
Book Description

Using the principle that extracting energy from the environment always involves some type of impact on the environment, The Future of Energy discusses the sources, technologies, and tradeoffs involved in meeting the world's energy needs. A historical, scientific, and technical background set the stage for discussions on a wide range of energy sources, including conventional fossil fuels like oil, gas, and coal, as well as emerging renewable sources like solar, wind, geothermal, and biofuels. Readers will learn that there are no truly "green" energy sources—all energy usage involves some tradeoffs—and will understand these tradeoffs and other issues involved in using each energy source.
  • Each potential energy source includes discussions of tradeoffs in economics, environmental, and policy implications
  • Examples and cases of implementing each technology are included throughout the book
  • Technical discussions are supported with equations, graphs, and tables
  • Includes discussions of carbon capture and sequestration as emerging technologies to manage carbon dioxide emissions

Table of Contents

  1. Cover image
  2. Title page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Copyright
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1: The History and Culture of Energy
    1. Abstract
    2. The Towler Principle
    3. The History of Energy Use
    4. The Movement to Oil
    5. Summary
  8. Chapter 2: How Is Energy Measured
    1. Abstract
    2. Hydrocarbon Fuels
    3. Wood Fuels
    4. Units of Power
  9. Chapter 3: Energy Science and Thermodynamics
    1. Abstract
    2. The First Law of Thermodynamics
    3. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
  10. Chapter 4: Environmental Issues
    1. Abstract
    2. The Carbon Dioxide Issue
    3. Coal
    4. Oil
    5. Natural Gas
    6. Wind
    7. Solar
    8. Hydroelectric
    9. Nuclear
  11. Chapter 5: Crude Oil
    1. Abstract
    2. U.S. World Oil Production and the Peak Oil Theory
    3. The U.S. Gas Supply Analogy to World Oil Production
    4. New Supplies of Oil in the United States and the Implications for the World Oil Market
    5. The World Picture
    6. The Future of Oil
  12. Chapter 6: Natural Gas
    1. Abstract
    2. The World Picture
    3. Liquefied Natural Gas
    4. Natural Gas Production in the United States
    5. Natural Gas Storage
    6. The Price of Gas
    7. State Production and Transportation of Natural Gas in USA
    8. Fracture Stimulation Techniques
    9. Liquid Transportation Fuels from Natural Gas
    10. The Future of Natural Gas
  13. Chapter 7: Nuclear Energy
    1. Abstract
    2. The Uranium Fuel Cycle
    3. Fast Breeder Reactors
    4. Uranium Reserves and Sources
    5. Nuclear Power Plant Safety
    6. The Three Mile Island Incident
    7. The Chernobyl Disaster
    8. The Fukushima-Daiichi Incident
    9. Nuclear Fusion Reactors
    10. The Future of Nuclear Power
  14. Chapter 8: Solar Power
    1. Abstract
    2. Photovoltaics
    3. Concentrated Solar Power
    4. Solar Efficiency of CSP Installations
    5. Selected Location Studies
    6. Environmental Issues
    7. Economics
    8. The Future of Solar Energy
  15. Chapter 9: Wind Energy
    1. Abstract
    2. Wind Energy Statistics
    3. Physics and Engineering of Wind Power
    4. Carbon Dioxide Emissions and Pollution
    5. Land Use Issues
    6. The Portsmouth Abbey Wind Turbine
    7. Impact on Birds, Bats and Other Flying Wildlife
    8. Impacts on People
    9. Summary
  16. Chapter 10: Hydroelectricity
    1. Abstract
    2. Hydroelectric Basics
    3. The Columbia River Hydroelectric System
    4. The Grand Coulee Dam
    5. The Other Columbia River Dams
    6. Pumped Hydroelectric Storage
    7. Summary
  17. Chapter 11: Geothermal Energy
    1. Abstract
    2. The Geysers Dry Steam Geothermal Power Plant
    3. Other Geothermal Applications
    4. Enhanced Geothermal Systems
    5. Environmental Issues
    6. The Future of Geothermal Energy
  18. Chapter 12: Ethanol, Biodiesel, and Biomass
    1. Abstract
    2. Ethanol Production
    3. Fuel Economy of Ethanol
    4. Biodiesel Production
    5. Direct Conversion of Woody Biomass into Gasoline, Diesel and Other Liquid Fuels
    6. Environmental Issues
    7. The Future of Biomass
  19. Chapter 13: Coal and Clean Coal Technologies
    1. Abstract
    2. World Coal Production
    3. U.S. Coal Production
    4. Australian Coal Production
    5. Chinese Coal Production
    6. Health, Safety, and Environmental Issues in Coal Use
    7. Clean Coal Technologies
    8. Coal to Liquids Technologies
    9. Underground Coal Gasification
    10. The Future of Coal
  20. Chapter 14: Carbon Capture and Storage
    1. Abstract
    2. Carbon Emissions
    3. Phase Behavior of Carbon Dioxide
    4. Carbon Capture Methods
    5. Carbon Storage Concepts
    6. Carbon Storage Projects
    7. The Future of Carbon Capture and Storage
  21. Chapter 15: Hydrogen
    1. Abstract
    2. Hydrogen Technologies
    3. The Hydrogen Economy
    4. The Future of Hydrogen and the Hydrogen Economy
  22. Chapter 16: What Is the Future of Energy? An Energy Policy for the United States
    1. Abstract
    2. Natural Gas
    3. Coal
    4. Nuclear Power
    5. Hydroelectric
    6. Wind
    7. Solar
    8. Geothermal
    9. Oil
    10. U.S. Energy Policy Development
  23. Appendix A: The Carnot Cycle
  24. Appendix B: Hubbert’s Peak Oil Theory from Chapter 5
    1. Hubbert’s Model for World Oil Production
    2. Hubbert’s Model for World Coal Production
  25. Bibliography
  26. Glossary
  27. Index