Learning to Influence

In most organizations, we can’t accomplish much on our own. This is especially true for managers. To accomplish our work, we work with other people across the organization to find mutually beneficial solutions. This means being effective at influencing others.

Prepare for the influence conversation.

Before you talk to the other person, consider what you know about the situation, from your perspective and the other’s perspective.

  • Describe your current context. How do you see it, and how does the other person see it?

  • Identify what you want to change. How will the change benefit you, the other person, and the organization?Influence without authority [CB91]

  • Identify what you and the other person could lose as a result of the change you desire.

When you ask for help, you may feel off balance or insecure, and these feelings can bleed into the conversation. Remember that none of us can be successful in organizations without the help and cooperation of others.

Discuss interests, not positions.

You may have a particular solution in mind. Rather than start with that solution, begin with what you both may gain by resolving the situation. A solution represents a position; your aim—what you want to accomplish—speaks to your interests in the matter.Getting to Yes [FUP91] Find common groundInfluence without authority [CB91] so you can discuss your interests. It works the other way, too. Discussing interests can help identify common ground.

Be ready to discover a solution together.

As you discuss the issue, you may discover new solutions, solutions that solve the problem in a way that fits for both of you.

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