Q1: What does CMP stand for?
A1: CMP stands for Container Managed Persistence.
Q2:Can the getter and setter methods of cmp-fields and cmr-fields appear in the bean's interfaces?
A2: cmp-field methods can appear in any interface; cmr-field methods can appear only in local interfaces.
Q3:What keywords or features of ANSI SQL does EJB QL not (yet) support?
A3: The keywords and features EJB QL doesn't support include count(*), union, group by, order by (among others).
Q4:How are the parameters of a select method defined?
A4: The select method is written as a public method in the form ejbSelect() in the class itself.
Q5:How is navigability defined in the deployment descriptor?
A5: The presence of the cmr-field element indicates navigability.
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