
The primitive type xs:gDay represents a recurring day of the month. It can be used to specify, for example, that bills are sent out on the 15th of each month. It does not represent a number of days; to represent that, use the xs:dayTimeDuration type instead.

The lexical representation of xs:gDay is ---DD, where DD is a two-digit day number. An optional time zone may be used, as described in "Time Zones" in Chapter 19. Table B-11 lists some values of xs:gDay.

Table B-11. Values of the xs:gDay type





The fourth of the month



It must be a valid day of the month


The three leading hyphens are required


It must have two digits


An empty value or zero-length string is not permitted

Values of xs:gDay can be tested for equality (or inequality) with other values of the same type, but they cannot be compared using the operators <, <=, >, or >=.

Values of this type can be cast from the xs:date and xs:dateTime types. For example, the expression xs:date("2006-05-30") cast as xs:gDay returns an xs:gDay value of ---30. They can also be cast to and from xs:string and xs:untypedAtomic.

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