Bonus Sample: Social Media Misuse

October 15, 2017

Roger Ellis
147 N. Broadway
Bangor, ME 04401


On October 13, several coworkers of yours complained to Human Resources about a political comment you posted on Facebook that caused them concern about their safety. Specifically, you posted: “The President of the United States should be tried for treason, murder, and crimes against the U.S. Constitution . . . then hung on the Mall in Washington, D.C.” You further stated, “White supremacy rules!” Accompanying your comment was a caricature of a blood-spattered hangman with an axe in one hand and a noose in the other.

Such political comments are exceptionally disrespectful and distasteful. They disrupt the workplace, interfere with work, and cause morale issues. Hate speech such as this—whether political or not—is exceptionally offensive and does not reflect the character or the values of our organization. Further, your statements—whether intended as satire or not—have caused concern among your coworkers for their safety in the workplace. The severity and context within which these comments were made clearly violate our company’s antidiscrimination, respect in the workplace, and social media policies, especially in light of the fact that we are a government contractor.

As a result, your separation from the company becomes effective immediately. Enclosed please find your final check, which represents payment for all days worked through today. You will receive additional information from the Benefits Department for benefits continuation under COBRA and other benefits that you may be eligible for.


Adisa Bello
Vice President, Human Resources

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