#11 Failure to Follow Departmental Policies and Procedures

Technician fails to follow clearly established guidelines for calling in sick and, consequently, borders on job abandonment.


Employee Name: Furley Luperini

Department: Marketing

Date Presented: January 18, 2017

Supervisor: Laura Rollins



imageVerbal Correction—(To memorialize the conversation.)

imageWritten Warning—(State nature of offense, method of correction, and action to be taken if offense is repeated.)

imageInvestigatory Leave—(Include length of time and nature of review.)

imageFinal Written Warning

imageWithout decision-making leave

imageWith decision-making leave (Attach memo of instructions.)

imageWith unpaid suspension


SUBJECT:Failure to follow departmental policies and procedures

imagePolicy/Procedure Violation

imagePerformance Transgression

imageBehavior/Conduct Infraction





Incident Description and Supporting Details: Include the following information: Time, Place, Date of Occurrence, and Persons Present as well as Organizational Impact.


On Friday, January 8, you did not come to work or call in at 7:30, your regular start time. Instead, you called at 1:30 P.M. to announce that you had fallen down some steps, hurt your shoulder, and were in the doctor’s office all morning. You told me that you would return to work on Monday, January 11. On Monday, however, you did not return to work, nor did you call. You failed to notify me on Tuesday and Wednesday as well. Only on Wednesday afternoon did you speak with me when I reached you at home. In addition, you stated that you had left me a message on Monday, January 11. However, I never received that message. (Note that my answering machine is in fine working order.) Furthermore, departmental policy 2.01 states that you must speak directly with your supervisor when calling in sick.

Although you state that you are not aware of this policy, it is your responsibility to know how to perform within standard departmental operating procedures. The employee handbook clearly defines this protocol, and it also defines job abandonment, which occurs when an employee does not show up or call for three consecutive business days. Had I not reached you on Wednesday, job abandonment would have occurred, and you would have been dismissed.



1. Measurable/Tangible Improvement Goals: Furley, I expect that you will familiarize yourself not only with this policy but with all policies and procedures outlined in our company’s employee handbook. You must familiarize yourself with all company rules from this point forward.

2. Training or Special Direction Provided: I will meet with you in one week to review our organization’s policies and procedures as outlined in the employee handbook. Please read the entire handbook and see me immediately if you have any questions.

3. Interim Performance Evaluation Necessary? No

4. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, Prime Behavioral Health Group, can be confidentially reached to assist you at (800) 555-5555. This is strictly voluntary. A booklet regarding the EAP’s services is available from Human Resources.

5. In addition, I recognize that you may have certain ideas to improve your performance. Therefore, I encourage you to provide your own Personal Improvement Plan Input and Suggestions:


(Attach additional sheets if needed.)



Positive: I will remain available to help you and discuss areas where you require additional support. If you meet your performance goals, no further disciplinary action will be taken regarding this issue. In addition, once you familiarize yourself with our organization’s rules of the road, you will increase your confidence in performing according to company expectations.

Negative: You are now being placed on notice that if you ever again fail to follow established policies and procedures regarding calling in sick, you may be discharged. In addition, if you abuse any employment privileges, or if you engage in any conduct that indicates a lack of responsibility or that violates any standards of performance and conduct in the next ninety days, you may be placed in final written warning. Failure to follow policies and procedures during that final written warning period may result in your dismissal. A copy of this document will be placed in your personnel file.

Scheduled Review Date: One week (January 25, 2017)









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