When Feedback Doesn’t Correct the Situation

Start with a verbal warning.

When corrective feedback doesn’t work, most companies enter a formal process with legal ramifications. Talk to your company’s Human Resources department or your corporate lawyer to see how to stay within your corporate guidelines and the law.

When corrective feedback isn’t working, make sure your employee knows the situation is serious. Verbal warnings need to be clear and unambiguous: “This [instance of work] is unacceptable as a deliverable [state specific reasons]. We’ve talked about this issue before. This is a verbal warning that you have to change your work if you want to keep your job.”

Deliver a written warning.

When a verbal warning doesn’t produce change and your company requires a written warning, repeat the warning in writing. Include dates and times of previous conversations related to poor performance.

Implement a get-well plan.

Along with the verbal or written warning, implement a get-well plan. A get-well plan is a short period (four to five weeks) where the employee must show evidence that he is meeting acceptable standards. If at any time the employee’s work doesn’t meet the standard, terminate the plan and terminate employment.Successful Software Management: Fourteen Lessons Learned [Rot03]

Don’t underestimate the impact of poor performance.

Anyone can have a bad day once in a while. But long-term poor performance affects not only the results but the morale of the entire team. If poor performance is ongoing, discuss and resolve those issues.

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