Specifying a CMP Entity Bean

Specifying a CMP Entity bean is identical to specifying a BMP Entity bean; it consists of defining the local-home interface and the local interface. This makes sense; after all, to the user of the bean, it should not matter whether the bean is implemented internally using CMP or BMP.

The Local-Home Interface

For completeness, Listing 7.2 is the local-home interface of the Job bean.

Listing 7.2. JobLocalHome Interface
 1: package data;
 3: import java.rmi.*;
 4: import java.util.*;
 5: import javax.ejb.*;
 7: public interface JobLocalHome extends EJBLocalHome
 8: {
 9:     JobLocal create (String ref, String customer) throws CreateException;
10:     JobLocal findByPrimaryKey(JobPK key) throws FinderException;
11:     Collection findByCustomer(String customer) throws FinderException;
12:     Collection findByLocation(String location) throws FinderException;
13:     void deleteByCustomer(String customer);
14: }

The Local Interface

Listing 7.3 shows the local interface for the Job bean; it, too, is unchanged from the BMP version.

Listing 7.3. JobLocal Interface
 1: package data;
 3: import java.rmi.*;
 4: import javax.ejb.*;
 5: import java.util.*;
 7: public interface JobLocal extends EJBLocalObject
 8: {
 9:     String getRef();
10:     String getCustomer();
11:     CustomerLocal getCustomerObj(); // derived
13:     void setDescription(String description);
14:     String getDescription();
16:     void setLocation(LocationLocal location);
17:     LocationLocal getLocation();
19:     Collection getSkills();
20:     void setSkills(Collection skills);
21: }

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