

American National Standards Institute (ANSI), 127

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 127

Attach database method, 215216


compliances, 283

database audit specification object, 280282

hardware-based auditing devices, 273


abstract object, 274

database audit specification, 273

scopes and server audit, 273

server audit specification, 273

server -instance-scoped audit specification, 274

server audit object

audit creation, 274

audit destination, 276

DDL, 276277

extended events, 275

repudiation attack, 276

system center operations manager, 276

windows audit collection services, 276

server audit specification object

context menu, 277278

log files, 279280

third-party auditing solutions, 273

track events, 272

user-defined audit event, 283284



automating process

advanced page, 173174

drop-down menu, 174175

general page window, 170

object explorer window, 178179

schedule window, 176178

SQL Server agent, 169170

step window, 172173

steps page window, 171

visible, step page, 175

compression, 180182

database properties window, 164165

differential backups

files/device, 163

resoring database, 200201

syntax, 163164

encrypting backup files, 179180

file and filegroups, 164166

file backups, restore strategies, 205206

full backup

backup mirroring, 161

database window, 158159

destination, 159

files window, 160

options page, 161

overview, 158

RESTORE command, 162

SQL Server management studio, 158162

T-SQL, 162163


checkpoint, 166

database, 169

database restore strategies, 201205

fully recovery mode, 167

management studio, 168

transactions, 166

T-SQL, 169

physical backup device, 158

plan design

implementation, 182

OLTP system, 183

requirements, 182

SLA, 183

types, 183

server properties window, 181

TDE, 179

testing backups, 207

types, 157158

Bulk Copy Program (BCP), 227229

Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS), 70, 96


Cannon, J. C., 271272

Central management server (CMS)

DBA, 295296

multiple server, 53

New Query option, 296

production folder, 296

Clapper, Ed, 911

Cloud computing, DBA. See also SQL Azure

3M Visual Attention Service, 370371

definition, 365, 369

service models

infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 366

platform as a service (PaaS), 366367

software as a service (SaaS), 366

Windows Azure, 367369

Command-line tools

DTEXEC.exe, 70

GUI, 70

PowerShell, 70, 7374


overview, 71

passing variables, 7273

SQL Server connection, 7172

Community Technology Preview 3 (CTP3), 96


Data collector

baseline, 307

data view

details report, Queries, 317318

disk usage summary report, 314316

Query statistics history report, 316318

reports, 311

Server activity history, 311314

system CPU, 312

setting up data

configuration task, 308310

data warehouse, 309

management folder, 308

Data Control Language (DCL), 110

Data Definition Language (DDL), 109

Data gathering, 12

Data Manipulation Language (DML)

DELETE statement, 135


identity and sequences, 133135

parameters, 133

queries, 133

SELECT statement



JOIN statement, 131


ORDER BY clause, 130

paging queries, 131133

queries, 129131


syntax, 128

WHERE clause, 129

T-SQL language, 109110

UPDATE statement, 135

Database administrator (DBA)

authorization, 250

Clapper, Ed, 911

database maintenance, 23

definition, 24

disaster recovery, 3

documentation, 4

Esposito, Michael, 1112

Fritchey, Grant, 57

need for, 12

Pyne, Charlie, 89

Rehak, Roman, 78

salary information, 4

schema design and performance improvement, 4

security and compliance, 3

Database backup. See Backups

Database Console Command (DBCC), 229230

Database encryption key (DEK), 290

Database Engine Tuning Advisor (DTA), 299, 331333

Database maintenace tasks

database backup and restore, 213

database integrity, 229230

distribution statistics

properties, 236237

SSMS, node, 235236

sys.stats and sys.indexes, 234235

updating statistics, 237


clustered index, 231

defragmentation, 233234

detecting fragmentation, 231233

logical scan fragmentation, 233

nonclustered index, 231

page and extent, 232

scan density, 232

log files, 245246

maintenance plan

additional tasks, 243244

backup task, 239241

context menu, 242

designer, 242243

integrity task, 240

properties, 237238

tasks page, 238239

moving data

advanced tab, 222223

BCP, 227229

columns tab, 221222

configure destination, 218219

copy database wizard, 216220

data source, 220221

data types, 223224

database, 217218

destination, 224225

detach and attach method, 214216

execution status, 226227

import and export wizard, 220227

mapping data, 226

package configuration, 219220

SMO method, 217

transfer method, 216217

scheduling maintenance tasks, 244

Database restore strategies. See also Full disaster recovery plan

differential backups, 200201

disaster recovery plan, 185

file backups, 205206

log backups, 201205

management studio GUI

backup devices, 187189

device contents window, 190191

error and explanation, 192

locate backup file, 188189

media selection, 191

object explorer window, 186

RestoreTest database, 186187

options page, GUI, 192194

testing backups, 207


cleaning up, 200

database copy creation, 195196

display general information, 197199

execution, 194195

FILELISTONLY command, 197

logical and physical file names, 196197



Database security

contained database, 267269

covering permissions, 264

database permissions, 263265

database users, 259

fixed database roles, 262263

flexible database roles, 265266

GRANT statement, 265

RUNAS command, 268

schemas, 259

default schema, 261

four-part naming convention, 261

reassigning schema ownership, 262

right way, 260

wrong way, 259260

security functions

fn_my_permissions() function, 266

HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME function, 267


user-defined database, 267

Deadlocks, 137139

Detach database method, 214215

Differential backups

files/device, 163

restoring database, 200201

syntax, 163164

Dynamic management functions (DMFs), 306

Dynamic management objects (DMOs), 305307

Dynamic management view (DMV), 305307


Encrypting backup files, 179180


asymmetric key, 285

Caesar shift cipher, 284

certificate-based encryption

EXECUTE AS statement, 289290

master key and private key, 288

REVERT statement, 288

symmetric key, 288, 289

ciphertext, 285

compliance requirements, 284

concepts, 285

cryptographic API, 285

password-based encryption

AUTHORIZATION parameter, 286

ContosoBank database, 285

DecryptByKey function, 288

EncryptByKey function, 286287

SYMMETRIC KEY statement, 286

plain text, 285

primer, 285

private and public key, 285

symmetric keys, 285

transparent data encryption, 290

Esposito, Michael, 1112

Evaluation edition

download, 20

Installation Center

Advanced tab, 2627

Installation tab, 2223

Maintenance tab, 2324

Options tab, 28

Planning tab, 2022

Resources tab, 2526

Scripted install, 27

system configuration checker, 22

Tools tab, 2425


Database Engine Configuration page, 3335

Disk Space Requirements page, 31

error reporting page, 35

Features Selection page, 2930

Installation Rules page, 35

Instance Configuration page, 3031

Ready to Install page, 3536

Server Configuration page, 3233

setup role page, 29

shared components, 30

SQL logins, 34

tempdb database, 35


Fault tolerance

AlwaysOn Availability Group

databases page, 359

listener, 361

replicas, 360

SQL Server instance, 355, 358

SQL-WEST instance, 359

synchronization, 362

Windows Server failover cluster, 356357

database mirroring configuration

accounts details, 353354

BACKUP DATABASE statement, 350351

database properties, 351352

motivation and benefits, 350

operation modes, 350

server instance, 352353


AlwaysOn Availability Group, 355

AlwaysOn Failover Clustering, 354355

backup and restore, 341

database mirroring, 349354

differential backup, 341

full database backup, 341

log shipping, 341348

replication, 348349

geoclusters, 339

log shipping configuration

backup folders, 343345

copy files, 346

Pros and Cons, 348

restore transaction log, 346347

secondary database, 345346

status report, 347

transaction log shipping, 342343

UsedCars database, 342


distributor, 348

merge replication, 349

publications, 348

snapshot replication, 349

subscription, 348

transactional replication, 349

service level agreement

definition, 340

metrics, 340341

nines, 340

uptime, 339

File and filegroup backups, 164166

fn_my_permissions function, 266

Fritchey, Grant, 57

Full backup

backup mirroring, 161

files window, 160

options page, 161

RESTORE command, 162

SQL Server management studio

database window, 158159

destination, 160

T-SQL, 162163

Full disaster recovery plan

business information, 208F

downtime, 208


large commercial insurance company, 209

small online retail business, 209

testing, 210


Graphical user interface (GUI), 70


HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME function, 267

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 3

Hyper-V, 403


Infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 366

Itanium/(IA64), 14


3M Visual Attention Service (VAS)

architecture, 371

graphical design, 370

Microsoft Assessment and Planning (MAP) toolkit, 17, 389395

Microsoft Desktop Engine (MSDE), 16

Microsoft management console (MMC), 66

Microsoft Online Services Customer Portal (MOSCP), 374

Microsoft SQL Server Upgrade Advisor (Advisor), 395396

Microsoft System Center Operations Manager (SCOM), 55

Microsoft TechNet, 402

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, 403405


National Institute on Standards and Technology (NIST), 365

Network interface card (NIC), 300


Online transaction processing (OLTP) system, 183


Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS), 3

Performance Data Collector (PDC)

data collection option, 57

management data warehouse, 57

query statistics report, 5960

Server report, 5758

subreport, 5859

Performance measurment


full scans, 301

instance and objects, 300

NIC, 300

SQL Server, 300301

data collector

baseline, 307

configuration task, 308310

data view, 311318

data warehouse storage page, 309

management folder, 308

security, 308311

dynamic management view (DMV), 305307

Monitor tool

add counters window, 303304

counter selection, 304305

initial window, 302303

perfmon, 302

Platform as a service (PaaS), 366367

Policy-based management (PBM)

central management server (CMS), 295296

evaluation, 294295

multiple server, 55

need for, 291

policy creation, 291293

Server configuration, 291

PowerShell, 7374

Professional Association for SQL Server (PASS), 402

Pyne, Charlie, 89


Rehak, Roman, 78


Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), 3, 271

Service level agreement (SLA), 85, 182, 339

Single-user mode

database, 153

DBCC CHECKDB command, 152


SQL Server

command-line argument, 153

configuration, 153154

properties, 154155


Software as a service (SaaS), 366

SQL Azure

administer databases, 372

backup and restore, 385

data hubs, 373

database management

connection string, 378379

Object Explorer tree, 379380

SLA, 379

DBA, 372

departmental applications, 373

firewall rules, 376

migrating data

bulk copy utility, 380

CodePlex, 380

results summary page, 381382

server connection, 383

SQLAzureMW.exe, 380381

SSSIS, 380

Target Server Connection, 383

MOSCP, 374

properties, 377

relational data, 385

relational database service, 372

server creation, 375376

service level agreement, 378

software vendors, 373

syntax, 372

system views, 384385

Tabular Data Stream, 377

web applications, 372

Windows Azure, 373374, 375

SQL Management Object (SMO) method, 217

SQL Server

32-bit and 64-bit architectures, 14


Books Online, 401

certification, 405

clustered index, 120

conferences, 402


CHECK, 114

foreign key, 116117

NULL, 114

primary key, 115

Referential integrity, 116

UNIQUE, 115116

deadlocks, 137139

Deployment Wizard, 63

dropping tables, 117119

evaluation edition, 19

download, 19

Installation Center, 2028

instance, 2837

fault tolerance

AlwaysOn Availability Groups, 355362

AlwaysOn Failover Clustering, 354355

backup and restore, 341

database mirroring, 349354

log shipping, 341348

replication, 348349

hands-on labs, 403

indexes creation, 119222


editions, 18

environmental assessment, 1718

hardware/software requirements, 19

installation and configuration, 13

internals (See also single-user mode)

agent service, 151

Analysis Services, 152

Browser service, 151

Client service, 152

corrupt system databases, 149

data warehouse, 152

database files, 149150

Distributed Replay Controller service, 152

filegroup, 150

Full-Text Engine Filter Daemon Launcher service, 151

Integration Services, 151

master database, 147

model database, 147

MSDB database, 148

query optimization, 147

query tree, 147

Reporting Services, 152

resource database, 149

resources, 156

Secondary data files, 149

services, 15052

tempdb database, 147

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), 152

Itanium/IA64, 14

lab system and practice, 403

local users groups, 402

nonclustered index, 120

performance measurment

counters, 300301

data collector, 307318

DMOs, 299

dynamic management view (DMV), 305307

execution plan, 299

Monitor tool, 302305

resources, 40

resources management

index and data compression, 336

pools, 334

Resource Governor, 334

usage, 334335

workload, 335

Server editions

Business Intelligence edition, 15

Enterprise edition, 15

features, 1415

specialized editions, 1516

Standard edition, 15

setting up, 13

specialized editions

Developer edition, 15

evaluation edition, 16

Express edition, 16

LocalDB, 16

table creation

Ad hoc scripting options, 112

ANSI_NULL statement, 113

CREATE TABLE statement, 112113

designer, 110112


terminology, 16

tuning queries

Database Engine Tuning Advisor, 331333

execution plans, 319326

extended events, 326331

T-SQL query, 319

upgrading servers, 37

features, 38

hardware, 37

sp_renamedb stored procedure, 39

strategies, 38

Windows Performance Monitor tool, 3940

virtual machine (VM)

hard disk location, 404

Hyper-V, 403

ISO image, 405

Microsoft Virtual PC 2007, 403405

time-bombed environment, 403405


Microsoft TechNet, 402

SQL Server Central, 401

SQL Server Customer Advisory Team, 402

SQL Server World Wide Users Group, 401

SQL Skills site, 402

SQL Server development

data-tier applications

dacpac file, 8586

definition, 85

deploying, 8990

existing database, 90

LocalDB, 102

managed instances, 93

management data warehouse, 91

monitoring, 9095

set properties, 8687

SLA, 85

SQL Server instance, 92

utility control point (UCP), 9092

utility node, 9394

utility node report, 9495

validation, 8789

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

IntelliSense, 7778

need for, 77

Query designer, 7881

templates, 8184

T-SQL debugging, 84

SQL Server Development Tools (SSDT)

components, 9596

connected mode

database updates, 9899

server explorer, 9697

table definition, 9798

offline mode

import database dialog, 99

schema comparison, 100101

table designer, 99100

version application, 102

SQL Server instance security

dedicated administrator connection, 257

endpoints, 25658

fixed server roles, 25354

login creation, 252253

network protocols, 258

principal, 252

Securables, 256

server permissions, 255256


authentication, 249

authorization, 250

database roles, 250

database users, 250

Mixed mode, 250

representation, server login, 251

Server authentication, 250

server instance vs. database, 25051

Windows authentication mode, 250

transport protocols, 257

user-defined server roles, 258

SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). See also Transact-SQL (T-SQL)

Ad hoc scripting options, 112

droping table, 117

execution plan, 121

IntelliSense, 7778

monitoring server activity

Activity Monitor (AM), 56

Performance Data Collector(PDC), 5760

reports, 6061

SCOM, 55

multiple servers, 53

policy-based management (PBM), 55

queries, 55

Registered Servers, 5354

need for, 77

Object Explorer

context menu, 4748

database, 4849

menu options, 50

multiple connections, 4647

Object Explorer tree, 105106

products, 43

properties tab, 45


components, 46

document window, 52

Object Explorer, 4650

Query Editor, 5052

results pane, 53

Query designer

Add Table dialog, 78

table relationship, 7981

Query menu, 120

scripting actions, 106108

SQL Server connections, 4345

table designer, 111


explorer, 81

parameters dialog box, 8283

stored procedure, 8184

T-SQL debugging, 84

SQL Server private cloud, 387

Advisor tool, 395396

architecture, 387

Assistant tool, 396397

control and customization, 399

elasticity, 398399

Hyper-V Dynamic Memory, 399

implementation options, 399400

MAP tool

DatabaseInstance tab, 393394

discovery and readiness, 389390

discovery methods, 391392

excel file tab, 394395

inventory and assessment wizard, 390391

summary tab, 392393

resource pooling, 389

self-service, 399

stages, 387388

Sysprep, 398

virtual machines, 398

virtualization, 389

SQL Server Upgrade Assistant (Assistant), 396397


defined, 70

overview, 71

Passing Variables, 7273

SQL Server connection, 7172

Sysprep, 398


Tabular Data Stream (TDS), 377

TechNet, 402

Toolbox. See also Command-line tools, SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

Analysis Services (SSAS), 63

Client Protocols node, 6768

CodePlex, 68

Configuration Tools folder

Reporting Services Configuration Manager, 6465

SQL Server Configuration Manager, 6668

SQL Server Error and Usage Report, 6364

SQL Server Installation Center, 63

Documentation and Community folder

hyperlink, 68

Microsoft SQL samples overview, 68

SQL Server Books Online, 68

Import and Export Data Wizard, 70

Integration Services folder

Data Profiler Viewer, 69

ETL tool, 68

Execute Package utility, 69

Project Conversion wizard, 69

Performance Tools folder, 69

Database Engine Tuning Advisor, 69

SQL Trace, 70

protocols node, 6667

services node, 66

SQL Server 2012, 6162

SQL Server Data Tools (SSDT), 70

Transact-SQL (T-SQL). See also Data Manipulation Language (DML)

aggregate functions, 144

BEGIN TRANSACTION statement, 136

Built-in functions, 144

character set, 127


data types, 126127

DCL, 110

DDL, 109

deadlocks, 137139

DML, 109110

function creation, 142143

function invoking, 143

NULL, 128

primer, 109

ROLLBACK statement, 136

Scalar functions, 144

script, 175

security-related functions, 144

SQL Server Books Online Articles, 146

stored procedure


CREATE PROCEDURE statement, 139

modifying, 142

system folder, 142

templates, 139142

transaction execution, 136

transaction isolation, 136137

trigger, 144145

Unicode vs. ANSI, 127

user-defined function, 144

VetClinic database, 125126

Transparent data encryption (TDE), 179

ContosoBank database, 290

database encryption key, 290

encrypting backup files, 179

Trigger, 144145

Tripp, Kimberly, 402

Tuning queries

DTA, 331333

execution plans

actual execution plan, 321322

data flow tooltip, 324

estimated plan, 320321

graphical format, 320

Hash Match operator, 322

Nested Loops tooltip, 323

operator properties, 324325

query optimization, 319

SQL Editor toolbar, 320

text execution, 320

XML, 325326

extended events

action and session, 326

data storage window, 330

event filter, 329330

graphical user interfaces, 327

output window, 330331

selection, 328

session wizard, 327

template, 327328

T-SQL query, 319


Unicode vs. ANSI, 128

Utility control point (UCP), 9092


Virtualization, 389

Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS), 152

imagesW, X, Y, Z

Windows Azure

AppFabric, 369

platform, 367

roles, 368

storage, 369

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