7 Rabbits

Just about everyone is familiar with rabbits, whether it’s the cottontail you occasionally see in your backyard, a rabbit kept as a family pet or rabbits being shown at a county fair or petting zoo. If you live or have traveled in the West, you may also be familiar with the jackrabbit, which is a member of the hare family. Both rabbits and hares have long ears, large eyes, small tails and large hind feet. There are also some important differences. Hares are usually larger than rabbits and have longer ears and hind legs. Hares live in a more open habitat and escape from danger by running long distances, while rabbits seek safety by running into brush or underground burrows. Hares live alone or in loose groups; rabbits live in very organized family groups. In this chapter, I’ve demonstrations for the dutch rabbit and cottontail rabbit in two different viewpoints.

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