The Production Team: 2

Involved on Set


See page 14.

First AD (Assistant Director)

This person is, in effect, the deputy director, working closely with the director and artists. The first AD runs the set on location, is responsible for safety, directs the supporting artists and might be responsible for day-to-day scheduling.

Second AD

Is often office-based on location. The second AD might produce a daily call sheet, work out all artists’ movements to and from their hotels and arrange their transport.

Third AD

Is on set all the time, assisting the first. The third helps direct background action, prompts actors and cues them and looks after artists on set.

Continuity Supervisor (Can also Known as Continuity or Script Supervisor)

The job you will be doing!


The runners work to the first and third ADs and are responsible for calling the artists when needed and carrying out any other function assigned to them. They might be referred to as ‘gofers’.

However few or many people form the production team, they should work closely together. One of the most important jobs undertaken by the production coordinator or PA during this period is to ensure that communication between members of the team does not break down and that information is passed on quickly and accurately.


One of the most important jobs undertaken by the production coordinator or PA during this period is to ensure that communication between members of the team does not break down

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