#88 Summary Discharge: Employee Time Card Fraud

Clerical support specialist commits time card falsification and is immediately discharged for cause.

April 16, 2017

Dave Regan
666 Calle Arbor Road
Phoenix, AZ 85250

Dear Dave,

This letter is to inform you that you are hereby terminated from our company effective at the close of business today. On April 10, 2017, you clocked out for lunch at 12:08 P.M.6 You clocked back in at 12:42. This was consistent with your thirty-minute lunch period.

However, you then left the office again and did not return until 1:20 P.M. You also never reported to your supervisor that you were taking additional time. At 1:20, your supervisor, Polly Daniels, witnessed you clocking in again on the Kronos system. However, that swipe with your badge was not valid and did not register because you ran your card backwards through the machine. (There is no entry on the Kronos report for 1:20 P.M.) In addition, your supervisor verified that you were not working at your desk between 12:42 and 1:20.

Consequently, you have violated Timekeeping policy and procedures. Namely, section 2.5.1 states: “Violations that are not subject to the Progressive Discipline policy and will result in immediate discharge include . . . willful falsification of a time record.”

Enclosed please find your final check, which represents payment for all days worked through today (including vacation and holiday). You will be notified by the Benefits Office of any benefit continuation for which you may be eligible.


Don Gardner
Director, Customer Service

6 This was reported to management by a coworker who was tired of watching this game go on over an extended period of time.

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