Review answers

1Quick masks are helpful for creating quick, one-time selections. In addition, using a quick mask is an easy way to edit a selection using the painting tools.
2The quick mask disappears when you deselect it.
3Masks are saved in channels, which can be thought of as storage areas in an image.
4You can paint directly on a mask in a channel using black, white, and shades of gray.
5Channels are used as storage areas for saved selections. Unless you explicitly display a channel, it does not appear in the image or print. Layers can be used to isolate various parts of an image so that they can be edited as discrete objects with the painting or editing tools or other effects.
6You use the Extract command to extract an object and the Extract dialog box to highlight the edges of the object. Then you define the object’s interior and preview the extraction. Applying the extraction erases the background to transparency, leaving just the extracted object. You can also use the Force Foreground option to extract a monochromatic or uniform-colored object based on its predominant color.

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