
HUMAN RESOURCES starts with managers—frontline, in-the-trenches leaders who oversee the work of their teams day in and day out, through good markets and bad, and through new change initiatives that seem to be never ending in today’s business environment.

The challenges are daunting, but there have also never been more opportunities to grow and develop leadership careers. Think about the challenges that companies face at the onset of the third millennium—evolutionary change at revolutionary speed, the explosion of new technologies, intense global competition, mergers, integration, and a host of other challenges for keeping up competition-wise at a breakneck pace. Yes, it sounds exhausting, and in many ways it is, but the opportunities for strong leaders to stand out among their peers and build stronger companies have never been greater.

What’s the dividing line between great companies and merely good companies, between stellar individual careers and those who struggle to meet minimum expectations, and between effective teams and lackluster teams? The answer is, the leadership edge. The strongest leaders enjoy the opportunities that come along with challenging and changing times—career progression and compensation rewards (individuals), higher revenue and profit margins (companies), and greater group performance and sustainable engagement (teams).

The question for any organization is, How do you get there? Most executives realize that what keeps them up at night is typically related to human capital performance in one aspect or another. If sales numbers aren’t being hit, if costs are spiraling through the roof, or if systems implementations aren’t rolling out smoothly, then people performance issues are usually at the core of the problem. If excessive turnover or intermittent Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leaves of absence are crippling your ability to provide consistent customer service and are leading to unexpected and unwanted client turnover or sky-high labor costs, then people issues are clearly a problem. On the flip side, if workers are engaged, committed, and self-motivated, then all problems simply appear to melt away, and your organizational focus shifts toward rewards and creative expression as opposed to maintenance and defense.

How Can This Book Help?

75 Ways for Managers to Hire, Develop, and Keep Great Employees is a consultant-in-a-box to walk you through the challenges and opportunities that stem from leading employees effectively. Its purpose is to provide a handy guide and a guiding hand through some of the toughest employee relations challenges that corporate leaders face every day—whether they have an HR team in place to help them or not. The examples and stories provided are replete with real-life scenarios that are common across all industries and geographies because people are people, and most will respond in a predictable fashion under particular sets of circumstances. The focus of this book is on creating the right type of environment—both verbally and in writing—to maximize relationships, foster high performance and productivity, and, when necessary, protect the company legally.

Getting every one of your company’s leaders on the same page philosophically, culturally, and mentally is no easy feat. Creating a starting point where organizational leaders—from team leaders to supervisors to managers, directors, vice presidents, and above—are all in harmony when it comes to certain basic premises about work and, more specifically, about working in your organization and for your team, will always be a challenge.

But wouldn’t it be tremendously helpful if everyone agreed on one operational field manual that addresses how to lead effectively, how to practice the fine art of employment offense and defense, and how to treat people respectfully so that employees could find new ways of motivating and reinventing themselves in light of your company’s changing needs? If so, that one field book would not only have to cover the basics of effective hiring, performance management, and leadership development, but it would also have to jump into the trenches alongside your leaders to provide them with on-the-spot guidance for managing some of the trickiest employment and employee relations situations that may come their way on a day-to-day basis.

At last, 75 Ways for Managers to Hire, Develop, and Keep Great Employees is truly that field guide, outlining what every senior HR executive wished their departmental and divisional leaders knew about communicating openly and honestly, holding people appropriately accountable, building a spirit of teamwork and camaraderie, and making it safe for workers to find new ways of re-engaging and reinventing themselves so they’re part of the solution, not part of the problem. Structured according to the lifecycle of effective employee relations—from hiring to communication, from teambuilding and motivation to tough conversations and, when necessary, documented corrective action—this book can be read cover to cover or picked up at any place in between, depending on your immediate needs.

Of course, no one field guide can perfectly align with all the ideas and beliefs that you hold for your company and for your teams. However, this book creates an important baseline and foundation to draw from. It’s okay to disagree with certain “best practices” as outlined in the text because leadership is like parenting—there’s no one right way to do this that’s always going to work. Situations and personalities differ, and circumstances may limit the options you have available. What’s important, though, is that you’re talking to your leaders about what you agree with and what you’d want to see done differently at your organization. This book is intended to set the foundation for addressing issues that plague even the strongest managers and the best organizations from time to time.

The goal of this book is to help you harmonize employee relations, hire the best and brightest, communicate effectively so that small problems don’t become major impediments, motivate and engage your workers so that they can perform their very best work every day, and, when necessary, know when to trust your gut and practice “defensive HR” strategies so that you don’t inadvertently step on land mines that may be awaiting you.

It’s leadership offense and defense in the workplace, but it’s much more than that. This book teaches workplace wisdom—not just rules and compliance, and not just niceness without connection to productivity. It’s about fostering a culture where workers want to expend discretionary effort, where contagious energy begets excitement and goodwill, and where the potential for worker burnout is more than offset by the opportunities to find new ways of adding value and feeling recognized and appreciated.

Productivity, loyalty, and performance are not things of the past. They’re still attainable in this day and age. But it all begins with the caliber of your frontline leaders and their ability to motivate teams and instill a strong sense of accountability for concrete results. Join us now as we walk you through the key areas of leadership excellence in this all-in-one book covering what every company wants from a great HR department—a standard setter in terms of effective hiring, successful communication and motivation, and the ability to employ progressive discipline and to structure terminations that will withstand legal scrutiny. It’s all part of the same continuum, and it’s all about management with a heart, selfless leadership, and getting teams to deliver 110 percent because they want to, not because they have to.

Managers who use this guidebook to lead effectively and manage their own careers will see employee engagement and retention soar. People will enjoy work more. This book is intended as a one-stop resource for building effective leadership teams whose members listen to their workers, engage and challenge employees, and get everyone aligned with the strategic leadership values and vision that apply to every workplace. What could be better than helping people prosper in their careers, find new ways of creating value in your organization, and receiving the appropriate recognition and acknowledgement for their efforts? You hold the key to it all. Master the fine art of leadership in the workplace, and touch everyone’s life and career as their favorite boss, mentor, and coach. You be the gift. You set the standard for others to follow. Teach what you choose to learn, and fall in love with the idea of helping others build their careers and realize their ambitions. Simply stated, you can give your company no greater benefit than the gift of a motivated, energized, and engaged workforce.

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