

a-rate variables, 9394

converting to k-rate variables, 95

testing, 103

a-statement, 222

Ableton Live, 84

Csound in, 273–274

streaming MIDI to, 250

abs opcode, 100, 231

absolute value of number, 231

acoustic treatment, 8

aftertouch with MIDI, 253

aftouch opcode, 256

AIFF files, 77, 143

fout opcode with, 195

mp3 format and, 9

algorithmic composition, defined, 7

aliasing, 121, 122, 131

Allow Simultaneous Play checkbox, 78

allpass filters, 163

for reverb, 196–197

alpass opcode, 163


Alten, Stanley R., 4

alternative programs, 1617

alwayson opcode, 254255

amp, symbol including, 120

amplitude envelopes, 3637

for grains, 136

with wgbowedbar opcode, 151

analog synths, 94, 117, 126, 162, 164, 167

analysis utilities, 78, 206207

and symbol (&&), 103104

Apple. See also Macintosh computers

Apple Logic Audio with OSC (Open Sound Control), 262

GarageBand, 2

IAC, 250–251


converting, 95

defined, 39

explanation of, 116–117

iphas value, 235

macros and, 62–63, 226–227

optional, 118–119

p-fields/p-values in, 100–101

parentheses with, 62

types, 93–94

with Run in Term button on CsoundQt toolbar, 67

arpeggio, example of table playing, 184186, 187

The Art of Noises (Russolo), xi

ASIO driver, 31, 258, 268

Ask for Filename Every Time box, 67, 77

assignment operator (=), 9697, 104

asterisk (*) for multiplication, 97

athenaCL, 238

atone opcode, 167168

atsa utility, 206207

Audacity, 89, 136

audio files

editing software, 8–9

GEN routines for reading, 183–184

loading into table, 48

troubleshooting audio issues, 29

audio interface requirements, 8

audio output, 7677, 194195

Auralex, 8

Autocomplete command, 69

Autocomplete Menu While Typing box, 79

automation curves

in blue, 241, 243

in Cecilia, 245–247

Avid Sibelius, 5


-b flag, 31, 56, 76

-B flag, 31, 56, 76

b-statement, 220221

babo opcode, 196

back-and-forth looping, 146

backslash () character, 119

breaking up code with, 95

as escape character, 113

backward-compatibility, 6

deprecated opcodes and, 115

balance opcode, 166, 189191

bamboo opcode, 150

bandpass filter

defined, 163

specifying pass-band of, 164

bandwidth, defined, 163

BASIC language, 102

BBC Radiophonic Workshop, xi

Bélanger, Olivier, 246

Bell Labs, 5

Bianchini, Riccardo, 15

birnd(x) opcode, 128

blue, 238244

automation of scores with, 243–244

BlueSynthBuilder, 243–244

downloading/installing, 239

Note Processors with, 242

overview of, 239–241

score objects with, 242–243

scores with, 241–244

work area of, 239–240

BlueSynthBuilder, 243244

Bonetti, Stefano, 244

Boulanger, Richard, xi, 2, 6, 1415

breaking up code, 95

Browser field, 79

Buchla, Don, 7

Buffer Size setting, 76

buffer underrun, 257258


in new releases, 19

print opcodes and, 111–114

in Show Opcode Entry in External Browser command, 72

Burton, Alexandre, 246

busing. See global signal routing

butterlp opcode, 167168

Butterworth filters, 167

Button widget, 80, 82

buzz opcode, 125126


C programming language, 45

modifying Csound with, 20

Windows installer option, 24

Cabbage, 262

Cabrera, Andrés, 3, 12, 15, 65, 84, 262263, 271

Cahill, Thaddeus, xi

The Canonical Csound Reference Manual, 5, 912

downloading, 9

envelope generators listed in, 151

HTML version of, 9–10

Initialization section of, 11

opcodes in, 10–11, 115–116

reading prototypes in, 117–119

on score syntax, 215

Syntax section of, 11

using, 10–12

carry symbols, 223225

case-sensitivity of Csound, 34, 45

Cecilia 4.2, 245247

ceil opcode, 100

chanctrl opcode, 256

channel names, 83

Checkbox widget, 80

Chnget->invalue command, 69

chnget opcode, 170

chnmix opcode, 170171

chnset opcode, 170


score, adding to, 42–45, 216

spreading to left and right, 46


with deltapi opcode, 200–201

with vdelay opcode, 201–202

Chowning, John, 131

Cipriani, Alessandro, 15

clipping, 41

dynamics control and, 190

MIDI, avoiding with, 258–259

0dbfs setting and, 59

clock, b-statement resetting, 220221

Clone Frame command for Live Events, 8788


branches of, 102

breaking up, 95

examples, 14

indentations in, 105

for looping, 108

switch statements and, 103

Cohen, Lou, 267

colon (:) in ternary operator, 107

comb filter for reverb, 196197

command line, 26, 31, 5557

command-line flags, 31, 5556, 67, 7677, 194

Command Prompt window, running Csound from, 29, 55, 66, 237

commas in scores, 38

Comment/Uncomment command, 69


in code, 60–61

in scores, 215

compiling Csound, 20

compound expressions, 104

compress opcode, 189190, 191193

for ducking, 193

Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance (Dodge & Jerse), 15

The Computer Music Tutorial (Roads), 15

Configuration box, 28, 48, 57, 7679

Editor tab, 73–74, 79

Environment tab, 79

External Programs tab, 67, 72, 79

General tab, 78

Run tab, 67, 76–77

Template tab, 79

Widgets tab, 78

Console widget, 80

Control menu, 71

control rate, 93

Controller widget, 80, 82

conversion specifiers, 113

cos opcode, 100

cosh opcode, 100

cosinv opcode, 100

cps, symbol including, 120

cpsmidi opcode, 176, 253254

cpsmidib opcode, 176

cpsmidinn opcode, 176

cpspch opcode, 175

defined, 38

cpsxpch opcode, 175176

CPU overloads with MIDI, 257258

Creative Labs, 147

crossfading, 146, 167

.csd files, 5563

orchestra header, 58–60

scripting languages for, 273

tags in, 56–57

<csLADSPA> tag, 6970


in Ableton Live, 273–274

case-sensitivity of, 34, 45

explanation of, 4–6

history of, 5

mailing list, 13–14

online manual, 12–13

Pd with, 269–270

Python with, 270–273

real-time audio processing, 268–269

reasons for using, 6–7

with scripting languages, 273

source code for, 6

system requirements for, 8–9

and VST format, 261–262

website, 12

Csound API, 78, 239, 244

The Csound Book, 1415, 231

The Csound Journal, 14

“Exploring Tied Notes in Csound” (Yi), 231

Csound VST, 262

csoundapi~, 2324, 269270

.csoundrc file, 31

CsoundForLive plug-ins, 273274

CsoundQt, 2, 3, 57, 6588, 237238. See also Configuration box; Live Events; projects; widgets

The Inspector, 75

code examples for, 14

Console pane, error messages in, 29

Control menu, 71

downloading and installing, 23–25, 27–28

Edit menu, 69–70

Editor pane, 73–74

Examples menu, 71

Ext. Editor button on toolbar, 67

Favorites menu, 71

File menu, 68

help, accessing, 74

Help menu, 71–72

installing, 27–28

launching, 33–34

with Linux installer, 27

with Macintosh installer, 25

main window, 72–76

Manual pane, 76

menus, 68–72

MIDI input, receiving, 251–252

Output Console, 35–36, 75–76

Record button on toolbar, 67

Render button, 67

Run button on toolbar, 66

Run in Term button on toolbar, 66–67

system test in, 28–29

Text Editor pane, 73–74

toolbar, 65–68

troubleshooting audio issues with, 29

Utilities box, 206

View menu, 71

with Windows installer, 23–24

working with, 65–88

ctrl7 opcode, 256

cutoff frequency, defined, 163

cvanal utility, 206


data buffering in OSC, 267268

DAWs (digital audio workstations), 12

DC (direct current)

error, 197

offset, 53

dcblock2 opcode, 5253

Debian with Linux installer, 27

#define symbol, 225227

delay, 197202

adding as effect, 52–53

deltapi opcode, 200–201

feedback with, 199

as separate instrument, 168

sweeping delay time, 200–201

vdelay opcode, 201–202

delayr opcode, 197199

delayw opcode, 197199

Delete Frame command for Live Events, 8788

deleting shortcuts, 70

deltapi opcode, 200201

deprecated opcodes, 115

Derbyshire, Delia, xi

Designing Legato Instruments in Csound(Dobson), 231

diagrams of signal flow, 42

dialog box functionality, 57

digital distortion, 41

diskin2 opcode, sample playback with, 146147

Display widget, 80

--displays flag, 56, 77

distortion., 202204 See also clipping

aliasing, 121, 122

clipping distortion, 41

digital distortion, 41

waveshaping distortion effect, 202–204

division (math operation), 9798

Dobson, Richard, 231

Doctor Who, xi

Dodge, Charles, 15

dollar sign ($) symbol, 225

in macros, 63

dot (.) symbol, 223224

doubles version, 2122


The Canonical Csound Reference Manual, 9

blue, 239

Csound, 19–20

CsoundQt, 27–28

Python, 271–272

SoundFonts, 147

downsamp opcode, 118

downsampling to k-rate, 118

dripwater opcode, 119

ducking, sidechain, 193

duration in score, 217

duty cycle, 161


adding, 44–45

control, 189–194


E-Mu Systems, 147

earlier version of Csound, reverting to, 19, 21

Edit menu for CsoundQt, 6970

editing Live Events in CsoundQt, 8788

Editor pane, CsoundQt, 7374

Editor tab, Configuration box, 79

effects, 195204. See also chorus; delay; distortion; reverb

effects processors, 168

else/then/if statements, 130

encapsulation, UDOs for, 208

endif, 106

endin opcode, 8991

envelope generators, 151159

expseg opcode, 153

expsegr opcode, 154

line opcode, 153

linen opcode, 155–156

linseg opcode, 152–153

linsegr opcode, 154

loopseg opcode, 158–159

oscil as, 124

-r version opcodes, 154

transeg opcode, 157

transegr opcode, 154

Environment tab, Configurations box, 79

equal-power panning, 194

equality operator (==), 104

equals sign (=), 9697

error messages

for code errors, 36

in CsoundQt Console pane, 29

in Output Console, 76

Used before Defined error statement, 92

escape characters, 113

event opcode

grains, manually generating, 138–139

granular synthesis with, 135–136

performance, creating events during, 211–214

events. See also Live Events

performance, creating score events during, 211–214

Examples menu, 71

exp opcode, 100

Exploring Tied Notes in Csound(Yi), 231

Export without Widgets command, 68

expseg opcode, 153

Ext. Editor button on CsoundQt toolbar, 67

Ext. Player button on CsoundQt toolbar, 6768

External Programs tab, Configurations box, 79

External Shell radio button, 78


f- variables, 96

f-statement, 48, 177178, 219220


creating in score, 219

displaying, 77

for sample playback, 143

GEN routines for creating, 176–186

in CsoundQt Inspector, 75

numbering, 49–50

operation opcodes, 116

Favorites menu, 71


delay feedback, 199

FM synthesis and, 134–135

real-time audio processing and, 268

ffitch, John, 5, 14, 15

File Information command, 68

File menu for CsoundQt, 68

File Open dialog box, Edit menu, 69

File Type drop-down menu, 77

Fill Cells command, 87

filters, 162168. See also specific types

defined, 162–163

terminology for, 163–164

tone-shaping with, 167–168


The Canonical Csound Reference Manual, HTML version of, 9

Csound download page at SourceForge in, 21

Show Opcode Entry in External Browser command with, 72


for audio interface connection, 8

for MIDI connection, 250

floats version, 2122

flooper opcode, sample playback with, 145146

floor opcode, 100

Floss Manual for Csound, 1213

examples in, 71

flow control. See logic and flow control

FLTK codes, 78

Fluid opcodes, 143, 147150

FluidSynth engine, 148149

FM index, 39

timbre elements and, 40

FM synthesis, 131135

carrier in, 131

foscil opcode for, 131–133

modulator in, 131

oscil inputs and, 123

with phasor and table, 133–135

sine waves in, 179

two-operator FM, 133

fof opcode, 139143

fof2 opcode, 139143

fog opcode, 139143

for loop, 103

formant synthesis, 139143

formulas, entering, 61

foscil opcode

defined, 39

for FM synthesis, 131–133

fout opcode, 195

frac opcode, 100

freeverb opcode, 196

frequency modulation. See FM synthesis

front-end programs, 23, 237247. See also blue; CsoundQt

Cecilia 4.2, 245–247

WinXound, 244–245

ftgen opcodes, 178179

arguments to, 178

defined, 34–35

ftgentmp opcode, 179

function tables. See f-tables

fundamental, defined, 132

fuzz tone effect pedal, 202


GarageBand, 2

gbuzz, 125126

ducking and, 193

problems with using, 165

GEN routines, 48, 176186

arpeggio, example of table playing, 184–186, 187

audio files, reading, 183–184

customized data, using with, 184–186

f-statement invoking, 177–178

ftgen opcodes invoking, 178–179

sawtooth wave with, 121–122

segments, building tables from, 181–183

sinusoids with, 179–181

General tab, Configuration box, 78

global signal routing, 168173

example of, 169–171

mixer opcodes, 172–173

zak opcodes, 171

global variables, 96

for note length, 101–102

in orchestra header, 60

Gogins, Michael, 15, 22, 271

gogobel opcode, 150

goto statement, 102

in logic and flow control, 104–105

grain opcode, 137138

Grainger, Percy, xi


amplitude envelopes for, 136

defined, 136

granular synthesis, 135143

formant synthesis, 139–143

by hand, 138–139

parameters for, 135

stereo files for, 136

granule opcode, 135

Graph widget, 80, 83

--displays flag with, 77

Graphviz, 71

guard point, 177


harmonics, defined, 132


adding, 44

cpsxpch opcode for, 176

headphones, use of, 8

Heintz, Joachim, 12

Help Back command, 72

Help Forward command, 72

help in CsoundQt, 74

Help menu, 7172

hetro utility, 206

highpass filter, defined, 163

Hofmann, Alex, 12

Html Doc Directory tab, 79

HW (hardware setting), 76


i-statement, 217

defined, 91–92

IanniX, 238

IDLE (Python), 271

if opcode, 103

if statements in logic and flow control, 104105

if/then/else statements

in logic and flow control, 105–106

ternary operator replacing, 106–107

ifn symbol, 120

igoto, 105


indentations in code, 105

Ingalls, Matt, 15

inharmonicity, 180

init opcode, 60, 9495

initialization pass, 117

Insert/Update CsLadspa Text item, 6970

The Inspector, 75

installer, 2227

for blue, 239

for CsoundQt, 27–28

Linux installer, 26–27

Macintosh installer, 24–25

Windows installer, 22–24

instr opcode, 8991

instrument control with reinit, 204206

opcodes, 116

instruments. See also legato instruments

amplitude envelopes for, 36–37

creating, 34–36

defined, 89–90

in The Inspector, 75

names for, 90–91

numbers for, 90

reinit opcode with, 204–206

for reverb, 46–47

in sequencing project, 33–47

in sound design project, 49–53

tags for, 57

int opcode, 100

interpolation, 95, 123124

Invalue-chnget command, 69

iphs argument, 122

is equal to symbol (==), 103

is greater than or equal to symbol (>=), 103

is greater than symbol (>), 103, 224225

is less than or equal to symbol (<=), 103

is less than symbol (<), 103

is not equal to symbol (!=), 103



with Linux installer, 27

Windows installer option, 24

Java Runtime Environment (JRE) for blue, 239


with Csound, 273

for Iannix scripts, 238

RhinoObject with blue, 243

Jerse, Thomas A., 15

Joaquin, Jacob, 273

Join orc/sco command, 69

JRE. See Java Runtime Environment


k-rate variables

converting from a- to, 95

defined, 92–94

keyboards. See MIDI keyboards; QWERTY keyboards

kgoto, 105

Kill Line command, 69

Kill to End of Line command, 69

Knob widget, 80

kr, 93

ksmps, 58, 93

lower value of in UDO, 210


l-value, 9697

Label widget, 80

labels, 105

LADSPA plug-ins, 70

latency, 77

compress opcode and, 192

launching CsoundQt, 3334

Lazzarini, Victor, 22, 53, 259261

LE Controller window, 8586

legato instruments, 230235. See also mono mode

example of score for, 223–235

symbols for working with, 232

LFOs (low-frequency oscillators), 160162

delay time, sweeping, 200–201

init opcode with, 94–95

with linen opcode, 156

oscil as, 124

limit opcode, 191

line opcode, 153

LineEdit widget, 80, 81

linen opcode, 155156

LineObject with blue, 242

linseg opcode, 152153

defined, 37

FM index envelope with, 133

working with, 40

linsegr opcode, 139

Linux operating system

command line in, 55

compiling Csound in, 6, 20

installer for, 26–27

LADSPA plug-ins, 70

MIDI with, 250

with OSC (Open Sound Control), 262


extending Csound with, 273

Windows installer option, 24

Live Events, 8488

Controller window, 85–86

editing, 87–88

limitations of, 84–85

looping of, 88

naming, 85

new score sheets, adding, 85–86

playback of, 88

text, viewing as, 87

log, log10, logbtwo opcodes, 100

logic and flow control, 102111

if/goto statements, 104–105

if/then/else statements, 105–106

labels in, 105

symbols in, 103

ternary operator in, 106–107

testing values in, 103–104

loop_ge opcode, 108109

loop_gt opcode, 108109

looping, 107111

code for, 108

counters, 108

Live Events, 88

r-statement for, 228–229

score sections, 228–230

smooth loop strategies, 146

{-statement for, 229–230

loop_le opcode, 108109

loop_lt opcode, 108111

loopseg opcode, 158159

loscil opcode, 49

sample playback with, 144–145

lossy compression, 9

lowpass filters, 164167

defined, 163

lowpass2 opcode, 166

lowres opcode, 166

lpanal utility, 206

lpf18 opcode, 166

Lua programming language, 271

Windows installer option, 24


M-Audio Fast Track Pro, 8

-M flag, 56

Macintosh computers. See also Terminal window

command line in, 55

Ext. Player button with, 68

IAC utility, 250–251

Show Opcode Entry in External Browser command, 72

Macintosh installer, 2425

Installation Type box, 24–25

macros, 6263, 225227

defined, 62

during score processing, 230

in the Inspector, 75

in orchestra header, 59

p-fields, computing values in, 226–227

r-statement with, 228

{-statement with, 229–230

mailing list for Csound, 1314

main window of CsoundQt, 7276

Maldonado, Gabriel, 15

Manual pane, CsoundQt, 76

marimba opcode, 150

Mark Loop command for Live Events, 8788

Markov chains, 271

massign opcode, 252253

mathematical operations, 96100

additional operations, 99–100

illegal syntax in, 98

opcodes for, 116

parentheses in, 98–99

precedence in, 98–99

Mathews, Max, 5

Max for Live environment, 273274

max opcode, 100

maxabs opcode, 100

McCurdy, Iain, 12, 14, 165

Menu widget, 80, 82

menus in CsoundQt, 6872

metro opcode, 139

Microsoft Excel for creating scores, 227228

MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface)

alternative input opcodes, 256

alwayson opcode, 254–255

with athenaCL, 238

clipping, avoiding, 258–259

cpsmidi opcode, 253–254

CPU overloads with, 257–258

defined, 4

massign opcode, 252–253

midiin opcode, 255–256

mono legato instruments with, 259–261

note messages, 253

notnum opcode, 253–254

performance considerations, 257–259

pgmassign opcode, 254–255

port list, 76

real-time MIDI opcodes, 116

receiving input, 251–256

running Csound with performance, 259

setting up system, 250–251

streaming MIDI, 250

using Csound with, 249–262

veloc opcode, 253–254

MIDI keyboards, 8

cpsmidi opcode and, 176

SoundFonts, playing, 149

MIDI sliders, 8

MIDI Yoke, 250, 262

midictrl opcode, 256

midiin opcode, 255256

Mikelson, Hans, 15

milliseconds, latency and, 77

min opcode, 100

minabs opcode, 100

mirror opcode, 202

mixer opcodes, 172173

MixerClear opcode, 172

MixerReceive opcode, 172

MixerSend opcode, 172

MixerSetLevel opcode, 172

modular synthesis, defined, 7

modulus operator (%), 98

mono mode, 230231

with MIDI instruments, 259–261

Moog, Robert, 7

Moog filter, 162

moogladder opcode, 164166

moogvcf opcode, 164166

mp3, 9, 67, 183

multimode filters, defined, 163

multiplication, performing, 97

Music-N programming language, 5



for instruments, 90–91

for Live Events, 85

of outputs, 121

Nancarrow, Conlon, xi

Native Instruments Reaktor with OSC (Open Sound Control), 262

nchnls setting, 45, 58

nesting parentheses, 99

New Frame command for Live Events, 87

new project, creating, 3334

newline characters, 113

noise, 127

generators, 126–130

zipper noise, 93

normalized tables, 178

notch (band-reject) filter, defined, 163

note length, global variable for, 101102

notnum opcode, 253254

Novation Launchpad, 250

npx symbol, 232

Nyquist frequency, 121, 122


octave of pitch, specifying, 38

octave/pitch-class format, 175

odac flag, 56

one-voice legato mode. See mono mode

online manual, 1213

online UDO library, 14

opcode opcode, 208

opcodes, 115214. See also MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface); specific types

in The Canonical Csound Reference Manual, 10–11, 115–116

defined, 116–117

looping, 107–111

p-fields/p-values in, 100–101

Python, 272–273

Open Quick Reference Guide command, 72

open-source software, Csound as, 6

OpenOffice Calc for creating scores, 227228


The Canonical Csound Reference Manual, HTML version of, 9–10

Show Opcode Entry in External Browser command with, 72

optional arguments, 118119

or symbol (||), 103104

.orc files, 273


in Editor pane, 74

header, 58–60

macros in, 62–63

score events, creating in, 211–214

OSC (Open Sound Control), 249

data buffering in, 267–268

defined, 4

longer messages, sending and receiving, 266–268

OSCinit opcode, 264

OSClisten opcode, 264–265

with Pd, 263–268

two computers, connecting, 268

UDO for filtering input to, 267–268

using Csound with, 262–268

oscil opcode

illustration of use of, 120–121

prototype for, 118

tables, reading from, 188

oscil1 opcode, 188

oscili opcode, 123124

defined, 11

iphas value and, 235

oscillators, 119126. See also LFOs (low-frequency oscillators)

OSCinit opcode, 264

OSClisten opcode, 264265

out opcode, 194195

Output Console in CsoundQt, 3536, 7576

output formatting, 113

outs opcode, 194195

working with, 45

overtones, defined, 132


p-fields, 100102, 216

macros for computing values in, 226–227

meanings of, 42

with spreadsheets, 228

p-values, 100102

pan opcode, 193194

pan2 opcode, 162, 193194

panning, 189194

controlling, 45–46

equal-power panning, 194

modulating pulsewave, 162


opcodes, 193–194


in code, 61–62

in logical text, 104

in mathematical operations, 98–99


aliasing and, 122

buzz and gbuzz opcodes and, 125–126

defined, 132

filters with, 163


defined, 163

specifying, 164

pchbend opcode, 256

Pd, 1617

csoundapi~ with Windows installer, 23–24

OSC with, 263–268

using Csound with, 269–270

PDF Viewer, 79

pdhalfy opcode, 161162


MIDI, considerations with, 257–259

score events, creating, 211–214

Perl with Csound, 273

pgmassign opcode, 254255

phase in waveforms, 122123

phase modulation synthesis, 134

phasor opcode

FM synthesis with, 133–135

with loopseg opcode, 158–159

pdhalfy opcode with, 161–162

working with, 51

Phillips, Dave, 2627

PHP with Csound, 273

physical models, 150151

PianoRoll object in blue, 243

Piché, Jean, 246

Pinkston, Russel, 15


score, inputting pitches from, 37–38

pitch converters, 116, 174176

cpsmidi opcode, 176

cpspch opcode, 175

Playback of Live Events, 88

playback speed. See also sample playback

changing, 49–50

modulating, 51–52

plugins64 directory, 7475

plus (+) symbol, 223224

point-and-click software, 2

pointer data type, 97

poles, defined, 163

polyaft opcode, 256

PortAudio list in terminal, 31

post-normalization, 178

pow opcode, 100

powershape opcode, 99100

ppx symbol, 232

precedence, 9899

print opcode, 111112

print statements, 111114

printf opcode, 112113

conversion specifiers with, 112–113

output formatting with, 112–113

printk opcode, 113

printk2 opcode, 114

printks opcode, 114

prints opcode, 114

processing scores, 230


new project, creating, 33–34

sequencing project, 33–47

sound design project, 47–53

prototypes, reading, 117119

Puckette, Miller, 16

pulse waves, 160161

pulse width, 161

pvanal utility, 206207

pvoc opcode, 207


advantages of using, 271

blue with, 242–243

with Csound, 270–273

downloading, 271–272

IDLE, 271

with Linux installer, 27

Markov chains in, 271

mathematical operations and, 99

opcodes, 272–273

Windows installer option, 24

PythonObject in blue, 242243


Q. See also resonance

defined, 163

explanation of, 164

QT programming language, 3

question mark (?) in ternary operator, 107

QuteCsound. See CsoundQt

QWERTY keyboards

LineEdit widget with, 81

sensekey opcode for, 78


ramps between values, creating, 4950, 153

in score, 224–225

using phasor to create, 133

rand opcode, 127129

randh opcode, 128

randi opcode, 128

random numbers

generators seed for, 59–60

as noise generators, 127–130

uses of, 126–127

random values, creating in score, 225

randomh opcode, 127128

randomi opcode, 129


prototypes in manual, 117–119

from tables, 186–188

real-time audio processing, 268269

Realtime Play area, Configuration box, 77

Record button on CsoundQt toolbar, 67

recursion, 211212

reference books, 1415

reinit opcode, 204206

release opcode, 154155

Rename Frame command for Live Events, 87

Render button on CsoundQt toolbar, 67

rendering with CsoundQt, 67

Renoise with OSC (Open Sound Control), 262

replacement macros, 225226

Reset Preferences command, 72

resonance, 164

resources for Csound, 916

resynthesis, 206207

reusability, UDOs for, 208

reverb, 196197

adding, 46–47

compress opcode with, 192

filters for, 196–197

global signal routing with, 169–171

as separate instrument, 168

reverbsc opcode, 169170, 196

reverting to earlier version of Csound, 19, 21

rezzy opcode, 166

RhinoObject with blue, 243

rhythms to score, adding, 4244

ring modulation, 5051

rising edge, 161

rnd(x) opcode, 128

Roads, Curtis, 15

rolloff slope, 167

defined, 164

round opcode, 100

Ruby with Csound, 273

Run button on CsoundQt toolbar, 66

Run in Term button on CsoundQt toolbar, 6667

Run Utilities Using area, 78

runaway feedback, 199

Russolo, Luigi, xi


S- variables, 96

s-statement, 216217, 222

SADIR as default, 79


The Canonical Csound Reference Manual with, 9

Show Opcode Entry in External Browser command, 72

Sample Format drop-down menu, 77

sample playback, 143150

with diskin2 opcode, 146–147

with flooper opcode, 145–146

Fluid opcodes for, 147–150

with loscil opcode, 144–145

with SoundFonts, 147–150

with table opcode, 143–144

sample rate, 93

in orchestra header, 58

setting, 34

Save Widgets in csd File box, 78

sawtooth wave with GEN 10, 121122

Schaeffer, Pierre, xi

schedule opcode, 211213

schedwhen opcode, 211213.sco files, 56, 215, 273

Scope widget, 80

score statements, 215222

{-statement, 229

a-statement, 222

b-statement, 220–221

e-statement, 222

f-statement, 48, 177–178, 219–220

i-statement, 217

r-statement, 228–229

s-statement, 216–217, 222

symbols in, 216–217

t-statement, 218–219

v-statement, 220–221

x-statement, 222

scoreline opcode, 211, 213214


blue, writing with, 241–244

carry symbols, 223–225

chords, adding, 44–45

commas in, 38

comments in, 216

creating, 34–36

in Editor pane, 74

i symbol in, 91

in the Inspector, 75

looping score sections, 228–230

macros for, 62–63, 225–227

performance, creating score events during, 211–214

pitches, inputting, 37–38

processing, 230

ramps between values, creating, 224–225

random values, creating, 225

rhythms, adding, 42–44

in sequencing project, 33–47

shortcuts for entering, 222–228

in sound design project, 49–53

spaces in, 35

spreadsheets for creating, 227–228

tags for, 57

warping, 220–221

writing scores, 215–235

scripting languages, 273

ScrollNumber widget, 80

seed opcode, 128

defined, 59–60

segments, building tables from, 181183

sensekey opcode, 78

sequencing project, 3347

Set Keyboard Shortcuts command, 70

setksmps opcode, 210

Setup menu, Ext. Player button on toolbar, 6768

SFDIR, 48, 79

shortcuts. See also macros

for score entry, 223–225

Set Keyboard Shortcuts command, 70

Show Opcode Entry command, 7172

Show Opcode Entry in External Browser command, 72

Sibelius software, 5

sidechain ducking, 193

signal generators, 115. See also envelope generators; granular synthesis; LFOs (low-frequency oscillators)

FM synthesis, 131–135

noise generators, 126–130

oscillators, 119–126

physical models, 150–151

sample playback, 143–150

signal inputs/outputs, 115

signal modifiers, 115

sin, sinh, sininv opcodes, 100

sine waves

creating, 34

defined, 179–180

GEN routines that create, 179–181

64-bit double-precision version, 2122

Slider widget, 80

soft line breaks, creating, 119

Sort routine, 230

sound design project, 4753

sound files. See audio files

SoundFonts, 147150

source code, compiling Csound from, 6

SourceForge, downloading Csound from, 1920


in code, 61

in score, 35

SpinBox widget, 80, 81

Split View command, 7374

spreadsheets for scores, 227228

sprintf opcode, 114

sqrt opcode, 100

sr, 93

SSDIR, 48, 79

start time in score, 217

state-variable filters, 164, 167

{-statement, 229230

statevar opcode, 167

stereo chorus. See chorus

stereo delay effect, creating, 199

stop-band, 164

string manipulation opcodes, 176

subtractive synthesis, 125

SuperCollider, 1617

with athenaCL, 238

with OSC (Open Sound Control), 262–263

svfilter opcode, 167

switch statements, 103


carry symbols, 223–225

legato instruments, working with, 232

for macros, 225–227

syntax colors in Text Editor pane, 73

system requirements for Csound, 89


t-statement, 218219

table opcode

FM synthesis with, 133–135

sample playback with, 143–144

waveshaping distortion with, 203–204

tablei opcode, 186

tableng opcode, 187

tables. See also GEN routines

arpeggio, example of table playing, 184–186, 187

guard point for, 177

normalized tables, 178

operations with, 186–189

reading from, 186–188

segments, building out of, 181–183

writing to, 188–189


coding for, 57

in .csd files, 56–57

tan, tanh, taninv, taninv2 opcodes, 100

Template tab, Configurations box, 79

templates, 33

for .csd file, 56

tempo, t-statement for, 218219

Terminal window, 22, 55, 76

running Csound from, 237

system test for, 29–31

ternary operator, 106107

Text Editor pane, CsoundQt, 7374

text editors, 3031

.csd files and, 57

text strings in p-fields, 102

Thibault, Dominic, 246

32-bit floating-point version, 2122

tigoto opcode, 232, 235

tilde (~) symbol, 225

timbre envelope, 3941

time signature, 2

timout opcode, 204205

tone color, 39, 4041

tone-shaping, 167168


for CsoundQt, 65–68

hidden buttons, displaying, 66

transeg opcode, 157

Trapped in Convert(Boulanger), 6

tival opcode, 232

troubleshooting audio issues, 29

two-operator FM, 133


Ubuntu 10.04 package manager, 26

UDO library, online, 14

UDOs. See user-defined opcodes (UDOs)

unit generators. See opcodes

urd opcode, 119

USB cables

for audio interface connection, 8

for MIDI connections, 250

Use CsoundQt Options box, 77

Used before Defined error statement, 92

user-defined opcodes (UDOs), 207210

default values for, 210

for encapsulation, 208

OSC input, UDO for filtering, 267–268

outtypes and intypes of, 208–209

vocoder, 53

user license for Csound, 2223

Utilities box, 206


vco2 opcode, 126

vdelay opcode, 201202

vector of audio, 93

veloc opcode, 253254

Vercoe, Barry, 45, 15

vibes opcode, 150151

vibrato opcode, 160

View Code Graph command, 71

View menu, 71

Virtual Sound (Bianchini & Cipriani), 15

vocoder, working with, 5354

voice, formant synthesis and, 139143

VST plug-ins with Csound, 261262


w- variables, 96

warning messages, 101

warping scores, 220221

WAV files, 143

fout opcode with, 195

mp3 format and, 9

Wave Editor, 67, 79

Wave Player, 79

waveforms. See also sine waves

phase in, 122–123

waveguide modeling, 150151

waveshaping distortion, 202203

with mirror opcode, 202

with table opcode, 203–204

wgbow opcode, 151

wgbowedbar opcode, 151

wgpluck opcode, 151

white noise, generating, 127128

Widget Edit Mode command, 70

widgets, 8084

examples files, 80

panel, designing, 84

properties boxes for, 83

Widgets Are an Independent Window box, 78

Widgets tab, Configuration box, 78

Windows computers

command line in, 55

Command Prompt, running Csound from, 237

Ext. Player button with, 68

Windows installer, 2224

Choose Components box, 23

WinXound, 244245

Working with Audio (Alten), 4

writing to tables, 188189, 1213


x-statement, 222

xin opcode, optional arguments for, 118

xout opcode, 209

xtratim opcode, 154


Yamaha DX7 synthesizer, 131

Yi, Steven, 231, 238


Live Events video on, 84

OSC, video on, 262–263


zak opcodes, 60, 171

0dbfs setting, defined, 5859

zipper noise, 93

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