
The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below


caution for terminating employees for

excessive unscheduled

excessive unscheduled, with “excuse-based” system

excessive unscheduled, with “no fault” system

pattern of excessive unscheduled

unauthorized, progressive discipline for

acceptance of gratuities, summary discharge for

active windows

for describing negative consequences

new infraction after expiration of window

administrative leave

administrator, performance correction notice during probationary period

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

alcohol use by workers

during work hours

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

failure to engage in ADA interactive process

inappropriate interviewing questions

annual performance evaluation

addendum to

progressive disciplinary language in

vs. interim evaluation

written warning and

antagonistic behavior toward coworker

by manager

appeal, right of employee to

appointment scheduling, errors in

appropriateness of discipline

attendance, caution for terminating employees for


attorney-client privilege, for document or e-mail

at-will clause see also employment-at-will doctrine

behavioral terms, for describing observations

behavior infractions

antagonistic behavior toward coworker

character assassination, defamation

coworker inebriation, failure to disclose

drug use by workers


insubordination, summary discharge for

insubordination and profane language

insubordination and substandard work performance

intimidating work environment

intoxication during work hours

“locker room” banter

managerial misconduct

misconduct, fighting, and horseplay

misuse of power and office

poor “attitude”

social media cyberbullying

union steward, abuse by

veiled or direct threats of violence

see also sexual harassment claims

calling in sick, notice for failure to follow policy

cash handling, improper

cell phone use, personal

certification exam, summary discharge for failure to pass

character assassination

check deposits, notice of failure to process promptly

classifying violations


commitment letter for employee personnel file


failure to provide information to supervisor

foundation for

notice of violation of policy

profane language

company materials, notice of unauthorized use

company records

notice of unauthorized removal

summary discharge for falsification

“comps,” misuse by property appraiser

computer, personal software on office

conduct infractions

confidential information

disclosure of

notice of unauthorized removal

consequences, failure to follow through on threatened


in applying rules

in discipline

“constructive discharge” claim

corporate amnesia, dangers of

counseling sessions


antagonistic behavior toward

inebriation, failure to disclose coworker

threatening, summary discharge for

customers, eye contact with

customer service, substandard work in

cyberbullying, social media

date in disciplinary notice heading


failure to meet

need to communicate missed

decision-making leave

caution for

defamation of character

de minimis infraction

departmental polices, notice for failure to follow

Department of Labor



layoff, director-level

substandard project management

unacceptable skip-level findings

discharge, choosing not to

discharge for cause, substandard performance

discharge hearings

disciplinary notice

summary discharge for violent reaction to

disciplinary progression, for repeated violations


appropriate level for offense

see also progressive discipline

Discipline Without Punishment (Grote)

disclosure, of confidential information


and documentation retention

as exception to employment at will

docking pay, for exempt workers

document, attorney-client privilege for


heading of disciplinary notice

incident description


documenting poor performance

mistakes in

need for

for verbal correction

dress code of company, failure to follow

“Driving Under the Influence” conviction

drug use by workers

during work hours

due process

elements of


eligibility period


attorney-client privilege for

misuse (network-related usage)

misuse (racially influenced and distasteful messaging)

emergency conditions, and working beyond shift end

Employee Acknowledgment section, in disciplinary documents

Employee Assistance Professionals Association

employee assistance programs (EAPs)

employee handbook

at-will language in

and trial period completion

employee rebuttal

and management response

employee response

employees’ files, removing disciplinary documents from


actions causing loss to

right to change policies

employer records, falsification

employment application, at-will language in

employment-at-will doctrine

as affirmative defense


progressive discipline and

employment contracts

employment offer, rescinded due to employee failure to report on first day

enlightened leadership

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)



notice of unauthorized use

error rate, high

evaluation period

“excuse-based” system, for absenteeism control policy

exempt workers, docking pay for


cyberbulling on

summary discharge for misuse of

face-to-face meeting, delivering message to employee in

facilities, notice of unauthorized use

failure to pass certification exam, summary discharge for

fair dealing implied covenant, and employment at will

Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), and exempt employees

Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

abuse by failure to consult HR regarding leave request

abuse by failure to follow medical certification terms

abuse by failure to provide appropriate medical documentation

and attendance problems

feedback from employee, asking for


final incident

final written warning

examples of well-written

extension of

negative consequences sample

for sleeping on the job

first written warning (verbal correction)

formal discipline, vs. informal counseling session

goals, in PIP

Golden Rule of Progressive Discipline

good faith implied covenant, and employment at will

gratuities, summary discharge for acceptance of

grievance procedure

Grote, Dick, Discipline Without Punishment


heading, of disciplinary notice


hostile work environment

human resources, failure to consult regarding request for leave

implied contract legal theory

implied covenants of good faith, and employment at will

incident description, in documentation

inefficient production

informal counseling session, vs. formal discipline


failure to retain, after training

inaccuracy of

need to share

initiation period


inappropriate and undermining behavior, summary discharge for

and profane language

and substandard work performance

unacceptable conduct toward supervisor

violent reaction to disciplinary notice, summary discharge for

interim performance evaluation

interpersonal work relationships

interviewing questions, inappropriate

intimidating work environment

intoxication during work hours

introductory period

investigatory leave

job abandonment

“job as property doctrine”

just cause

for termination


“locker room” banter


last-chance agreement

last-step options


director-level, with severance

without severance

leadership, enlightened


failure to learn new material in training

failure to retain information after training


abuse by failure to consult HR regarding request for



until “return to work” release

leaving work site during scheduled shift

legal release, director-level layoff with appropriate

letter confirming acceptance of employee’s verbal resignation

letter of clarification

letters of recommendation

“locker room” banter

lunch periods, failure to observe




see also supervisor

measurable/tangible improvement goals, in PIP

medical certification, FMLA abuse by failure to follow

medical documentation, FMLA abuse by failure to provide appropriate

medical marijuana misuse, summary discharge for


at company holiday party, summary discharge for



negative consequences in write-up

active windows to describe

poor examples

properly written

without time limits

negative organizational impact, from employee actions

negligence, recurring

negotiated termination

new hires, extending probation period length

“no fault” attendance control system

notifications, summarizing prior for write-up

off-duty conduct

offense, matching discipline to

offer letter, at-will language in

office, misuse of

Older Workers Benefit Protection Act

orientation period

out-of-cycle review

outplacement, director-level layoff with

overtime, unauthorized

paper trail

performance evaluation


scheduled review dates

see also annual performance evaluation

Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

employee assistance programs (EAPs)

employee input and suggestions

interim performance evaluation

measurable/tangible improvement goals

training or special direction to be provided

performance issues

categories for

errors in scheduling appointments

failure to meet deadlines

history of disciplinary measures

interpersonal work relationships

performance transgressions

personal commitment agreement

PIP, see Performance Improvement Plan

policies, employer right to change

policy violations

confidential information disclosure

dress code violation

e-mail misuse (network-related usage)

e-mail misuse (racially influenced and distasteful messaging)

excessive personal phone calls

leaving work site during scheduled shift

lost equipment

notice of failure to deposit incoming checks timely

notice of failure to follow departmental

notice of unauthorized removal of company files

off-duty conduct and moonlighting

overtime, unauthorized

personal cell phone use

smoking on company grounds

software piracy

time card falsification

unauthorized release of references to prospective employers

unauthorized use of company equipment, time, materials, or facilities

poor “attitude”

poor performance, documenting

positive consequences, in write-up

possession, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances, summary discharge for

power, misuse of

predictability, in discipline

prior notifications, summarizing for write-up

probationary employee

extending probation period length

performance correction notice for branch administrator

performance correction notice for computer operator

performance correction notice for insurance claims adjuster

performance correction notice for programmer/analyst

performance correction notice for receptionist

performance correction notice for secretary

performance issues appearing just after end of probationary period

summary discharge of

probationary period

as last-step option

legal implications

time frame

production numbers, failure to meet

profane language

progressive discipline

employment-at-will doctrine and

golden rule

and overall written record

terminating employee without

traditional paradigm

project management, substandard

property appraiser, misuse of “comps”

public policy, and employment at will

punishment, vs. training

racially influenced and distasteful e-mail messaging

radio talk show, e-mail of personal opinion from office

receptionist, performance correction notice during probationary period

records, failure to update

references, unauthorized release of

referrals to EAPs

formal vs. voluntary


need to focus on

in progressive disciplinary system

report to work, failure to

responsibility, personal assumption of

rest periods, failure to observe

rolling calendar year

and excessive unscheduled absenteeism

safety infractions

DUI conviction

extending emergency work beyond shift end

sales performance, substandard

sales production, lack of

scheduled review dates

scheduled work hours

failure to observe

leaving work site during

scheduling appointments, errors in

scrap rate, high


layoff without severance

performance correction notice during probationary period

“separation by mutual consent”

separation payments

severance, director-level layoff with

sexual harassment claims

claim of creating sexually charged environment

and documentation retention

employee efforts to restart romance with former girlfriend

female efforts to date male subordinate

offensive speech

signature requirements for write-up

skip-level findings, unacceptable

sleeping on the job

slow production

smoking on company grounds

social media abuse, summary discharge for

social media cyberbullying

software piracy

state of mind, avoiding need to prove

statutory considerations, and employment at will

“stay clean” period

subordinates, complaint causing retaliation against

substandard work

actions causing loss to employer

in customer service

employer records falsification

errors in scheduling appointments

failure to learn new material in training

failure to meet deadlines

failure to observe work schedule

failure to perform assignments

failure to retain information after training

high error factor and scrap rate

history of disciplinary measures

improper cash handling

inaccurate information

interpersonal work relationships

lack of communication with supervisor

lack of sales production

property appraiser misuse of “comps”

recurring negligence and thoughtlessness

sales performance, substandard

sleeping on the job

slow or inefficient production

substandard project management (director level)

unacceptable skip-level findings (director level)

VP-level substandard performance and conduct

see also safety infractions

summary discharges

for acceptance of gratuities

for company records falsification

for failure to pass certification exam

for insubordination

loss of current weapon license

medical marijuana misuse

for misconduct at company holiday party

for possession, sale, or being under the influence of alcohol or illegal substances

for social media abuse

terminating an employee without corporate approval

terminating a probationary employee

for threatening coworker

for time card fraud

for violent reaction to disciplinary notice

summary judgment, in wrongful termination claim


failure to accept assignments from

failure to provide information to

inappropriate interviewing questions

lack of communication with

time card manipulation by

unacceptable conduct toward

suspension, unpaid


caution for terminating employees for

excessive, first warning

excessive, second warning

excessive, third warning

telephone calls

notice of excessive personal

personal cell phone use

terminating employee

letter for

options for

security for

timing for

termination notices

discharge for cause, substandard performance

for employee failing to report on first day

job abandonment

letter confirming acceptance of employee’s verbal resignation

secretary layoff without severance

see also summary discharges

termination of employee, summary discharge for termination without corporate approval


threatening coworker, summary discharge for

threats of violence

time card


fraud, summary discharge for

supervisory time card manipulation

time commitments

caps for

notice of unauthorized use


failure to learn new material in

failure to retain information after

in PIP

training period

Twitter, cyberbulling on

unauthorized absence, progressive discipline for

union contract, and probationary period

unionized workers

union steward, abuse by

unpaid suspension

caution for

verbal correction (first written warning)

negative consequences sample

vice president, substandard performance and conduct by


bundling unrelated



disciplinary notice, summary discharge for violent reaction to

and documentation retention

risk of

veiled or direct threats of

weapon license, summary discharge for loss of current

witness acknowledgment of employee refusal to sign write-up

work assignments, failure to complete

work environment

drug-related impairment


intoxication in

workplace due process

workplace violence, and documentation retention

work relationships, interpersonal


work site, leaving during scheduled shift


Employee Acknowledgment section

employee rebuttal, and management response

format of

as legal document

manager’s avoidance of

multiple disciplinary issues in

negative consequences

outcomes and consequences

personal commitment agreement

positive consequences in

reading to employee

sharing with employee

signature requirements

witness acknowledgment of employee refusal to sign

written warning

negative consequences sample

see also final written warning; first written warning (verbal correction)

wrongful termination claim, summary judgment in

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