Plan to Integrate New Team Members

You can speed up the integration of new people—or the same people in new roles—by planning for the transition. Start with the basics: without a place to sit, a phone, and access to email, a new hire is invisible to the organization.

Create and use a checklist for new hires.

Use the checklist Welcoming New Hires to verify you’ve addressed the logistics. Have the new hire’s office ready on the first day.

Spend time setting the context on the first day.

Discuss your specific context with the person in transition: the product, the departmental goals and especially how that person’s work fits into those goals.Are You Ready? [Bol03]

Assign a buddy.

Especially with a new hire, assign someone who can show the person where the cafeteria, coffee, supplies, and restrooms are.Hiring the Best Knowledge Workers, Techies, and Nerds: The Secrets and Science of Hiring Technical People [Rot04a] Have the buddy walk the person through the technical pieces of the job, too.

Expect to re-form teams.

Anytime team membership changes, you have a new team. You may need to revisit some earlier stages of team formation—albeit briefly. Give the team time and support to become productive again.

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