Drawing arbitrary shapes with the mouse

In this recipe, we will learn how to draw arbitrary shapes using the mouse.

We will begin a new contour every time the user presses the mouse button, and draw when the user drags the mouse.

The shape will be drawn using fill and stroke.

Getting ready

Include the necessary files to draw and create a ci::Shape2d object.

Add the following code snippet at the top of your source file:

#include "cinder/gl/gl.h"
#include "cinder/shape2d.h"

How to do it…

We will create a ci::Shape2d object and create vertices using mouse coordinates. Perform the following steps to do so:

  1. Declare a ci::Shape2d object to define our shape and two ci::Color objects to define the fill and stroke colors.
    Shape2d mShape;
    Color fillColor, strokeColor;
  2. Initialize the colors in the setup method.

    We'll be using black for stroke and yellow for fill.

    mFillColor = Color( 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f );
    mStrokeColor = Color( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
  3. Since the drawing will be made with the mouse, it is necessary to use the mouseDown and mouseDrag events.

    Declare the necessary callback methods.

    void mouseDown( MouseEvent event );
    void mouseDrag( MouseEvent event );
  4. In the implementation of mouseDown we will create a new contour by calling the moveTo method.

    The following code snippet shows what the method should look like:

    void MyApp::mouseDown( MouseEvent event ){
      mShape.moveTo( event.getpos() );
  5. In the mouseDrag method we will add a line to our shape by calling the lineTo method.

    Its implementation should look like the following code snippet:

    void MyApp::mouseDrag( MouseEvent event ){
      mShape.lineTo( event.getPos() );  
  6. In the draw method, we will first need to clear the background, then set mFillColor as the drawing color, and draw mShape.
    gl::clear( Color::white() );
    gl::color( mFillColor );
    gl::drawSolid( mShape );
  7. All there is left to do is to set mStrokeColor as the drawing color and draw mShape as a stroked shape.
    gl::color( mStrokeColor );
    gl::draw( mShape );
  8. Build and run the application. Press the mouse button to begin drawing a new contour, and drag to draw.
    How to do it…

How it works…

ci:Shape2d is a class that defines an arbitrary shape in two dimensions allowing multiple contours.

The ci::Shape2d::moveTo method creates a new contour starting at the coordinate passed as a parameter. Then, the ci::Shape2d::lineTo method creates a straight line from the last position to the coordinate which is passed as a parameter.

The shape is internally tessellated into triangles when drawing a solid graphic.

There's more…

It is also possible to add curves when constructing a shape using ci::Shape2d.



quadTo (constVec2f& p1, constVec2f& p2)

Adds a quadratic curve from the last position to p2, using p1 as a control point

curveTo (constVec2f& p1, constVec2f& p2, constVec2f& p3)

Adds a curve from the last position to p3, using p1 and p2 as control points

arcTo (constVec2f& p, constVec2f& t, float radius)

Adds an arc from the last position to p1 using t as the tangent point and radius as the arc's radius

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