

3D motion, animating, 144–146

3D position, changing for objects, 97

3D rotation, changing for objects, 95–96, 98

3D space

positioning in, 95–100

x, y, and z axes in, 95

3D Translation tool, using, 98


Actions panel

Actions toolbox, 212

components of, 211

Script pane, 211–212

ActionScript 3.0

Actions panel, 211–212

arguments, 209

brackets, 210

checking syntax, 217

checking syntax of scripts, 211

Code Snippets panel, 223–225

comments (//), 210

comparing aspects of, 334

controlling Flash movies with, 361

curly brackets, 210

doing multiple replacements in, 228

dot operator (.), 210

explained, 10

Find and Replace command, 228

formatting code, 217

functions, 209

keywords, 209

methods, 210

multiline comments (/* */), 210, 225

navigating Actions panel, 211–212

objects, 210

Options button, 211

overview, 208–209

parentheses, 210

properties, 210

quotation marks, 210, 221

referencing frame labels in, 221

Script navigator, 211–212

scripting syntax, 210–211

semicolons, 210

terminology, 209–210

variables, 209, 267

writing scripts in Action panel, 211

ActionScript library, merging with SWF file, 238–240

Adobe Application Manager, checking for updates, 40

Adobe certification, levels of, 6

Adobe Community Help, consulting, 5

Adobe Flash. See Flash

Adobe Illustrator. See Illustrator

Adobe Media Encoder, adding video files to, 295–297

Adobe resources, 5–6

After Effects, removing backgrounds in, 313

Align panel, using with objects, 58–59

alpha channels. See transparencies

alpha values, modifying for fills, 66–67

Alt, using with Free Transform tool, 47

Anchor Point tools, using with bones and shapes, 172

anchor points, deleting and adding, 65

animated buttons, using, 230–232. See also buttons


3D motion, 144–146

changes in rotation, 119–122

changes in scale, 119–122

filters, 114–117

transformations, 119–122

transparency, 112–114

animation duration, changing, 109–110


adding frames to, 110–111

changing rotation of path, 124–125

changing scale, 124–125

of cityscape, 106–109

creating in movie clip symbols, 231–232

creating inside movie clips, 129–132

editing path of motion, 125–126

motion tweens, 105

moving keyframes in, 111

moving path of motion for, 123–124

nesting, 129–132

orienting objects to path, 126–127

overview, 105

playing at destinations, 226–230

of position, 106–109

previewing, 34–35, 147

stopping, 229–230

swapping tween targets, 127–129

using Motion Presets with, 123

workflow for, 105

armature hierarchy, 157


adding bones to, 173

authortime and runtime, 176–177

controlling easing for, 177–179

defined, 153

editing, 161, 173

refining spring values for, 190–191

removing bones from, 173

articulated motion, defining bones for, 153–157

audio files

preventing overlapping with video, 312

setting advanced options for, 303–304

authortime armatures, using, 176–177

autoPlay option, changing for video, 309


Bandwidth Profiler

testing download performance, 353

viewing, 352

Bind tool, using to refine shape behavior, 174–175

Bit rate, measurement for sounds, 292

bitmap fill, adding, 54

Bitmap Properties dialog box, displaying, 29


converting to vector graphics, 81

swapping for interactive movies, 202–204

blend effects

overview, 93

using with layers, 78–80

Blur filter

applying, 93–94

applying to instance, 115


adding to armatures, 173

armature hierarchy for, 157

defining for articulated motion, 153–157

defining inside shapes, 168–171

editing, 173

redefining control points for, 174–175

refining shape behavior for, 174

removing, 161

removing from armatures, 173

border decorations, creating, 61–62

Break Apart option

using with objects, 60

using with text, 240

button instances

naming in interactive movies, 207–208

placing in interactive movies, 205–206

button symbols. See also invisible buttons; symbols

creating for interactive movies, 197–201

Hit keyframe, 201

using, 76

buttons. See also animated buttons

adding sounds to, 293–294

creating event handlers for, 214–217

duplicating for interactive movies, 202


certification, levels of, 6

Character ranges, selecting for external text, 271


changing orientation of, 243

modifying, 244–246

cityscape, animating, 106–109

Code Snippets panel

using with external content, 337

using with external text, 272–275

using with home button, 223–225

Color Effect, creating via Motion Editor, 113


applying for gradient transitions, 52

matching for existing objects, 67

Colors area in Tools panel, options in, 32

columns, adding for text, 246–249

content. See external content

Convert to Symbol command, using, 77

Copy and Paste, using, 48

cropping video files, 299–301

cue points

adding synchronized Flash elements, 318–320

deleting, 316

described, 301

detecting, 316–319

inserting, 314–316

locating, 299

removing skins for, 321–322

responding to, 316–319

using conditional statements with, 317–318


creating, 63–64

editing, 65


damping effects, adding to physics simulation, 191

Deco tool

Decorated Brush, 61–62

Flower Brush, 62–63

Symmetry brush, 57–58

Decorated Brush, using, 61–62


anchor points, 65

bones, 161

cue points, 316

keyframes in Motion Editor, 137

layers, 19

sound files, 291

destination keyframes. See also keyframes

inserting, 217–220

using frame labels on, 220–222

device fonts, using with user-input text, 264

Dialog Settings dialog box, displaying, 13

documents. See Flash documents

download performance, testing, 353

drawing modes, 50

Drawing tools, availability of, 32

Dreamweaver, inserting Flash movies into, 362

DSL setting, using with download performance, 353



presets, 140–143

Random preset, 142

representing direction of, 178

setting for motion tweens, 138–140

using Strength option with, 178

easing, controlling for armatures, 177–179

Edit Envelope dialog box, using with sounds, 287–288

educators, resources for, 5

embedded video, using, 326–328. See also Flash video

encoding options. See video encoding options

Essentials button, location of, 12

event listeners

adding to movie clips, 336

creating for buttons, 214–217

creating for text box, 267

external content

adding myLoader event listener to, 339

loading, 334–337

positioning, 338

removing, 339

using Code Snippets panel with, 337

external text. See also text

embedding fonts, 270–271

loading and displaying, 272–275

naming text boxes for, 269–270

saving content as text-only files, 272

external video, playing back, 305–310. See also video files

Eyedropper tool, using, 67


F4V format, encoding video files to, 298

fade-in and fade-out effects, using, 290

files. See also published files

opening, 10–11

saving, 11


changing, 49

defined, 51

modifying alpha values of, 66–67

relationship to shapes, 44

selecting, 46–47


animating, 114–117

applying via Motion Editor, 116

blur, 93–94

Clipboard button for, 95

enabling and disabling for instances, 95

establishing keyframes for, 116

options for, 95

Presets button for, 95

Quality settings for, 94


displaying video in, 295

finding resources for, 39

installing on Mac OS, 3

installing on Windows, 2

starting, 10–11

undoing steps in, 33–34

Flash documents, testing, 350–351

Flash Help, using, 39

Flash Lite documents, choosing, 363

Flash movies. See movies for Web

Flash Player, detecting version of, 358

Flash video. See also embedded video; video files

converting video files to, 297–298

embedding, 322

embedding FLV on Timeline, 324–325

encoding FLV for embedding, 323–324

Flower Brush, using, 62–63

FLV format

embedding on Timeline, 322

encoding for embedding video, 323–324

using with Flash video, 322

FLV format, encoding video files to, 298


adding to Library, 80, 82

creating for layers, 23–24


choosing, 30

embedding for external text, 270–271

embedding in user-input text, 264–265

frame labels, using on destination keyframes, 220–222


adding to animations, 110–111

adding to Timeline, 286

inserting, 19–20

removing, 110

saving as images, 362, 364

selecting, 20

Free Transform tool

using, 47–48

using with path of motion, 124–125

FXG file format, exporting Flash artwork as, 75


gary gari thumbnail, selecting, 203

GIF files, using, 81

Global Transform option, caution about, 98

gotoAndPlay() command, using, 226, 228–229

Gradient Transform tool, using, 53

gradient transitions, creating, 51–53

graphic symbols, using, 76

graphics, adding for wrapped text, 250–251

green screen, using, 313

groups, using with objects, 54–55, 60–61


locking, 90

using with symbol instances, 89–90

gutter, modifying for text, 249


Help feature, consulting, 39

hexadecimal numbers, choosing, 45

History panel, undoing steps in, 33–34

Hit keyframe, using with button symbols, 201

home button

adding button instance, 223

explained, 222

using Code Snippets panel for, 223–225

HTML files, creation of, 35–37

hyperlinking text, 259–261



copying and pasting artwork, 75

FXG file format, 75

importing layers, 75

importing symbols, 75

Illustrator files

editing symbols in, 75

importing, 73–74

image files

loading dynamically, 336

saving frames as, 362, 364

image formats, availability of, 81

imported images, using, 16

Ink Bottle tool, using, 49

instances. See button instances; symbol instances

interactive movies. See also movies

creating button symbols for, 197–201

duplicating buttons for, 202

naming button instances in, 207–208

overview, 196

placing button instances in, 205–206

preparing Timeline for, 212–213

swapping bitmaps for, 202–204

testing button behavior in, 206

interactive navigation

adding stop action, 213

event handlers for buttons, 214–217

inverse kinematics. See also physics simulation

defining bones inside shapes, 168–171

editing bones and armature, 173

editing shapes, 171–172

explained, 153

Spring feature, 185–186

invisible buttons, overview of, 201. See also button symbols


jagged objects, smoothing, 29

joint speed, changing, 167


changing angle indicators on, 163–164

constraining rotation of, 161–164

constraining translation of, 164–168

JPEG images

importing to Library panel, 15

using, 81


keyboard shortcuts

Convert to Symbol command, 77

Copy command, 48

exporting SWF files, 351

frames, 20

Library panel, 14

Paste command, 48

Paste in Place command, 66

previewing movies, 34, 351

Properties inspector, 26

removing frames, 110

Rulers, 89

symbols, 75

keyframes. See also destination keyframes; property keyframes

creating, 21–22

deleting in Motion Editor, 137

duplicating containing stop command, 230

editing in Motion Editor, 137

establishing for different shapes, 180–181

establishing for filters, 116

identifying in Timeline, 21

inserting for animations, 118

inserting in layers, 21–22

inserting in Motion Editor, 136–137

moving, 22–23

moving in animations, 111

removing, 23

selecting visual elements on Stage, 231


labels, using on destination keyframes, 220–222

layer folders, creating, 23–24


adding, 17–19

adding to layer folders, 25

deleting, 19

features of, 16–17

identifying in workspace, 11

importing from Illustrator, 75

inserting keyframes into, 21–22

organizing in Timeline, 23–25

rearranging, 19

renaming, 17

using blending effects with, 78–80

lesson files

copying, 3–4

using, 4


adding folders to, 80, 82

duplicating symbols in, 84

editing symbols from, 83–84

Library panel

accessing, 14

adding items from, 16

features of, 14

importing items to, 15

Line tool

creating dashed lines with, 62

using with patterns and symbols, 56

lines, dashing, 62

linked text boxes

adding content to, 255

creating, 252–254

finding Next link, 259

finding Previous link, 259

Loader object, using with external content, 334–337

Lock Fill option, using with gradient transitions, 52

Lowercase option, using with external text, 271


Mac OS, installing Flash on, 3

main menu button, availability of, 223

mask layers, defining, 341–343


creating, 343–346

defining, 341–343

Media Encoder. See Adobe Media Encoder

Merge drawing mode, described, 50

metadata, adding, 353–356

mobile devices, publishing movies for, 363

Motion Editor

Alpha property, 135

changing property values in, 135

components of, 132

deleting keyframes in, 137

deleting properties in, 137–138

editing keyframes in, 137

features of, 118

Graph Size icons, 134

inserting keyframes in, 136–137

resetting values in, 137–138

setting display options for, 133–134

using to apply filters, 116

using to create Color Effect, 113

Viewable Frames icon, 134

Motion Presets, using with animations, 123

motion tweens. See also path of motion

explained, 105

lengthening and shortening, 109–110

setting eases of, 138–140

movie clip symbols

creating animations in, 231–232

preventing looping in, 132

using, 76, 79

movie clips

adding event listeners to, 336

controlling, 340–341

movies. See also interactive movies

copying, 4

previewing, 34–35, 147, 351

publishing, 35–37

publishing for mobile devices, 363

saving, 37–38

movies for Web. See also publishing alternatives

changing display settings, 358–361

changing playback settings, 361

controlling with ActionScript, 361

detecting version of Flash Player, 358

Dimensions options for, 358–361

inserting into Dreamweaver, 362

Scale options for, 358–361

specifying Flash file settings, 356–358

myLoader event listener, using, 339


Navigation tools, availability of, 32


defined, 153

isolating rotation of, 159–160

Numerals option, using with external text, 271


Object drawing mode, described, 50


in ActionScript 3.0, 210

aligning, 58–59

breaking apart, 60–61

changing 3D position of, 97

changing 3D rotation for, 95–96

converting to shapes, 50

grouping, 54–55, 60–61

matching colors for, 67

smoothing, 29

Option, using with Free Transform tool, 47

Oval tool, creating shapes with, 45–46

Over keyframe option, choosing, 203–204


Paint Bucket tool, using, 49

panel group, moving, 28


displaying as icons, 28

docking, 28

expanding, 28

grouping, 28

opening, 28

rearrangement in workspace, 12

unlocking from right side of screen, 28

_parent Target, using with hyperlinked text, 260

Paste command, keyboard shortcut for, 48

Paste in Place command, using, 66

path of motion. See also motion tweens

editing, 125–126

moving for animations, 123–124

using Free Transform tool with, 124–125

patterns, creating symbols for, 55–56

Pen tool

Anchor Point tools, 172

using to create curves, 63–64

Pencil tool, creating dashed lines with, 62

perspective angle, explained, 98–100

photos, rotating on Stage, 27

Photoshop files

editing after importing, 80

importing, 78–80

physics simulation. See also inverse kinematics

adding damping effects, 191

defining bones for armature, 186–187

inserting poses, 189–190

refining armature spring values, 190–191

setting spring strength for bones, 187–188

PNG files, using, 81


clearing, 161

editing on Timeline, 159

inserting, 157–159

inserting for physics simulation, 189–190

moving, 159

removing from layers, 159

preview mode, looping movies in, 35

Primitive drawing mode, described, 50

project file, explained, 106


creating, 364, 366

and TLF text, 365

projects, copying, 4

Properties inspector

choosing fonts in, 30

choosing text color in, 30–31

easing options in, 177–179

identifying in workspace, 11

opening, 26

positioning objects on Stage, 26–27, 29

property keyframes, overview, 118. See also keyframes

PSD files, using, 81

Publish Settings dialog box, displaying, 354

published files, renaming, 356. See also files

publishing alternatives. See also movies for Web

creating projectors, 364, 366

saving frames as images, 362, 364

Punctuation option, using with external text, 271


Rectangle tool, creating shapes with, 45

removeChild() command, using with external content, 339

Retouching tools, availability of, 32

rulers, using with symbol instances, 89–90

runtime armatures, using, 176–177



files, 11

movies, 37–38

workspace, 12

Selection tools

availability of, 32

identifying, 33

using to edit curves, 65

using with armatures, 173

using with path of motion, 126

selections, making, 46–47

_self Target, using with hyperlinked text, 260

shape behavior, refining with Bind tool, 174–175

shape contours, changing, 48–49

shape hints

adding, 183–185

removing, 185

shape tweens, morphing with, 180–182


changing transparency of, 66–67

converting objects to, 50

creating with Oval tool, 45–46

creating with Rectangle tool, 45

duplicating on Stage, 48

editing, 47–49

editing with bones in, 171–172

fill and stroke of, 44


changing transparency of, 310

removing for cue points, 321–322

using with video files, 307

Smoothing option, using with objects, 29

Snap to Objects option, using with Oval tool, 46

software updates, checking for, 40

sound clips, finding, 284

sound files

deleting, 291

importing, 282–283

sound quality, setting, 291–293

sound settings, overriding, 292

sound sync, options for, 294

SoundMixer.stopAll() command, using, 312


adding to buttons, 293–294

changing, 291

changing volume of, 289–290

clipping ends of, 286–289

playing on Timeline, 283–285

stopping before starting videos, 312

using Edit Envelope dialog box with, 287–288

Spring feature

effects of, 189

explained, 185–186

spring strength, setting for bones, 187–188

spring values, refining for armatures, 190–191


adding items to from Library panel, 16

changing properties of, 13–14

duplicating shapes on, 48

features of, 13

identifying in workspace, 11

measuring X and Y values on, 27

positioning objects on, 26–27, 29

repositioning text on, 33

rotating photos on, 27

rotating text on, 33

selecting visual elements on, 231

setting color of, 13–14

setting dimensions of, 13–14

star shape, creating with Deco tool, 57–58

stop action, adding to interactive navigation, 213

stop() command, using with animations, 230


changing, 49

relationship to shapes, 44

selecting, 46–47

Subselection tools, using to edit curves, 65

Swap Symbol dialog box, displaying, 203

SWF files

changing quality of sounds in, 291–293

creation of, 35–37, 147

exporting, 351

SWZ file

merging ActionScript library with, 238–240

use with TLF Text, 237–238

symbol instances

breaking apart, 86

changing brightness of, 91

changing color effects of, 90–92

changing transparency of, 92

decreasing alpha value of, 90

explained, 74

repositioning, 87–90

resetting rotation and position for, 97

resizing, 87–90

using guides with, 89–90

using rulers with, 89–90

symbols. See also button symbols

button, 76

creating, 77–78

creating for patterns, 55–56

duplicating in Library, 84

editing from Library, 83–84

editing in Illustrator, 75

editing in place, 85–86

graphic, 76

importing from Illustrator, 75

movie clip, 76, 79

overview, 74, 76

swapping for interactive movies, 202–204

types of, 76

using filters with, 93–95

Symmetry brush, using, 57–58

system requirements

for Mac OS, 3

for Windows, 2


Test Movie mode

accessing, 147

preventing looping in, 147

text. See also external text; user-input text

adding multiple columns, 246–249

adding titles, 240–242

Break Apart option, 240

changing dimensions of, 242

changing orientation of, 243

hyperlinking, 259–261

registration of, 242

repositioning and rotating on Stage, 33

setting width and height, 242

vertical, 243–244

text boxes

adding content for wrapped text, 255

breaking and relinking, 257–259

changing contents for user-input text, 266–268

defining, 242

deleting from wrapped text, 256–257

inserting in wrapped text, 256–257

linking for wrapped text, 252–254

modifying, 249

naming for external text, 269–270

naming for user-input text, 266

resizing, 249

text color, choosing, 30

Text tool

using, 68

using to add title to animation, 30–31, 33

text wrapping. See wrapping text


adding frames to, 286

adjusting width of frame cells in, 25

changing appearance of, 25

creating more time on, 19–20

features of, 16–17

identifying in workspace, 11

layers in, 16

location of, 16

organizing layers in, 23–25

playing sounds on, 283–285

preparing for interactive navigation, 212–213


adding, 240–242

adding to animation, 30–31, 33

TLF (Text Layout Format) Text

overview, 237–238

and projectors, 365

using, 68

TLF Text library, merging, 238–240

Tools panel

identifying in workspace, 11

overview, 32

selecting tools from, 29–31, 33

Trace Bitmap command, using caution with, 81


animating, 119–122

global versus local, 98

transition animations, creating, 226–228


animating, 112–114

creating, 66–67

importing for video clips, 311

Tween layers, explained, 105

tween span

lengthening for animations, 109–110

viewing, 118

tween targets, swapping, 127–129

tweens, Classic option for, 143

Type tools, availability of, 32


Undo command, using, 33–34

unload() command, using with external content, 339


checking for, 40

setting preferences for, 40

Uppercase option, using with external text, 271

URLRequest object, using with external content, 334–337

user-input text. See also text

adding display fields, 262–264

adding static text elements, 261–262

changing contents of text boxes, 266–268

device fonts, 264

embedding fonts, 264–265

naming text boxes, 266

testing calculator, 268


vanishing point, explained, 98–100

variables, creating for text boxes, 267

vector graphics, converting bitmaps to, 81

vertical text, creating, 243–244

video clips, importing for transparencies, 311–312

video encoding options

cropping, 299

cue points, 299, 301

displaying, 299

export settings, 299

presets, 299

trimming, 299

video files. See also external video; Flash video

adding to Adobe Media Encoder, 295–297

changing status in queue, 298

choosing controllers for, 310

converting to Flash video, 297–298

cropping, 299–301

displaying in Flash, 295

encoding to F4V format, 298

encoding to FLV format, 298

Export Settings dialog box, 303

final output size, 303

obtaining original info about, 303

Out points, 302–303

In points, 302–303

saving advanced options for, 304–305

setting advanced options for, 303–304

time markers for, 302

using skins with, 307

video length, adjusting, 302–303

video playback, controlling, 309–310

volume, changing for sounds, 289–290


Web movies. See movies for Web

Web sites

certifications, 6

Help feature, 39

program features, 4–6

resources for educators, 5

tutorials, 4–6

Windows, installing Flash on, 2


choosing, 12

layers in, 11

Properties Inspector, 11

saving, 12

Stage, 11

Timeline, 11

Tools panel, 11

wrapping text

adding content to linked text boxes, 255

adding graphics, 250

breaking and relinking text boxes, 257–259

deleting text boxes, 256–257

inserting text boxes, 256–257

linking text boxes, 252–254


x axis, using in 3D space, 95, 145

XFL documents

modifying, 38

opening, 38

XFL format, saving files to, 37–38

XMP Metadata dialog box, displaying, 355


y axis, using in 3D space, 95, 145–146


z axis, using in 3D space, 95, 144–146

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