Monday Morning

After tackling the project portfolio, Sam decided it was time to develop management team goals—goals that the entire management team would work on together. He could see that each of his managers was working hard to succeed within his or her own function—and missing opportunities to improve the overall performance of the department.

Sam sent an email announcing the first regular management team meeting.

From:Sam Morgan
Subject:Regular team meetings
To:The Team

Hi, all--

Now that the immediate work is under control, we can start having regular weekly management team meetings. We’ll use these meetings to share information and solve problems that we need to work on as a group. Once we get going, we can track our team action items in this meeting, too.

Our first meeting will be Thursday at 10:00 AM in Conference Room B.

Here’s the agenda for our first meeting:

  • Rumors, Gossip, News (5 minutes)

  • Issues of the day (the problem we’ll be working on this week)

  • Set our goals as a management team (50 minutes)

  • Action items from previous weeks (we won’t have any this first time)

Any questions--stop by.



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