 225
Nanospheres (NSs), 220
Nanostorage materials, 258–264
hydrogen energy, 259
hydrogen storage methods, 259
technology status of, 259–264
Nanosuperconductors, 197–204
application of, 204–212
quantum bits, 207–212
quantum computers, 205–207
difficulties, 201–204
and hybrid structures, 203–204
incredible magnetic nanoclusters, 201–202
proximity effect, 203
quantum fluctuations and strong correlation in nanowires, 202
research progress, 197–201
superconductors and nanostructure, links between, 204
ultrathin film, 202–203
Nanosurface engineering, 296–297
Nanotechnology, 2–4, 6, 256–257
in drugs, 227–228
Nanothermal fluid technology, 257–258
Nanotitanium oxide, See Titanium dioxide (TiO2)
Nanotube quantum wire, 71
Nanowater, 4
Natural nano-effect, 11–12
Nonclassical light, 101, 103
Nonvolatile computer memory (NVRAM), 126
Normal magnetoresistance (OMR), 144, 145
NREL, 277–278
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), 25–26


One-dimensional nanowires, 124–126
Optical properties, detection and analysis of, 37–38
Optical properties, of nano-effect, 7–8
Organic compounds, surface modification with, 300–301
Organic solar cell, 280–281
Organics, photocatalytic degradation reaction of, 171t


Particle size, detection and analysis of, 26–28
PEG-modified nanoparticles, 226
Perfect law of nanomaterials, 5–6
Persistent current, 209–210
Phosphoric acid fuel cell (PAFC), 267
Photocatalyst, 161, 164
Photocatalytic decomposition of water, 173
Piezoelectric effect, 29, 185–186
Pills, 230–231
Plasma technology, 302, 302
Plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), 276–277
Plasmid DNA, 221
Plastics, nanoparticles application in, 303
Polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC), 267
Polymer micelles, 220–221
Polymer nanobiomaterials, 218
Polymer track etched template, 139
Polymerization chemical reaction, 306–307
Polymers, surface modification with, 301
Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA), 298–299
photoresist, 77–78
Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 298
Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), 298
Porous glass granules, 225
Positive piezoelectric effect, 185
Precision grinding and polishing, 122
Proton-exchange membrane (PEM), 266–267, 269–272
perfluorinated, 270–272
Proton-exchange membrane fuel cell (PEMFC), 267
Proximity effect, 203, 204


Quantum computers, 205–207, 207–208
Quantum dots (QDs), 65, 228, 238–245
bioconjugation, 240
in biological and medical analysis, 239–244
for in vivo studies, 244–245
light-emitting QDs, 238
optical properties of zinc oxide, 181–182
semiconductor, See Semiconductor quantum dots
Quantum effects, 164, 318–319
Quantum magnetic disk (QMD), 124–125
Quantum size effect, 16–17
Quantum tunneling, 66


Radiofrequency hyperthermia, 246–247
Radiotherapy, 233–234
Raman spectroscopy, 25–26
Refraction diameter, 26–28, 27–28
Reinforced plastics, 294–295
Renewable energy sources, 256
Residual loss, 251
Richter type loss, 251–252
RKKY exchange model, 115–116
RNA polymerase, 331–332
Rotary molecular motors, 332
Rubber, nanoparticles application in, 304–305


Scanning probe microscopy (SPM), 38–43, 229
advantages, 41t, 43
application, 41–43
disadvantages, 41t
operating mode of, 39–41
working principles of, 39
Scanning tunneling electron microscopy (STEM), 25–26
Second neutral-atom mass spectroscopy (SNMS), 25–26
Secondary ion mass spectroscopy, 25–26
core–shell structure composite, 309
QD synthesis, 93
Self-cleaning effect, 11, 12f
Semiconductor quantum dots, 83
and luminescence, 87–90
calculations of, 91–92
concept of, 87
energy band structure of, 88–90
laser devices based on, 96–100
physical basis of, 84–92
quantum confinement effect, 84–87
preparation of, 93–95
chemical colloidal method, 93
lithography and etching, 93
self-assembly method, 93
split-gate approach, 93
single-photon source, 100–104
Semiconductor silicon, 274
7-1 structure, 5–6
Sewage treatment, solar reactor for, 169–170
Silicon solar cells, 274
Silicon wafer solar cell, 275–276
Silicone thin-film solar cells, 279–280
Single-electron effect, 65
Single-electron transistor (SET), 65–71
Single-electron tunneling effect, 66
Single-layer graphite material, 52–53
Single-photon source, 100–104
Single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNTs), 51, 262
conductivity of, 72
Small size effect, 18–20
Smith, Edwin, 245
Smoluchowski, M., 332
Soft magnetic alloy, 127, 128t
Sol-gel process, 137f
Solar cells
inorganic solar cells, 274–280
amorphous silicon, 276–277
cadmium telluride thin-film solar cells, 278–279
copper indium gallium diselenide, 277–278
silicon wafer, 275–276
silicone thin-film solar cells, 279–280
organic solar cell, 280–281
status of, 273–274
types, 274–281
Solar energy, 256
Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs), 220
Solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC), 267
Solid polymer electrolyte fuel cell (SPEFC), 267
Solvent-controlled deposition, 308
Sonochemical methods, 309
Speakers, magnetic fluids and, 121–122
Spin electronics, 106
Spintronics, 126
Split-gate approach, 93
SSA (specific surface area) diameter, 26–28, 27
Static electricity microscopy, 43
Stent materials, 223–224, 224
Superconductivity, 191–192
physical principles of, 193–195
Superconductors, 192, 193f, 196–197
high-temperature, 195–196
low-temperature, 195
and nanostructure
links between, 204
nanosuperconductors, See Nanosuperconductors
Superparamagnetism, 114, 231–232
Surface chemical reaction method, 307–308
Surface deposition techniques, 307–308
Surface effect, 20–21
Surface engineering, 296
Surface modifier of nanoparticles, 299–301
inorganic compounds, 299
organic compounds, 300–301
polymers, 301
SWE effect, 276
Switching function, 122


Thermal dilatometer analyzer, 33
Thermal properties, detection and analysis of, 33–36
Thermogravity analysis (TGA), 35
Thermomechanical analyzer, 33
TiFe alloy, 260–261
Tissue engineering, 223–224
Titanium and zirconium materials, 261
Titanium dioxide (TiO2), 225
basic properties of, 163t
photocatalysis, development of, 162
as photocatalytic material, 169–173
preparation of, 166–169
semiconductor photocatalysis, 162–166, 162–166
thin films, preparation methods, 167t
Titanium–iron system, 260
Transistors, 62, 62f
Transmission electron microscopy (TEM), 25–26, 229
Tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR), 126
Two-dimensional films, 126
Two-dimensional nanowire array, 139–142
carbon nanotube template method, 139
double-pass template, 140
polymer track etched template, 139
second anodization to prepare the Al2O3 template, 139–140
template method, 139–142
zeolite-type ordered template, 139


Ultrasound, 246–247, 301–302, 309
Ultrathin film, 202–203
Ultraviolet photoemission spectroscopy (UPS), 25–26


Valence-bond adsorption, 307
Vanguard-1, 273–274
Vehicle hydrogen storage systems, 259
Vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM), 25–26
Volume effect, 14


Wastewater treatment, solar reactor used for, 171t
White noise, 333–334
Whole body hyperthermia, 247, 248f, 249–250, 249–250


X-ray absorption fine structure (XAFS), 25–26
X-ray diffraction (XRD), 25–26
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), 25–26


Zeolite-type ordered template, 139
Zero-dimensional electronic system, 86–87
Zig-Zag SWNTs, 53
Zinc oxide (ZnO)
epitaxial growth of, 179–181
L-MBE growth technique, 179–181
MBE technique with microwave, 179
nanowire arrays, 183–185
hydrothermal method, 184–185
VLS growth, 183
VS growth, 184
optical properties of, 175–178
quantum dots, 181–182
piezoelectric application of, 185–190
nanogenerator, 187–190
piezoelectric effect, 185–186
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