(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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A Closer Look
Active, dynamic, and memorable. I like how they
simplified the name which makes it far more
effective than spelling it out. It keeps it iconic
like their brand mark.
Team Red, White, and Blue is a grassroots
organization that wants to transform the way
America supports its wounded veterans when
they return from active duty. Team RWB’s
intention is to create a community of veterans,
their families, and American citizens who can
enjoy authentic social interaction and shared
experiences through activities and events all
across America. Rule29 has the privilege of
helping Team RWB with strategy and telling
their story through print, wearables, environ-
mentals, and through mobile, social media, and
web development.
We wanted to create a strong and memorable
patriotic mark—one that symbolizes a military
focus and something athletes would be proud to
wear to help create conversation.
We did endless research on medals, eagles,
stars, wings, flags, and all sorts of patriotic ico-
nography. We wanted something strong, unique,
and yet parts of it had to be recognizable even
at the start. The eagle was bold and the wings
and stars came together. Then we added our
national colors and everything started to fall into
place. It really revealed itself as we worked on it.
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(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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1 2 7
Secondary brand graphics fit into the parent
brands aesthetic and work well in the bigger
context of promotional efforts for RWB.
The RWB brand mark is easily applied to a broad range
of grassroots uses. Keeping the design easy to use makes
the continuity of managing its brand far easier as the
organization continues to grow.
(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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