(Fogra 39)Job:08-30930 Title:RP-Design Logo
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A Closer Look
How do you relieve the sting of disappointment
when clients repeatedly choose the throwaway
logo concept instead of the potential award-
winning favorite? Become the client. Then throw
a party.
The mustache party was a way for R&R Partners
to celebrate facial hair and a way for me to
create some work that would look great in my
portfolio. I teamed up with brilliant copywriter
Zach Brockhouse to design materials to pro-
mote the party. This included a logo to be used
on posters, in email blasts, and on mirror clings.
Zach wrote some great headlines and copy for
the posters and even volunteered to host the
after–party where a trophy was awarded for the
most outstanding mustache. I sported a Brimley
and would have won, if not for corrupt judging
and backroom politics. The party was a huge
success and my wife told me I had a great time.
My work process differs from most, in that I
design logos using my mouth. An auto accident
in 1985 left me paralyzed and unable to use
my legs and hands. I sketch with a pencil in my
mouth and operate my Mac with a mouth-stick
and Kensington trackball. I use the Mac OSX
Sticky Keys feature and keyboard shortcuts
whenever possible. When I need to sketch, I
use an oversized sketchbook attached to an
easel that mounts to the desktop. My thumbnail
sketches can look a bit messy so I often forego
thumbnails and concept directly in Adobe
I feel fortunate that my work can inspire others.
I’m also thankful to work for an agency that rec-
ognizes my abilities rather than my disabilities.
This mark falls outside the standard tightly knit logo work we’ve
come to expect from Heil. It’s loose, rough, monochromatic, yet
perfect. If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he tore it from the back
of an antique sarsaparilla bottle.
The unmistakable personality of this logo sets
the perfect tone for their company party and
contest, and it shows contestants the proper
‘stache size to shoot for if you want to compete.
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1 7 7
If the posters weren’t enough, Heil provided
mirror clings of many of the mustache styles,
so contestants could “test drive” these beauties
before their stubble began to fill in.
The accompanying posters that donned the logo
are clever interactive pieces allowing the viewer
to slide, select, and study potential styles to
grow and groom.
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