

8 bit output, 319

16 bit color space, 319

16 bit output, 266, 319


Additional resources, 6

Add To Quick Collection

menu command, 129

adjustment areas, 214

Adjustment Brush tool, 213

Adobe Bridge, 149, 311

Adobe Community Help, 6

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom

Installing, 2

support center, 2

AdobeRGB (1998) color space, 319

aspect ratio, 176

As Shot setting, 173, 186

Attribute filter, 155, 161

Auto Hide option, 66

Auto Hide & Show option, 66

Auto Import Settings dialog box, 107, 111

Auto Mask option, 213

Auto Tone button, 34, 173

Auto Tone command, 187


Backdrop panel, 226

backing up the catalog file, 308

backing up the library, 311

Back Up Catalog dialog box, 309

backup copies during import, 91

backup frequency, 309


backup strategies, 91

incremental, 314

barrel distortion, 39

Basic panel, 175, 186

keyboard shortcuts, 191

Before & After view, 18

black-body radiation, 189

Blacks settings, 42

blurring, 198

book files

copying, 2

Bottom Label option, 121

brightness, 186

burning images to CD/DVD, 322

By Date option, 90


calibrating computer screen, 319

camera raw file format, 93

candlelight, 189

Caption And Rating

slideshow template, 224

Caption option, 293

card reader, 86

Cast Shadow option, 228


creating, 3-6

Cells panel, 246

Choose Burner dialog box, 322

chromatic aberrations, 199

chrominance noise, 197

clarity, 191

Classroom in a Book, about, 1

clipping, 186

clipping indicators, 186

clipping mask, 190

Clone mode, 182

collapsing panels, 67-69

collections, 27, 145-148

rearranging images, 29

Collections panel, 28-29, 43, 67, 129, 146, 222, 244-245, 265-266, 281

color adjustments, 203, 204

color cast, 188

color corrections, 185

color fringes, 199

color gamut, 189, 319

color labels, 26, 157-158

color management, 319

by Lightroom, 264

by printer, 263

using, 263

Color Palette panel, 287

ColorSync, 263

color temperature, 186, 189

Color Wash option, 227

color wheel, 203

Compact Cells option, 121

Compare view, 30-32, 31, 62-63, 73, 119, 124-126

comparing photos, 30-34, 124-126

compatibility problems

avoiding when naming files, 302

Contact Sheet layouts, 246

contrast, 191

adjusting, 192

cool colors, 189


Classroom in a Book files, 2

lessons files from CD, 2

crop overlay rectangle, 176

Crop Overlay tool, 37-39, 176-178

cropping images, 176

Crop To Fill slideshow template, 224

Custom Name option, 91

Custom Package layouts, 246

creating, 259


data loss, preventing, 308

daylight, 189

Default Columns option, 163

Default slideshow template, 224

Delete Selected Snapshot button, 179

Deselect Photo icon, 32, 126

Detail panel, 196

Develop module, 18, 34-40, 174-212, 262

develop presets, 15, 19, 33, 36, 172, 175

Digital Negative (DNG) file format, 93

dimming lights, 76

Distortion slider, 40

Don’t Enlarge option, 316

Draft Mode Printing option, 248, 262

duotone effects, 203



using external editor, 14

EXIF Metadata slideshow template, 224

Expanded Cells option, 121

expanding panels, 67-69

Export As Catalog dialog box, 312

Export Containing Keywords

export option, 151

Export dialog box, 316

exporting images

as catalog, 312

as e-mail attachment, 323

as JPEG, 315

as original or DNG, 320

as PSD or TIFF, 318

Export PDF button, 235, 236

export presets, 321

Export Synonyms option, 151

Export With Previous

menu command, 319

Exposure settings, 42

external editor

preferences, 14, 214

working with, 214


file formats, about, 93

Filename Template Editor

dialog box, 92

Fill Light controls, 41, 173, 190

Filmstrip, 16

changing height of, 64, 133

changing order in, 134, 246, 285

showing and hiding, 33, 41, 65-66

using filters in, 133, 163

working with, 132

Filter bar, 25, 26, 70, 155, 157, 161, 181

filtering images, 161

Filter Presets menu, 163

Filters Off option, 163

finding images, 161

Find Nearby Missing Photos option, 165, 166

Flag As Pick button, 155

Flagged option, 163

flags, 26, 127, 154, 156

Flags option, 121

Flash galleries, 283


creating an account, 272

publishing photos to, 274

Folders panel, 28, 99, 142-145

FTP server, 302



exporting, 300

previewing in web browser, 298

saving customized template, 299

uploading, 301

Gallery Editor, 280

Gallery Editor view, 44

gallery layout options, 288

gradient mask, 211

Graduated Filter tool, 211

grain effects, adding, 201

Graphical Identity Plate option, 293

grayscale, 206

Grid view, 70, 119

Guides panel, 246, 250


HDR (High Dynamic Range), 214

Heal mode, 182


navigating, 47

using, 47

hiding panels, 68

highlights, 36, 41, 186, 187, 190, 193

histogram, 186-187, 190-191

Histogram panel, 17, 19, 68, 190

History panel, 18, 175, 178-179

home page, 287

HSL / Color / Grayscale panel, 203

HTML galleries, 283

hue, 203


ICM Color Management, 263

identity plates

creating and modifying, 293

graphical option, 293

in print module, 255

in slideshows, 224, 229

in web gallery, 291

personalizing, 77-79

presets, 79

styled text option, 293

Ignore Camera-Generated Folder Names When Naming Folders option, 86

Image Info panel, 293

image quality settings, 295

Image Settings panel, 246, 248, 253

Import button, 95

Import From Catalog menu command, 104

importing images, 22

by drag and drop, 100

from digital camera, 85

from hard disk, 95

from other catalogs, 104

from watched folder, 107

to a specific folder, 103

Import New Photos option, 145

import options

Add, 95

Copy, 88

Copy As DNG, 96

Move, 97

Import Photos menu command, 95

import presets, 94

Impromptu Slideshow

menu command, 24, 222

incremental backups, 314

Index Number option, 121

initial previews, 108

Into One Folder option, 90


Joint Photographic Experts Group

(JPEG) file format, 93

JPEG file format, 93


kelvin (K), 186

keyboard shortcuts, 79

keystone distortion, 39

Keywording panel, 106, 149-151

keyword sets, 151

Keyword Suggestions pane, 150

keyword tags

about, 25

adding, 150

applying, 149

applying during import, 99

backing up, 308

creating, 151

editing, 17

exporting, 151-152

importing, 153

nesting, 151

removing, 150

searching by, 152

synonyms, 151

using, 24, 92

viewing, 149

kuler, 287


Layout panel, 246

Left layout option, 291

Lens Corrections panel, 39

lens distortion

correcting, 39

lens vignetting, 199

lessons files

copying from CD, 2

Library Grid button, 284

Library module, 16

Library View Options dialog box, 73

Lightroom Defaults options, 151

Lights Dim mode, 38, 76-77

local contrast, 191

local corrections, 210

Location Columns option, 163

lock icon, 125

Loupe view, 18, 71, 119

using during import, 101

LR3CIB folder, 3

luminance, 186, 203

luminance noise, 197


Masking slider, 197

Maximize Compatibility option, 93, 215


applying, 98, 158-161

exporting, 310

Metadata File Needs To Be Updated icon, 310

Metadata filter, 161-162

Metadata Set menu, 158

Metadata Was Changed Externally icon, 311

mid-range contrast, 193

missing files

reestablishing links to, 13, 164

module picker, 23, 65, 77-78, 293

modules, 14, 16-20

moving files between folders, 142


navigation controls, 284

Navigator panel, 122, 175

neutral gray, 188, 203

New Catalog menu command, 3

New Collection button, 147

New Metadata Preset dialog box, 98

noise reduction, 185, 198

non-destructive editing, 13


On/Off switch icon, 196, 205, 207, 212

Options panel, 228

organizing images, 89

output collections, 265

output settings, 262

Output Settings panel, 295

overcast sky, 189

Overlays panel, 229


Page panel, 246, 261

Paginated layout option, 289

Painter tool, 160-162

panel end mark, 69

panel groups, 15

customizing, 69

resizing, 63

showing and hiding, 65


expanding and collapsing, 67

in Lightroom workspace, 14

resizing, 63

showing and hiding, 18, 68

solo mode, 68

panorama, 214

perceptual rendering, 264

Photoshop, 12, 14, 93, 149, 177, 214, 215, 320

Photoshop Camera Raw plug-in, 215, 311

Photoshop Elements, 12, 14, 149, 214, 215

Photoshop (PSD) file format, 93

pick flag, 26, 127, 127-128, 133, 154-155, 163

Picture Package layouts, 246

pincushion distortion, 39

pixel-based editing, 214

Playback panel, 233

Playback Screen pane, 233

playback settings, 233

post-processing actions, 323

prerequisites, 1

Preview In Browser button, 298

Print button, 266

Print Editor view, 247

printer profiles, 264

printer resolution, 262

Print Job panel, 246, 248, 262

Print module, 20

Print One button, 266

print resolution, 262

Print Sharpening options, 262

print templates, 247

customizing, 250

saving, 258

print to JPEG file, 262

progress bar, 15

ProPhoto RGB color profile, 319

publish collections, 27, 272

Publishing Manager dialog box, 272

publishing photo comments, 275

Publish Services panel, 272

Put In Subfolder option, 90


Quick Collection, 27, 129-132, 146

Quick Collection Markers option, 121

Quick Describe metadata set, 159

Quick Develop panel, 33-34, 172-175


Rated option, 163

Rating And Label option, 156

rating images, 156

Raw images, 42, 86, 188, 196, 215

reconnecting missing files, 164

redoing changes, 178

reducing noise, 196

Refine Photos menu command, 156

re-importing existing photos, 105

reject flag, 26-27, 127-128, 154-155

relative rendering, 265

removing photos from catalog, 144

removing spots, 182

renaming files, 91

renaming folder names, 143


perceptual, 264

relative, 265

Rendering Intent options, 264

required skills, 2

resetting controls, 174, 191, 201

resetting filters, 162

Restore Keyword Set Presets option, 151

restoring library from backup, 312

reviewing and organizing, 24

RGB values, 189, 203, 227, 288

rotating images, 176

Rotation option, 121

Rulers, Grid & Guides panel, 246


sample area, 183

saturated colors, 203

saturation, 190, 203

Scan For Metadata Updates option, 145

screen modes, 56

Scrolling layout option, 289

Select Catalog dialog box, 5

shade, 204

shadows, 186

sharpening images, 185, 196

Show Briefly When Photo Changes option, 75

Show Clickable Items On Mouse Over Only option, 121

Show Clipping menu command, 187

Show Filter Bar menu command, 152

Show Grid Extras option, 121

Show Header With Labels option, 121

Show Image Info Tooltips option, 73, 121

Show Import Dialog When A Memory Card Is Detected option, 86

showing panels, 68

Show Message When Loading Or Rendering Photos option, 75

Show Module Picker command, 23, 65, 77

Show Rating Footer option, 121

Show Second Window button, 60

Site Info panel, 285

Slide Editor view, 20, 223

Slideshow module, 19, 223

Slideshow Only layout option, 290

slideshows, exporting, 235

slideshow templates

about, 224

customizing, 225

selecting, 224

smart collections, 27, 147

snapshots, 18

creating and deleting, 179

Snapshots panel, 18, 175

Solo mode, 68

sound, playing when process is complete, 317

split toning, 208

Split Toning panel, 203, 208

Spot Removal tool, 182

sRGB color profile, 316

star rating, 25

Start Number text field, 92

Store Password In Preset option, 301

straightening images, 177

Straighten tool, 37

stroke borders, 228

Styled Text Identity Plate option, 293

subfolders, creating, 142

Survey view, 62, 73, 119, 126-129

synchronizing folders, 144

synchronizing settings, 210


tagged image (TIFF) file format, 93

target area, 183

target collection, 131

Target tool button, 194, 205, 207

temperature, 188

Template Browser panel, 44, 224, 234-235, 245, 247, 258-259, 299

Temp slider, 186, 189

tethered shooting, 109

Text filter, 161

text overlays, 229

Text Template Editor, 232

Thumbnail Badges option, 121, 146-149

TIFF file format, 93

tint, 188, 204

Tint Grid Cells With Color Labels option, 121

Tint Grid Cells With Label Colors option, 73

Tint slider, 189

Title option, 293

Toggle Zoom View command, 72

tokens, 92, 232

tonal corrections, 185

tonal ranges, 186, 193

tone, 204

Tone Curve panel, 192

Tone Curve Target mode, 194

Toolbar, 15

customizing, 16, 71, 119

showing and hiding, 58, 71

Top Label option, 121

top panel, 15

Transform sliders, 40

Treat JPEG Files Next To Raw Files As Separate Photos option, 86


undoing changes, 178

Unrated option, 163

Unsaved Metadata option, 121, 310

Upload button, 302

Upload Settings panel, 301

upsampling images, 316

Use Defaults button, 75

Use Defaults option, 121

Use Second Monitor button, 60


vibrance, 191

video files, 93

View Gallery button, 291, 299

view modes, 70, 119

view options, 73

View Slideshow button, 291

virtual copies, 30, 105, 180, 266, 311


warm colors, 189

watched folder, 107

watermarking, 295

Watermark Editor dialog box, 295, 303

web galleries

customizing, 285

Web module, 21, 43

white balance, 173

about, 188-189

adjusting, 185

White Balance Selector tool, 189

white point, 188

Widescreen slideshow template, 224

work area, 15, 70

workflow, 22


customizing, 16

overview, 14


XMP metadata, 149, 159

XMP sidecar file, 310


zoom levels, 123

Zoom To Fill option, 248

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