Saving mesh data

Provided that you are using a TriMesh class to store 3D geometry, we will show you how to save it in a file.

Getting ready

We are assuming that you are using a 3D model stored in TriMesh object. Sample application loading 3D geometry can be found in Cinder samples directory in the folder: OBJLoaderDemo.

How to do it…

We will implement saving a 3D mesh data.

  1. Include necessary headers:
    #include "cinder/ObjLoader.h"
    #include "cinder/Utilities.h"
  2. Implement your keyDown method as follows:
    if( event.getChar() == 's' ) {
      fs::path path = getSaveFilePath(getDocumentsDirectory() / fs::path("mesh.trimesh") );
      if( ! path.empty() ) {
        mMesh.write( writeFile( path ) );
      else if( event.getChar() == 'o' ) {
      fs::path path = getSaveFilePath(getDocumentsDirectory() / fs::path("mesh.obj") );
      if( ! path.empty() ) {
      ObjLoader::write( writeFile( path ), mMesh );

How it works…

In Cinder we are using a TriMesh class to store 3D geometry. Using TriMesh we can store and manipulate geometry loaded from 3D model files or add each vertices with code.

Every time you hit the S key on the keyboard, a saving dialog pops up to ask you where to save binary data of the TriMesh object. When you press the O key, the OBJ format file will be saved into your documents folder. If you don't have to exchange data with other software, binary data saving and loading is usually faster.

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