The Production Team: 1

The number of people on the production team will of course vary according to the complexity of the production and the size of the budget. It is also very difficult to be too specific about the roles and responsibilities of any member of the production team as it all depends on the type and size of production. But the following might give some idea of the names and responsibilities of the key people on something like a television drama series. Don’t be put off by the plethora of different and sometimes confusing names for people doing, in essence, the same job.

Involved in Setting Up


The producer might be responsible for commissioning the scripts, engaging the director and overseeing the casting subject to approval by the Executive Producer if there is one. He/she has overall responsibility for making the production within the allotted budget and to the timescale agreed.

Associate Producer

The associate producer is responsible for the overall budget and for booking facilities such as the equipment and crew. They might have finance assistants working to them. Some of their work might be delegated to the Production Manager if there is one (see below).

Line Producer

The line producer, if there is one, has a role which might overlap that of the associate producer, i.e responsibility for budgeting, or their job might entail more editorial responsibility, working directly to the producer. It all depends upon the breakdown of jobs and the specific requirements of each production.


The director’s primary responsibility is to turn the printed page into the visual medium of film or television. The job requires a good understanding of the mechanics of production together with qualities of leadership and the ability to communicate his/her creative interpretation of the script into a finished work.

Script Editor

There might be one or more script editors on a production. Their brief is to work with the writer(s) in providing script(s) that are acceptable to the producer and director. In a television series, the script editor is also responsible for preserving continuity of characters and storylines throughout the series.

Location Manager

Specifically responsible for finding suitable locations for filming, the location manager has a good knowledge of where to go and how much to pay for different venues.

Casting Director

Assists the director with casting.

Production Manager

On some productions the production manager might be known as the Unit Manager, although too rigid definitions can be dangerous as the unit manager might only be responsible for parking and siting the mobile loos! The production manager might be involved in assisting with the budget, booking equipment etc., and might also be responsible for working out the shooting schedule, or that might be the responsibility of the First AD and/or Production Coordinator.

Production Coordinator/Production Assistant/Production Secretary

The mammouth amount of paperwork involved in setting up a production usually devolves upon a production coordinator or production assistant aided by one or more production secretaries. Who does what differs from production to production, but generally can include the following: liaises with artists’ agents, arranges auditions and organises read-throughs; is responsible for artists’ bookings; works with production manager in organising travel and accommodation; prepares the schedule, artists’ packs, information packs and call sheets; types the scripts and scene breakdowns.

Production Designer

Responsible for set design. Under the designer comes staff such as the art director and the production buyer.

Costume and Make-Up Designers

Responsible for costume and make-up. Their staff include assistants and dressers.


Don’t be put off by the plethora of different and sometimes confusing names for people doing in essence the same job.

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