Bonus Sample: Substandard Sales Performance (Extension of Final Written Warning)

Sales supervisor’s final written warning is extended by an additional thirty days for only meeting certain performance thresholds but not others.


Employee Name: Laura Preminger

Department: Business Development

Date Presented: June 17, 2017

Supervisor: Heidi Champlin



imageVerbal Correction—(To memorialize the conversation.)

imageWritten Warning—(State nature of offense, method of correction, and action to be taken if offense is repeated.)

imageInvestigatory Leave—(Include length of time and nature of review.)

imageFinal Written Warning— Thirty-day extension

imageWithout decision-making leave

imageWith decision-making leave (Attach memo of instructions.)

imageWith unpaid suspension


SUBJECT:Substandard job performance

imagePolicy/Procedure Violation

imagePerformance Transgression

imageBehavior/Conduct Infraction





Incident Description and Supporting Details: Include the following information: Time, Place, Date of Occurrence, and Persons Present as well as Organizational Impact.


This document serves to notify you that you are being issued a thirty-day extension to the final written warning you received on April 10, 2017. This notice will remain in effect from June 17, 2017 to July 17, 2017, and provide you with an opportunity to correct and improve your performance.

In April and May, your team met minimum monthly sales goals; however, ongoing issues are still recurring with regard to following directives, meeting priorities and deadlines, completing training programs, managing your team’s performance, and overall following up and responding.

Since you received the final written warning on April 10, 2017, we have held weekly one-on-one sessions to assess your progress on the following dates: April 16, April 21, April 28, May 8, May 12, May 26, and June 2. While your team is now performing at an acceptable level sales-wise, you must demonstrate individual improvement in the following areas:

Issue 1: Failure to Follow Directives

On January 17, 2017 (your written warning), and April 10, 2017 (your final written warning), you were instructed to register and complete five training workshops that could provide comprehensive guidance with regard to your organizational skills and leadership development. You were required to register for all five trainings within thirty days from the date that you received the final written warning (April 10, 2017). This was not completed as directed; in fact, you still have not registered or completed any one of the trainings.

On May 27, 2017, I asked you to complete an action plan by May 29, 2017, for meeting our newest national goals for the third quarter. On May 30, 2017, I sent you a follow-up reminder because I had not received your action plan. At that point, you responded that you were working on the proposal with the help of your team. As of today, I still have not received your action plan with the information/revisions I requested—now over two weeks after the due date.

On May 11, 2017, I sent you an email asking you to review your Weekly Comments before they were sent to me because they included the exact same plusses and deltas from the previous weeks. As you are aware, the purpose of the Weekly Comments is to address all new weekly wins and opportunities in your business. I still continue to receive weekly comments from you with the same exact information as the previous weeks, lending to the appearance of a quick copy and paste rather than specific updates and recommendations.

Issue 2: Timeliness and Accountability

I have asked you to ensure that all corrective action for agents that do not meet their sales goals in a given cycle be completed within the first week of the start of the new sales cycle. You continue to submit corrective action documents over two weeks out.

On May 26, 2017, I discussed with you one team member’s month-end performance, and we agreed to proceed with a business case for termination due to her continued poor performance and attendance issues. In order to complete the termination paperwork, I needed notes from your meetings with this employee at the junctures where you issued her written and final written warnings. You did not provide the required notes until June 6, 2017, unnecessarily delaying the termination process.

Laura, the examples above directly reflect a continuous lack of follow-up, timeliness, and accountability. While you have steadied your team’s sales performance over the past eight cycles, your commitment and efforts toward these other performance areas need to improve immediately. I will continue to work with you to provide assistance to meet all sales targets, including any other support I can provide regarding the aforementioned performance deficiencies. I am extending the performance improvement process for thirty days with the hopes that the added time will be beneficial to your improvement and help you meet all the terms outlined in your recent final written warning.



1. Measurable/Tangible Improvement Goals: As a sales supervisor, you are expected to follow directives and communicate with me in advance if you cannot meet specific deadlines or face any challenges in plans. Further, I expect you to:

(a) Reply to all emails/communicate with me no later than 24 hours from receipt

(b) Meet with all your agents on a weekly basis and document all coaching sessions

(c) Complete outstanding corrective actions within two days from the date of incident

(d) Complete all pending training workshops within the next four weeks

2. Training or Special Direction Provided: I will continue to meet with you one-on-one during our weekly sessions. Please let me know what challenges you may be facing during those weekly sessions or anytime in between. From this point forward, however, I will assume that all activities due will be complete, unless I hear otherwise from you.

3. Interim Performance Evaluation Necessary? No

4. Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) provider, Prime Behavioral Health Group, can be confidentially reached to assist you at (800) 555-5555. This is strictly voluntary. A booklet regarding the EAP’s services is available from Human Resources.

5. In addition, I recognize that you may have certain ideas to improve your performance. Therefore, I encourage you to provide your own Personal Improvement Plan Input and Suggestions:


(Attach additional sheets if needed.)



Positive: I will remain available to help you and discuss areas where you require additional support. If you meet your performance goals, no further disciplinary action will be taken regarding this issue.

Negative: However, it is essential moving forward that you focus on areas that remain a concern: following directives, meeting deadlines, and taking initiative (i.e., by completing trainings, communicating proactively, and managing your team’s performance). Failure to demonstrate immediate and sustained improvement will result in your dismissal.

Scheduled Review Date: Four weeks (July 17)









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