
The primitive type xs:hexBinary represents binary data as a sequence of binary octets. The type xs:hexBinary uses hexadecimal encoding, where each binary octet is a two-character hexadecimal number. Digits 0 through 9 and lowercase and uppercase letters A through F are permitted. For example, 0CD7 and 0cd7 are two equal xs:hexBinary representations consisting of two octets.

Table B-16 lists some values of the xs:hexBinary type.

Table B-16. Values of the xs:hexBinary type





The equivalent of 0CD7


An empty value is allowed



An odd number of characters is not allowed; characters appear in pairs

Casting and Comparing xs:hexBinary Values

Values of type xs:hexBinary can be cast to and from xs:base64Binary, xs:string, and xs:untypedAtomic. When cast to xs:string, xs:hexBinary values are converted to their canonical representation, which uses only uppercase letters.

Two xs:hexBinary values can be compared using the value comparison operators = and !=. Two xs:hexBinary values are considered equal if their canonical representations are equal. This means that the case of the letters is not taken into account in the comparison. An xs:hexBinary value is never equal to an xs:base64Binary value, nor is it equal to an xs:string containing the same characters.

Because the type is not ordered, two xs:hexBinary values cannot be compared using the <, <=, >, or >= operators.

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