Now Try This

  • Clarify the goals for your group. See whether you can clearly state the goal of your department. Once you can, see if your boss agrees. Once you and your boss are in agreement about key goals, ask the people in your group how they see the group’s goals. Use these questions to start a discussion about how your group adds value in the organization and what they think the most important deliverables are. Make sure everyone has a clear understanding of the goal you are mutually accountable for. Review Setting SMART Goals for some ideas.

  • Create a first draft of the project portfolio. Clear a wall in a conference room, and using the list of work you created last week, block out the work, week by week. If you become stuck, review Project Portfolio Planning Tips.

  • In your next series of one-on-ones, ask what people find satisfying about their work. Ask what skills they’d like to work on and whether they want to continue developing their skills in the same job. Be open to people who want to perform different work. Look for ways to support that shift within your group. If someone does want to transfer from your group, analyze the job so you can hire an appropriate replacement.

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